Clearly I don't own Girl Meets World or it wouldn't have been cancelled and Riarkle would totally happen.

Riley picked up the picture from her shelf to get a better look at it. The six of them looked so happy together in their graduation robes, and once more she wondered what exactly had happened. It had been two years since they had all graduated and gone to six different colleges. They'd all kept up with contact, but things just weren't the same. Lucas and she had crumbled under the pressure of long distance and so had Smackle and Farkle. They were all still friendly with each other though, thankfully. Maya and Josh had finally begun dating and they were still going strong, but that left Riley a little in the background of Maya's life. Her phone's ringtone startled her out of her thoughts.

"Hello?" She'd answered without looking at the caller id.

"Lady." It had been years since he'd referred to her in that tone, and she couldn't help but smile at the welcome caller.

"Farkle." She set the picture down and moved to sit on her dorm bed. She was glad that her roommate was gone at the moment; she didn't want to be teased about having three boyfriends again. Just because Lily didn't have any platonic guy friends didn't mean Riley couldn't have any. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Well," he sounded nervous. "I was wondering when you'd be free this weekend. I'm going to be in town for a little while."

She hoped he interpreted her screaming as happy screaming. Riley was attending NYU and was always in town. Her mother had encouraged her to live in the dorms for a couple years to get the full college experience. As far as Riley was concerned, the dorms sucked and she wanted to move back home. The commute wasn't that bad.

"I mean, yes that would be great. I'm free Friday night and most of the weekend. I have some homework but if you bring yours… wait, do you have homework?" With relief she could hear Farkle laughing on the other end of the line. Making him laugh was one of her favorite things to do. Over Skype she could at least see his smiles but she only had laughter to go off of on the phone like this.

"Yes, I have some homework, Riley."

"Great! If nothing else works we can do our homework together."

Farkle couldn't help it. He couldn't help smiling and laughing when they talked, no matter what kind of day he'd been having. He'd been in love with her since the first grade, and she was still his best friend. No matter what else had happened, he'd always understood her and she'd always understood him better than anyone. Including Smackle. Well, especially Smackle.

"Sure, Riley, but I was thinking more along the lines of dinner and a movie." He sounded nervous again, but why would he sound nervous? Wait…

"Wait, Farkle, did you just ask me out on a date?" She held her breath and tried to hold her emotions in check while he answered.

Holy crap, why was he this nervous? He shouldn't be this nervous. It was just Riley.

"Farkle? Are you still there?" Now she sounded nervous. This could alter everything. The six of them had finally found a good rhythm and this could change everything all over again.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm still here Riles." Now or never, Minkus. "That was me asking you on a date. Riley Matthews, will you go on a date with me this Friday night?"

He was asking her out. Immediately her heart jumped from her chest up to her throat and she wasn't sure how she felt about that. Did she like Farkle? She'd always known she loved him, but was it romantic? The thought had crossed her mind a few times in high school, but she'd been with Lucas and he'd been with Smackle. After their break-ups, a little voice had piped up about it again, but with him in New Jersey and getting over Smackle; it hadn't seemed like the best time to bring it up.

"Riles? Are you still there?"

She took a deep breath before answering him with a smile on her face. "Yes, Farkle. I'd love to go on a date with you this Friday." He silently fist pumped in celebration.

"Alright, when exactly are you free?"

"My last class on Friday ends at noon." She couldn't believe they were doing this. They were really planning a date.

"Alright, I'll pick you up around four. Will you be at your dorm or at your house?" He couldn't believe this was happening. They were really going on a date. A real, actual romantic date where they wanted to see if they could be a couple. It was all really happening. He was tempted to pinch himself to check if he was really awake or if he was simply dreaming.

"My house."

"See you then." He hung up the phone and did a small victory twirl. He was going on a date with Riley Matthews.

Short Introduction, I know, but hopefully I'll have the next chapter written and posted some time this weekend. Next week at the latest. Have a smiley day!