In a similar manner as it was for my story "Perfection" (which you are very welcome to check out) your awesome reviews and my curiosity to see what I could do, have inspired a second chapter. Much love and I hope you enjoy.

On a campus with a student body of over 40,000, it seemed that the chances of two people bumping into each other by chance more than once was unlikely. However, somehow, that's exactly what happened to two students.

After meeting in the library, it did not seem possible that Jimmy Neutron and Cindy Vortex would cross paths again. But thanks to renovation of a floor in one of the university's most prominent Halls, causing all the classes taking place there to be moved to a building halfway across campus, they did.

It had been a little over two weeks since sharing a study spot. But there is no way they wouldn't be able to recognize each other when their eyes met as Cindy, along with the rest of her classmates, was waiting to enter the classroom Jimmy was currently leaving. They wound up greeting each other and exchanging friendly banter, in a way that was similar to that of when they first met and when they left the library. This resulted in Cindy being the last one to enter the classroom, despite her previous close proximity to the front of the line, and for her to have something else running through her mind apart from the day's lesson.

Likewise, Jimmy couldn't believe the good fortune he had in seeing her again. Since the day they met, Cindy has kept a regular spot in the forefront of his thoughts. He hasn't told anybody about her, since there really isn't much to tell. But the fact that he returned to the library a couple of times since that day, hoping to push his luck at seeing her again, proved that forgetting her was no easy feat.

A week later, as Cindy was paying for her beloved and much needed hot caramel latte in the Student Center before a class, Jimmy walked in with his gray, heavy-looking backpack slung over his shoulder. Despite the cashier being conveniently located by the door, they were standing at an angle that would have made it difficult to see each other. That didn't seem to count for them however, since they locked eyes almost immediately. This encounter ended more progressively than their previous two due to them finally exchanging phone numbers. That step was something Jimmy was particularly excited about since it was something he wished could have been done back when they first met.

Looking back to that encounter, Cindy surprised even herself when she so shamelessly suggested that they trade contact information, especially since there isn't a reason for them to do so. They don't have any classes together and seeing how advanced they are in the study of their field, they likely never will. They don't seem to have any mutual friends either, as that seems like something that would have come up in their brief but slightly broad conversations.

But despite the lack of incentive, getting each other's phone number just seemed like the right, and somehow, most useful move.

Due to how much Jimmy wanted to see her again and knowing that his luck of just randomly bumping into her would soon run out, he made the (indisputably informal) move of asking her out via a phone call.

Unsurprisingly, however, she accepted.

Almost a month into that stage, which alternated between nights out and walking each other to and from class, they found themselves alone in her dorm room on a Friday night. While it was somewhere they had ended up before, since Cindy had to drop off some books before they got dinner together, the circumstances this time around were a little different.

As they lay on her bed, lips crashing and breaths heavy, he pressed his body gently against hers. Jimmy kept a loose but controlled grip on her hip as her fingers ran through his dark brown hair, keeping him close. A few seconds after moving his lips to her neck, Cindy ran her hand down the front of his jeans and brushed her fingers along the present tightness.

"You sure?" He breathed into her ear.

"Yes." She moaned in reply.

At the time they went to sleep that night, they were both wrapped in Cindy's bedsheets, naked and satisfied.

With Cindy's roommate out of town for the weekend, they both knew there was no chance of them getting caught. It also made them feel safe that the following morning's acts wouldn't be awkwardly interrupted either.

After exhausting themselves out, they were left with a content feeling and a look on their face to match. For a few moments, they looked up at the ceiling. It wasn't in a symbolic way, even though they both knew there was something hanging over their heads.

Turning over to face him, she said something that she had, incredibly enough, not spoken before that point.

"I really like you, you know."

She had been having difficulty finding the right moment to tell him how she felt. Considering their recent development however, she felt now might be best.

"Yeah?" Jimmy replied as he faced her, a grin forming on his face.

"Yeah." She confirmed as a smile of her own grew. "You make me happy. You're funny and really cute. You're smart and an insanely good kisser among other things." She bit her lip as a blush rushed into her cheeks. "As cheesy as it sounds, you're kind of the whole package."

"I think you're great too Cindy." He said as he ran his knuckle along her exposed arm. "I've really enjoyed this. ALL of this, going out with you and everything." He felt the need to clarify so she wouldn't think he was only talking about their most recent activities. "You're kind of really amazing.'' He slightly paraphrased her words.

While she felt that she knew him well enough to know he was speaking honestly, she didn't just want to fully rely on that gut feeling.

Despite only knowing each other a couple of months, she felt comfortable with him. At least enough for her to allow last night's -and the next morning's- events to occur. As much she wished and thought that he felt just as strongly and secure as she did, there was a sense of uncertainty.

He is a guy, and they are in college.

"Look," she began, "I don't know what you're thinking about this, where it's headed or anything. But I just want you to know that I'm not seeing any other guys. I wasn't before we met, but since we started going out and stuff, I haven't been."

"Oh." He answered in a tone that didn't give much away. "I-I haven't been seeing anyone else either." A part of her hated that she didn't expect for him to say that. "And I actually have been thinking about us and where it's going and all."

"Oh." Cindy replied in a way that tried to hide how happy she was about it. "So, umm, what did you have in mind?"

"Well, for starters," he spoke, "I think it's a good sign that neither one of us are seeing other people."

"I think so too, yeah." Cindy smiled widely.

Before he continued, he reached for and took her hand, which was laying besides his on her bed.

"I like you. You like me. We're clearly very compatible in many aspects." They both laughed at the double entendre. "What do you say?" He looked at her seriously and they both knew exactly what he was trying to say. "I want us to be together Cindy. And if I'm being honest, I haven't been thinking of much else since we met. I'm in it if you are."

A resounding squeeze of her hand told her that all her worrying wasn't needed.

With a grin that she couldn't hide no matter how hard she tried, and a newly ignited confidence towards her romantic life that she never felt before, she gave her inevitable answer.


I debated if I should post this or not. I don't like putting effort into things that are never going to be looked at so that may have played a factor in it. In terms of it being an AU in this fandom, it is very different to what I've written before. I still did want to indulge in the college culture of it all, which is very interesting.

But I'm happy with it. I hope you are too.

Please leave me a review! I love hearing from you. (I'm pretty sure that rhymes.)