SasuSaku Festival 2017


Day 01- Valentine's Day


Title: He loves me. He loves me not


Summary: She's working at the Yamanaka Shop when he suddenly goes in claiming to be looking for a flower. Will the petals reveal her lovely destiny on that Valentine's Day?


A/N: Happy (late) SasuSaku Festival, everyone! oh boy, I'm so excited with the themes! Some are quite hard, but a challenge is always fun every now and then, right?! Well, you guys know me, and I'm clearly late with the themes, so be patient and enjoy the festival even if it's already over XDl! This story turned out quite amusing to write, and I hope you can enjoy it! I hope you have fun and participate, and please, tell me your opinion about the story (aka leave me a Review XD)!




It was the 3rd Valentine's Day in Konoha after the war.

Heart-shaped decorations were spread all around the village, with chocolate promotions being announced everywhere. Balloons were tied to stuffed animals, and there wasn't a single restaurant that wasn't already fully booked for dinner. Gifts were being bought and exchanged, and it was easy to spot the smiling faces and the blushing cheeks that decorated the lovers' lives on such a peaceful and red day.

Love was in the air, indeed.

But thanks to the pollen inside her nostrils, Haruno Sakura could barely smell anything at all.

" Thank you for choosing us! Happy Valentine's Day!" She bowed her head down respectfully for the nth time that morning, as a pretty smile decorated her lips. By that time, she had certainly grown accustomed to the whole sales thing, as she already seemed to be a professional in selling flowers. She had been there for less than a day and was already showing confidence in her bouquets and kindness when treating one of the clients.

As expected from the Godaime's perfectionist apprentice, people thought, as soon as they exited the Yamanaka Flower Shop after unexpectedly meeting pink hair behind the counter.

Yes, even if seeing her there was a surprise to everyone who entered the shop, it was impossible to deny her professional competence. The girl who was named after a flower seemed to be doing an excellent job at her friend's family business, and even if she was smiling from one ear to another, deep inside, the pinkette was struggling to control her blood-thirst towards the one girl she calls her best friend.

Ino-Pig was definitely going to pay her when she came back.

No matter how many times she thought that over, there was nothing inside Sakura that could simply understand what the Yamanaka girl had just done. Valentine's Day is certainly the busiest day of the year for the flower industry, and the shop just couldn't afford to give up on someone like Ino during such times. More than anyone, the blonde knew how messed up things would get at the store, or else she wouldn't have asked the pinkette for help. Ino had basically begged Sakura, and for she was a good, single friend, who had been given a day off from the hospital and whose only love interest seemed to find the whole celebration a complete waste of his time; the Haruno girl just couldn't say no to those pearly, sapphire eyes that belonged to her best friend. She would try her best, but when the matter was flowers, there was just no way she could ever compare to the mind tricker.

Ino's the heart and soul of that place, and even if Sakura will never admit it, there is just no way to beat Yamanaka when it comes to those beautiful plants.

The blonde understands the flowers, she knows the clients and more than anyone in that store, she can prepare the prettiest bouquets for each, specific demand. She's always been really good at this, and that was pretty much why the Haruno girl had accepted her request of giving a hand on the shop. Sakura was ready to help carrying heavy pots and separating the flowers for the costumers, but she was absolutely not ready to replace the flower expert for a couple of minutes that turned into hours as she not-so-discreetly went out to meet the socially inapt artist.

Sakura was definitely going to murder Ino as soon as she came back.

That is, if she survived until the end of that day.

A tired sigh escaped her lips as another costumer walked out through the door. She turned her green eyes to face the Yamanaka mother, and at that moment, she could tell that she couldn't wait to scold her child for the rest of the day. They were both pissed at the girl, and at that moment, the one thing Sakura wanted the most was to create a shadow clone so she could drag the blonde back by the hair. Her fingers could even feel those platinum locks messily intertwined in her knuckles, and a smirk crossed her face at the thought.

Perhaps that wasn't a terrible idea at all, she thought.

Unfortunately, she wouldn't even have time to make the hand signs, for the bell attached to the door was once again announcing another costumer.

Here we go again, she thought, preparing another kind smile to decorate her facade.

Another kind, regular smile, to another kind and regular costumer.

Or that was what she thought.

" Welcome to the Yamanaka Flower Shop! How can I-"

Her heart skipped a beat, the words got stuck in her throat and all she could bring herself to do was stare in awe at the person standing at the entrance. He was tall, handsome and had the one pair of dark orbs that would always send shivers down her spine. She had been seeing him around the village for the past couple of months, and yet, meeting him always felt like the first time. He had a hand shoved into his pocket, with his dark locks covering the left side of his face and his stoic expression gave him an uninterested aura as he looked deep into her eyes.

Uchiha Sasuke was as intense as ever.

And not even when surrounded by all kinds of flowers his mysterious and dark charm abandoned him.

" Sakura." His voice brought her back from her fantastic world, and she almost jumped in pure reflex. He kept staring at her, with his usual, stoic face, barely moving from the entrance at all. " Shouldn't you be at the hospital?"

" Uhm… Actually, Tsunade-sama made me take the day off. She kinda forbade me to go to the hospital today." She placed her right hand on the back of her head, right behind her messy pony tail, and shyly offered him a chuckle in response. Whenever he was home, the Uchiha would constantly scold her about the amount of time she spent working, and seeing her behind that counter during her break was definitely not pleasing him at all. His thoughts were written on his face, and at that moment, Sakura just didn't know how to escape from the condemning glare he was sending her.

" Tch, Shouldn't you be resting, then?"

" Yeah, but… Ino asked me to help and so I came. And by the way, what are you doing here, Sasuke-kun? "

His dark orbs widened for a moment, and suddenly, it was as if she could see an interrogation mark spread all over his face." H-Hn.. I'm just… Looking around." He shifted his position uncomfortably, looking away from her and focusing on a random flower he found by his right. Sasuke was glancing down, averting eye-contact, and for a moment, Sakura even thought he seemed to be nervous.

But that was not possible, right?

He is Uchiha Sasuke, after all, and he doesn't know how it feels to be nervous. She has never seen him expressing such emotion, and at that moment, while he was at a flower shop on Valentine's Day, things would be no different.


The scene happening in front of her suddenly made the pinkette get a bad feeling taking over her senses, as she could feel her heart beating faster. She swallowed dry, as her hand tightened the grip she had around the edge of the counter, and soon, the Haruno girl found herself wanting to know more about why he chose the flower shop to simply skip some time.

Why was he there?

Why wasn't he hanging around with Naruto?

And why the hell was she suddenly feeling so irritated?

The pinkette certainly didn't know the answer to any of those questions. However, it was not like Haruno Sakura to simply let go of something that's bothering her heart. Especially when that something was related to Uchiha Sasuke.

It didn't take long before she found herself gathering up some courage to face him. She took a deep breath, and with determination spread all over her viridian orbs, the medic nin found herself ready to ask the one question she was afraid to ask. " A- Are you… Looking for- Uh… A gift?"

Her foot was nervously tapping the ground and her fingers wouldn't stop playing with each other. Her eyes were trapped in a cruel decision of wether or not to look at him, and an embarrassed blush was spread around her cheeks. The Uchiha, she knew, was fully aware of what she meant behind those words, and at that simple thought, Sakura felt her heart almost jumping off of her chest.

What on earth was that feeling?

She didn't know, for sure.

But his words would probably help her figure out why it hurt so much.

" Hn, you can say so."

" Oh… I see." She faked a smile, shifting to that kind, shopper Sakura. " And can I help you with anything?"

" I don't need your help, Sakura. Actually, I was looking for Ino. Is she here?"

Listening to his words without looking deep into his eyes made her chest clench even tighter. She felt her world falling apart in a sea of colorful petals, as her broken heart stained them with the most passionate red. It was hard to breath, it was hard to think and it was definitely hard not to cry at that very moment when she had just found out the bittersweet conclusion of her first love.

" Sorry… She's out right now, but she will be back shortly."

" Hn, I see…"

So he loved someone else, she thought.

Someone who had equally fought for him during their innocent days, and someone who was worth being called her rival. Apparently, he was in love with a girl whose attributes overpowered hers in so many ways she couldn't even imagine. Yamanaka Ino belonged to a respected clan and its mark was sealed in her ninja skills. She is funny, smart and a lot more feminine than Sakura will ever be. She would be the perfect girl for him and for his clan, and there was just no way Sakura could alter that cold reality.

Ino was the girl he loved, and she could never compete against her best friend for his heart. Not anymore, when their feelings could never be changed again.

She had won, indeed. And now, Sakura knew that he would do anything to win her heart. Sai would definitely be no match for him, and it would just be a matter of time before Sakura could see both of them happily walking around the nostalgic streets of the village.

They would be happy with each other. And at that moment, the pinkette could only hang on that thought not to break down into tears. If two of the most important people of her life would be happy together, then who was she not to cheer for their happiness?

Pain filled the smile that crossed her lips, as she watched the love of her life from behind the counter. Her fingers were now tightly gripping the lime-green apron she wore over her clothes, and her teeth were clenched in pure agony.

God, didn't that silly boy know Ino liked Cosmos?

A sudden, soft touch on her shoulder was the one thing that brought the pinkette back to reality. She slowly turned to face the source of such gesture and was suddenly calmed down by the view of a pair of light brown eyes staring at her. Apart from the age lines spread around her face, Ino's mother was still a beautiful and strong woman, just like when Sakura and her daughter were just kids. Back then, she would always be smiling at them, while they would play with the flowers spread around the Yamanakas' large and colorful garden, but now, after the war took her husband away from her, she simply preserved her emotions under her calm demeanor.

Ino's mother is a really strong woman, and Sakura could learn a lot from her. She had absolutely no right to be sad around a woman like that.

" Sakura… I think you could give him a hand, don't you think?"

" Eh? I've offered already an-"

" It doesn't matter, sweetheart." She smiled softly, noticing something Sakura was obviously oblivious about. " Just go and offer him your help. Do it before he breaks any of the flowers."

The Haruno girl's orbs widened at the serenity she could see stamped on the Yamanaka matriarch. She was at peace, and soon Sakura wondered if she would ever be like her. She wondered if she would ever be able to grow used to that whole situation, and suddenly, the words of that woman started to make sense to her.

Offer him her help.

Don't let him break the flowers.

Realization hit her hard, and an overwhelming feeling took over her aching chest. Ino's mother was right. She couldn't let the Uchiha and her forever unrequited love break both her and Ino apart. Not again. She had to offer him her help as the friends and teammates they are and will always be. Sakura needed to do that in order not to lose either of them, and in order to move on.

She needed to help him pick the flowers for her best friend.

She needed to find peace in her defeat.

"Hai." A shy smile was spread over her lips as the Haruno made her way towards the Uchiha, who was now kneeled near the blue hydrangeas. Silently, she kneeled next to his left side, adjusting her position and her apron as soon as she didn't feel any kind of rejection coming from his eyes. He was carefully watching her, as her nostrils were filled with his manly scent, and suddenly she could feel his warmth radiating towards her. Standing next to him has always felt good, and even if she was still feeling broken, she knew time would eventually mend her heart.

Sakura knew that, on a Valentine's Day years ahead, she would be okay.

But at that moment, she just needed to save the flowers.

" You have no idea of what you're doing, right?"

" Hn, is it that obvious?" He smirked defeatedly, making her heart flutter in a comfortable sensation.

Oh, that boy…

" Yeah." She chuckled. " Let me help you, okay? How… How's the girl you're planning to give the flowers to?"

" Eh? G-Girl?" His face grew a bit uncomfortable again, as he quickly returned his attention towards the flowers. " She's… She's okay, I guess."

" Oh, come on… How am I supposed to help you with the bouquet if you won't tell me a thing or two about her?"

" Hn, why don't you… Why don't you choose what you like, then?" He looked at her with his deep, dark pearls, trapping her emeralds in his own, warm darkness. " I was thinking about the hydrangeas… You like them, right?"

An almost invisible blush took over her cheeks as she turned her attention to the pure blue of the hydrangeas' petals. As always, Sasuke was, indeed, right about her flower preference. Hydrangeas are the flowers she is most fond of, and she was impressed- content, to say the least- to know he had retained such information about her from their genin days. Sakura just loved how attentive he could be when people least expected him to, and that was certainly one of the reasons why she had long ago fallen for him.

Sasuke was just… Her Sasuke-kun, she thought.

Moving on from him would be the hardest mission of her life, she knew.

" Yeah… I like them. A lot."

" I guess that's it, then… I'll take them."

" A-Are you sure you don't prefer the Cosmos?"

"Aah. I'm sure about the Hydrangeas."

For a moment, their eyes were completely lost in each other's reflections. She could feel her heart beating faster with every passing second, and even if her head was still a mess of broken illusions, Sakura just couldn't bring herself not to react at his presence next to her. Their gazing was still as intense as it's always been, sending shivers down her spine and the musky scent coming from him was enough to dissipate any floral aroma that could've been ruling her nostrils ever since that morning.

His scent was addictive, his warm breath fawning over her lips was probably the best sensation she had felt for the entire day, and the flowers on the background just made her feel like it was all just a dream from which she would soon wake up. A dangerous, lovely dream that would soon come to an end.

At that moment, Haruno Sakura was fully aware that she was probably experiencing her last opportunity to stay so close to him with her feelings still dancing freely through her senses. She knew that, as soon as he gave those flowers to her best friend, things would never be able to return to what they've always considered normal. Everything would be different, and the pinkette herself would be no exception.

She was going to change. She had to, wether she wanted or not.

And as soon as the door bell rang again, Sakura knew the blonde Yamanaka would make sure to remind her of such thing.

" I'm back, everyone!" Ino announced, as her voice echoed around the entire shop.

The end of her love was, indeed, loud.

" Well… " Feeling a bittersweet taste taking over her tongue, Sakura broke them away from that flowery trance, making their eyes blink at the awakening call from the blonde's voice. Slowly, she rose from the ground, followed almost immediately by him, as she was now holding the plants in her hands. The pinkette, then, took a deep breath, tightening her grip around the flowers they had just separated. The flowers they had chosen together. " I-I will… I will ask Ino to prepare a beautiful arrangement for you, then…"

" Hn." He gave her a small nod, averting eye-contact as he aimed his gaze at the petals that had fallen on the cold, floor. His expression seemed, somehow, troubled, and such sight only helped confirm medic nin's suspicious regarding the one who was about to receive such affectionate gesture from Uchiha Sasuke on Valentine's Day.

Ino was a really lucky girl, Sakura thought. And indeed, she was.

But probably not because of the same reason Sakura had been hammering over her pink head ever since the raven haired boy had entered the store earlier that day.

" Oi, Pig!" Sakura glared at her best friend, as she walked towards the counter with the flowers in her hands. The pinkette wasn't happy at all, and judging by the embarrassed smile on the blonde's face, she could tell Ino was fully aware of the reason why. " Couldn't you be a little more responsible -Shannarou?"

" Eh… My bad, forehead… I was… Busy."

" Tch, yeah, right…" Sakura stopped, sighing, as she faced the girl's sapphire eyes from across the mahogany counter. " Stop procrastinating. You have a visitor."

" A visitor?" Ino lifted a confused eyebrow at the Haruno, before her eyes finally wandered around the store to find the said visitor. It took her some good seconds before she spotted the Uchiha, but when she did, Sakura noticed, a bright smile flashed on her lips. " Sasuke! You came!"

" Tch, of course I did." The Uchiha grunted, as he sent the blonde an annoyed glare. Apparently, for what Sakura could tell, the future couple had already agreed to meet at the shop, leaving things even more awkward considering her position.

Sakura was definitely feeling like the third wheel at that exact moment.

However, she was not going to be discarded from his bicycle.

" I'm sorry for the delay, but-" Ino stopped for a moment, as her eyes suddenly drifted towards the flowers wrapped in her best friend's arms.

Her sapphires widened in pure shock, and for a moment, her rosy lips even parted in pure awe before a malicious grin took over them. She was definitely up to something, and even if she tried, Sakura just couldn't figure out what. Whenever Ino has that took on her face, the medic knows that something bad is about to happen. And at that moment, as a terrible feeling took over her senses, she just knew there was no escaping anymore.

" OH MY GOD! Did you already do it?! And you didn't even wait for me!? That was so not cool!"

" Eh? Did what, Pig?" The Haruno's eyebrows were lifted in pure confusion, as she started at her best friend.

" Hn, thanks to you, I couldn't really pick up the right ones, so, no… I still didn't do it."

" What are you talking about, Sasuke-kun?" Sakura insisted, now looking for an answer on his perfect featured.

" You men are really useless sometimes…" Ino sighed, taking her fingers to rest over her forehead in defeat. " But I've seen you at least picked the right ones."

" Oi, you two!" Sakura was getting mad, as her hands were now balled into fists. If they ignored her one more time… "The right ones for what?"

" Aah… It was not that hard. I just had to remember her-"

" Shut up, you two!" A loud, powerful scream echoed around the shop, creating a deadly silence around the entire place. The costumers that were at the store stopped to look at the tiny girl who had made the entire building tremble, as both of the responsible ones slowly turned their heads to face her.

She was glaring, her brows converging together in a thin line and they could feel her chakra levels rising incredibly fast as she simply stood there with the Hydrangeas still in hands.

Her best friend looked adorable, Ino thought.

But she certainly knew better than to piss the girl with the wide forehead.

" Good…" Sakura adjusted her position, running a hand through her hair. "Now, Ino… Do you mind telling me what the hell is going on here?"

" Eh? You still haven't told her either?" She looked at the Uchiha, with her brows arched.

The blonde seemed confused, to say the least. It was written all over her face, and Sakura was satisfied to see that kind of emotion ruling her best friend's expression. It seemed natural, and for the first time, it was also full of doubts regarding something she seemed to be pretty confident about some moments earlier.

Ino was confused, therefore, Sakura decided to find questions on the only one who would never get caught unarmed. Sasuke would giver her the answers she was looking for, she knew. She just needed to look at him to know the exact meaning hidden behind that mess.

Or at least that was what she thought before her eyes widened in shock after what she found spread over his face. Her hearts skipped a beat, her throat went dry and suddenly, she had no idea of what to do any more at such rare sight.

Was that…. A blush?

" Sasuke-kun…" She blushed back, feeling her heartbeat speeding up involuntarily. W-What's happening here?"

"Hn." He looked away, trying to hide his burning cheeks.

" Tch, you have got to be kidding me!" The blonde exclaimed, sending a straight glare at the Uchiha. " Are you telling me that you've made her help you choose flowers for Valentine's Day for a girl and you didn't tell her who the girl was?"

" I… I thought she would've realized it."

" Damn it, Uchiha Sasuke! You guys are unbelievable! Of course she did not realize that, you dumbass! By the puzzled look on her face, I would even say Forehead here misunderstood something."

" Uh? No… It's impossible… Right, Sakura? Y-You…" He swallowed dry. " You know who these flowers are for, right?"

The blank face the pinkette offered him was annoying enough to tell him what he didn't want to believe. Apparently, the medic nin was blinder than he was when the matter is demonstrating affection, and now the frustration that had built up inside him was begging him to walk out of that store.

The moment was truly ruined, he thought.

But Ino would make sure to fix it.

" Well, I guess you'll have to tell her, then." The blonde smirked, taking the flowers from the counter and offering them to him. His dark eyes glared at her for some seconds, as he kept switching stares in between the flowers and the annoying girl who- he knew- had probably made up an entire story in her head regarding the destination of those flowers.

Sakura was, for sure, annoying.

And as he took the flowers from the Yamanaka girl, he knew she was the one to be blamed for what he was about to do.

Hn, never again will he celebrate Valentine's Day.

" Sakura…"

" Yes, Sasuke-kun?"

He looked into her innocent eyes, feeling the back of his neck heating up slowly. She was looking at him with all the expectations of the world shining inside her emeralds, and for a moment, the oh-so-amazing Uchiha Sasuke felt his natural confidence slipping through his fingers. Still, he wouldn't let any of that stop him from saying those words.

" These flowers… These flowers are…"

" They are…" He could see her lips slowly curling up in a smile, as her cheeks were turning redder with the seconds.

" They are…. Hn. They are for you" He shoved the plants to her arms, hiding his hand inside his pocket. " We're going out for lunch. I'll take you back as soon as we're done."

After witnessing such scene, the blonde girl couldn't help but allow a defeated sigh escape her lips.

As expected from Uchiha Sasuke, Ino thought. He was able to turn a romantic lunch invitation into an imperial command, leaving the girl no room to decline it. He seemed nervous, and the Yamanaka girl just wanted to hit him really hard on the face so he could fix what he had just done.

No girl would ever find that romantic, she thought.

But that was before she looked at Haruno Sakura.

Even if confusion was still spread around her face, it was impossible no to see the kindness and the purity hidden behind her emerald eyes. She was holding tight onto the flowers she had just received from the Uchiha, and even if her mind was still not completely sure about what had just happened, there was something in her heart telling her not to let go of those plants.

A bubbly smile took over her lips, vanishing that sorrow expression that had taken over her face ever since he had first declined her help. Sakura looked lively now, and Ino could see how happy she was to finally be going out with the love of her life. They were going to be together, and the Yamanaka couldn't be any happier to see her best friend's childish love finally coming true.

Sakura deserved the Uchiha. She deserved to be happy, and since it had been long since her crush had dissipated from her heart, Ino knew that she could give them a little help.

They needed that kicking start, after all, it was still Haruno Sakura she was talking about.

And that girl can be really blind sometimes.

A chuckle escaped the pinkette's lips, breaking Ino's monologue of how she was an amazing friend. Sakura seemed happy, indeed. However, there was still something missing. Something to make that girl even more annoying.

" When I hear you talking like that, Sasuke-kun, it even feels as if you were asking me out on a date!"

Two blanked faces kept staring at her for some long minutes until the Yamanaka girl nodded her head as if to confirm her suspicious. Her cheeks flushed immediately in the deepest shade of red, as she didn't know where to look anymore. She was trying to spill out some words, but her despair just didn't allow her to form any meaningful phrase on her mind. Her love was coming true right in front of her, and suddenly, all the chemistry involved in her body's ecstatic reaction started to cross her mind.

Sakura was really a dork, and that was certainly the one thing that had been missing before.

But now that they were both complete, Ino knew her job was done.

" A-A-A date?"

" Hn, don't you want to com-"

" Of course I do!" She raised her voice for a moment, earning a hidden smirk from the Uchiha. " I do… It's just that… I'm kinda busy right now."

" Tch, are you an idiot?! Damn it, you two do deserve each other." Ino stepped in, walking towards her friend and quickly ripping out the apron from her body. Sakura almost fell in the process, and as soon as the pinkette was back on her feet, she felt a rough touch on her back pushing her and the Uchiha towards the exit. " I'll take care of everything! Just enjoy your date, will you!?"

" Are you sure, Ino?"

" Positively! You two have fun, and you better not get home until your lips are swollen, Forehead!"

" Pig!"

" Hehe… Happy Valentine's Day."