SasuSaku Festival 2017


Day 11- CEO x Assistant


Title: Chemical Reaction


Summary: AU- Sasuke is left alone to solve a formula for a new medicine, and is surprised when he finds out that he's got some company.


A/N: Okay, I think this will be the last fic I'll write for the SS Fest. There are still 3 themes to go, but there's also the SS Month coming up, and since you guys don't seem to be enjoying this very much, then I think I'll start the preparations so I don't take too long to finish like last year. Anyway, I tried to make something more realistic and light, and I hope you guys enjoy it! Please, tel me what you think, and have fun!




The numbers weren't matching. He had tried every single math operation he knew, tried to balance the results and solve the equations, yet nothing seemed to work out. The light coming from that computer's screen was starting to irritate his dark, tired eyes, and as he rested his hand over his mouth, the young businessman was starting to lose faith in himself.

It was already long past the time to go home, but Uchiha Sasuke decided not to leave his office until all the work was done. Necktie already forgotten, two buttons loosened and coat already hanging somewhere in his office, Sasuke struggled trying to finish his job before being allowed a good rest. As requested by his older brother, he needed to verify the formulas of a new medicine their company was developing, and even if he'd normally solve these kind of problems in a blink of an eye, that formula was just getting the best of him.

His head hurt like hell, the bags under his eyes were growing deeper and his breathing alternated from deep inhales to moments of pure relaxation. Sasuke had already lost count of the amount of coffee he had already drunk, and at that moment, as he stared at his empty mug, he knew he could not go on without that hot supply.

" Screw this." He scoffed, as he forcefully pushed himself up from his chair, ready to refill his mug. At that moment, he couldn't care less if he had already had too much. He needed more coffee. He also needed to sleep, but work seemed to be more important than that.

The Uchiha made his way out of his office and down the hallway where the coffee machine was located. Sasuke could feel all his bones crackling and making sounds that didn't seem to be natural at all, and a yawn escaped his lips as he scratched the back of his head. He searched for a coin inside his pockets, and as soon as he pressed the strongest option offered, the sound of the machine made his head hurt more until that delicious scent invaded his nostrils. Sasuke allowed it to tease his senses a bit before letting the hot beverage slip though his tongue and down his throat, enjoying the soothing sensation it eventually brought.

Coffee, as he had learned after being introduced to deadlines, was certainly his best, and probably only, company during such late, after-work hours. Most of the lights around were off, showing him that he was probably the one left to lock everything. For the first time, he was all alone in the empire his family had built, and he had never felt better at that place before.

He owned it. It was his and his alone.

Loneliness had never felt so comfortable, yet saddening before.

However, for the better or the worse, his loneliness didn't last. As he finished his coffee, his eyes noticed, from afar, an illuminated table breaking the darkness of the office. At first, he thought that someone had probably forgotten to turn off the light before leaving, but just when he had made up his mind to walk up there, the one thing he was not expecting to see appeared right out of nowhere.

It was a foot. Two of them, covered by dark panty hose and appearing under the table he was looking at. His brows arched in confusion, as he was now approaching the table more carefully than before. The feet were childishly bouncing back and forth, clearly indicating that their shorty owner couldn't reach the floor. Those were delicate feet. Women feet. And as soon as he crossed the wall that hid that person's identity, the Uchiha was surprised by a messy and sleepy pink.

Their eyes widened as soon as they met, both adults left speechless at the unexpected presence. She had short, bright, pink hair that was messily tied up. Her clothes were wrinkled, her shoes tossed aside and there were many medical books opened around the table. A pencil was trapped between her rosy lips, and as those beautiful, emerald eyes kept glued to his dark ones, the Uchiha could feel his chest getting tighter.

Out of all people who could still be around, he had to be left alone with Haruno Sakura, one of the company's assistants his brother had recently hired. Her unprofessional hair color and her strange work hours give out the idea of an irresponsible employee, and at first, he thought she was annoying with that silly smile always planted on her face. However, as the months passed, she proved herself to be indispensable for the company.

Sakura is smart, competent, and certainly, the most beautiful girl he has ever seen walking around that building— and outside of it.

And at that moment, he found himself all alone with her. Perhaps working that much had its perks.

" Uchiha-san…?" She lifted her brows. " What are you doing here so late?"

" Hn." He cleared his throat. " Working. Itachi left me responsible for the new formula."

" Oh… And how's it going?"

" Not good. That's probably why that bastard left that for me."

His comment made her chuckle, easing the awkward feeling their encounter had brought upon them. As his brother's right arm, Sakura was more than used to the dynamic between the Uchiha siblings, and more than anyone, she knew how much love existed behind Sasuke's words. They're the perfect duo of the company, and if Itachi left him a tough assignment, it was because he knew his little brother could make it.

Even if, apparently, he was having a hard time.

" I'm sure you're gonna find the answer. Just try relaxing a bit and your brain will work better."

" Easier said than done." He smirked, his attention brought down to her books. " You seem to be having quite a hard task yourself, too, Sakura. Did my brother also asked you to do something impossible?"

" Oh, you mean that because of the medical books?"

" Aah."

" Ah- no… Your brother has nothing to do with this." She smiled softly, tucking a pink strand behind her ear. " I finished my quota already. Right now I'm just studying for my pharmacy test. The office is a much better place to study than my house."

" Oh, I see… And how's med school going?"

"… Fine. Uchiha-san, are you really that bored about that task that you're actually interested about my college life?" She smirked, knowing very well that he was not the talkative type. Even if he was the younger amongst them, Sasuke was definitely the grumpier one. For him, there was no point in initiating silly, small talks, and that was something that, according to his brother, would cause him to be single for the rest of his life.

Not that she agreed, though.

Sasuke is a very handsome man, and he's also incredibly intelligent, bold and polite, even if she's seen him behaving like a brat a couple of times when Naruto showed up uninvited. He's quite popular among the girls around the office, and she knew the girl who captured his heart would be a lucky one.

He is an Uchiha, after all. Who wouldn't want a piece of him?

" Hn, touché." He started, still smirking. " Even tests seem to be more interesting than that formula."

" Oh, I bet they are… But honestly, you need a break. Not even all the girls from the marketing department would have enough foundation to cover your dark circles."

" Thank you for the compliment."

She smiled, intertwining her fingers together and creating a bridge on her chin's level. Apparently, an idea had crossed her mind, and since she was also in need of a break, the pinkette decided that it was the perfect chance for them to relax a bit. " You need a drink."

" What?"

" You need a drink." She repeated, closing the book and turning to face him. " And I'm not talking about coffee, since you've probably had enough of that already."

" Hn, And what do you suggest? I don't think there's any place open right now where we can go out for a drink."

" Oh… Who said anything about leaving?"

" Uh?" He stared, confusion spread all over his face.

" I'll go get it and you find us two cups."

" …Hn." Sasuke nodded, as his brain could not really make questions at that moment. " I think I have them in my office."

" Great. Meet you there, then. And don't even think about going back to that computer."

He smirked at her words, watching her stand up and stretch herself. She was still wearing the classical look of a white shirt and black skirt that she normally wore for work, but by that time, her clothes were all wrinkled. He noticed how her skirt was pulled up and the unbuttoned hole of her shirt exposed a small amount of skin that was already making his heart beat faster. At that moment, he realized that however they had ended up in that situation, he was not going to complain at all. Perhaps, he did need a break. They both did. And even if drinking around the office wasn't really allowed, they were decided to ignore that rule.

It was not like they were on their working hours, after all.

" Sakura."

" Uh? What is it?"

" Itachi asked you to stay over, didn't he?"

She grinned, biting her lower lip. That brother of his… " I'm not paid to babysit you."

"Hn. You would be terrible at it."

And after his tease, Sasuke walked back into his office, finding the mugs Naruto had given him the other day. His best friend who worked in the social department had this thing for mugs, and giving some to the Uchiha was the perfect excuse to feed his weird fetish.

That idiot, he thought. He certainly couldn't believe those mugs were actually going to help him.

By the time he placed the ceramic cups on his table, his eyes captured her pink figure walking in through the door. She was still not wearing shoes and her hair was still a mess, but this time, she simply looked beautiful as she held that bottle of wine in her hands.

Apparently, that girl had her tricks.

" So you had a bottle of wine?"

" Just because you own the company, it doesn't mean you know everything that happens around here."

"Fair enough."

She stopped next to him, her scent invading his nostrils and leaving him a bit shaken. With her delicate finger, she pulled the wine cork, making its characteristic sound before she started pouring some of it into their mugs. Carefully, she placed the bottle on his table and there was a smile on their lips, as she offered him that fancy mug so they could make a toast and drink that cheap wine the secretaries had stocked in their lockers. It was probably something that his parents would've never expected to see him drinking, however, he had never tasted a better wine before, as her emerald eyes remained on him while she took a sip of the beverage.

What an amazing way to distract his mind from work, he thought.

" Honestly, I didn't know I needed this."

" We always need wine." She teased. " We deserve it after such a long day of work. Besides, it's healthy and prevents a lot of diseases."

" I thought we were supposed to forget about work and college."

" Right. I'm sorry, Uchiha-sa-"

" Sasuke."

" Eh?"

" Just Sasuke. We're drinking in a work place. You don't have to be formal or anything."

" Oh…" She smiled, feeling her cheeks getting warmer. What a gentleman, she thought. " Okay, Sasuke."

The way his name rolled out of her tongue made his heart skip a beat, and before he knew it, his lips were curling up in a soft smile. They stared at each other for a while in a comfortable silence, every now and then tasting their wine. Soon, though, she started walking around, as her eyes wandered around his office, paying particular attention to the pics that decorated the place. There was one of his family that was the same as the one at Itachi's office, and another where his older brother was giving him a piggyback ride. Seeing that pic made her chuckle in pure contentment, causing him to feel a bit embarrassed but also a bit nostalgic inside. Those were great times, indeed. Before their parents' tragical death and before the entire world fell on their shoulders.

Before, things were simple. Innocent.

And now, even if he has his brother around, things are a lot more complicated, for sure.

Being an adult sucks, he thought.

But it certainly has its perks.

" Who would've thought that a boy like that would grow up to understand these things?"

Her voice brought him back from memory lane, and before he knew it, she was already sitting in his chair, staring at the formula that had taken his peace away. Sakura's eyes were shining even brighter due to the computer's light, and instinctively, he was drawn to her. Even if he had told her he was not going to check that formula, it ended up being impossible with her there.

"Hn." He approached the chair from behind, leaning forward so he could take a better look at the screen. His scent and his heat were now reaching her, and for the first time, his proximity left her nervous. She swallowed dry, bitting her lower lip as she felt herself trapped in between the desk and his body. " Normally, these things aren't that complicated…"

"A-And what has made this one so difficult?"

" I don't understand what the amount of this component can do to the human body. I'm trying to lower the concentrations so the side effects can be less troublesome."

"Uhm… But isn't it a steroidal anti inflammatory?"

" Yeah, but-"

" I'm not really into chemistry, but…" She picked a pen and a white paper where she could, apparently, scribble some things. " The physiology behind this kind of thing isn't that complicated. Its main use is as an inhibitory of the immune system. Like, it will prevent the whole response of the immune cells. And with it, the body will expel more ions, such as potassium and calcium. So if you need to add more of these to balance the equation, there won't be major consequences."

His eyes widened for a moment and he was left completely speechless because of her knowledge. Even if he couldn't understand everything that left her lips, the solution for his problems was there, now that he knew exactly how he could manipulate the formula.

He knew she was going to be a medic, so why on earth didn't he think about that before?!

Now, as he looked at his computer's screen, a whole world of possibilities seemed to be unfolding in front of him. He knew exactly what to do to proceed, and to make an even better medicine now that she was there by his side.

Haruno Sakura had basically just done his job for him. She had solved the puzzle, and even if it hurt his pride a bit, Sasuke couldn't care less. She's amazing. She's beautiful, smart and funny, and twice that night, she had saved his life.

And maybe it was the wine or maybe it was just because he was too excited, but the Uchiha didn't think twice before spinning the chair so she could face him, and before the pinkette could even react, his lips were already pressed against hers. It was a chaste kiss that caught her by surprise, but it was certainly more than welcomed by her heart.

His lips were soft, gentle and innocent, and when her eyes slipped shut, she could feel his dark locks tickling her nose and cheeks. The chair didn't move, for his arms were still strongly holding it in place, and even if the whole thing didn't last more than 15 seconds, it felt like an eternity.

Sakura liked him. And after that kiss, she thought he liked her too.

Oh, and if not for that stupid deadline, he was definitely going to confirm her thoughts.

" Thank you. Damn it, Thank you."

"Y-You're welcome, I think…" She watched as his cheeks grew redder as he realized what had just happened, and before she knew it, his beautiful, dark eyes were already embarrassedly adverting her owns.

"I-I'm sorry… I didn't. I—. Hn." Her heart was beating faster, and as soon as she realized she had just left Uchiha Sasuke speechless, a soft smile showed up on her lips.

Itachi was definitely right. His little brother really can't tell when a girl is into him.

One day, perhaps, she might try showing that to him.

One day…

" I-It's okay… Can I help you with anything else, Sasuke?"

" What?!"

" With the formula, of course." She rushed, waving her hands in front of her face, blushing in the process.

"Oh… Let's see…"

And so, they went on all night like the nerds they are. She explained him the effects of the substances and he took care of the calculus that would be necessary for the whole thing to work out. With both his chemical knowledge and her medical one, they formed a perfect duo. They worked with excitement and passion for the creation of something that would make lives better, and that was the kind of commitment that people lacked nowadays.

They're working to make the difference.

They're working to make a change.

Through the night, both of the young adults managed to make tons of beneficial changes in the original formula he had received. Unexpectedly, they didn't drink much that night in order not to make any mistakes, and it was only after the clock was hitting 2 am that the girl started to surrender to her exhaustion from that long day. She was practically sleeping on his chair, and he knew it wouldn't be fair to expect anything else from her.

Sakura had done more than enough already.

It would only be fair if he let her rest.

" Sakura." He said, softly, in order to wake her up.

" Uh? Oh… Sorry, Sasuke… I feel asleep. What time is it, anyway?"

" Don't worry. It's pretty late already."

" Okay… Where were we?" She said, yawning and trying to return to wherever they had stopped.

" Tch, you can't go on anymore."

" Of course I can!"

"Stop being stubborn. Go rest a little. You've helped me a lot and it's almost finished, either way."

" Oh, so you don't need me anymore?"

" Of course I do, but… Hn, it's just that you've helped me enough already for today." He pouted, feeling his own words making his cheeks turn red.

" …I'm glad I could help, then." She smiled, still sleepy. "I'll call an Uber then and-"

" Tch, as if I'd let you get an Uber home."

" What?"

" Go lay on the couch and when I finish I'll drive you home."

" You don't really have to worry about me. I'll be fine."

" Sakura… Don't make me say it twice. I'm taking you home. End of story. Now go to sleep."

The seriousness in his voice and the feelings behind it made her heart settle. Even if she really is a stubborn girl, Sakura knew arguing with Sasuke was of no use, for he is worse than her when it comes to receiving orders.

Fighting over that would be useless, she thought. Besides, when would she ever have a good excuse to sleep on his couch again?

Letting out a defeated sigh, the pinkette stood up and walked towards the couch that was located near the huge window. The lights of the city below illuminated empty streets, and she could feel a certain peace coming from it as she finally laid her head down on the leather upholstery. She closed her eyes, focusing on the sound of his breathing from afar, and before she knew it, her consciousness faded in a well-deserved slumber. She knew it wouldn't take long until he woke her up, however, waking up to see Uchiha Sasuke right in front of her didn't seem that bad.

She certainly couldn't wait until her eyes opened again.

As her feet started to get warmer, Sakura could feel herself slowly waking up. She could feel her legs stretching and her heart was beating slowly faster, just like it normally does every morning. Her muscles felt incredibly relaxed, and she knew there was a smile playing on her lips as the sunlight bathed her cheeks. She could feel her body slowly responding to the soft awakening call of her system's natural functions, and she couldn't remember the last time waking up had felt so good.

It was all so pure, innocent and-

Her muscles suddenly froze. Her heart skipped a beat and she stopped breathing at the strange, warm feeling brushing against her belly.

Those were fingers, she thought. Long, slender and soft, all the five of them were there, and they were moving around, brushing her belly button and slipping through her skirt-

" Ahh!"

Her scream echoed, and in a single move, she freed herself from that hand. Her body, eventually, fell on the floor, and that was the moment when she finally opened her emerald eyes to see the stranger that had been crazy enough to invade her house and slip into her room.

Just that… She was not in her room.

" What…?"

And Sasuke was certainly no stranger.

" Damn it… What the hell are you doing on the floor, Sakura?"

The sound of his sleepy, heavy voice made her eyes widen and all the words disappeared from her mind. Heart beating faster and mouth agape, the pinkette had no idea of what was going on anymore. She remembered falling asleep on his couch, but he was supposed to have taken her home after that.

He was supposed to have taken her home safely, and not-

" Oh fuck…" Her cheeks grew redder as she placed both of her hands over her mouth. Her eyes were on him, watching as he sat up and scratched his head. A yawn escaped his lips, and when he finally looked at her, a blank expression took over his face.

" What's wrong?"

"Did we…?"

"Uh?" He knitted his brows, still not understanding her reaction.

" Sasuke." She said, strongly. " Did we… have sex?"

It took him just a couple of seconds to change the expression of his face. What was calm and serene was suddenly turned into a deeply embarrassed one.

"Of course not! What kind of man do you think I am!?

His cheeks looked like tomatoes, his chest— which she could see thanks to his barely buttoned shirt— was also growing red and she could swear he looked like a child at that moment. From his reaction, she could truly tell nothing had happened between them the night before, and even if she did feel something for him, Sakura was glad o know they had kept their pants up all night. Uchiha Sasuke is a gentleman, after all. And the biggest proof of that was his flustered face that kept growing redder— If that was even possible.

It was kinda cute, if she were to be honest.

A relieved sigh escaped her lips, and instinctively, she ran a hand through her hair. Once both of them calmed down, the pinkette finally decided to look at him in search of answers. Even if nothing like that had happened, something must have happened for them to have literally slept together.

" What happened after I went to sleep?"

" Tch… I finished the whole thing, and when I went to wake you up-"

His thoughts betrayed him, and suddenly, he realized he couldn't simply tell her the truth. He couldn't tell her that he looked at her beautiful, sleeping form and just decided to lay next to her.

That would certainly sound strange, he thought.

And he didn't need her to think he was that kind of man.

" You went to wake me up, and then what, Sasuke?" Her emerald eyes were curiously looking at him, and suddenly, he found himself not exactly knowing what to tell her.

" After that, I… I… Hn. After that I sat next to you and I must've fallen asleep. I-I'm sorry."

" Oh, no… I-It was not your fault." She started, nervously. " You were tired, so it was even better not to take the car, I guess."

"… I guess."


An awkward silence was left in that room, none of them actually looking at the other. The Uchiha was pouting and she was playing with a strand of her hair, trying to make her heart calm down. Sakura was trying to control her own breathing, and when she finally managed to do so, her eyes found the clock resting on his table, only to lose control all over again.


" Oh, shit!" She stood up quickly, uselessly trying her best to recompose herself. She was a mess, and the only thing that would be able to make her look at least presentable would be a bath.

And apparently, she had no time for that.

"What happened?"

" I'm late. My first class starts in 20 minutes and there's no way I'm gonna make it to the train."

" Hn, I'll drop you there."

" You told me the same thing last night, Sasuke. And look at where we are now."

" Tch, it's different. I mean it right now."

" Oh, so you weren't going to take me home last night?"

" What- no, I mean, yes! Tch, I'm not that kind of man!"

" I didn't take you as a cuddler either, but I was wrong."

" I'm not a cuddler."

" Yes you are. Do I need to remind you where your hand was when I woke up?"

" Tch, you're annoying."

" Eh!?"

" Do you want a ride or not?"

As she watched him stand up, Sakura felt her cheeks growing warm again. Uchiha Sasuke was simply gorgeous when he woke up, and anyone in her place would've reacted just the same. Even if she was late and even if people would give her strange looks when she got to college, nothing else mattered after seeing such thing first thing in the morning.

They had done something good together, she knew it. They had created something a lot bigger than them, and she was not only talking about the new anti inflammatory.

Something had started that night.

Babysitting him had, indeed, been worth it, she thought.

And at that moment, as he was putting on his shoes and looking at her with his car keys in hands, Sakura just knew she couldn't say no to him. Not after everything they did last night.

He really is an amazing boss, she thought.

" Okay… But we have a lot to talk about on the way."

" Like what?"

" Like… Am I getting a promotion?"

"What for?"

" Well, technically, I've just slept with my boss, so…"

" Tch, go after your shoes already."