Well everyone it's all come to this.

There are so many people to thank I don't even know where to start but I know first and foremost my thanks goes out to PurpleCat5817, for giving me permission to take her work and put my own spin on it. It has been a lot of fun, and I hope you've enjoyed reading it, as I have enjoyed writing it.

Please feel free to check out my other works, and if you have questions about what the order is, just let me know.

Also to the one who asked about Beast Boy's natural hair color, it IS brown in YJ, but in the comics it's blonde.

Please Read and review and enjoy.

On with the show.

Chapter 12: It's a Wonderful life.

One month later.

"Are your eyes closed?" Beast Boy's strong and gentle hands led his daughter by her shoulders down the hall of Titans Tower, her large purple eyes closed tight and even went as far as to cover them with her hands.

"Yes daddy," she said in frustration, "now what's the surprise?!" she whined.

"Just hold on. Open your eyes in 3 . . . 2 . . ." Beast Boy turned Farah so that she was now facing into an open door, "Okay now open." She did as she was told.


"Oh my goodness I am so surprised!" she lied. She could smell the unique scents of each of her extended family from inside the bedroom, hear them shuffling about, and smell the finished paint.

"Happy Birthday, welcome to your new room!" Cyborg announced.

This time Farah was genuinely surprised. "This is mine!?"

"It is all for you." Starfire clapped happily.

Farah ran inside the large room which had been painted a dandylion yellow, and bolted for the queen sized bed dressed in a green and pink colored comforter on the far left side of the room and started bouncing on top of it. "Farah don't bounce on the bed." Raven scolded.

"Why such a big bed?" Nightwing asked.

"She thrashes in her sleep . . a lot." Then let out a tiny gasp as Beast Boy wraped in arm around her waist. He gave her a small grin that asked if this much contact was ok, and with a small nod gave her consent. They had been trying out an ACTUAL relationship for the past month and so far it was going fine, but seeing as they weren't horny teenagers anymore, they were fine with taking it slow. Beast Boy, staying true to his word that he would take as long as it took for her to fully trust herself with him again.

Farah scampered off of her bed and started exploring the rest of the room which held a white dresser, a couple of tables in the center of a carpeted area stacked with coloring books and crayons, and in the corner of the room were new dolls, with her favorite green teddy bear front and center. She squealed happily touching everything she could, when her mother got her attention again. "Farah what do we say?"

Farah came to a stop then sprinted to the metal man wrapping her arms around his leg. "THANK YOU UNCLE CYBORG!" She squealed.

"Your welcome 'lil lady, but it wasn't all me."

"Oh yes! The little coloring sticks, toys, and blank books are from uncle Richard and myself." Starfire announced.

Farah then ran into her aunts arms, "Thank you aunty Star, and uncle Richard." She extended her little arms as wide they could go wrapping around both of them.

"But we still have a few more birthday gifts princess." Beast Boy said. He sat the little girl on one of the tables, as Drake and Kole stepped forward, Kole handing her a box.

"Happy birthday Farah. This is from Drake and I" she said sweetly and stood back with the knight.

Farah eyed the wrapped box curiously, then proceeded to ravage the paper revealing a black velvet gasp. Audible gasps could be heard from everyone looking over her shoulder once the box was opened.

"Oh no," Raven said with concern, "Drake this is to nice."

Beast Boy stepped forward putting his hand on her shoulders. "Raven it's fine."

"It is beautiful." Starfire gushed.

"Y-yeah, how much did you spend on it?" Richard asked.

"Not a dime, it's all handmade." Drake responded proudly. The item in question was a necklace, a long silver chain with pendent that looked like a bear paw, and in the center was clear ice blue diamond. "The chain in pure silver," said Drake, "and the pendet is a mixture of iron and salt, but light as a feather. So no demons, or spirits will be bothering you for . . well as long as you wear it."

"The crystal in the center is ice from the artic circle." said Kole. "With a special enchantment to make sure it will never melt."

"Drake it's beautiful, but what if she loses it, or someone takes it?" Raven worried.

Drake shrugged. "Beast Boy try and take it."

He snickered then reached for Farah's gift, only for the pendent to send a bolt of energy at his hand. "GAH!"

Everyone laughed Raven feeling a lot better now that she knew no one would take it from her. "But what if she loses it."

"Mommy, I will NEVER lose this." Farah said firmly. Kole helped the little girl put on the necklace. "I love it!" She shouted hugging both Kole and Drake, who surprisingly returned the hug, but it was a quick one since the iron in her necklace started to burn him.

"But wait," a bitish voice got their attention, "there's more." The demon king, Landon held up an envelope and handed it to Raven.

With a look of puzzlement she ripped it open, Beast Boy bringing Farah into his arms and looking over her shoulder at it's contents. Though Farah and Raven weren't sure what it was, Beast Boy certainly did, as was evident by his eyes the size of dinner plates. "H-H-How-how-how-how-"

"Mommy I think daddy's broken." Farah said as she slapped him hoping to get him to work again.

"Beast Boy what is this?" Raven asked.

He looked at her like she was mad. "Are you serious?! These are three passes for a week long stay in the Cinderella Castle Suite at Diseny's Magic Kingdom. In other words, DISNEYLAND!" Both Farah and her father began bouncing excitedly, everyone else (aware of what Disneyland was at least) congratulated them. "Landon how did you get these? You can't reserve the Cinderella suite? You have to win a contest or something."

Landon grinned his signature charming grin. "You do know who your talking to right? King of Demons? My connections, connections have connections, and believe me, L.A. is FULL of those that owe ME favors. Chump change darlings. The trip is all expenses paid, you don't have to worry about paying for a SINGLE thing the entire time your there, it'll all be charged to my, um, account."

"Do we want to know what 'account' your talking about?" Drake asked his oldest friend.

"Doubt it," Landon shrugged, "But I think we know who won title of 'Favorite aunt or uncle'."

"Now, now, hold on, she didn't even know what you got her. And I built her a whole room!" Cyborg defended.

"Yes, But I have purchased toys, clothing, the wardobe, the drapery,"

"Now Star, it's not a competition." Nightwing tried to reason with his wife who was counting on her fingers.

"The hell it isn't," Landon shoved by him to Farah, "So darling who earns the title?"

Farah looked around at her aunt and uncles, her little finger tapping her chin adorably. "Farah don't buy into their begging." Raven glared.

"But I do have a favorite." she said sweetly.

Raven begged, "Farah no-"

"Uncle Drake!"

"WHAT!?" Even Drake was puzzled by this.

"B-but, he-he-he wasn't even trying." Cyborg whined.

"Yeah, but uncle Drake is teaching me how to hunt werewolves."

The room got quiet, everyone taking a health large step away from the dragon knight, a grumpy demoness glaring at the sharpest of daggers at him. "I thought it was vampires that attacked the tower?"

Drake looked around for ANYONE to help him, but even Kole was content with letting him squirm under Raven's glare that was powerful enough to make Hannibal Lecter cringe.

"So . . . who wants cake?"

The night was a quiet one, something that was rare for someone in the super hero game so it had to be taken advantage of, something Raven and Beast Boy were taking part of on top of the Titans tower. Now that cake was had, thanks you's were given, Farah had been put to sleep, it was just the two of them sitting side by side staring off into the distance.

"That's crazy about Star and Richard, huh, her being pregnant and all." Raven said. Her head was currently laying on his shoulder, his hand on top of her own.

"Yeah that explains why they've been headed to the Watchtower so often."

Raven snorted a laugh. "Had I known about all of that I would have thought long and hard about leaving."

"C-could we not dwell on that please?" he begged, his throat catching with sadness.

She sighed, matching his sadness then cupped the side of his face bringing his gaze to look at her. "Garfield, nothing I will say or do will ever make up for what I've done to you when I left, but I will tell you it was one of the worst mistakes I have ever made."

Beast Boy couldn't help but be touched by the sincerity of her words. Closing his eyes he nuzzled her forehead. "I guess I can't be to upset, if it wasn't for you leaving I probably wouldn't be the man I am now. I never would have faced the issues that I have carried since I was a kid, I never . . would have had the strength to move on. So even though I'll hold the fact that you ran away over your head for probably the rest of our lives, I can't help but thank you for doing it." She smirked shaking her head. "What?"

"Leave it to you to take something negative and turn it into a positive." then she replaced her head onto his shoulder.

He laughed a bit, putting his head onto hers. "So what now?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well now that your back at the tower, are you going to be a . . . stay at home mom or something."

"Dear god no! I want to be back in the action, I wanna kick some bad guy ass . . . and I want Farah to learn to be a hero to."

That actually surprised him. "Really? You WANT her to be like us?"

"No," she lifted her head to look at him again, "I want her to be BETTER. Another regret I have when I left is letting her live life without a father, without those that understand her, and even though I will throw that dragon into another dimension the next chance I get, when he told me about how awesome Farah was against those vampires, I couldn't help but realize she was destined to be a hero."

"Just like her mom," He nuzzled her forehead with his own.

"And her dad."

The two sat in silence soaking in each others company for the next few hours, until they were both finally ready to head back inside, but before they did Beast Boy had one last thing to say.

"I love you Raven."

She smiled, THAT smile he loved so much, the one he had worked so hard for. "I love you Garfield."

It was at this time that tthey did something together they hadn't done in four years.

He kissed her.

Her pregnancy was a difficult one to say the least, she had every complication immaginable throughout the entire nine months, and basically LIVED at the Watchtower for the Justice League, since she needed constant checkups. Every night of her pregnancy she would pray and plead and beg to whoever was listening that she wouldn't lose the baby, and now three weeks before her due date she was back. The umbilical cord had wrapped around the baby's neck and she had to be rushed to the Watchtower for a Cercerean delivery, the only thing helping her through it all were her friends and her husband.

Her teammates stood in the main hall of the Watchtower, anxiously waiting for any sort of news.

"I'm like freaking out," Jinx stated, her husband Kid Flash behind her rubbing her shoulders.

"They got her here as fast as they could." he tried to assure her.

"But where are they? Where is Dick and Star, shouldn't they be here to?"

"Last I heard they are on their way. You need to calm down. The Watchtower equipment is starting to malfunction under your powers. Besides," Kid Flash knelt down beside her, rubbing her swollen belly, "It's not good for him either."

Jinx took a few calming breaths placing her hands over his. "I know I'm not making things any better, but I can't help it ya know. I was with her when it happened."

"Yeah not the greatest time for a baby shower huh, but It's going to be okay. You both got her here in time, and Garfield is with her now."

Just then Kid Flash caught sight of the black suited Nightwing, and his wife coming towards them, a look of panic over their faces. "Any news?" He asked.

"None yet?"

"Oh no," Starfire sobbed.

"Hey, hey, it's gonna be okay." Her husband tried to sooth.

"Where's Cyborg, Sarah and the dragon kid?" Jinx asked, not wanting to get to her feet.

"Vic and Sarah are back home with the kids making sure all the baby shower guests got back to their towers okay, Drake is in the middle east somewhere, and to answer your next question, Landon can't get in to the Watchtower. The League doesn't have the same trust in demons like we do." Nightwing had his arms around his still trembling wife.

"I-I just hope all is-" Her eyes found something down the hall causing her to gasp. The group that was with her followed her gaze to the exhausted green changeling, his expression . . . unreadable.

Kid Flash stood by his wife, holding her hand, Nightwing's arm around his wife's shoulders bringing her close, each step that Beast Boy took more unnerving then the next, as they attempting to get SOME kind of read on his emotions, but his face was set in a straight and serious line, which for Beast Boy was an amazing feat in and of itself. Definately he had learned THAT trick from his wife. Finally, when he was only a few steps away, his face cracked into a smile.

"It's a boy! A strong, healthy, ok BOY!"

The group of four released the breath they were holding, congratulating and patting him on the back for helping to get her their on time. "How did you do it? Get her here that fast I mean?" Kid Flash asked.

"Well I could smell that her scent was changing, her body telling her she was ready to give birth. I begged and pleaded to make sure she went, but it wasn't until her water broke that she believed me. So here we are."

Everyone excepted his explaination with relief. "So can we see her?" Starfire begged. Beast Boy gave a short nod and told them to follow him. Jinx, through shere force of willpower, got to her feet and began waddling behind them. Though she was six months pregnant, with one boy, you'd think she was carrying four with how often she complained about how big she was, but Kid Flash found it cute . . . even if no one else did.

Beast Boy led them to the hospital room and opened the door to allow his friends the chance to go inside before him. There they saw the young mother, along with her boyfriend, beaming with pride at the little boy in her arms. Her eyes red and puffy, but NONE of it was from sadness, or from the strain of going through a cecearean deliever, but from sheer joy.

Starfire squealed as quietly as she was able as to not wake the child, her eyes staring intently at the little life in her arms. "Oh Terra, he is so beautiful."

"I know isn't he?" Aqualad was softly rubbing his little baby boys head as his girlfriend held him close. He too looked exhausted, and emotionally drained. The past nine months had been rough with him as well, but he was ALWAYS by her side and had NO intention of leaving.

"He's kinda small don't you think?" Kid Flash asked earning him an elbow to the gut by his wife.

"They said it's kinda normal, after all the issues we've had," Terra said weakly, "But it doesn't matter, he's healthy and that's all that matters."

The group came just a little bit closer to inspect the bundle in her arms. He was definately small, but had enormous chewable cheeks and a full head of jet black hair like his father along with darkened skin, and his mothers nose and lips. "What did you name him?" Jinx asked.

"Brion, after my brother." Terra said, her tearstaind blue eyes not once leaving her little boy as he let out a long yawn and snuggled closer to his mother, producing a wave of "awe's" from those gathered.

They stayed and admired the baby for a while until Terra had to attempt to breast feed him, telling the others it was time to go. "Beast Boy." Terra got his attention before he left, "I just wanted to say-"

He held up a hand. "No need to say anything Terra, That's what friends are for." He gave her a small smile and wave and left the young couple and their new baby alone.

Even after all these years the five founding members of the Teen Titans couldn't bring themselves to leave the place they had called home and so even with growing families they continued to add on, or take away, but they would never leave their home. Nightwing, Starfire and Beast Boy stepped into the kitchen finding Cyborg and Sarah washing the dishes, and once they stepped in the stopped what they were doing to face the others.

"Well?" Sarah asked with nervous anticipation.

"They have a little boy and he's going to be just fine." Nightwing responded, relief washing over the metal man and his fiance.

"Oh thank god, once again BB, you surprise us." Cyborg gave his best friend a well deserved pat on his back.

Yes it was a happy occasion but Starfire was frantically searching the room. "Cyborg where is my bumgorf?"

"Oh Mar'i? She's over there." Cyborg paled when he saw that the spot where he had left the two year old was now empty. "Uhhhhhhh,"

"You mean up there?" Everyone followed Sarah's finger to the ceiling were they were greeted with the sight of a black haired, tan skinned child with eyes a bright emerald they almost glowed, floating around the ceiling without a care in the world. She locked eyes with her mother and began babbling excitedly and reaching for her, but she only floated freely with no direction whatsoever, but she wasn't frightened in the slightest.

"Oh Mar'i," Starfire flew to her child helping to bring the chunky little girl back to earth.

"Come on Cy, we've got wedding stuff to finish." Sarah said, a whinning Cyborg following close behind as they left the common room.

With a cheesy grin Beast Boy sauntered down the corridor that led to his and his wife's room, but first he had to make a quick stop. As he came closer to their bedroom, his incredible hearing picked up the small soft whispers of a child . . . HIS child. There were days he still couldn't believe he would utter those words, yet they felt so sweet on his lips sometimes he would say them out loud to no one in particular. His eyes, though just as gifted and incredible as his ears, didn't need to be to see his wife in a white silk nightgown, practically glowing as she stood at the doorway watching the happenings inside with a small and soft smile on her lips.

Neither he, nor the pale empath had to verbally acknowledge each other, nor did they want to, instead she melted into the warmth of his arms as they wrapped around her waist holding her close, now both of them silently looking into the yellow panted bedroom.

A six year old Farah sat in an enormous arm chair that appeared to swallow her whole, an even larger book of every fairy tale known to man on her lap, sat on the far side of her bedroom, her pointer finger gliding along the page as she read aloud to the occupant in the dark brown colored crib next to her. As she read there would occasionaly be little babbles, and cooing noises, but this just told the young girl she was doing a good job as "bedtime" reader.

". . . . and they all lived happily ever after. The end." Farah's baby brother began kicking as his own form of applause, but also in anticipation for the next story to be read, but just as Farah began another, her mother stepped in.

"Sorry sweetie it's time for you to get ready for bed."

Farah looked up at her mother, her amethyst eyes still as deep and filled with wonder as ever. "But mommy I can't leave."

Beast Boy stepped up behind his wife, "Now Farah listen to your mother and go get ready for bed."

"No I mean I can't get up, my legs are numb." Looking at the rather large volume on top of her legs it was a safe bet she wasn't lying. Her parents helped hoist the large book off of her lap and ease her to the floor, but before she went about her nightly ritual, she scampered to the crib. "I'll be right back Hunter." She kissed the tips of her fingers then placed them on his violet colored head then bolted off.

"Walk!" Raven called after her. Hunter, wondering why his next story hadn't began yet, began to fuss and whine reaching out for his big sister.

"She's coming right back, hon, it's okay." Raven soothed as she lifted her son into her arms.

"I know he's such a baby isn't he."

Raven rolled her eyes at her husbands comment and took a seat in the armchair. "Do things like that sound funnier in your head?"

He laughed to himself getting to his knees beside the chair, but sheepishly admitted, "Yea they usually do." She shook her head as she exposed her breast to her excitedly kicking son. He may have been excited about story time, but he was ECSTATIC now that it was feeding time. He latched to her nipple instantly and began to eat his fill, his large emerald eyes rolling back into his adorable round head and slowly closed as he soaked in the warmth and feeling of his mother.

Beast Boy began swooning inwardly at his feeding son, his large hand rubbing Hunter's small and delicate violet haired head, which seemed to bother him as he immediately began to swat his father away with his tiny hands.

"I told you," Raven smirked, "he doesn't like being bothered while he's eating."

"Just like his uncle Cyborg." They shared a laugh before falling back into silence, the only sounds being heard were that of Hunter filing his tiny tummy with his mothers sweet breast milk. Raven leaned her tired but content body back into the chair, her half closed eyes catching sight of her husband watching his flesh and blood drink his nourishments, soaking in every second. She let out a sigh of happiness and peace. Her life was indeed wonderful.

Raven lifted head when she her the patter of Farah's little feet enter the bedroom. Raven then glared at her daughter. "What did I tell you about scaring your aunts and uncles?"

Farah stared in "surprise". "Ho-how did you know?" With her free hand Raven motioned to her forehead, Farahs fingers traveling to her own feeling the extra set of red eyes. "Oh . . . ."