2013 - October

Chloe had been quite for several minutes. Her head still on Max's lap and looking out over the scrapyard. Max idly ran her fingers though Chloe's hair and tried to follow her gaze. Broken down cars, electronics, signs... all just like in her time. If there was something important, she didn't know what it was.

Letting out a sigh, she looked back at Chloe. This, she knew, or at least she thought she did. If she was being honest, she wasn't even sure of that. Chloe surprised her so often now she had started to doubt even that.

It didn't help that this place was making her uncomfortable. This was the place Rachel had been buried. Where Chloe would have died several times if not for her. To top it off, she had always felt it was a special place for those two. If only she wasn't afraid of the answer, if only she had actually asked Chloe. No, she was sure in time Chloe would tell her, no reason to push.

The sun was getting low and still no word from Chloe. Looking down, she thought about where the story had left off, New Years Eve and Joyce accepting David's proposal. Chloe was probably just lost in her own memories. Max's hand moved to the back of Chloe's neck, feeling the tense muscles. Her fingers started to massage, drawing a sigh from the girl.

Chloe finally turned to look up, her eyes holding Max fast. She reached a hand up and caressed Max's face. "I was a wreck the next day. Not sure if the pot made things easier or not." Max frowned at the words. With her other hand, Chloe pulled Max's face into a smile. "Hey now, good with the bad and all of that, right?"

Max lightly swatted Chloe's hands away. "Well, I was kinda hoping the good sooner to be honest."

"Hella lot of crap in my past you've had to live through already." With a final pat on Max's head, Chloe got up. "But hey, this is where we end up right." Chloe pulled out her phone and smiled. With a mischievous look, she grabbed Max's hand. "Come on."

Before Max could ask, she found herself pulled along. The place looked so different in the setting sun's light. A kaleidoscope formed of broken mirrors and metallic surfaces. It all rushed past like neon lights as Chloe kept pulling Max onward to some destination. She moved over as much as around the piles, each step taken as if a thousand times before. This was Chloe's castle, her land, her home.

Finally they arrived on top of a ruined bus, setup with a few chairs. Without warning, Chloe sat and pulled Max on her lap. Wrapping her arms around Max, she held her close and nuzzled into her neck. Once Max stopped giggling she looked over it all. The broken wrecks, the trash, the sum total of peoples lives just scattered around forgotten. It glowed, like a fire flickering around them, warming. She tried to take it all in, the patters of light and dancing shadows. As each minute passed, the story they told changed as the sun lowered.

Soon the sun started to dip behind the hills and the light began to fade. She felt Chloe's arms hug her a little closer. She wanted something to remember this, to know she was actually here. Pulling out her camera, she focused on the two of them. Just as she was pressing the button, she felt Chloe's lips on her neck.


Looking back, Chloe grinned and kissed her neck again. A giggle turned to a shudder as Chloe then started to suck. With a overly dramatic pop, Chloe's left her mark. Sighing, Max put the photo and camera away before Chloe did anything else. Thankfully, Chloe just gave another squeeze and waited for the sun to finish its descent.

Once the sun was fully gone, she felt Chloe's lips on her cheek. A cold wind started up and she shuddered in the cold. Wordless, Chloe helped Max up and guided her back to Chloe's truck. Even in the dark, Chloe didn't stumble once. Lead by her hand, she guided Max though the maze of trash as easily as walking down a empty hall.

Once inside her truck, Chloe started the heat while they looked over the now dark junkyard. "I only found this place because of Rachel you know." A happy smile on her face as she spoke.


"We'll get to it, but yeah." A wistful look in Chloe's eyes as she spoke.

Max looked outside, wondering how it all happened. How close had they been, were they. She opened her mouth, then slouched and kept quiet. She could wait. Just push down her worries and wait.

She felt Chloe's hand in hers, intertwining their fingers. "So, what's going on in that head Max."

"N-nothing." She scratched her face, trying to find something to look at. "Just a lot to take in, ya know."

"Seriously Max, what is it?"

Max fidgeted with their linked hand. "U-um, I was just curious about you two."

"Oh, little jelly over there."

Max flinched at the word. "N-no, not really." Max paused, afraid. Another squeeze from Chloe's hand and she knew Chloe was not going to let this go. "Were you two."

"No." Max jumped, not expecting to be interrupted. "It's complicated, so kinda might be the better answer. But no." Chloe shuffled over, and snuggled against Max.

Max's head was rushing, trying to make sense of what Chloe had said. As Chloe got close, she stiffened feeling annoyed. "What do you mean kinda." Her free hand started to grip against her pants.

"Well, it would be spoilers." Chloe teased back.

"Then spoil." Max snapped. She regretted it immediately but the tension in her body wouldn't go away.

Chloe slowly pulled away and held up their linked hand between them. "She got me to admit what I really wanted." Her hand lightly squeezed Max's. "You."

Max's mouth hung open, looking for words for several seconds. "I-I shouldn't have asked." She expected Chloe to say something, anything, but more silence. "It's just, you were both so close." Max keep talking, scared of the silence continuing. "I-I'm sorry ok. I was, am afraid I'm just a holdover for her. That everything now is just, you wanting to be with her."

With her free hand, Chloe turned Max's face to look at her. "I have always loved you."

Max tried to focus on Chloe, her vision blurry though her tears.

"I can't know how it was in your time. How things played out without you around." Max felt a finger wipe a tear from her face. "But I'm sure both here and there, I always loved you. Even when I didn't understand, I loved you. Even when you hated me, I loved you."

Leaning forward, their lips met as the moon peaked out from the clouds.

They both were starving by the time they arrived home. Chloe cooked, well reheated, the last of some leftovers Joyce had made before leaving. While eating, Chloe did her best to catch Max up on some local happenings. School drama, homework status and anything else from the past week of note.

"What else. Oh yeah, lot of storms in the area recently."

"Storms?" Max snapped to attention.

"Uh yeah, must have been at least five this past week."

Felling a knot in her stomach Max put down her fork. "W-what about snow?"

"Snow?" Chloe thought it over for a moment. "No, way too warm for snow." She then shoved the last of her food in her mouth as she watched Max.

Max nodded. Still, she had to be sure. "H-how about dead birds?" Chloe just raised a eyebrow and continued to chew but slower. "Beached... whales?"

"Dude, what the fuck happened in your timeline." Chloe's words were a little muffled around the food.

It took Max several seconds to make out the words. After a moment, she managed a disapproving look. "Seriously, eat or talk." Max purposefully held up a meatball on her fork.

Chloe leaned over and bit it off. She waved a hand dismissively but did swallow before continuing. "Psh, whatever Maximom." Max just rolled her eyes and finished the last of her food. "But no, nothing like that. Just a bunch of storms."

"Sorry." Max smiled, glad it was nothing. "They were all, like signs or something. We just got so caught up in searching for Rachel, it seemed to get forgotten. I don't want to make the same mistake again."

"Still, beached whales?" Continued to stare in disbelief at Max.

"It was a hella long week."

"Not letting this one go. BEACHED. WHALES."

"Fine. Yes. Beached whales." Max threw up her hands in defeat. "Honestly, thinking back I'm not sure how we just kept focused on finding Rachel. Everything kept reminding us of the tornado coming."

Chloe smiled but let it go at that. She stretched giving Max a minute before speaking up. "Hey, so if you are good talking about your time..."

Max did her best to ready herself. "Ask away."

"You said you would explain us meeting in more details." Chloe leaned back on her chair.

"Right." Max grimaced. "Might want to brace yourself."

Seeing Max's expression, Chloe rocked for a moment before swinging forward. Leaning on the table, she rested her chin in her hands and nodded for Max to start.

"So, it all started with my powers. I saw the vision in class and was freaked out. Needing a break, I went to wash my face in the bathroom. I noticed a blue butterfly came in and I had to take a photo of it. So, I was in the corner when someone burst in." Chloe started to smile. "Nathan Prescott."

Chloe's face fell into confusion. "Uh, so he went into the wrong bathroom?"

Max shook her head. "Then you burst in, though I didn't realize it as I was hiding. You were looking to extort him for money." Max paused in case Chloe had some questions but she just indicated for Max to continue. "He pulled out a gun. Y-you tried to be aggressive, get him to back down." Max paused for another breath. "But it just made him angrier, and the gun went off. He shot you."

Chloe's eyes widened and let a single word slip out. "Fuck."

"That was when I first used my powers. Just by instinct, I rewound time and found myself back in class. I wasn't sure if it was another dream or what. A few experiments later, I was sure that I could actually rewind time. Then realized I could do something for you."

"So what, you beat up Nathan or something?"

"I, uh, I hit the fire alarm."

"Pfff." Chloe's head fell onto the table and barely managed to not laugh. "Sorry, but that might be the most Max thing I can imagine."

"W-what?" Max crossed her arms and tried her best to look annoyed.

"Look, you could have yelled out before I came in. Maybe call a teacher, or stand in front of the washroom so Nathan wouldn't enter. Hell, warn 'principal nosy butt' that Nathan had a gun. But no, you take the route that mean you don't have to talk to anyone."

"Still saved your life."

"Touché." Chloe smiled back. "Still, that's not how we met now is it."

"No, but a little later, Nathan thought I had been in the bathroom and was getting in my face in the parking lot. Warren tried to step in but Nathan was pissed and punched him."

"Warren huh? Guess some things never change."

Max looked surprised. "What do you mean."

"The guy's had a major crush on you." Chloe smirked. "Not sure if us dating made that better or worse. At least he has moved on though."

Max sighed and shook her head. "Anyway, then you almost hit me with your truck. We recognized each other and you waved me in."

"And we drove off into the sunset." Chloe waved a arm dramatically. Her smile breaking at the look on Max's face. "Years of frustration made it a hella long ride huh."

"It was... tense." Despite the words, a smile was on Max's face. "But it was still awesome to see you again." Chloe leaned over and lightly kissed her.

"I'm sure I felt the same, juuuuust hidden behind stubbornness and probably some not so hidden anger issues." She leaned back, taking a moment to think it over. "Man, never a break for us huh."

"Hey, good with the bad, right." Max smiled and stacked up the dishes.

"True nuff." Chloe got up and dumped their dishes in the sink. "Well, I think we need a no thinking night."

Max nodded in agreement. "TV?"


Lying down, Max turned on some show. Neither really cared, just some background noise while they snuggled on the couch together. Chloe wrapped a arm around Max, occasionally nuzzling her head. After a few adjustments, the two found a comfortable position and let their minds wander.

Max thought over all Chloe had told her. She wondered how had this Max reacted to it all. Everything was all from Chloe's view so she had to guess at her own reactions. Chloe's lying and broken promises, she knew it was coming to a head soon. Given how tired Chloe seemed after each story, she was a little afraid of hearing what came next.

As a annoying ad came on for the third time she reached over to mute the TV. As she moved, she realized Chloe's arm was looser than she remembered. Listening, she could just make out her light breathing. Carefully she turned around and looked at the sleeping girls face. Chloe sighed and a smile crossed her face. Gently, Max moved some stray hairs back, causing a flicker in Chloe's eyes.

Chloe tiredly opened her eyes, a hand raised to block the TV's glare. "Huh?"

"Sorry." Max quickly turned off the TV.

"Man, what time is it?" Chloe looked over and strained her eyes to make out the clock in the dark.

"Time for bed, come on." Max got up and helped the sleepy girl stand and head upstairs.

She opened the door to their room but before she could turn on the lights, Chloe, still half asleep, stumbled over to their bed. Without grace she flopped onto it with a thud. Impressively, staying face down, she managed to pull off her clothes and haphazardly tossed them to the side. Even her jeans. Max was suddenly both sad and relieved for not turning on the lights.

Quietly, she grabbed her PJ's and crept to the bathroom before changing. Feeling a little nervous about the almost naked girl waiting for her, she made sure to be extra careful cleaning up. As she finished brushing her hair, she looked at herself in the mirror. Psyching herself up, she whispered to her reflection, "It's fine Max. Things are fixed now." Then with a smile. "We can finally be, no, we are together. This is normal now."

Doing her best to remain calm, she returned and climbed into bed. As soon as she did, Chloe reached a arm around and hugged her. Blushing a little, she tried to return the embrace and was rewarded with a sigh from the other girl. A cold breeze came in thought a open window. Max carefully pulled a blanket over the two of them and soon fell asleep.

The sun drifted across Max's eyes and stirred her awake. Trying to raise a arm, she found it trapped under something. Using her other arm she rubbed her eyes against the light and tried to get her bearings.

Then she felt whoever was on her arm stir and grumble, annoyed at the disturbance.

Now wide awake, Max looked at the Chloe, in just panties, face down on top of her arm. Her body was almost a painting of colours between her hair and tattoos. It was the first time she had to admire them all without clothes in the way. Looking them over, it seems like she had more than her Chloe. Her hand started to lightly trace sleeves pattern, then moved her hand along her back. Moving her hand down along her spine, she saw another near her waist. A pirate sword with a word written across it.


She traced each letter, imagining when she could have gotten it. When they sneaked into the pool, she had gotten a good look at her . She was fairly sure she didn't have it then. Her hand slowly moved along the blade, wondering when she had gotten it.

"Lower." Chloe's voice was muffled, her head still buried in her pillow.

Max stopped, then lightly kissed Chloe's head. "Morning."

Chloe mumbled something again, but gave little other response. Still, with Chloe somewhat awake, Max managed to extract her other arm and get up. Now lit up, she realized it was also the first time she had a good look at her room. Her eyes were immediately drawn to the photo mural, just like the one in her dorm.

It felt strange looking over her own photos and not recognizing them. Unsurprisingly, there were a lot of Chloe both with or without her. A few of Joyce and David around the house. Kate playing her violin, Dana practicing, Justin and Trevor skateboarding with varying amounts of success. Warren looking over some experiment. Almost all her classmates doing whatever they loved. Most of the rest were more artistic. Various compositions of nature and human life. On and on.

And none looked familiar to her at all. She could recognize her style in them and the people and places, but that just made it more unnerving. Here was her life, her passion and yet it was not hers.

She also noticed who was missing. Nothing of Nathan or... him. Even thinking of him made her tense up and rub her wrists. Shaking her head, she looked over the mural again. There were several voids. Running her hands through the empty space, she could guess what used to be there.

Her life in front of her, yet locked away like these pictures. Part of her was tempted to try and go into the photos, experience these moments. She dismissed the thought as soon as it came. It would not be the same and she could change things for the worse.

A sound from behind drew her attention. Chloe was now hugging Max's pillow, trying her best to hide from the sun. Quietly she picked up her camera and took a photo. The sound elicited a new grumble from the sleepy girl. After a few moment to let it develop, she walked back to her mural.

This photo was a little too private so placed it in a drawer. Then she remembered the photo from last night. Fishing it out of her bag, she looked it over for the first time. Her eyes wide as Chloe's lips were on her neck. Somehow she felt like Chloe's eyes were grinning at the viewer. Max quietly laughed and filled one of the voids. Looking it over one last time, she smiled and left to take a shower.

Taking her time, she let the water run across her body. A few moments of just normal before she had to get back to relearning everything. Thankfully at least her body felt like her own. Thinking over last night, she ran her finger along where Chloe had kissed her. Stepping out she wiped a hand across the foggy mirror to take a look. It was noticeable, but not that bad thankfully.

Feeling bold, she turned to to give a final wink at herself when her eye noticed something else. Using her towel, she cleared off more of the mirror and took a closer look. Like on Chloe, a tattoo on her lower back. Her fingers traced the familiar pattern. A pirate sword and a word.


She was blushing as she returned to her room. Chloe was now sitting on the end of the bed, still hugging Max's pillow, and still undressed. Seeing Max in but a towel woke her up fast. "And a good morning to me too." Despite blushing, Max manged to stick out her tongue at the comment. "Hella bold fashion choice for hanging out with Kate."

"I am not meeting Kate wearing a towel." The banter thankfully pushed the tattoo out of mind for the moment.

"I could ware one too if that would help."

"You are not meeting Kate in just a towel either."

"Hey, maybe she is into that and would join us in towels?" Chloe looked over at Max's stupefied expression. "Too far?" Max just nodded back. "Right." She spent a moment to rub her neck before continuing. "So, uh, when we meeting up again."

"Can you double check my phone, can't remember the exact time." Max called out behind her while looking over her clothes choices.

Dropping the pillow, Chloe took a moment to find Max's phone on her desk. "Looks like... ten minutes from now."

"What!" Max grabbed the phone out of Chloe's hand. "Crap, crap, crap." She looked to Chloe to ask her to hurry up. Instead she noticed Chloe's eyes looking up and down Max's half dressed state. She then noticed Chloe was no longer behind a pillow.

"Still approving of your choice of clothes here." Chloe called over as Max blushed and ran back to her closet.

"Why didn't I set a alarm or something." Max threw some clothes at Chloe to hopefully get the other girl to stop staring and start getting ready.

Chloe caught and smelled a shirt before tossing it to the side and grabbing a different one from the floor. "You did. You turned it off a while ago." She commented back as she started to get dressed. "And we got at least half a hour. Kate always expects us a little late."

Max stopped zipping up her pants to look at Chloe. "Why?"

"She knows us." Chloe just shrugged. Now finished dressing, she hugged Max from behind. "Calm down Max. It's Kate we are talking about here." She finished doing up Max's pants and then turned her around. "Or is Kate some horrible demon in your time."

"No. Kate is, well Kate."

"Right, she'll understand. Don't worry." A quick kiss, before looking over them Max. "You good?" A nod. "Then lets go."

Max's hand hovered above the handle to the girls hall. She wondered if she could just go home and text Kate she couldn't make it. Taking a moment to remind herself once more it was just Kate, she took a deep breath and pushed open the door stepping into the empty hallway.

"Well done First Mate Maximus, the path be finally clear." Chloe linked a arm with Max pulling her down the hall. "Only you could bypass the two gates that blocked our way."


Chloe stopped and turn to face Max. "Seriously, you sure you're ok? We can still back out."

Max shook her head. "If I can't even face Kate..." Max looked over Chloe's shoulder as a door opened. Kate poked her head out and smiled when she saw Max.

"Max." Kate pulled Max into a hug as soon as she got close. ""I'm so glad you could make it."

"What, no hug for me" Chloe did her best hurt puppy face. Kate just chuckled and gave her a quick hug as well.

"Tea is almost ready so come on in."

The citrus smell of the tea wafted out of the room inviting Max inside. Entering Kate room was like a warm hug, relaxing and comforting all at once. Her mind remembered all the happy times here together. Chloe walked over to Alice's cage and pulled her out. Lying down on Kate's bed, she snuggled the bunny leaving the two to their tea. Max chuckled as she looked around.

She couldn't help but remember the last time she was in Kate's room. The curtains closed and mirror covered. The whole place shrouded in darkness and depression. Her clothes just lying on the floor. Finding that awful letter from her Aunt and that disturbing drawing. The most shocking was Kate herself. She was hunched over looking so tired, trying to hide and protect herself from the world.

Here, the sun shone in filling the room with light. Everything was tidy and put away. Kate looked a little nervous, but happy. Max could even spy what looked to be some new drawings Kate had made.

Kate stopped setting cups out and looked at Max. "You ok Max. You look a little lost."

Smiling back, Max took a seat beside Kate. "Sorry, just happy to see you again."

"Same, it has been too long." Kate smiled back and poured her and Max a cup of tea. Then, with a wink for Max, pulled out and handed a takeout cup to Chloe. Chloe smiled back and placed it to the side as she continued to play with Alice.

Max looked at Kate, surprised she actually went though with their from joke yesterday. They both looked over at Chloe, playing with Alice before laughing a little. Chloe gave them a concerned look but shrugged it off. After a quick cheers, Kate and Max slowly enjoyed their first cups in silence. Minutes passed as the two just savored the tea.

As Kate poured them a second cup she finally spoke. "So, how have you been Max."

Max wasn't sure what she could say. How long had it been. What had happened. "Well, it has been a good weekend so far."

"Right." The word sounded a little sad. "That's good at least."

Max looked into her cup. Chloe had hinted at something last morning, probably similar to what had happened in her timeline. Kate was probably worried about that or at least what she knew of it. Max caught herself rubbing her wrist. Then felt a familiar hand rubbing the back of her neck.

Looking up, she saw Chloe, cradling Alice in one arm. "Is it ok if I give her some treats?"

Kate nodded. "Just a few. Don't want her to loose her appetite."

Chloe waited till Max smiled back before returning to the bed, snacks in hand.

"Sorry Kate. I'm... not ready to talk about it yet." She hoped that was enough to prevent further questioning.

Kate breathed a sigh of relief. "No problem Max. If you ever want to, I am always ready to listen."

"Thanks." The two took a moment to sip their tea, letting the air clear.

"So, what have you been up to then Max."

"Oh, uh, you know. J-just some photo work." Before Kate could respond, she motioned over to Chloe who was going for her cup.

Chloe had just finished feeding Alice and placed her back in her cage. As she picked up her cup, she noticed the two looking at her. Concerned, she slowly took a sip. "Tea!" Eyes narrowed, she glared at the two. "Betrayers." Then she deflated and sat sadly on the floor.

Max shook her head."Come here." Max held out her arms, beckoning Chloe over.

Crawling over, in a dramatic voice Chloe called out. "How could my First Mate lead me into such a trap." Ending it by flopping her head on Max's lap.

"Yes, yes." Max gently rubbed her back. "I'll make it up to you later, ok?"


"Promise." Max looked over and saw Kate was looking quite intensely out of the window. "Sorry, I should not have asked you to do that."

"No, it's fine." Kate was blushing a little but smiled at the two of them. "You two are always like this."

Max managed a dry chuckle, not sure if she should feel proud or ashamed.

Kate then perked up. "Oh, I almost forgot." Reaching over, she pulled out a box and placed it on her desk. "I bought some cakes. A thank you for saving me at the party."

Max looked a little confused, then realized she probably shouldn't. The only party she knew of was the one Nathan drugged Kate. But if Kate was thanking her, what had she done. Thankfully Kate was busy opening the box and didn't see Max's confusion.

"Just doing the right thing." Chloe said. "Got to look out for each other."

Kate nodded. "I mean, the party itself wasn't that bad. Way too loud but still, kinda fun." Max smiled, glad that Kate had been able to enjoy the party at least a little. "Still wish we knew for sure who drugged my drink though." She put the box down as a shudder ran through her body. "I mean, who knows what would have happened if you two had not taken me home."

Max struggled to maintain her composure. She knew what would have happened, and who drugged her drink. She hadn't even thought of the possibility that Nathan was still free out there."Y-yeah, it is all pretty messed up."

"So, thank you Max, Chloe." Seeing Kate happy and safe, it made Max more sure than ever she did the right thing. All that suffering in her time gone and she had stopped the tornado.

"Like Chloe said, just the right thing to do." Even as she spoke, she felt a little guilty. Had she done that in her time. She had tried to help Kate when she could but was it enough. Kate had still tried to kill herself. Maybe she could have done more.

Kate nodded happily back. "True Max. But with everything, I guess we do know who drugged me."

Max grimaced but nodded.

"Jeff..." Kate slapped a hand over her mouth.

The room was silent. Max found her hand shaking a little.

Kate quickly put her cup to the side. "Max?"

Chloe was trying to get up when Max suddenly stood up. "I-I need to go to the bathroom." Kate nodded dumbly as Max quickly walked out into the hall, Chloe chasing after.

In the hall, her hands rubbed at her wrists, trying to get rid of the restraints that were not there. She could feel a needle on her neck. She tried to block it with her arms, hoping it would stop. Each step down the hall, she hunched in on herself, trying to protect herself from the memories. Her legs felt heavy dragging herself each step, her head ached and everything grew dark.

She felt the arms wrap around her, a familiar warmth. A pair of lips pressed against her head, a voice calling out to her gently. The voice was drowned out by the sound of a camera going off, his camera. She spoke barely above a whisper. "Jefferson."

"Hey!" Chloe shook Max. Her face looked up finally seeing something. "Jerk face's name is off limits." Chloe snapped. She held Max's face in one hand, trying to get Max to focus on her face. "Max, look at me."

Max eyes slowly drifted trying to find the source of the words but it was all so blurry. She felt lips on her head, then her lips. As they pulled back, she followed them out of the darkness, gasping for breath.

"Good." Chloe pulled her close again, rubbing her arms as she hugged her. "It's ok. Remember, he's locked away." She could feel Max nodding a little against her chest. "Max I promise, he cannot get to you. Never again."

Max closed her eyes and let herself rest against Chloe's chest. After a minute, she finally calmed down enough to stand up straight. "T-thanks."

"Tis why I'm here. That and your beautiful face." Max gave a dry chuckle in response. Seeing a reaction, Chloe leaned in and kissed her. Then again. Each time Max relaxed a little more, until she was giggling. "There we go, Maximus happy. Ready to go back?"


As they entered hand in hand, they saw a nervous Kate pacing and holding Alice. She quickly returned Alice to her cage and came over. "I'm so, so sorry Max." It was all she could get out before Max pulled her into a hug.

"It's fine Kate. Everything's a little, complicated, right now is all."

Kate returned the hug and the two waited till they both calmed down. Kate finally pulled away a little to speak. "I can't believe I did that. I should have been more careful."

"I promise, it's fine. We're friends right." Kate nodded. "It was just an accident." Finally Kate started to smile again. "Good, now back to tea and better topics."

Kate wiped her eyes and got to work setting up the next pot. Max got the water boiling and then looked over the cakes Kate had got. Picking up a small strawberry and cream cake, she walked over to give to Chloe. Instead, Chloe just leaned over and bit in right out of Max's hand. Laughing a little, she watched as Chloe ate each layer. As she finished, she made sure to lick the few bits of cream from Max's hand before letting her go.

As she walked back, she noticed Kate once again looking outside quite intensely. Laughing a little, she picking up another one. After a single bite, she looked enviously at the box. "Wow, where did you get these?"

"Found a new bakery a few blocks away from the Two Whales. Opened last week."

"Nice, we will have to check it out at some point together."

Kate nodded happily. "It's a date. Just let me know when you feel up for it."

Chloe interrupted with a exaggerated sigh. "Look, can I leave you two beauties for ten while I get some real caffeine."

"You really are addicted to coffee aren't you." Max sighed and waved Chloe on her way. "I think we will be fine without you."

"Sorry again Chloe for the prank. But don't worry, no more sad topics today." Walking over she hugged Max again. "It'll be just Max and me and tea."

Chloe's face broke into a grin. "Oh ho ho." She slowly walked towards them, staring at Kate. "Trying to steal my Max away with the promise of tea and..." She picked up a bit of cream with her finger from Max's plate. "Cake." Chloe licked her finger slowly, her eyes never wavering. Kate stammered trying to find a response.

"Enough, no more teasing Kate." Max got up and pushed Chloe out of the room. "Now, out with you, you coffee hazard."

Chloe blew a kiss back. "Love you both." Was the last they heard before Max closed the door and leaned on it.

Kate leaned against her desk. "I don't think I will ever get used to her."

"Not sure I will, but that is part of why I love her."

Collapsing in her chair, Kate looked over at Max. "You sure you want to stay?"

Max returned to her chair and nodded. "Lets just keep away from... him. All the hims actually, just in case."

Kate nodded and filled their cups. "It's strange..."


"Sometimes, I wish I was like you." Max raised a eyebrow at Kate. It took Kate a moment to realize what she said. "Oh, no. Not..." Kate tried to wave away the thought from Max. "Not that that would be wrong." Stuttering, she buried her face in her hands.

Max leaned over to rub Kate's back. "It's fine Kate."

After a minute, she peeked out to look at Max. Her cheeks a little red, she slowly lowered her hands and continued. "I just meant, you are so perfect together. I wish I had someone like that."

"Don't worry Kate, I'm sure you will find someone." Kate nodded and Max was glad to see the blush fading.

"Maybe, someday." Kate looked outside and sighed. "Any maybe someone not quite so dramatic about everything."

Max laughed. "Chloe can be pretty random at times."

"I think she is just very confident." Kate seemed to have a far away look in her face. "Like when she kissed you in front of my mother."

Cup halfway to her mouth, Max paused as the mental image formed in her head. A light blush started to form when Kate's words brought her back.

"Max, what's wrong?" Kate fidgeted with her cup. "You've been acting really strange today."

"I-I'm just distracted is all..." The words trailed off.

"Please stop lying Max. If you don't or can't talk about it, that fine. But please don't lie to me."

Max flinched. Kate had a kicked puppy look on her face. It was then Max realized just how little trust she had put in her. She wondered just what she could say about all of it. "Sorry Kate. I don't want to burden you with my problems."

"Max, whatever it is, I promise to listen if you want to talk about it." Kate seemed to relax a little, glad to hear Max's opening up a little. "And if you don't, I understand."

"Kate." Looking at Kate, all her worries seemed to fade away. "I, um, I don't remember, some things."

"What." Kate looked like she hadn't heard Max right. After several seconds, she finally seemed to understand. "Oh Max..." Kate quickly went over to hug Max. "Max, I'm so sorry. If I can help in any way."

Max looked at Kate. Just like Chloe, Kate was offering her help with no question. She couldn't even think of why she had been scared. "Kate, thank you." She wiped away a few tears as Kate gave another squeeze. Trying to break the sad atmosphere, Max asked, "So... This kiss?"

"Oh." Kate blushed. "Right." Kate took her time sitting down again and refilling their cups. "Um, it was a couple days after the party. My family was visiting to make sure I was ok. They were about to leave and we were talking in the hall. Then you two came in, I think to check up on me. You were smiling at each other, hand in hand" Kate then sighed. "And my mother just glared at you both."

Max rolled her eyes. "Oh gods."

"She knows about you two and normally would just avoid you. The incident must have made her more angry. You didn't notice as she stormed up and then just broke into a lecture about god and your 'sinning' relationship." Kate made sure to air quote sinning and shook her head, obviously annoyed.

Max tried to imagine anyone talking to Chloe like that. "Oh gods."

"I tried to step in, but mom just snapped at me to be quiet. Then, Chloe raised a hand and said 'Excuse me ma'am.' "

"Oh gods."

"And mom back snapped, 'What do you want sinner?'." Kate paused, blushing herself a little before continuing. "And then Chloe pulled you into a kiss."

Max tried to hide her face with a hand and could feel the heat already.

"And then dipped you."

"What!" Max snapped her head up, bright red. The calmness of how Kate said it shocked Max almost as much as the image in her mind of it happening. "Have I said oh gods yet?"

Kate waited and took a few sips of tea before continuing. "After several seconds, and no sign of stopping, mom just stormed off. We all were pretty shocked but my father managed to apologize after you finished and went to calm mom down."

Max leaned back and used both her hands to rub her face. "How bad was it with your family." Max tried to focus on something on the ceiling, praying her blush would die down before Chloe got back.

"Well, my father talked it over with mom and she, well she accepts that we are friends. Just doesn't want to visit anymore."

"Chloe probably counts that as a double win."

Kate nodded. "There may have been some high fives." Minutes passed, each in their own thoughts. Slowly their cups emptied until Kate spoke up again. "Chloe knows right."

"I hope she remembers that." It took her a moment to stop playing it through in her head and realize what Kate was asking. "Oh, memories, sorry. Yes, she's helping as much as she can."

Kate laughed but gave Max a little longer before continuing. "Then, is there anything else you want to ask about."

Max shook her head. "I really did just want to hang out with you." Max rubbed her cheek nervously, still sore from the blush.

Kate nodded and looked at her phone. "I guess Chloe must be held up."

Max looked at the door and shrugged. "More tea then?" Kate nodded and filled their cups. Max felt a buzz and pulled out her phone.


Chloe: Sorry, got sidetracked

Chloe: crazy story later

Chloe: things good?

Max: All good. :)


Max :p

Chloe: Gah, omw


Max smiled, glad at least some things never change. "Chloe is on her way."

Kate poured the last of the tea into Max's cup. "Thank you again Max, for coming." Before Max could say anything she continued. "I would have understood if you needed more time but you came anyway. Thank you. It means a lot to me."

Max wiped away a tear and held up her cup. "To best friends."

Kate returned the gesture. "Best friends."

Together they enjoyed the last of the tea in silence. Kate finished first and started gathering up the dishes to clean later. "Oh, did you see it last night?"

"See what?" Max swirled the last of her tea a little sad her time here was coming to a end. "We were pretty tired last night."

"I'm sorry you missed it." Kate smiled. "It was really beautiful."

Max raised the cup to drink the last of her tea.

Kate held her hands together with a distant smile on her face. "It snowed last night."


"It's been a hella insane fucking day..." Chloe shook her head as she spoke.

Max looked around, seeing the cliff, the lighthouse. The sun was setting and there was Chloe. She felt something cold hit her cheek. Looking up, she saw snow falling around them.

"What the hell is this?" Chloe started to get up. "It's like 80 degrees... How?"

"Climate change." She heard herself say. "Or a storm is coming."

The silence was broken by the sound of a cup shattering.


"Max!" A voice called out. Max's eyes snapped back to reality and saw Kate looking at her scared. Kate's face was covered in tears as she gripped Max's shoulders. Max could hear the door opening, but her eyes focused on the ground.

The pieces of the broken teacup were scattered everywhere. Several pieces slowly spinning in a small puddle of tea. She remembered Kate and her buying the set together. How they spent a entire afternoon looking around until they found the perfect one. They used it every week for as long as she knew Kate.

She raised her hand towards the ground. Then she felt it, a pressure all around her. The door closed and Kate's face dried. Kate let go of Max shoulders.

A shock of pain ran though her head but she was unable to stop. Kate walked backwards, her scared face being replaced with a smile. The cup pulled itself together, the puddle of tea flowing back inside.

It was suffocating, she couldn't breath. The cup flew into the air and then into her waiting hand. Suddenly, Max gasped and almost fell over as time began to flow again. She could feel some blood about to drip out her nose.

Kate held her hands together with a distant smile on her face. "It snowed last night."

"O-oh..." Max looked at the cup. It had happened so fast. Her mind screamed. What the heck were you thinking. You used your powers. It could screw everything up. She felt her grip tighten on the cup.

When Max didn't respond, Kate looked over. "Max, is everything alright?" She then saw the blood. She was standing up when the door opened.

"Oh sweet, sweet coff..." Chloe looked at the two."Eeee?" Seeing Max was just staring at her cup while Kate looked around for something, she walked over and placed a hand on Max's shoulder. "Hey." Then she saw the blood. "Max! What happened."

Slowly Max handed Kate her cup, her hands shaking. "S-sorry, I'm... a little tired." Taking a breath, she wiped her nose with a tissue Kate held out. "I must be getting a cold..."

Kate looked over in disbelief. Then she looked at Chloe and just took a step back. Chloe helped Max stand. "Right, we should probably head off."

"Sure." Kate seemed to want to say something more but held her tongue. She walked them to the door and waved them both off. "We can talk again next time."

"Sure Kate. I'd love that." Max said, a hollow smile on her face..

Kate just nodded sadly as the two walked down the dorm hall.

The two walked in silence to Chloe's truck. Max moving on autopilot the whole way, thankful that Chloe was opening doors. She didn't know what to say. Was it just a coincidence or did the snow mean anything. Without a word, she got into the truck and buckled up, eyes not focusing on anything.

The other door slammed shut, and Max felt a hand grab her arm. "Max, what the hell happened."

Max looked around. There was no sign of any snow. "I-it's nothing." She focused on those words. Everything was better now, right. She fixed everything, right. She smiled, trying to convince herself.

"Bullshit." Max finally focused on Chloe. Her face was angry and hurt. "You are a terrible liar and we both know it." Chloe picked up one of Max's hands. Then far too quietly asked, "Max, what happened."

Max looked outside again. Green grass, people walking around. Nothing strange. She almost believed it herself, "I-it's n..." The look on Chloe's face stopped her words dead.

Chloe let go of her hand and moved away to start the car.

It felt like a slap to her face. Why was she hiding from Chloe. Why was she so afraid of telling her what happened. "Wait."

Chloe's hands gripped the wheel but she stopped. Her face still looking forward and not at Max.

It was all these memories. The terrible things that she lived thought, she wanted it all to just go away, but that wasn't possible. Every time she did, she was hurting the people around her. She had to accept her past, accept her mistakes. "K-kate said it s-snowed last night." Even saying it was hard, like admitting she failed. She tried to steady herself taking a few breaths.

Chloe looked over in disbelief. "What the hell. Sure, it's a bit early for sn..." The words caught in Chloe's mouth. "Wait, last night you said."

Max slouched, exhausted. It was only the start of this, she knew, and she felt so tired already. Could she do this fight again, fix things again. Her head hurt so much.

"Fuck. It doesn't have to mean anything right?" Chloe rested her head on the steering wheel. "I mean, it can just snow sometimes." She turned towards Max hopeful, smiling.

"I..." Max swallowed, her mouth felt dry. "I rewound time Chloe." Chloe face dropped. For a minute the two just sat, Max feeling ashamed at it all. She had failed.

"Are you sure?" Chloe moved over, pulling Max into a hug. Max nodded but kept quite. "Why?"

"It was just instinct. I dropped my cup and it shattered. Kate looked so scared and hurt." Max knew she had to keep talking or she might shut up again. "So I just, did it. I reversed it all and tried to pretend it never happened. And then you walked in."

"Is that why your nose..."

"Yeah, if I use my power too much it happens." Max looked at her hand. "It was so little this time though. Maybe I am just weaker here."

Chloe gave Max a small kiss on her head. "You're not weak Max and I'm sure it's fine." Max looked up, a mixture of shock and disbelief. "I'm serious. Tell me, when did it snow."

"Kate said last night."

"When did you rewind things."

"Just a few minutes ago."

"So, you rewinding did not cause it to snow." Chloe dusted her hands as it it was all solved. "It'll be fine."

Max shook her head annoyed. "Chloe, this is time travel we are talking about. The, well time, of events might not mean anything."

"I know you didn't do it on purpose, and we can't un-time travel." Max wanted to argue but wasn't sure how to fight that logic. "We also know what future signs there are. Birds and whales right?"

Max nodded, feeling a little numb from it all. "I think there was also a sudden eclipse."

Chloe smiled. "Right, so, lets just keep a watch out for those. If we see any of them, then we can try and do something."

"Chloe..." Max finally let herself relax. Chloe was right, there was nothing she could do now but be more careful. She had to take responsibility for her actions, even the mistakes. "I'm sorry. I'm just afraid, that I failed. That it was all for nothing."

"You haven't failed and we will be ready if need be."

"I'm so, so sorry for not telling you right away."

Chloe sighed, but roughed up Max's hair. "I'm still a little mad Max but I do understand. Just remember, ignoring things won't help anyone." After a final hug Chloe moved back to the drivers seat.

Max felt relieved but was still annoyed at herself. "No, I have to do better." Why could she not accept things. Why could she not just be here and live this life. Her life.

"Good, we can get though this together." Chloe started up the truck. "So, where to now." Max suddenly reached over and turned it off. "Max?"

She was afraid of all she lost. Afraid that she could never have those moments back. "Come on." Max jumped out of the truck.

Shrugging Chloe got out as Max rushed around to her. "What's going on?" Max grabbed a hand and pulled her back towards the school. "Whoa, Max where are we going."

Thinking over her mural from that morning, she knew what she had to do. "I need to start living here. Stop worrying about what I have lost." Max ran through green. Several people turned to look as they passed by.

"What are you..."

Max pushed through the doors into the dorm and then the girls hall. "So, I am..." She slowed to catch her breath, walking down the hall. It was empty, everyone either still sleeping or already out and about. She was glad for that at least. "I want..." Max stopped.


"I can never get our, my past back." She felt the fear of those words. Her fear all this time that she could never belong, never fit in. With all the will she could muster she turned back towards Chloe. "All the things we've done."

Chloe slowly pulled Max close. A hand gently wiping a tear away.

"But, I can, we can..." Max tried to calm herself. She could already feel the warmth of her body so close. "I don't want to be told." She raised her hands, resting them on Chloe's shoulders, feeling their strength and drawing from it. "I want to know, how it felt."

"What Max?" Chloe voice dipped, her arms lowered, wrapping around Max's waist.

"When Kate's mother was here." She felt a hand run across her back. Across her tattoo, their tattoo. A small pressure, pulling Max onto her toes. She breathed in sharply, the earthy smell from Chloe's smoking. Her face was so close. "When you..."

Chloe's eyes held Max. "When what."

"When you kissed me."

Their lips met and she was falling. For a moment she was sure she would hit the ground. Her body then caught by those arms, holding her up. They were so warm, so gentile. Her vision blurred, then faded as her eyes drifted close.

There was a slightly bitter taste of the coffee still on Chloe's lips. Wanting more, she moved a hand across Chloe's back, pulling herself up, deeper. She felt Chloe's fingers once more drifting across her back, and she moved a hand lower to Chloe's. Each held for a moment, their hand on the first letter. Then tracing the first letter, slowly, together.

And then release. Barely apart, she felt a caress across her face with each shallow breath Chloe made. Slowly Chloe pulled her up, never moving further apart. Her body was burning up yet still wanting more from Chloe. Her heart pounding in her chest echoing in her ears. Her breath labored, but silent.

As her eyes opened, all she saw was the depths of Chloe's. Her heart skipped, then slowed, calming with each breath. As the sound faded from her ears, it was replaced with voices. Dazed, she turned and saw a few people now in the hallway looking as they walked by. Just as she started to blush from the attention, Chloe cupped her face and kissed her again.

Max closed her eyes and pulled Chloe closer, leaving the world behind.

Max was happily humming to the radio while Chloe finished off a smoke. She narrowed her eyes at the cig a little enviously. A hand idly tracing her lips, imagining herself over there right now. She caught a few students looking at her from across the parking lot. Blushing she started to lower her hand. Then, with a burst of confidence smirked back instead.

She heard the door close. "Hey beautiful." Chloe followed Max's eyes to the group still staring. She gave them a quick glare to get them moving along.

"Back at you." Max lightly headbutted Chloe in the arm. She breathed in the lingering smell of her smoke.

Chloe laughed. "I should have done that sooner huh."

"Nope, you were hella perfect."

"Yep, I am." Max just shook her head and let her get away with it. "So, now what?"

"Up to you. I have gotten tea with Kate and a perfect kiss."

Chloe grinned, "Guess I will have to remind you of some other things huh?" Expecting a blush or stumbled response, she was caught off guard as Max leaned in and kissed her neck. Then like last night, she kissed again, leaving her own mark.

A small groan from Chloe's lips eliciting a chuckle from Max. "You better." Max grinned back.

With a predatory look in her eyes, Chloe spun and straddled Max. Her hands on Max's waist, she leaning in close giving a quiet growl. Max raised her arms across Chloe's neck and smiled up. Chloe darted in for a quick kiss, then a slight shift as she moved a hand under Max's shirt. She dragged a nail across Max's side causing her to breath in sharply. She leaned in and kissed Max again, leaving her no time to recover. The hand started to move higher.

A knock on the window caused them both to jump. Chloe cursed as she hit her head on the roof.

Principal Wells, deliberately not staring inside, knocked again on the window. Amidst a litany of curses and grumbles Chloe reached over and lowered the window. "Now, there is nothing wrong with you kids begin in love. It would just be prudent to not do so quite so... publicly." He coughed and started to wander to the school.

"Yes sir." Chloe said as she closed the window. "Stick up the ass." She flip him off as she spoke. Then with a sigh got off of Max. Looking over, she saw Max pouting. "Come on, lets grab some food and find somewhere a little less crowded." The words seemed to brighten Max up.

As Chloe drove, Max pulled out her phone. She wanted to apologies to Kate for leaving. On the other hand, she didn't want to involve Kate in everything. She also didn't want to lie to her again.


Max: Hey kate

Max: Sorry for leaving like that

Kate: Is everything ok

Max: I just triggered another bad memory

Max: Needed to talk it over with Chloe

Kate: I'm sorry, I didn't know

Max: You couldn't so don't worry

Max: And no more apologies

Kate: Thank god

Kate: So?

Max: So?

Kate: How was the kiss ;)

Max: How?

Kate: Thin walls

Kate: Not that you were that quiet

Max: /

Kate: So?

Max: :) :) :)

Kate: Yay

Kate: Let me know if I can help out in any way

Max: :O

Max: With kissing ;)

Kate: You are as bad as her

Max: Sorry, not sorry

Kate: Lol

Kate: With memories

Max: I know, thanks

Kate: I mean it

Max: Yep and i'll let you know

Max: Ps. You're awesome

Max: Ttyl

Max: Pps. Tea and cake were also amazing

Grabbing some quick drive-through, Chloe took off out of the center of town. Max let herself get lost in the music as she watched the scenery pass. When they stopped, it took Max a moment to realize where they were.

"Been a while since we were last out here." Chloe hopped out with the food. "Or at least been a while for us."

Max slowly exited and looked at the lighthouse. Part of her expected to be scared, to have her memories flood back. Instead she felt calm. This was her life now. As they walked up the path all she could see was the town of Arcadia Bay stretched out before her, safe. Chloe linked a arm and led Max over to the bench before sharing out the food.

Looking over the town, Max promised herself to not hide anything from Chloe ever again. Smiling, she told Chloe the rest of what she missed while going for coffee. She also made sure to mention texting Kate after to apologies.

"Good, I'm sure she was worried." Chloe quickly finished the last of her burger and tossed their trash. "So, guess why I was delayed."

"Adorable puppy?"

"Nah, though that would have been awesome. It saw a customer more addicted to coffee than me." Max looked over dubious. "Seriously, there must have been, like, twelve shots of espresso in the guys cup."

Max just shook her head at the image. "But why did that delay you? Can't have taken that long to make."

"Dude, I had to follow him."


"To know what he does to need that, duh." Chloe looked over, obviously waiting for Max to ask.

Max sighed and took the bait. "Alright, I'm curious. What do they do."



"Nope, got a pic." Chloe pulled out her phone to show the picture. Max could just make out a hospital sign and a man with a large coffee cup.

"Doesn't mean they are a doctor." As Max spoke, Chloe flipped to another photo of the man now in a doctor's coat in the lobby. "Stalker much." Chloe stuck out her tongue. "So, if I am ever hurt." She thought it over for a second. "Well I am not sure if that is better or worse." Max shrugged as Chloe laughed.

Looking over the water towards Arcadia Bay, she thought over her timeline again. No secrets. "This is where it happened you know."


"The snow. We were right here when it started." Chloe suddenly looked concerned but Max waved a hand. "No, it's fine. I'm fine."

Chloe slid over and pulled Max against her. "Good, shoo away stupid bad memories." Max chuckled as Chloe waved her free hand around. After Max stopped laughing, Chloe slowly pulled her head down onto her lap "I'm really glad you met with Kate today."

"I made some mistakes but I'm learning. Also, I feel hella awesome right now." Max smiled up, a hand lightly cupping Chloe's face. "Have I said you are hella awesome. Thank you for putting up with me."

"Hey, we still have the rest of our lives." Chloe leaned down to kiss her lightly. "Just need you to be like this all the time."

Max looked up at Chloe. Her face smiling back down at Max. "I love you, you know that right."

Chloe leaned down and kissed her again. "I love you too."

Max sighed and turned again to look over at the town. "Back to school tomorrow huh."

"Yeah, thankfully there was no homework this weekend."

"Just the study of my own life." Chloe looked down as Max spoke, but thankfully didn't see sadness, just determination.

"You up for a little more story time?"

Max quickly adjusted herself so she was looking up and comfortable. "I see why you liked this yesterday."

Chloe let her hand run through Max's hair, while the other rested across the back of the bench. She took a while before saying anything. "That year might be the stupidest year of my life."