The man idly adjusted the blue sheet. His hands tapped on the cool metal table. Jordan Parrish, standing beside him, swallowed and wiped the sweat that permeated his brow.

The women's bright blond hair lay strewn around her. The ragged banner of a fallen empire, she the crownless queen. Death had raked his icy fingers over her 'till she lay, impassive as an arctic tundra and just as cold. Good riddance. Parrish couldn't help but think about the thing he'd heard from some of the prisoners regarding Kate Argent: no one would be crying over her. Still, whatever her previous transgressions, it didn't warrant the mess that had been made of her corpse. He was glad for the sheet. She'd cornered him several times, like a lioness on the prowl. He'd narrowly escaped her those several occasions with excuses of bids of workload and watery smiles. He fumbled for something to say.

"The central heating and cooling system are out; should be fixed in a few days, Sir. Seems that the system is fine by all appearances, but nothing's working right in some of the rooms."

"Possibly, and issues with the vents."

"I think so, sir." Jordan's hands felt sweaty around the file he was holding. His uniform clung to him in the heat. The morgue was only slightly cooler than the outside.

"Before we get to that though, perhaps a few meetings are in order. I'd like to get to know the rest of the staff."

"Of course, Director." Parrish passed him a file.

"Please, none of that. I'm but a humble doctor," the man smiled. The action was stranger on his face than impassiveness. The morgue was in Kate's wing and the air had been out for a while on this level of the prison. However, when the Director's dark brown eyes passed over him, Jordan felt positively frigid, unable to hide the shivers of his skin.

"After all, we're going to be working closely together." Jordan almost wanted to have Kate back. This man made his skin crawl. "Only one file? Strange; I assumed there would be more."

"Yes, sir… Just one." Space where two more should have been.

"Those three suspects are still in lockup, correct?" Did he know?

Parrish didn't trust himself to speak. His head was pounding like a blacksmith hitting an anvil. Finally, he forced himself to nod, wincing as it came off stiff.

"I appreciate the swiftness of your actions in apprehending them Parrish. How do you feel about a promotion?" A promotion? What the hell?

"T-t-thank you, Doctor."

"Please, call me Deaton."

[E.I.C.H.E.N. P.R.I.S.O.N.]

By order of the newly appointed Director Deaton, all faculty is to compile their files and assorted history. Original resumes, as well as credentials, are to be updated and submitted in two days. Solidarity is key in this dark time. While the passing of Psychiatrist & Director Kate Argent is regrettable, the greatness she constantly strove towards is to be admired. In light of these recent changes, all faculty may expect Dr. Deaton to closely investigate the loss of Kate Argent, as well as take measures to ensure the safety of all staff. We ask the staff to embrace the reliance Eichen is known for. The new head of security, Jordan Parrish, will be working in tandem with faculty to enact ordinances by the Director. We know that here at Echen, everyone will continue to strive for greatness.

[Head of Security Jordan Parrish] [Director Deaton]

"Hey, bitch," Two low lifes catcalled. He was supposed to be keeping his head down. Whatever this was, he didn't need to get involved. Stiles blinked, looking up from the bulletin.

"Yeah, you bitch." Fuck it.

"That's 'Peter's Bitch' to you, and even then derogatory terms about women... not cool mate."

"Look, we know it was you."

"Yah got Peter stuck in with the new Doc 'cause you didn't want him sticking it in you."

"Woah, first off, there is so much wrong with that sentence that I'm not even going to address it."

"Shut up."

"Huh. You know, the use of the word 'shut up' means I'm right by default."

"I don't like your tone much."

"I don't like your face much," Stiles retorted. "Reminds me a bit of this lady I knew."

"Calling me a pussy?"

"No, I'm calling you Kate Argent, who just so happens to be dead."

"That's it."

"Nah man look we's sorry ok, he was dropped a few times; he doesn't know what he's sayin."

"Apology accepted." Deucalion grinned the boogeyman stepping graciously out from under bed his sharp teeth inviting the two men to run.

Stiles examined his nails.

"My, my, but haven't you grown, sweet one."

"Hello, Duke."

The older man smiled "A performance fit for a King, Pity that Peter couldn't be here to see it."

"Just what are you implying?"

"Nothing at all, my dear boy."

"I'm not your 'dear' anything. Best remember that, Duke."

"Touchy, I like that about you. But the game's only getting bigger."

"What do you mean?"

"Please, you're not really that dense. Take one of their pawns, easily replaced. Take their Queen, and -" Stiles shrugged.

"Oh. . . clever. You truly are a delight. "

"Whatever are you talking about?" Stiles batted his lashes. His wide doe eyes stared up at the other man beguilingly.

"Far be it from me to impose on what's taking place." The Englishman drawled sarcastically.

"Though I must if you want that piece, it's going to take a touch more action to get Gerard Argent." Stiles glared dropping his hands. Deucalion chuckled waving him off.

"Kate is, of course, an excellent start."

Stiles brows drew together and his bottom lip dropped down. His teeth flashed in the barest hint of a smile.

"I do believe you're going senile, Duke."

"Ah, maybe so. It's best I go; it's early yet for an old man like me these aching bones."

"I never said anything about leaving."

The young man placed a hand on Deuc's jumpsuit. To an outsider, it would appear as if the young man was propositioning the werewolf.

"In fact. " Stiles purred eyes lidded. "Why don't we take this somewhere more. private."

Closer inspection proved it was a different story, the arm that wrapped its way around the elder man drew him closer and that hand that stroked his jaw just under it could be felt the sweet kiss of a metal blade.

"I think we have much to discuss you and me."

"I'm looking forward to it."

"Somehow I don't think lock up was part of the plan." Buckeye admitted from where languished on one of the bunks in the cell.

"Well if you hadn't tripped." Ridley snapped.

"If I hadn't tripped, if you hadn't stopped!" Buckeye exclaimed.

"I would have just punched someone in front of the guards to get put with you anyway." Ridley reluctantly admitted.


"Goof." Ridley grumbled.

"I love you too." Buckeye grinned.

"This is sickening." The werewolf stated a hand falling over his face.

"Peter you're the reason we're even in this mess."

"If memory serves you two decided of your own violation to tag along."

"Wasn't like we we're gonna leave the boss with that lady man."

"In my defense it was I who said it was too easy."

"Like swiping a credit card."

"Geez, what happened to candy from a baby." Ridley joked.

"Ain't nobody getting anything from Peter's baby." Buckeye clarified.

"If anyone the baby it's him."

"Lookit, that pout."

"You need to snarl, surprised he hasn't killed us yet."

"I will if you don't shut up." Peter blindly tossed what passed for a pillow in this place at them.

"That was half-hearted at best." Ridley laughed unimpressed.

"C'mon give us a real threat show some fang flash a little fur."

"Maybe if you'd done that your beu wouldn't have run on the lamb."

"I promise I'm going to extravagant you both."

"See what I mean."

"I think I do has al aflutter because he couldn't save the damsel."

"when have you ever seen Stiles be distressed."

"Point, the statement still stands

"Kid was too cool from the start." Buckeye siaid ignoring Ridley's eyeroll. "You know what I mean."

"Yes I do. That one lady she smiled at him I saw it." Ridley agreed.

"What was her name? Remember it was strange he called her by the first name." Buckeye shook his head. "K- something."


"Nah." Buckeye grimaced.

"Short Kita maybe?" Peter offered.

"Sure it wasn't Nikita." Buckeye japped.

"I'm sure that I'm sure it had a K." Ridley puzzled.

"Kira?" The werewolf provided.

"That was it!"

"Kira yuk-something or other." Buckeye clapped.

"Right." Peter sighed.

"Now this Parrish guy, some things just aren't adding up about your boy." Buckeye glanced at the wrewolf.

"Think he's a rat?" Ridley questioned.

"Peter?" The other two men prompted.

Stiles of all people a rat? The thought had only ever briefly crossed Peter's mind.

"No." The werewolf confirmed. Stiles relations with Jordan while circumspect didn't confirm

"Doesn't move like a cop. The other his friend Parrish, he does."

"His eyes. when he got that deck of cards."

"You saw it too?"

Peter sat up "He stole them correct."

"Well, blackjack didn't gift wrap em and give them to him if that's what you're asking."

"Ridley. " Peter growled.

"Blackjack shot his mouth off about you, trash talk getting out of hand before we could stop em boys across the table Blackjacks gasping on the ground blood every fucking where."

Suddenly the oversized jumpsuit the boy was wearing makes sense. The undercurrent of iron, blood in the building was overwhelming Peter usually didn't notice the scent. The boy's nails had been bitten down the skin on his finger chewed Peter had dismissed the faint smell of blood as from there.

"Whatever he is our boys loyal to you that's for damn sure." Ridley confirmed.

"I'm starting to think we'll have better luck puzzling this out if we do like you said examine what it is we do know." Buckeye parroted.

"If Stiles is a cop. . "Ridley trailed off voice rough. "Then they've got a killer on the force."


"Word is Parrish just go promoted." Peter raised an eyebrow.

"Well here comes the man of the hour himself."

Peter didn't blame the young guard for what had happened, didn't mean he wasn't upset. The decision to let Parrish take them in offered further long term payout.

"Two days must be some kind of record."

"Head of security that's me to bad I can't do anything about the air being out." The young guard replied as Ridley and Buckeye fussed over him. His eyes had gained a few shadows, he himself had lost a few pounds the clean cut nature he'd first carried like a shield had slunk off a mutt with its tail between its legs, shifty and haunted. Peter knew that the most dangerous dogs were those that were scared. Parrish was scared.

"Expected you to get promoted but this is a bit much."

Parrish shrugged an aborted jerk of his shoulder a wry smile on his lips said he agreed.

"The Directors been busy" Peter broached.

Jordans about to get a lot busier too. Head of security lot of trust and a lot of time.

Easy way to keep a man occupied make him focus on his new duties and suss out if he's been complicit. This didn't exactly feel like Kates style he just hoped that Parrish would last the week. She adored her hounds but even more then that making examples out of underlings.

The way the man's gaze flickered around and his fingers rested on his baton proved he was aware of the gravity his "promotion" carried. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

"Not that we mind seeing you but are you here to move us Jordan?"

"No. . its about Stiles." It'd been well over a week since Peter had last seen Stiles nearly two actually. He'd forgotten what it was like to climb into a bunk and not have a warm body there to quell the nights


"When is it not." Buckeye grumbled.

Parrish passed Ridley a photo.

"It appears Kittens been catting around." Buckeye whistled..

"Peter you're going to want to see this." Ridley barked surprised.

The werewolf was already getting to his feet and across the cell space looking ready to break through the bars. He took the photo his hands itching to shift. What the hell was Stiles doing with Deucalion?

"Has been keeping a close eye on him, on everyone but mostly him." Jordan stumbled and cleared his throat. "The Director er Doctor that is has been watching Stiles."

"Kate was the one who took Stiles this doesn't make any sense!" Peter looked up in shock.

"We know she didn't just let him go."

Parrish awkwardly grimaced. "The Director, He prefers Doctor though or well Deaton."

"He would." The werewolf muttered he had been caught up by the implication of what the Argent could be doing. Why would she let go of the esteemed position? How did Kate possibly know Deaton?

"Gerand would never do that to his darling girl he couldn't have fired her." Peter paced thinking out loud.

"Interesting Kate hasn't been by to taunt us she lives for this kind of thing."

Jordans brows drew up confused.

"Peter havn't you heard she's dead."