Disclaimer: I Do Not Own That 70's Show

"Well, you've really done it this time."

Hyde couldn't turn his head but he could hear the voice next to him mumbling about not another one, and stupid scrawny kids.

"Help." He said-Or tried to say but it came out as more of a dying croak even to his own ears.

"Not much I can do now Steven." a voice said next to him stepping forward to reveal a man in a white suit glowing brightly a small gold ring hanging over his head. "Yes I am an angel and we don't have much time."

Hyde tried to nod but the sharp pain in his neck when he did. So this was it. Dying alone in the woods staring up a giant middle finger that was the last thing he was ever going to see. He smiled a little at that, it seemed like so long ago they painted that thing and Kelso falling off the Water Tower. Kelso, damn he was going to actually miss the big moron.

He was going to miss everyone. The Formans, Donna, Fez, and Jackie. Fuck Jackie. How was she going to take him dying? She probably wouldn't care, might even laugh considering how he had died. Getting drunk ad falling off the Water Tower, man that was something only Kelso was supposed to do.

"Don't be so dramatic, we both know she still loves you just as you still love her."

"I don't love her man."

"Even on your death bed, you can't admit your feelings. That's why you two never worked out. You blame Kelso and Jackies feeling for her but deep down it's because no matter how hard she tried you never trusted her enough to let her know how you feel."

Hyde didn't answer the angel cause it was easier to pretend the words weren't true. That's what he had been doing for years after all pretending everything was fine. When his mom ran off, when Red almost kicked him out and when he married Sam. As long as he kept pretending everything would be fine.

"That's not true Steven, you can pretend all you want but you are still dying. Alone, with no one around. Is this how you wanted your life to turn out? What have you done the last year? Waste away your life drinking in a failing marriage, that's what. Now, who does that remind you of?

"Not going to answer?" The angel shook his head looking down at Hyde sadly. "If you had one wish Steven, what would it be? I've already seen it in your heart all you have to do is say it out loud and then I can help you. Just say it?"

Hyde didn't know what to say. This whole situation was completely fucked. He was dying and the angel sent to retrieve his soul was trying to have a heart to heart with him. He didn't do emotions, he was zen, cool...aloof. It was how he survived if you didn't have feelings no one could hurt you. But what if the angel was right? Could making a wish really change anything? No, that was stupid, he was dying and nothing could change that. Unless. Hyde's eyes widened at the thought that entered his mind. Was the angel going to heal him?

"I wish I had another chance." There he had said it. He wished for something from an angel who until today he hadn't believed existed. Now it was time to see if he was an idiot or not.

"A little vague but I can work with it. Just remember this is your second chance so it is up to you to change things Steven, no one is going to do it for you. If you act like you always have nothing will change and you will be miserable all over again. Do you understand."

Hyde nodded ignoring the feeling in his chest telling him to yell at the angel for calling him, Steven. The only ones he let call him that were Red and Kitty.

"Don't forget Jackie Steven. See you are already doing it again. If you want to make a difference you can't be Zen all the time. You have to be able to put yourself out there or you will never learn to enjoy life. This is your last chance Hyde remember that. After this, if you mess up again that's it, game over. So don't. And don't be too selfish. Your friends believe you're the smartest out of the group and they are right or were right. This past year has really made their opinion of you drop. Especially the Formans. Remember Steven, last chance." The angel said snapping his fingers.

Hyde closed his eyes as the angel began to glow even brighter feeling a strange warmth wash over him. "Oh god now I'm a pansy." were his last conscious thoughts before he fell asleep.

(Ski Cabin, January 14th, 1977)

"I must make snow angels!"

Hyde sat stunned as a pantsless Fez ran around the room yelling about snow angels. He could hear the record he was blasting to annoy Forman and Donna behind him and Jackie sobbing next to him. "What the hell?"

"I wish I had another chance."

" A little vague but I can work with it. Remember Steven last chance."

Last chance- the angel was real. That was impossible. Or was it? Could he really be back in the 70's? He had wished and if the guy with him when he died was rally an angel it could be possible or this could be his heaven. That seemed more plausible but did it really matter. He was back and he had another chance that was all that mattered.

"Hyde! You must come and make the snow angels with me!"

"Wait Fez-"

"I said snow angels!"

Watching Fez rip off his shirt and charge out the door Hyde sighed leaning back in his chair downing the beer in his hand. What was he supposed to do now? Last time around Forman and Donna only lasted around ten minutes before coming out of their room and bothering him to comfort Jackie or go find Fez. And then he went a kissed Donna but he couldn't do that this time even if it was, acting. He just didn't feel like that about her anymore. "And now I'm thinking about my feelings. Dammit, he was turning into Forman."

"Even on your death bed, you can't admit your feelings. That's why you two never worked out."

Damn that angel. Closing his eyes he listened to Jackie sob for another minute before finally giving in. He could never handle it when she cried. "Alright come on Jackie, Kelso's not worth crying over."

And he really wasn't. Kelso had used Jackie like a doormat for their entire relationship and cheated whenever he got the chance. She deserved better than that moron.

"But I love him!" She wailed lifting her head.

As she was looking at him now, her face wet with tears and more gathering in her eyes, Hyde knew he didn't have a chance of ignoring her any longer. Grabbing her hand he pulled her up and dragged her into his lap wrapping his arms around her. He had always been the one to make her feel better, whether it was going with her to prom, or just holding her like he was now she had always come to him when she was hurt and he may never admit it out loud but that was something he had always liked.

"Things will be different this time around Jackie." He promised silently pulling her small body closer to his chest. "Everythings gonna be ok Jackie."