The Roman Colosseum, normally a proud landmark to the Italian people, as well as a sight to behold for tourists, but this time, it served as a place of dread as it was engulfed in a large reddish aura, with the Italian army and police completely unable to the to break through it with their resources, leaving the pedestrians in complete fear and confusion.

While the outside of the Colosseum was pure chaos, what was going on in the inside was much worse. Namely, the entire Justice League was now completely incapacitated. Heroes such as Batman, Wonder Woman, Cyborg, Aquaman, the Flash and the two Green Lanterns, Simon Baz and Jessica Crus, were all being held and frozen in place inside capsules made of mystic energy, looking as if they tried to shield themselves from the energy that was about to hit their bodies, but to no avail. And the mightiest of the Justice League, a muscular built, black haired man clad in a blue jumpsuit, red cape and a red and yellow 'S' on his chest, and though he went by the name of Clark 'White', the world knew him as Superman! He found himself restrained as well, but this time, his wrists were chained down to the floor, and to make matters worse, the chains themselves were given a special magical enchantment, which prevented the Man of Steel from breaking them with his strength. He was also wearing a necklace with a gold amulet in the shape of a bow and arrow, which was given to him by one of the world's most powerful sorcerers, Dr. Fate, yet it was doing nothing to help out of this situation. Something in which was making a worried Clark wonder why Fate would give him such a useless accessory to begin with.

And the person responsible for all of this was a red haired man draped in red and gold ancient Roman warrior armor with a red cape, with a matching red hair and fiery red eyes. Was more than a mere man, for he was one of the powerful Gods that were worshiped in Ancient Rome and because of his love for fighting and causing conflicts, he was known by the people, as well as has fellow deities, as Mars, the God of War. And with the League now captured, Mars walked over to a large, red glowing red sphere, which was the nucleus of his master plan, for it was composted on negative energy that would make mortals succumb to their darkest emotions, such as fear, anger and hate. And with his godly power, Mars planned on expanding it to consume the entire planet and fill the human race with so much negative energy that it would drive them into a third world war, with all the countries using their resources to destroy one another.

It was a planned in which many of Mars' fellow Gods deemed unnecessary, but as far as he was concerned, the only true solution for the planet. He didn't so much mind the conflicts that already happened every day on Earth, after all, observing them was part his 'job.' But more importantly, he grew tired of hearing his fellow gods complain about mankind's carelessness was destroying the planet's oceans, forest and wildlife, and as such, he felt that having humanity engage in a full-scale war that would nearly destroy everything, but leave few survivors would be a good chance to start over. And as far as the survivors go, it may take time, but he could wait for new conflicts to arise. All in all, this was his way cleaning the slate and creating a newer, stronger world.

Something that made Mars smile a little as he watched the glowing sphere. "This day is mine, as I predicted" said the confident War God as he walked over to the sphere and began the next stage of his plan, namely to raise his glowing hands over it and use his powers to expand it until it engulfed the planet. "In due time, Lord Jupiter and the rest of the Gods will thank me for this."

To make matters even more hectic was the fact that news vans and reporters were all around the Colosseum broadcasting not only in Rome…

…But also in the United States, more specifically, in the home of the 'White' family. And in their living room were members of the 'White' family. The first being the lovely brunette, reporter and mother, Lois Lane, and her eight-year-old son, Jon, both sitting on the couch and watching the whole event, all looking worried and distressed as they saw the glowing building, and feeling that Clark was in , having had enough waiting around, Jon gets up with tears in his eyes. "THAT'S IT! I'M HELPING DAD!"

Lois quickly grabbed Jon's arm to stop him and turned him around to face him. "No, you're not!" she told her son sternly, then turned him around to face her. "Jon, trust me when I say that your dad has faced things far worse than this, and both he and I don't want you to get hurt!"

"But Mom, I'm invincible," Jon answered back, which earned him a skeptic look from Lois, who knew full well his powers are still developing and haven't quite gotten to that point yet. This caused Jon to have a bit of an uneasy look as he continued in his attempt to convince her. "Well, most of the time. Some of the time…?"

"And it's that 'some of the time' that concerns me!" Lois replied with a narrowed brown, and once she saw Jon look down at the floor with despair, she let out a sigh and placed her the tips of her middle and index finger and gently made him look up to her. "Sweetie, as long as I've known your father, I've known him to always pull through when things got rough, and this time will be no different. You just have to do what I and the rest of the people living in this crazy world that he's trying to save…believe in him."

Jon still wanted to go out to Rome and help his father, but he found out a long time ago that there was no point in arguing with his mother at this point, and thus gave her a reluctant nod.

Lois gave Jon a small kiss on his forehead and hugged him, while at the same time, looked at the TV screen which still had the Roman Colosseum on the screen. "Smallville,' she thought. "For the sake of both the world, and our son, you sure as hell better prove me right!"

Back in Rome, Mars was basking in his glory as he held his glowing hands over the sphere and was about to begin the process of increasing the negative energy and plunge the entire world into chaos.

As for Clark, he still struggled to get out of his mystic chains, but even with all his might, it was still no use. It was here that he was beginning to beginning that if Fate made a mistake in giving him this seemingly useless amulet around his neck.

As for Mars, who was still charging up the sphere, he looked down at Clark with a condescending expression. "I must admit, Kryptonian, you disappoint me. I expected much more fight in you," this statement earned him a surprised and confused look from Clark. "Oh yes, I know who you are, and more importantly, I know which universe you and your family REALLY come from. And after how you performed earlier, I pity them that they have you as a husband and father, and for their sake, I'll see to it that their given a quick demise in the upcoming war, to spare them of YOUR failures."

Clark's eyes soon lit red with rage, both literally and figuratively. It was one thing for him to be easily bested by a god trying to destroy the world, but when said god mentioned his wife and child, the two people he cherished more than anything in existence, and implied their destruction, it was enough to make the usual peace loving Clark's blood boil. "Don't you dare go near my family, you arrogant…!"

Suddenly, at that very moment, the amulet around Clark's neck started to glow in a goldish aura, and caused Clark to feel a slight jolt go up his spine. For the amulet sensed and was awakened by something in Clark's heart. While it did sense his anger, it was mostly fueled by another emotion…love. The love he has for both Lois and Jon. And it was this same love that caused the amulet to engulf Clark's body with the same golden glow, and strangely enough, he was not the only one feeling this strange power.

For all the way back in the White farm, both Lois and Jon feel this jolt of power as well, complete with the glow around their bodies.

Something that certainly astounded Lois, even though by now she's seen more bizarre things since marrying Clark. "What in the...?"

Though Jon would never say such things in front of his mother, he was thinking the same thing. And what shocked him more, is that he somehow felt a spiritual in Rome. "Mom, I think…I feel Dad."

Upon hearing her son's words, Lois stopped trying to figure out what was going on for a moment, and realized that she too felt a spiritual bond with her husband, but in her heart, most of all. "Me too, kiddo."

This connection is felt by Clark as well, who even all the way in Rome, he felt his family's presence, and for a moment, seemed to wash away his anger. "Lois…Jon…"

While momentarily mystically reunited with his family, Clark suddenly received two, thin laser beams into his right shoulder, causing him to grunt in pain.

The shooter of which was none other than Mars, who looked down at the chained Clark with now smoking eyes. "You dare insult the God of War?"

Through this connection, both Lois and Jon saw Clark received such a painful blast, and were naturally worried. "DAD!" exclaimed Jon, wanting even more to jump in and help his father.

"CLARK, NO!" yelled Lois, equally terrified at seeing her husband in pain.

It was upon hearing the voices of his family that make Clark shake off the pain, as well as causing the amulet to engulf him in a gold aura, which was now fueled by the love he had for his wife, child, as well as the entire planet that he grew to love and cherish since arriving her from his own dimension. As such, it was enough to get Clark to get up on his feet and look straight at the War God. "MARS!" he yelled. "I WILL NOT LET YOU DESTROY ALL THAT I LOOOOOOOVVVVVVEEEEEE!" At that moment, the now glowing Clark shot straight up into the air, and in the process, brought through the chains that were holding him down.

A sight in which completely shocked the Roman God of War himself. "What?!"

The now free and airborne Clark looked down to get the stunned Mars in his sights, then flew straight down toward him like a comet fall from the sky, then threw a right hook once he got close enough to him.

However, Mars countered this by holding up his open right hand and grabbed Clark's right wrist, stopping his punch. Then, he used his left hand to grab Clark's belt and hurled him over his head like a javelin, sending the Man of Steel down to the floor.

Luckily though, Clark controlled his fall by rolling forward on the floor and ending up in a kneeling position. Once he turned around, his eyes literally burned red once he saw Mars again thus flew towards him with speed that would put all scud missile to shame.

Once he realized that he couldn't dodge the Kryptonian's assault in time, Mars secretly placed his hand over the mystical sphere and made it shrink into his palm, choosing to bring it back out once he dealt with Clark, who then grabbed both the War God by his shoulders and took him straight into the air. With his golden aura glowing brighter than ever before, as well as letting out a loud scream, Clark literally rammed Mars' back up against the energy 'ceiling' of the Colosseum, and with so much force, he manages to plow the War God straight through it, causing a large flash of blinding light. This resulted in the mystical energy that was once surrounding the landmark to dissipate, and allowing Clark to rocket into the sky, with Mars' firmly in his grip.

As the crowd outside saw Clark take to Mars up into the air in shock, more of the War's God's mystic influence was being broken inside Colosseum itself. Namely that the energy bubbles that held the Justice League captive all disappeared, which freed the heroes and caused them to fall to the floor dazed and confused.

And if that wasn't enough, two more flashes of light of light occurred, and both Lois and Jon are transported to the Colosseum as well, and as both he and his mother looked around at their surroundings, he is the first to say what Lois and the rest of the League were thinking. "Uh, what just happened?"

Green Lantern Simon Baz, also looked around and was just as flabbergasted. "The hell if I know kid," said Simon, and once he saw that Clark was nowhere to be found, "But if I had to guess? The Boy Scout."

Moments later, another flash occurred and this time, it is that of Dr. Fate coming into view. "Well, you're not wrong in that regard, Mr. Baz."

Lois, pulling Jon close to her, looked at Fate with a stern yet worried look. "Well, cryptic answers aside, where is my husband?"

To answer, Dr. Fate channeled his energy into his hands, and thus created a ten-foot mystic screen, which showed the image of the flying and glowing Clark now in the sky, keeping a tight grip on Mars. "High above us," said the helmeted sorcerer. "And hopefully saving us all."

Back in the sky, Mars had had just about enough of being in the still glowing Clark's grip and at his mercy, and thus he used his right leg to deliver a knee strike to Clark's face, forcing him to release the War God. Once there was some space between them, Mars began to glowing in a red aura, then flew forward, pulled his left fist back and intended to give Clark a downward left hook, intending to send him back down to the Earth with fury.

Luckily for Clark though, he recovered fast enough to see Mars heading down towards him, and thus dashed to the right side, allowing Mars himself to hit nothing but air and pass right by him.

Mars did manage to stop himself, however, and upon turning and looking at Clark, his eyes turn red with rage and roared angrily as he rocketed back towards him, this time coking his right fist back and going for an uppercut.

Fortunately for Clark though, he saw this coming and held up his right arm in front of his face and not only did eh block the punch, but he also pushed Mars' fist to left side, causing him to pass and fly right above him. Once he looked up and saw Mars stop and turn, Clark went on the offensive by flying up and going for a left hook.

However, Mars countered this by throwing a left hook of his own, colliding his fist with Clark's and pushing it to the right side. Moments later, Mars tried fight back by throwing a right jab, which is stopped when Clark used his right arm to block the blow. Now frustrated, the War God tightly clinched his left fist and threw another hard hook, intending to use his godly strength to literally knock the Kryptonian's head off his shoulders.

Seeing the danger, Clark immediately ducked to avoid the punch, and while in the bent position, he retaliated by throwing a right uppercut into Mars' chest plate, more specifically, the abdomen. And, thanks to both the yellow sun in the sky, as well as the magic from the amulet, he managed to shatter the chest plate and made a direct hit in Mars' gut, knocking the wind out of him and sending him flying backward, and in the process, caused his cape to fall off and expose his muscular upper body. Now having a clear advantage, Clark flew after the reeling Mars, and once he got close to him, both he and the War God began trading lightning fast punches with one another.

Both powerful beings managed to block each others' blows with expert timing and speed, but it is Clark who managed to successfully land a left jab into Mars' face, then followed up it with a right hook to the dazed God's jaw, sending flying and plowing through clouds.

While reeling, Mars recovered fast enough to spot Clark coming his way with a fierce left hook, forcing him to hold up his left arm to block the incoming punch, then responded by holding Clark's left arm and give him the opening to throw a left legged round kick, hitting Clark in his side and sending him hurling away from at high speeds. Afterwards, the War God gave chase and upon arriving face to face with Clark, attempted to capitalize by throwing a right hook.

However, Clark soon stopped this attack by holding up his open right hand and catch Mars' fist before it could make contact with his face. Afterwards, he tried to fight back by throwing a left uppercut, only for Mars to use his one free hand to also catch the fist. From then on, both powerful beings quickly interlocked their fingers and proceeded to engage in a bare knuckle tie-up, trying to overpower one another, whiling at the same time, spinning around at high speeds and tearing through the clouds. However, Clark soon noticed Mars eyes glowing brighter than usual, and suspecting that he was about to fire another optic blast, he moved his head to the left to avoid Mars' blast, then delivered a stiff right knee strike to his abdomen, while at the same time releasing the War God's hands and allowing him to fly upward. Afterwards, Clark flew upward to Mars and threw a left hook.

However, Mars still proved to be just as resilient as Clark as he recovered quickly enough to see the punch coming his way and thus threw a right jab, with his fist colliding with Clark's and the impact being powerful enough to create a sonic boom. Afterwards, both Clark and Mars once again engaged with trading punches, flying through the sky at incredible speeds as well as create more loud booming sounds throughout the sky as a result of both being's fists making contact with one another.

Back in Rome, Dr. Fate, the League, and Lois and Jon were fetching the fight via the mystic screen, but were all having a hard time watching it because of how fast Clark and Mars were moving. Something that baffled the Green Lantern, Jessica Cruz. "Damn, they're fast!" she said trying to catch a glimpse of either Clark or Mars, but to no avail. She then noticed that she was standing right next to the Flash himself, Barry Allen. "Barry, are you following any of this?"

Surprisingly thou, even Barry, the 'Fastest Man Alive', was having as much a hard time with keeping up with Clark and Mars as much as his teammates. Something in which he was somewhat reluctant to admit as he gave Jessica this somewhat discouraged reply. "I might if I was up there with them."

And it was here that Bruce Wayne, the Batman, felt that Clark needed his help, 'as usual', and thus pulled out a remote from his utility belt. "Well, if all of you won't fly up and bail him out, I might as well."

This caused Diana, Wonder Woman to both her teammates and the world, to turn to Bruce and give him a concerned raised eyebrow. "And how exactly to you plan on doing that?"

"By bringing air support," Bruce replied, pressing a red button on the remote, which sent out a signal for his personal jet, the Batwing, to pick up and follow.

This caught the attention of Dr. Fate, who looked over his shoulder to address Bruce. "I would advice against that," he said in a cautious tone, causing Bruce to look up and give the sorcerer a skeptic look. "For you see, the amulet I gave Superman before you came here is called the Cupid's bow, which is said to give it's wearer incredible strength, and is powered by the wearer's love in their heart. And I gave it to Superman because of not just his great physical power, but for his love for the world, it's people, his friends…" For a moment, Fate turned to the stunned Lois and Jon. "And for the both of you. Either way, he could very well be the only one who can truly defeat Mars."

While Lois, Jon and the rest of the League seemed to accept Fate's words, Bruce was not convinced and still kept the remote in hand. "Well, I'd much prefer science and technology over magic jewelry, especially with the whole planet at stake." Naturally, Bruce's words did not sit to well with his fellow Justice Leaguers, especially Lois, who at this point left Jon with Diana and angrily made her way to Bruce, who by this time was still looking at his beeping remote. "Batwing might not hurt Mars, but maybe I can at least keep him busy long enough for…"

Suddenly, the infuriated Lois grabbed Bruce's wrist and gained his attention. As much as she wanted to knock him out in front of the League, she still knew that this Batman just as good a person as the one in her world, and simply needed to be reminded about putting his faith in others, but she didn't have to be polite about it. "Not every damn situation needs whatever hard ass plan you can come up with!" she told Bruce sternly, then took a moment to calm herself, for the sake of Jon who was still looking on. "Look, I've been told that your world's Superman was your friend, and you trusted him. So, it wouldn't hurt for you to put some fain in my husband! Especially given the fact that he hasn't let you, or anyone else in this world down so far!"

Though Bruce did not show it, he was somewhat shocked and surprised by how Lois defended Clark, and also knew that she was in fact telling the truth on how HER Clark pulled through for not just him, but the League and the planet ever since he made himself known. As such, he let out a reluctant, if not somewhat defeat sigh as he turned off the remote, calling off the Batwing. "He has two minutes." Bruce told Lois as he placed the remote back in his belt.

As for Jon, he looked at his mother in both amazement and pride as she managed to put the fearsome Batman in his place. "All right, Mom," he said with a smile.

This also caused Diana, who also smiled with how Lois stood up for Clark, to place her hand on his shoulder to gain his attention and look up to her. "She's right, you know. About your dad."

Jon nodded his head respectfully to the Amazonian Princess, smiling present. "I know," he replied, feeling pride for his superhero father.

White Dr. Fate was glad to see a good man like Clark was blessed to have a supportive wife and son, he still looked worried as he continued to watch the fight, as by now, both Clark and Mars were beginning disappear and reappear on the screen, displaying their incredible speed. "Well, the Cupid's bow should prove you right, Madame….or at least, I hope."