Clark barely managed to stop himself from falling back down to Earth, and upon looking straight forward, his eyes grew wide with shock upon seeing the sphere coming down not towards him, but the Earth as well. As such, he channeled his energy into his eyes, causing them to glow bright crimson, and seconds later, he fired a large version of his heat vision at the sphere and proceeded to push it back.

Mars, however, simply channeled more power out of his hands and continued to push the sphere downward, putting both him and Clark in a power struggled. "You are a fascinating creature, Superman," Mars reluctantly admitted. "Even with the odds stacked against you, still continue to fight for the world you call home."

Though struggling to keep the sphere at bay, Clark still proved Mars right in that regard and continued to press on. "What can I say? I've learned never to give up hope!" he told the War God with strain in his voice. "A lesson taught to me by Johnathan and Martha Kent, two of the strongest Earthlings I know, and whether you know or not, there are more people like them on Earth! Which is why I won't let you destroy them as part of your war game!"

Mars only scoffed at Clark's determined reply. "Brave words, but you're hardly in any condition to back them up. So, in case you are able to survive this…BARE WITNESS TO THE FINAL FATE OF THE HUMAN RACE AS YOU KNOW IT!" The War God then let out a loud roar as he added more energy, causing the sphere to move down faster and actually powered through Clark's heat vision.

Clark tried his hardest to push the sphere back, but unfortunately, it was just too great, and it was long before Clark was actually consumed into the sphere itself, and everything around him appeared to go black. For a brief time, all Clark could see was nothing but pure darkness, something to which convinced him that he failed everyone on Earth. His family, his new found friends of the Justice League in this universe, to the people of the new Earth he had learned to call his home. However, his depression is brought to an end when he felt a warm sensation in his chest, more specifically, the area where the Cupid's Arrow amulet was located. And through this item's magic, Claw saw a few images…

The first was that of his wife, Lois Lane, with frantic tears in her eyes. "CLARK!"

The next was that of his son, Jon, looking just as scared and teary-eyed as his mother. "DAD!"

And the final was that of his teammates in the Justice League, with all of them, including Bruce, looking worried. "SUPERMAN!"

…these images of the people he held most dear were enough to motivate Clark not to give up and try once again to fire his heat vision, with the plan to propel it back to Mars and keep it from reaching the planet. As the love he hand for his friends and family burned brightly, the amulet sensed it and began to cover Clark's body with golden energy once more, and it's mystical properties soon restored his body to full health, including restoring the mobility and the sensation in both of his arms. With that power boost, Clark let out a loud scream as he channeled this surging power into his eyes and fired a larger, more powerful heat blast, which ended up hitting the inner layer of the sphere and pushed it forward. Thanks to the golden aura around his body, the negative energy inside the sphere flowed off of Clark's golden frame like water as the Man of Steel pressed on with his blast, until finally, he successfully pushed the sphere away from both him and the Earth…and straight towards Mars himself.

"WHAT?!" Mars exclaimed in total disbelief as he saw the sphere approaching him, and thus held up his arms again to try and push it back. But thanks to Clark's power, the sphere actually hit the War God and sent him flying backward as well, forcing the War God to roll to the left side and let it pass right by him.

Even while firing his blast, Clark could see that Mars was off his giant ball of destruction, but for now, had to ignore him. His main priority was disposing of the sphere, and waited until the sphere passed right above the sun in order to avoid the risk of causing a supernova. Once the sphere flew right above giant burning star of this solar system, a screaming Clark increased the power of his blast, and in the process, filled the sphere with so much energy, it exploded in a pink energy shockwave that briefly spread throughout space before evaporating.

Once Mars saw the sphere, the key that would start his much wanted war, completely destroyed, it caused his eyes to literally burn with fury and cause a red, burning glow to appear on his body. He then turned to look down at Clark, who by this time stopped firing his eye blast, but also looking exhausted and drained, which usually resulted in ampping up his heat vision. As Mars looked closer, he could see that Clark was wearing the Cupid's arrow, which by now appeared to be turned to stone, most likely burning out after giving Clark the energy boost. "So, the Kryptonian had some help," thought the now lived War God. "And since my plans are now thwarted, I suppose I can 'help' Superman's enemies…BY GIVING HIM A PAINFUL DEATH!" With that declaration, the furious Mars flew down towards Clark at incredible speed, and seconds later, rammed his right shoulder into the Man of Steel's abdomen as they both reentered the Earth's atmosphere and came back down to the planet in flames.

As Clark struggled to free himself from Mars' grip, he briefly looked over his shoulder and used his microscopic vision to see where he and his godly attacker were going to land. It didn't take long for Clark to find out, and once he saw it, it made his eyes grow wide with fear. "Oh no….NO!"

It turned out to be that of Metropolis, a city that he, at one point, called home but more importantly, a city containing over a million people! Some of whom could get hurt or worse if he and Mars were to crash into it. And thanks to Mars driving him down, both men coming down to Earth at a much faster rate and would be crashing into Metropolis in mere seconds, thus forcing Clark to frantically search for a place, any place, in the city that had no innocent bystanders. Moments later, Clark found such a place in Centennial Park, where there was a section of pure grass and the only part of the park that was completely uninhabited.

Clark knew that it was a small place to crash land, but knew that there was no alternative. And so, with his right leg, Clark delivered three hard knee strikes to Mars' abdomen until he finally broke his hold, then grabbed the War God's shoulders and turned him right in front of him, all so he could steer him as within seconds, they arrived at the park and crashed into the grassy, unpopulated spot with a large bang.

Needless to say, this caught the attention of many people in the city, who all watched both Clark and Mars fall from the sky like a comet and crashed into the Earth. It didn't take long for people, be it police officers following both beings into the park, and a large number of people who were in the park but from a short distance away from the grassy spot which was now a large smoking crater. Moments later, people started to gather around the large hold in the ground, with numerous police officers trying to hold them back. Finally, as the smoke cleared, the people around the crater saw Clark, their Superman, barely manage to stand up and stay on his feet, but nevertheless, the all greeted their hero with cheers and applause.

Though still in a daze, Clark shook his head repeatingly, trying to regain focus quick enough to grab Mars, whom he hoped was unconscious, and get him out of the city before he could hurt anyone.

However, just as Clark was beginning to get a clear head, Mars had already recovered, then ran up behind Clark, wrapped his arms around his waist and gave the disoriented Ma of Tomorrow a belly to back suplex throwing Clark backward and causing him to land hard on his shoulders and neck. The War God then sat up, and with his eyes literally burning with fury, he walked over to the still fallen Clark with the intent of using his godly might to give him the worst beating of his life as punishment for ruining his plans. However, just as Mars approached downed Clark and was about to stomp his head into the ground, but at the last moment, he stopped when he heard the voice belonging to that of a little girl…

"Daddy, daddy, don't let him hurt Superman!"

Thinking that someone was about to indeed help Clark, Mars looked up to where he heard the voice, and while he saw someone that could be classified as a 'warrior' in this time, but what he also saw left him baffled.

It turned out to be one of the uniformed police officers trying to hold the people back a man of Latino decent, and with him were his wife, a Caucasian woman, and their daughter, an eight year old girl of mixed heritage, all of whom were having a nice friendly meeting in the park when both Clark and Mars arrived. "I won't sweetie, but Supes has been though worse," the officer told his daughter, then turned to his with urgency. "But you two need to get out of here now!"

For Mars, seeing a Latino man with a white woman together, as well as having a child of their own was new. Still, he felt compelled to address them. "You there!" he cried out, getting the cop's attention. "That woman and child, you know them?"

The policeman instinctively stepped in front of his family, in hopes of keeping Mars focused on him and allow his wife and child to escape. "They're my family," he answered back truthfully, then pulled out his side arm, which was a newly commissioned laser pistol designed to stop meta-humans, and pointed it at Mars. "And I don't give a damn how strong you are, I'm not gonna let you hurt them or anyone else here!"

It was here that Mars couldn't help but admired the cop's inner strength and courage to protect his family, as well as the people in the park. And it was such qualities he would expect to see in great warriors in ancient Rome. However, not wanting to show this moment of weakness to the crowd, he disguised his feelings by chuckling darkly. "You? A mere mortal stop the God of War? Sisyphus would be a better chance of…" Suddenly, through the corner of his left eye, he spotted two more people in the crowd that showed that same strength, and like before, it seemed to be from the unlikeliest of people.

It was that of two women, one a Caucasian blond, and the other an African American, both holding hands that only two lovers would. And though they were both scared, they were determined to stick together no matter what. And it was that same determination that they used to stand to those who condemned them and said that their love was wrong.

And it was also that said determination that Mars expected to see in many great warriors, and though they impressed him, he was still shocked to see this kind of bravery in from two women of the same gender. "What?! What is this?! These are not soldiers, but how can they possess such…?"

"Strength?" Clark chimed in, wincing a bit as he slowly sat up. "What you see is the strength of love, Mars! Something that's experienced in all living things, no matter how different. Love strengthens us all, and drives us to be brave for those whom we cherish, as well as drive us to try and make the world better for everyone, proving that a full-scale war is not necessary." Finally, Clark managed to find the strength to get back up on his feet, and look at the War God with a content expression. "And if improving the human race was your true goal, you can still contribute to the strength you see here…by abandoning your plan and returning where you came from."

At this point, the only thing Mars could do was let out a sigh of defeat, because as much as he hated to admit it, Clark had a point when it came to the strength of this new generation of mortals, which by now were all clapping after hearing Clark's speech. Suddenly though, before Mars could make his thoughts known, he, along with Clark, are covered in a white, glowing light, and vanish out of thin air, leaving the crowd stunned and confused.

Moments later, both Clark and Mars finally arrived in front of what appeared to be a golden gate, which opened and showed a young man dressed in a red toga, but also a winged helmet and holding a gold staff with the top having two snakes coming together and wings on the top. This was the attire of Mercury, messenger of the Roman Gods. "Greetings gentlemen," he said in a light-hearted. "I must say, the two of you put on quite a show."

Clark was a bit stunned by this development, but he nonetheless gave Mercury both a small smile and a nod, appreciating he wasn't as aggressive as Mars.

As for the War God himself, he couldn't help but be shocked and baffled with how his fellow god just abruptly transported him and Clark out of Earth. "Mercury, what is the meaning of this?!"

"Well," said Mercury with a sly smirk. "Lord Jupiter, as well as the rest of the gods, have caught wind of your war plan, and are…quite unhappy. Henceforth, I am to bring you to Lord Jupiter himself so you can discuss your punishment."

Mars scoffed at this news, nevertheless, let out a sigh and chuckled. "I figured as much," said the War God, and upon accenting his fate, he took a deep breath, concentrated and uses his godly energy to create a new chestplate and cape to replace those he lost in battle. He then looked at Clark, the opponent to whom he just lost to, and in the process, grew to respect with how he performed in battle. "This day is yours, Kryptonian. You have convinced me that humans do possess the strength to be better, and as their champion, it is now responsibility to keep inspiring them to do so. But I warn you, and the humans, not to slack off. Because if you do, and the human's spirits are less than satisfying…I will be back."

Though Clark was still weary on Mars' promise to return, he still returned his respect and nodded to him as well. "I'll keep that in mind."

Mercury's smile grew wider in looking at Clark, the man who just saved the people of Earth in more ways than one. "The Gods thank you, Superman. Now go, and enjoy the rewards of your victory." With that declaration, Mercury tapped his staff, and moments later, Clark vanished once again…

…and reappeared back in the Colosseum, right in front of his family and teammates in the Justice League.

"DAD!" yelled an ecstatic Jon, who ran in with incredible speed and hugged Clark, but in the process knocked him off of his feet.

Nevertheless, the exhausted Clark chuckled as he sat up and ruffled his son's hair. "I missed you too, kiddo."

The next to run over to Clark was Lois, who approaching her husband, got down on her knees and wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. "Thank god," she said with tears of joy going down her cheeks. "You scared you family half to death, Clark Kent!"

I know, and I'm sorry," Clark replied, using his other arm to return his wife's embrace, but son realized that she and Jon were here in the Colosseum and not at their home where he last left them. This prompted him to gently pushing his family back so he can address them. "But how is it that the two of you are here in Rome and not back in the states?"

Jon is the one to answer his father, gleeful smile and all. "Well, Dr. Fate said that you kinda brought us here," he explained, then pointed at the Cupid's arrow that was still around Clark's neck. "With that."

As Clark soon looked down at the amulet, Dr. Fate and the rest of the League soon approached. "The child speaks the truth," said the helmeted sorcerer. "Apparently, your love for you family is what awakened the power in the amulet, and by doing so-"

Suddenly, Bruce stepped in front of Dr. Fate to address the matter of the now missing Mars. "But more importantly," said Bruce, cutting Dr. Fate off. "Where is Mars?"

Clark, like his teammates, was offended by Bruce's brashness, but nevertheless answered him. "It's all right Bruce, he's being dealt with as we speak. He's no long a problem."

Naturally, Bruce raised a curious, if not skeptic eyebrow upon hearing this answer. "So, you've beaten him?"

"Yeah," then looked down at the amulet one final time, and remembered what it gave him to defeat the War God. "And to do that, I had a little help." As he explained, Clark to the moment to grab and hug both Lois and Jon. "From you two," he told his family, then looked up at Bruce, Diana and the rest of the confused members of the League. "As well as from all of you," Suddenly, with his superhero hearing, Clark could hear cheers from the grateful Roman people outside the Colosseum, and how their happiness reminded him of the people that also aided him back in Centenniel Park. "To the goodness in the people that we strive to protect. "

The League were still baffled by Clark's words, and it's a perplexed Simon Baz who asked what he and the rest of his teammates are thinking. "And what's that Miss America speech supposed to mean?"

This response made Clark laugh a little, knowing that his fellow Justice Leaguers wouldn't understand right away. "I'll fill you in in the next meeting. But for now, seeing is how the world is no longer in danger, I just want to go home….and get some rest."

Lois was in full agreement of this, seeing is how they've all had enough excitement for one day. But, with a warm smile, she gently placed her right hand on Clark's left cheek and turned his head to face her. "Well, before we do that, Smallville," she told her husband, then leaned in and kissed Clark's lips with all the love and affection in her heart.

Something in which Jon didn't take too kindly too and turned away in disgust. "Eeeeeeewwww!"

Naturally, the rest of the League laughed at Jon's response, and it was Barry who walked up and ruffled his hair. "You won't thing that way for long, kid. Just wait a few years."

Two of the Leaguers, Bruce and Diana, watched the team gather around Clark and his family, and while a grinning Diana went over to Clark to see she can help him back to his feet, Bruce stayed behind, appearing to be brooding once again, but was secretly proud of Clark and how he did just as well as the Superman in this world did. "Not bad, Kent, not bad."

As for Dr. Fate, he also watched the League gather around Clark from afar, and at one point, he caught a glimpse of the Cupid's arrow, causing him to smile behind his helmet. "Love can work in mysterious ways, but it's nice to know that it's powerful enough to save us all, and more importantly, bring people together."