They get to the airport at the middle of the night, being teleported there by the two witches. Sapphire was able to buy tickets for all of them for the same flight, but the only one available was at 1 am, fortunately it was almost empty. Pearl said it was probably for the best since it is a 10 hours flight to Hawaii.

"Are you alright?" Pearl looks at Amethyst, who seemed a little too uneasy since they left the house.

"Yeah, totally." The brunette woman shrugs. "You know, high places. Not my thing."

"Don't worry, Amethyst, you can hold my hand the whole time." Pearl says, taking Amethyst's hand and squeezing it gently.

The short werewolf looks at the other way to hide the blush on her cheeks, but still holding Pearl's hand. She is sure that anyone who sees them would say they are a thing. Since it doesn't happen often, Amethyst always enjoys the most of it when Pearl shows affection towards her. Moments like this, when Pearl doesn't let her go are the ones Amethyst holds closer to her heart.

Even though she likes Pearl showing affection, it doesn't mean that it does not hurt when she does so. It just reminds Amethyst that they won't go anywhere further than holding hands.

"Pearl?" Amethyst looks at the tall vampire. They are with tickets in hands, arriving at the platform when Pearl finally notices what she did.

"Sorry." The brunette vampire let Amethyst's hand go. "It was not…" She sighs and then looks at the other side to watch Steven running excitedly towards the entrance of the plane. "I am sorry."

"Please, don't be sorry." The werewolf rubs the back of her neck. "I like when you do it." She has a sad smile on her face. "But it still hurts."

"Amethyst…" Pearl places her right hand on her left elbow. "I didn't think about it."

"I don't want you to think about it." Amethyst tells her while they are walking towards their seats. Their seats are next to each other, Ruby and Sapphire's doing. The seat by the window is Steven's, the one in the middle is Amethyst's and Pearl has the one at the end of the line. "I just want you to stop this nonsense. Why can't we just be happy?"

"I know you think we can just kiss and then live as humans for the rest of our lives. However, what if one day you wake up and realize it was all a big mistake?" Pearl looks at Amethyst's brown eyes. "I have been alive for thousands of years and I have seen enough of this world to know that people regret some choices made out of love."

"Are you talking about…" Amethyst lowers her voice so Steven can't hear. "What happened between you and Rose?"

"That is not it." The vampire lies. Actually, that is one of the things that is always on Pearl's mind. She knew Rose regretted being turned into a vampire. She doesn't want Amethyst to make the same mistake by turning into a human because of her.

"What is it then?" Amethyst crosses her arms, clearly angry. "It is not like we just met. I have known you for what? Ten years? I think I had enough time to think about the matter."

"Nine years." Pearl corrects her and then takes a deep breath. "Look." She turns her body to the side to have a better look of the other woman. "I love you. I really do-"

"Then stay." Amethyst interrupts her by taking Pearl's hand. "Please."

"Ame… we talked about this hundreds of times before." The vampire takes her hand away from Amethyst, trying to do it gently. "Why would I change my mind now?" She gives her a gentle smile.

"Because now I am asking you to be my girlfriend." Amethyst looks inside Pearl's light blue eyes, who are now in shock.

"Oh…" Pearl blushes really hard. Sure they have confessed to each other a long time ago and they had this thing going on, but they never gave it a name. This is the first time Amethyst asks her to be her girlfriend, leaving Pearl speechless. Gladly Steven is too excited about the whole plane thing to be paying attention at their conversation.

"I know it is not the best time and I know Peridot and Lapis are listening." The werewolf looks at the seats behind them, where Lapis and Peridot now try to pretend they were not listening at all. "But I really wanted to ask it now. I don't want to have any regrets. If we don't find a way to defeat Jasper…" She clears her throat. "I want to make sure I don't have any regrets if something happens. And asking you to be my girlfriend is one of the things I want to do since I never asked you that."

"Amethyst…" Pearl places a hand on Amethyst's cheek. "We can't…" She gives the werewolf a sad smile.

"We actually can." Amethyst has some sort of glow on her eyes. "I am just asking you to be my girlfriend. I am not asking you to kiss me." She tries to lighten the mood, making it sound like nothing.

"We don't have to give it a name." Pearl places her forehead against Amethyst's. "I don't need to kiss you to love you." She hides her face on Amethyst's shoulder.

"So, you are saying no?" Amethyst holds back her tears. That hurts more than she initially expected.

"We will need our powers to defeat Jasper." She says underneath her breath so only Amethyst can listen. "But I will think about it after everything is solved. Maybe I will finally be able to rest once that happens." The vampire let all the weight of her head on the other one's shoulder. "Being thousands of years old makes me tired."

"You mean it?" Amethyst whispers. "Are you saying that for real?" She says with a bit of hope on her voice.

"About being your girlfriend?" Pearl takes a deep breath. "Yes. About kissing you?" She gives Amethyst a playful smile. "You will have to work on that."

"I will definitely work on that." She places her head on Pearl's seconds before the pilot makes her announcement that they are about to leave the ground, making Amethyst all tense again and Steven all excited.

"Pearl! We are about to take off!" He says really happy.

"I know." Pearl chuckles when looking at Amethyst's face. "Relax, Ame. We won't fall from the sky." She teases her loved one.

"I sure hope that." Amethyst crosses her arms, trying not to show how much scared she actually is. "I will try to fall asleep now." She closes her eyes. "Please, wake me up once we get there."

"You won't get to see all the stars like that." Pearl tells her, trying to make it sound attractive somehow.

"I am sure I can look at them on land." Amethyst keeps her eyes closed while the plane takes off. She doesn't open it until she feels it is all safe. The only thing that makes her peek is Steven talking about the constellations with Pearl.

"Wow." He points at the window, trying to form the constellation Pearl is showing him.

"Wow." Amethyst says as well, but she is not impressed by the constellation. What impressed her is how far away from the ground they are. "This is higher than I thought."

"You get used to it." Pearl shrugs. "Once you do, you don't wanna stay on the ground anymore." She tells her in a dreamy sound of voice.

"By the look on your face, that seems like it." Amethyst smiles, looking at the calm look on Pearl's face makes her forget about the sky outside the window. The only thing Amethyst can think about when looking at the woman she loves is what Pearl told her minutes ago. If everything went right they would finally be a couple and that made everything worth the wait.

"Do you think they will be fine?" Peridot whisper's on Lapis's ear, a little bit worried about her oldest friend.

"I think they will work things out." Lapis looks at Malachite, asleep on her arms. "I always knew they would come to an agreement one day." She has a happy smile on the face. "They are soulmates. They will always be together."

"I hope so." The blond vampire sighs. "Or else I will have to listen to her singing and crying for endless years." She points at Pearl's seat with her head.

"I have a question." Lapis changes the subject. "I think it is silly, but since you are older than me you probably know the answer." She tries not to make it sound like a big deal.

"What is it?" Peridot asks with a bit of curiosity on her tone of voice. What could it be that made her throw the age card.

"I know that when two people are from different magical species and give each other true love kiss, they become humans." The werewolf takes a deep breath. "Because true love kiss can break any curse and all that nonsense. But, why doesn't it work the same way when they are from the same species?" Lapis asks confused. She never understood all the meanings behind those rules.

"Because it is natural for a werewolf to fall in love with another werewolf. A werewolf falling in love with a vampire is not natural. One of them would die of age while the other would never age. So, true love kiss breaks the curse and turns them into humans so they can live together until the end. It was supposed to be a good thing, but it isn't always like that." Peridot takes a longer breath. "Same thing goes with witches and vampires or witches and werewolves. Not natural. The universe see your power as a curse in those cases, making you choose between your curse or your love." She shrugs. "I met just a couple of people who faced this dilemma."

"And what did they choose?" Lapis sounds sad for some reason and Peridot doesn't understand why. Maybe it's because of Pearl and Amethyst, that would explain all the questions she is making.

"Most of them chose power, but some of them chose love." Peridot has a nostalgic smile on the face. "It depends on the couple and on the relationship." She makes it sound obvious, but only because she understands that fact as something really obvious.

"What about supernatural beings who fall in love with humans?" Lapis looks at the seat in front of her, where Steven is sit.

"I don't know much about that subject, but judging from what I heard, humans don't count for some reason. Maybe that is because we are all humans deep inside." She touches the left side of her chest. "Even if some of us don't remember how it is to be one."

"At least you were human once." Lapis sighs. "I was born like this." She looks at the moon on the sky. "I don't even know how it is to be a normal person."

"Have you ever thought about… Becoming a human?" Peridot carefully asks. That conversation can go really wrong if she say something stupid from that point forward.

"I have." Lapis admits, leaving some weight off her chest. "Long time ago when I was a teenager." She takes a look at Malachite. "But after I met Jasper and had Malachite, I never thought of it again." She caresses her daughter's hair. "But, sometimes, I imagine how it would feel like. I don't think it would be a bad thing to be just… normal for once in my life." She makes eye contact with Peridot. "What about you? Have you ever thought about being human again?"

"Yes." Peridot shrugs. "Lots of times." She laughs underneath her breath. "I never asked to be a vampire and I never loved being one." She sighs. "But, after living like this for two hundred years, I got used to it." The blond woman shows her roommate her red eyes just for a second. "I even have a reputation now." She has a playful smile on the face. "The one who called Yellow Diamond a clod right to her face." She giggles. "That was the best thing I ever did as a vampire. Sure I called her other things later, but clod was the thing that made my reputation since it is unusual to call someone that."

"You are such a rebel." Lapis laughs, trying not to wake her daughter up.

"I had enough of that authority." The vampire has a happy smile on her face. "I have never felt more free than in the day I left them." She takes a longer breath. "It was like leaving a burden behind. Leaving a part of my past." She shrugs. "Then I met Ingrid and the others." The blond woman touches her necklace. "I asked them to move in and there we stayed. We were happy, until Jasper showed up and everything went upside down."

"Were you and my ancestor close?" Lapis tries to sound as kind as she can. After what Pearl told her, she felt like she needed to ask Peridot about it.

"Well, I made a life promise to her. So, you can say we were close." The vampire gives her friend a nervous laugh. "I…" She takes a deep breath and then looks at the other side of the plane. "I loved her." She says in a lower tone of voice. "But she was a werewolf and a leader. We couldn't…" She touches her necklace one more time. "It doesn't matter now."

"I see." Lapis looks at the window. She is sit next to it, but Peridot has a clear view of outside from where she is as well.

"You remind me of her." Peridot suddenly says, looking at Lapis again.

"Why?" The werewolf asks confused. She doesn't have a positive opinion about her ancestor after everything she heard about Ingrid and listening to that doesn't make her cheerful.

"Besides the looks, there is the way you smile. That glow on your eyes when you get mad." Peridot looks inside her friend's ocean eyes. "You have this contagious aura around you, just like her." The vampire seems like she is looking inside Lapis's souls, making her very uncomfortable. "I could even risk to say you are the reincarnation of Ingrid. However, unlike her, you have a free spirit. You are funnier and you…" She tries to hide it, but a painful look shows up on her face. "Are not manipulative."

"Would you be offended if I told you I am glad I didn't get to meet her?" Lapis says in an honest tone of voice. She is not a fan of Ingrid Lazuli for a considerable amount of reasons.

"Why do you say that?" The blond woman asks, not mad or angry, but trying to understand what Lapis is feeling.

"I know you were friends and all that, but she did hurt you. Even if she didn't mean it. She did make you suffer." Lapis closes her eyes, trying to think of the next thing to say. "I would probably fight her a lot if we met. If the family tree meant more to her than you." She looks inside Peridot's green eyes with a gentle smile. "Then she made a terrible mistake."

For a moment, Peridot is speechless, she never thought Lapis would have that kind of opinion about her ancestor and, for her own surprise, it made Peridot happy for some reason she doesn't comprehend very well. It made her heart feel warm. Being around the werewolf always made her heart feel like that.

"You really are better than her." Peridot says underneath her breath, giving the werewolf a smile of relief. Telling Lapis even a little about her past, made Peridot feel better.

If you had met me back then, would you still choose her? - It is what Lapis wants to ask her roommate, but, instead of that, she just gives the vampire a smile and turns her face to look at the window again, watching the dark blue sky and the stars shining outside.

Lapis keeps wondering about what Peridot would have answered though. Amethyst wasn't mistaken when she asked if Lapis had feelings towards Peridot. There is a thing going on, but she is still not able to tell what it is exactly. That's why she didn't ask anything or answered Amethyst that morning.

Besides the fact that she is a vampire and Lapis a werewolf, which is a big deal itself, there are other obstacles between them.

First of them all, it is not like Lapis is over what happened with Jasper yet. Even if she wanted to have anything with Peridot, she wouldn't be able to give all of her heart to the vampire. If Peridot answered she would have chosen Lapis, the werewolf wouldn't be confident enough to say she would have chosen Peridot.

But, from the werewolf's point of view, it didn't look like Peridot would have answered Lapis's name to that question. She still seemed to have feelings towards Ingrid and that was completely understandable, after everything she has been through because of that woman. But it would still hurt if she answered her ancestor's name instead of hers.

All of that makes Lapis really confused, reason why she avoids the subject all the time.

"How is Malachite doing?" The older woman points at the kid on Lapis's arms, taking the werewolf away from her thoughts.

"Still asleep, thanks the stars." Lapis smiles at Malachite. "You know she would get angry if she had to stay all the way there on my arms without being able to explore the place."

"You can put her on the baby bed. You know that right?" She points at the thing on the seat next to her. "I can put it between us so you can watch her."

"Thanks." Lapis looks at the baby. "I will just wait a little longer until I am sure she is deep in her sleep."

"Ok." Peridot answers and, after a long period of time fulfilled by only silence between them, she pays attention at the view outside the window.

"The sky is very beautiful from up here." The vampire tries to change the mood of their conversation to am interesting one.

"Yeah, it is alright." Lapis looks at the city far away on the ground and at the sky full of stars. "I guess I can see why you like it." She gives Peridot the brightest of the smiles, happy to be sharing that moment with her roommate.

For the next ten hours it would be just them, sit next to each other, just enjoying the calm before the storm.

The time before being forced to face reality again.

A.n.: Thanks for reading!

Next chapter we are talking Bismuth!

Sorry for any typos or grammar mistakes.

See you in the next chapter!