Summary: Maria Rainer and Darren Vogelson have recently lost their home to a fire. The newly engaged couple seeks refuge in a rather unorthodox villa in Salzburg. When Maria meets Darren's superior, Captain Georg Von Trapp and his seven children she realizes that God may have had more in store for her than she could have ever dreamed. Taking a job as his governess in exchange for a place to stay, Maria and Darren navigate their way through the Von Trapp household. Darren seems to be sent away on business more and more as the summer continues, and someone in the house quickly figures out why. What will transpire in the newly formed relationship with the Captain and Maria? What will happen when Darren returns? Read and find out!

Disclaimer: I do not own TSOM or any of the characters.

Chapter One: The Fire

Maria sat speechless in the car as she looked into the side view mirror, watching the hot embers still burning on the ground, smoldering behind her. The bare bones of their home remained, though most of the beauty was lost in the fire that took their home a mere twenty-four hours before. She closed her eyes tightly, not wanting to look back, not wanting to remember. Thankfully no one had been hurt, both her and her fiancé Darren escaping unscathed, but the fire blazed onward through the night, and by the time it was extinguished there was almost nothing left of their home. All of her memories of her parents, her life, and her time in the abbey were turned to ash, as if she never existed at all.

Darren drove the car towards an unknown destination, not informing Maria of where they were going or asking her if she was alright. He already knew the answer. Even though they had been together only a few weeks before they had moved into the home her parents left to her, they had known each other their entire lives. Darren now an LieutenantLieutenant in the Navy, had been a childhood friend since her parents had still been alive. They had kept in touch all throughout her various stints in foster homes (after her parent's death) and he always managed to find her, when she switched homes, to make sure that she was alright. When he had finally finished his last tour he was granted time off, and once again, came home to find Maria. They began having dinners together, and decided they would eventually be married. Maria knew it was what her parents would have wanted, and having very little memories of them, knowing that they had died when she was still so young, it was one request she knew of, that she could honor.

Darren was a respectable man, of a much higher class than her, however he never showed it. He hated the aristocratic norms that he was raised with: the class, the crowd, and the obligations that came with it. Maria was just another way he found to defy his upbringing. But more than that she had become his best friend, being the only person he felt he could really rely on. Darren had been looking for a home to purchase a few weeks ago when Maria had received the call that her Uncle had died, and the home he had been residing in was actually left to her, not him. After some persuasion from the reverend mother that this was gods will, she decided to leave the abbey and head out into the world. She had asked Darren to move in with her, even knowing it wasn't socially acceptable, and he being full aware, whole heartedly obliged. The two of them were a force to be reckoned with, both defiant, intelligent, and strong willed individuals.

As the last remains of her home that she was only able to enjoy for mere weeks faded out of her sight she turned to Darren. "What are we going to do now?" she asked for the first time the question he knew she had been pondering all day.

He sighed, not knowing how exactly he was going to explain to her the plan that he had put into place. "We have some things that we need to discuss Mar," he added, fearing that this was not going to go over well. "I've made a call to the only person in town that I know."

She glanced up at him, intrigued now as to who he would have called. "A peer from the navy?" she asked, wondering how one of his friends could have lived so close, and she didn't know. He often referenced a few close acquaintances that he kept in touch with while on leave, but none of them were local.

"Not exactly, more my superior…" he added, waiting for her to chime in before he finished, but when she didn't he continued. "Captain Von Trapp, see I um, given our situation, had to work something out, living wise, until we can figure out our next step." Maria was thoroughly confused now, she had never asked him much about his days in the Navy, knowing there were many memories he wanted to keep hidden. It wasn't until he would bring the subject up that she would listen, intently and openly, to whatever he wanted to divulge.

"He is a widow you see, and he has children that need a governess until September; I have suggested that perhaps, you could watch the children in exchange for us staying there, until we get on our feet."

Maria wanted to scold him for agreeing to such a plan without consulting her, but when she looked at Darren's hands trembling on the steering wheel she knew that his heart had been in the right place. "And what will you be doing?" She asked, wondering why she seemed to be the only one contributing.

"There are some naval matters that I will be attending to, and when I'm not doing that, there are some construction projects he would like taken care of on the grounds." The grounds? Where were they heading to?

"What are his children's names?" Maria asked, pondering what it would be like to be responsible for someone else, other than herself for the first time.

"Liesl, Fredrich, Louisa, Kurt, Brigitta, Marta, and Gretl." He finished, confidently, proud that he had memorized them.

"Seven children!" Maria exclaimed feeling as though she might faint. Darren's face flushed red slightly, knowing that he should have informed her of this previous to their arrival. Maria had intended on becoming a teacher in Salzburg that coming fall and she knew that she was capable of the task. However, considering seven children, all looking to her for direction made her quite weary. As they turned into the gates Maria was awestruck at the scene in front of her. Gardeners ran to open the large gates for them, various workers lined the law as far as the eye could see, and the house was so large Maria couldn't see the top of it from inside the vehicle.

"One more thing Maria," he said before she went to get out of the car. "The Captain can be, um, very strict" he added weakly, not knowing how exactly to explain Captain Georg Von Trapp to someone who hasn't served under his command. "Somewhat cold even…" he added hoping that she would get his point.

Maria looked at him now, truly frustrated for the first time all day. "And the children?" she asked, thinking she would focus solely on them.

"Smart, but unruly, I've heard he's had a terrible time keeping a governess since his wife died." Maria looked up the heavens, "oh help" she mumbled, finally pulling herself out of the car.

One minute she was in her own home, making tea, making plans to begin teaching, and now here she was, no plans, no home, and a duty made out for her, without her consent. She took a deep breath, she trusted Darren, she trusted god, and if this was her path, than she was willing to at least try to accept it. Darren grabbed their things and after being let in by the butler, Franz, Maria waited patiently to see the Sea Captain she had heard nothing of. Who was this mysterious man that Darren had failed to mention, well ever. Why were his children so unhappy with having a governess around to take care of them? Could Maria really be any different than the others that had tried before her? She had no children, and being a teacher without ever actually teaching may not have been the best qualifications. As she looked around the beautiful foyer she was lost in her worries when she heard, "Lieutenant," a rough baritone voice called from behind her.

Maria decided not to turn to face him right away, taking one more minute to compose herself and her thoughts. She was too busy marveling at the beautiful architecture of the home. She could hear the crunch of Darren's coat fabric and she knew that he must have saluted the man. Maria found it curious how quickly Darren could change his warm demeanor into one of elegance and formality.

"Captain, this is my betrothed, Maria," she heard Darren say as she felt his hand graze her arm to turn her around.

Taking a last deep breath she finally tuned around to take in the man she was now most anxious to meet. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Captain…, Sir." Maria stumbled briefly on her words, taken back by the handsome, well - groomed man in front of her.

He looked nothing like she had imagined him too, and she felt her breath catch in her throat as she looked him over. He was the polar opposite of Darren. While Darren had dark brown eyes the Captain had stunning blue eyes that were warm, but reserved, he wore a tight fitted black suit with green attributes, and golden buttons. While Darren's hair was blonde and very short, Georg's hair was long, curly, and dark, but sleeked back perfectly. While Darren was very slim, though not missing muscle tone, Georg was of perfect proportion. When she looked down at his hands she saw he bore both his wedding ring, and another unfamiliar ring on his left hand. She saw his hand ball into a fist as she gazed at it, and she looked slowly, back up his body, feeling her cheeks flush, until she met his eyes knowing she had been caught checking him out.

When he saw Darren standing in the entrance way of the villa he almost smiled. After receiving a most frantic phone call from his subordinate that morning he knew that he would find a way to help him. Darren had been one of his most trusted men and he had pushed fervently for a promotion for him. However Darren had suggested he was comfortable in his position. He said he liked the amount of leave he was able to take, and seeing the silhouette of a strawberry blonde, thin figure next to him, Georg realized why. While he had always been very strict with Darren, as he was with all of his men, he truly did like him. It wasn't until the young woman standing beside him turned and spoke that he directed his attention to her.

When she turned around he could feel his heart stop in his chest, and his lung tighten, it felt like he couldn't breathe. While her hair was cropped short, almost angling around her face, it fit her perfectly chiseled figure that could have been carved out of the stone. Every curve, every bone, every angle on her, was mesmerizing. Her words, "Captain…, Sir" rang in his ears, as smooth as honey, tingling down into his chest, into his soul. When he looked back up at her eyes he realized she was staring at him, blushing profusely and he stifled back a chuckle at her boldness. She reached her hand out to his and he saw Darren motion to stop her. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Captain, um Sir" she added, hoping to break some of the tension. It wasn't customary for someone of their class, and their new positions, to be so direct as to seek physical contact. However, something about her intrigued him, and he wanted desperately to touch her skin, though he wasn't sure why.

Georg looked to Darren and nodded as if to say, "don't worry about it" and seeing the relief wash over Darren's face, Georg reached out and took her hand. "Captain will suffice," he finished taking her hand in his own. His hand was strong and something about the tight grasp made Maria instantly feel safe. There was a masculine feel to the warmth that gave her a rush, and she allowed her hand to just linger there for a moment, lost in a sort of trance. To him, her hand felt like silk and he wanted desperately to trace his fingers over it, and that thought alone caused him to freeze. Something about her touch made his body shiver and warm, all at the same time, desperately wanting to touch more of her. He could, quite embarrassingly, feel a tightening in his pants at the mere touch of her hand, the beautiful innocent look in her eyes, and he quickly broke their contact, remembering his propriety. He hadn't been stirred by a woman in such a manner since his wife had died four years ago.

"Frau Schmidt will show you to your rooms, while I know you were living together previous to here, it is not customary as you are not married, and with my children in the home I sought it best for you to have separate sleeping quarters." Maria felt like she was a child again in foster care, being ordered around. While she knew that he was right, and it would be inappropriate around the children, she couldn't help but feel aggravated at his condescending tone.

"After you wash up, the two of you can meet the children for dinner, and Fräulein, you will start next week with your duties."

She knew that it was wrong, but somehow she couldn't help herself. All of his ordering, barking, demanding, it was as if he thought she was on one of his naval ships. "Will you be informing me when I can eat and bathe as well Captain?" she blurted out, giving him a glaring look. She turned from him abruptly and walked over to follow Franz who was heading up the stairwell.

While she knew that she should have felt humbled that he had taken them in, she didn't do well with being spoken too in such a manner. Who did he think he was? She was here to do him a favor after all, by taking care of his children. She didn't ask to come here, she didn't ask for any of this!

"Captain, I do apologize, Maria is well, very outspoken…" he began,

Georg gave him a very stern look and walked away as he sneered, "I trust it won't happen again, I will see you both at dinner LieutenantLieutenant".

Darren shook his head when Georg was out of sight, knowing full well, with Maria, it was going to happen again. She was too independent, too wild and young to be tamed in such a way. He took a deep breath, willing god to help him find the words to convince Maria to at least pretend to get along with him but he knew it was useless. This was going to be a long summer.