Summary: The end of winter break is approaching and the children will be returning to school. Georg, is still behind taking care of Maria. Maria makes some decisions about her future.

Disclaimer: I do not own TSOM or any of the characters.

Chapter Forty: Of Course With Me

"But I don't want to go to school!" Gretl whined, throwing her fists down at her sides theatrically. While Maria knew it was going to be a struggle to get them all back on a routine, with everything going on, she figured Gretl would be the least of her worries. She had enjoyed school thus far, it having provided a distraction from Georg's absence; yet she hadn't considered the challenge she would face convincing her youngest charge that she had to go to school, while her mother and father were staying home.

It was far easier pleading with her in the morning when she could explain to her that, her father was at work, her mother was at work, and she had to go to work too. Every one of us have a job in this family darling, Maria would say. However, that argument would now fall on the deaf ears of a six year old. Unfortunately her parental logic was doing little to persuade her to dress.

"Gretl, you will dress now and head downstairs to meet your brothers and sisters." Georg commanded firmly.

Maria smirked slightly seeing the evident defeat upon Gretl's face after hearing her father's gentle demand. She was unaware that he had entered the nursery a few moments prior and was watching the situation unfold. No matter where she was lately, Georg always seemed to be close. He often appeared at the most unexpected moments, often startling her; but honestly she was thankful for his presence.

Thankful for the relief, Maria turned out of the nursery and headed towards the boys room. Knowing Liesl was already downstairs with the rest of the children, it was the last obstacle to tackle before breakfast.

"Is everyone ready in here?" Maria asked nervously.

"Ready mother," Kurt replied.

Thankfully, at least part of the morning was going to be easy. While Maria had regained some of her strength in the past two weeks, she still found herself exhausted. She had found herself eating with the rest of the family again, and starting to engage in some of their old games.

"Mother, may I speak with you?" Fredrick inquired.

Taken back by his formal tone Maria nodded uncertainly and turned towards Kurt, politely signifying he should leave.

"What is it Fredrick?" Maria asked a little apprehensively, walking over and sitting on Kurt's freshly made bed. That child would conquer any task as long as it would help speed up a meal.

"I just wanted to let you know, that I'm sorry if I let you down-" Fredrick began.

"Let me down? How on earth could you think that?" Maria asked.

"Well, with father gone, I was supposed to be the man of the house and I knew something was wrong for a while now, but I didn't say anything. I guess I didn't know what to say."

The hot tightening of Maria's throat was intensifying with each word he spoke. His vulnerable confession was pulling at her heart strings with every breath and it was a struggle for her to hold back her tears.

"Fredrick, sit with me a moment," Maria offered, shifting slightly on Kurt's bed to make room. After he joined her she turned to face him, and continued. "I want you to know two things. First and foremost, you did a wonderful job as the man of the house while your father was gone. He and I could not be more proud of you. You helped with your siblings, and you were always there for me, probably when you didn't even know you were doing it-"

"How so?" he interjected.

"Well, when you would bring up memories with your father and me, it would bring me such happiness to hear about him. Also, it filled me with comfort that you children missed him as much as I did."

They sat there in silence for a few moments while Fredrick shifted on the bed, considering her words.

"And the second thing?" he asked, prompting Maria to answer the more uncomfortable part of his statement.

"The second thing is this Fredrick, I need you to know, your brothers and sisters as well, and you children could never let me down. What I went through, what I'm going through is grief. It's an emotion you yourself have experienced-"

"After losing mother?"

"Exactly. Everyone processes it in different ways. Sometimes it affects you physically as it did me. Other times it affects you emotionally as it did you, or it can affect you mentally, as it did your father; and usually, but the time you're through the worst of the grief, you've experienced all three. There is, unfortunately as you know, no real cure for grief. It gets better with time, but there isn't anything anyone can do to make it better short of being there, and you've done that."

"Just as when mother died, no one could make it better for me. But having Liesl there helped… and it feels easier now."

"Yes. I needed to allow time to heal my wounds. It's going to take me some time still, but as you said, it's beginning to feel a little easier now. Just please know, there's nothing you could have done that you didn't, and nothing you should have done that you didn't."

The sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes staring at nothing in particular. Georg turned the corner, and entered the room breaking the silence.

"Fredrick, I'd suspect Kurt will have all of our heads if we aren't down for breakfast soon," Georg joked, eyeing up the situation before him.

Both Fredrick and Maria laughed, and stood to exit the bedroom. Fredrick left first, leaving Georg and Maria standing alone.

"I've never heard him open up like that-" Georg began, but stopped when Fredrick scurried back into the room.

He walked up to Maria, and she let out another chuckle.

"Did you forget something? Or are you simply in the mood for a dual with your brother?" she joked, ruffling his hair slightly, like she always did to Georg.

Fredrick didn't speak, but instead stood there gazing into her eyes, willing his mouth to say something. But it didn't, so he leaned in and wrapped his arms around her tightly.

She looked to Georg slightly concerned, and mainly touched, as she pulled him in a warm embrace, and held him briefly.

"I love you Fredrick," she whispered into his ear. And as the final words left her mouth, she felt his arms squeeze her tighter.


Maria knew that there was one thing left that her and Georg had yet to discuss. It seemed unlikely that anything had been left out; the last week alone they had spent each night in the sitting room, after the children had gone to bed talking about everything. She came to make him understand her rationalization for starving, her fears about abandonment stemming from her parents death, her guilt over what she'd put the children through, and her concern something may happen to Darren now that he had taken Georg's place after him resuming retirement.

And even though Georg had divulged many of his fears and secrets to her as well, neither of them had brought up the wedding. When it would happen, where it would happen, and how it would happen. Part of her wondered if he still wanted to get married. While she now had the confidence to know that neither of them had any intention of ever leaving the other, she still wanted to make things official. Also, now that her health was restoring there were physical desires playing on the forefront of her mind, and she wasn't sure how long she would be able to control them.

"Would you want any more children?" Maria asked, startling Georg from his focus on the paper. She wiggled her toes slightly in his lap, while he placed the paper across her feet and looked to his left to gaze down upon her resting form.

"Would you?" he countered. Knowing his answer, he was fearful of what hers would be. On one hand, even though she had all of his seven children for a lifetime, she didn't have any that were her blood. On the other, she had experienced something that affected her so traumatically, he couldn't imagine her taking that risk again. It seemed the safer option to dodge the question.

"With you," She replied softly, and without hesitation.

Georg shook his head jealously, "Well of course with me," he replied, mistaking her answer for a question.

She laughed, throwing the barrette she was twirling in her hands at him gently.

"I meant, I would want more children, only if it was with you," she smiled, looking down at her now empty hands to break the tension.

Georg chuckled slightly, realizing his mistake. He grabbed her feet softly, willing her to look into his eyes.

"Maria," he called, but she found herself unable to make eye contact with him. He took his hand squeezing her ankle in place, and used his fingers to begin tickling the sole of her foot.

"Okay!" she pleaded, finally looking up at him.

After waiting a moment for her laughter to subside, he locked eyes with her.

"Well, would you?" she asked again, unable to bare the silence.

"Nothing would make me happier in this life, than to have you carry my child. However, if that wasn't something you would want, I would never feel incomplete. You have made us a family again Maria, and my heart is forever whole because of you."

She swung her feet off of him and crawled over towards his lap. Georg felt his heart beat speeding as she cradling herself in his embrace.

"I'd still like to go back to teaching, after my medical leave is over. While I'm thankful for all the strings that you have pulled taking care of things for me, now that you're going to be home, I'd really like to go back…" Maria faded off, waiting for some indication as to how Georg would feel.

Surely they didn't need the money, and she wondered if he would feel resentful that he had resumed his retirement for her health, and now she was the one wanting to return to work.

"Well, of course I assumed as much."

"You did?"

"Your health isn't the only reason I decided to leave my position. I knew that once you were healthy again, I wanted one of us to be here for the children. Teaching at the university was a dream of yours, and there is no reason for you not to peruse it. You are far too intelligent to not utilize your gifts Maria."

"Is that all?" he asked, feeling there was something more.

"Well, my offer for marriage still stands," she said weakly. Originally she had intended for it to come out in a joking form, but instead her voice betrayed the insecurity she felt.

"I have been ready to marry you, ever since that one day you shook my hand, and I told you, Captain will suffice" he confessed, smirking at the memory now replaying in his mind.

"But that was the first day we met?" she questioned, and lifting her head to see his smile, realized she was right.

"Well, Captain…Sir, how about next month?"

Georg shook his head quickly.

"No, no, Fraulein, next month is much too far away."

Maria smiled, brushing her fingers against his freshly shaved skin.

"Next week then?" she offered.

"This weekend?" he countered.

"I'll be the one in white."

Note: Thank you Sandilane, Sara K M, and Honkytonkangel for being here with me from beginning to end. And a thank you to those of you reading, that I haven't acknowledged. Thank you to everyone who has read and reviewed. I'm glad there's still some people out there after my long gap.