Disclaimer: I don't own Ouran High School Host club.

Soundtrack: Sakura Kiss (String Version)

Chapter One

Since she was little, Kanade Fujishima heard that Ouran Academy is the best place to go to make something of yourself. Now here she is avoiding people.

There isn't a place where a person could be by themselves. To her dismay, there were people everywhere. Everywhere she looks there would be a group of people walking down the corridors. They were chatting amongst themselves, occasionally laughing at a joke she was sure wasn't all that funny.

The only thing she looks forward to at the end of the day is going to music class. She clutches the violin case closer to her side, fiddling with the blue strap. She's itching for practice to start and she could say with certainty that it isn't from the collar on her yellow dress. Her violin got her through most days. Hell, it got her through life. Can't calm emotions down? Play the violin. Too stressed out? Play the violin. Music always helped her. Just put on a pair of headphones and it always manages to drown out the noise.


"There they are!"

Kanade nearly trips over her own feet from the shrieks that pierce her ears. She stiffens and manages to grab onto the railing on the grand staircase. Of course, there were a group of girls, huddled close to each other with their hands clasped together as a group of five boys strut across the foyer. A few students stop to stare at them as if they were some kind of famous boy band. She stares at the boys in disbelief. That is what all the commotion was about?

They were just regular boys from class!

She recognizes one of them from somewhere. She's him at the cafeteria a few times but never really talked to him because he's always surrounded by a bunch of people. He always carries that laptop with him when he walked to class. It's hard not to forget him.

Just what is it about him and his posse that made them the most talked about? It hasn't even been a week at school yet. How are they so popular already? She didn't get it. She shakes her head. She's getting a headache just thinking about it. She could've sworn that one of them glances right at her. The boy with the laptop and glasses. What's his name again? She ducks her head, hiding behind her hair as she slowly walks away. Just keep walking, Kanade. No direct eye contact!

She couldn't breathe properly until she was safely walking down the grand staircase near the front entrance.

Right. Back, to the usual spot.

The 'usual spot' is a giant sakura tree in the courtyard. Nobody ever came there during lunch time. Who would want to lay on the grass and get their uniforms dirty? She smiles to herself, placing her violin case near the base of it. She'd been coming to this place since the first day of school. Her own little private spot away from the noise. Away from the emotionally draining conversations. People chatting at the same time always hurt her ears. But birds? Chirping birds she could handle.

She jumps and reaches for a close tree branch.

She always got yelled at for climbing trees when she was younger. Apparently it's not "lady-like". She loves being near the tree by her family's manor. It was her favorite spot to practice.

"I don't think that's appropriate behavior during school hours, miss."

She jumps, startled by the sound of a familiar voice. She lost her balance on the branch and fell off, shrieking and bracing herself for impact with the hard ground. She lands on something soft instead. That something soft just made a loud "Oomph!" noise. She freezes and slowly looks down.

There he is, laying on the grass with his glasses askew on his face. Kami -sama she prays that they weren't broken. She heard that he could be quite scary when he's in a bad mood. Why'd it have to be him of all people? What if the fangirls found out? She pales at the thought of an angry mob chasing after her.

"O-Ootori-san?" She squeaks, slowly backing away from him. Her heart was beating so fast! She watches him cautiously as he got back up to his feet, adjusting his glasses. She sighs with relief when she saw that they weren't broken. "I-I wasn't expecting to see you here! Please forgive me!"

She bows respectfully. Her hands shake by her sides when he didn't respond. She glances up at him from behind her wall of brown hair. Ootori's expression is unreadable.

"Well, I certainly wasn't expecting that either, miss," he finally says, smiling at her. She has a feeling that smile wasn't genuine. "I dropped by to ask you a question but I didn't think you'd drop from a tree."

"I-it's a talent I have, unfortunately," she laughs nervously, smoothing down her dress to get the leaves off.

"Can I be so bold to say that you fell for me?" He has the nerve to snicker.

She's pretty sure her entire face looked like a tomato. It's the cheesiest pick up line she ever heard and it felt foreign coming from his mouth.

She stands there, stiff like a marble statue. They were staring at each other for what felt like a long time. The birds chirp around them, breaking the awkward silence. She isn't sure if she even wants to know what he's thinking. What if she made a run for it? How much trouble would she be in if she did?

"I hope you don't plan on running off," He pushes his glasses further up the bridge of his nose. "That would just make you even more suspicious."

She jumps back with a protective arm out in front of her. She made a noise of surprise (that truthfully just sounded like a loud "Ehhhhh!?") as lightning struck behind her. He's a mind reader! He's not normal!

"I don't read minds, miss," he tells her calmly. Says you! she shrieks nternally."Can you care to explain as to why you were sitting by a tree in the first place?"

"It...it's the only place where I can think, Ootori-San," she replies, smiling sheepishly. "Everywhere else is too full of people."

He doesn't respond right away, merely hums, and takes out his black notebook. His eyes quickly scan its contents. He seemed to find what he was looking for because he quickly closes it again and glances over at her.

"Is there something wrong?" she asks hesitantly.

"I have a proposition for you actually," he clears his throat. "I'd like you to come to our club tomorrow."

"O-oh, I'm not sure if clubs are my sort of thing," she says, wincing. Music class was a whole different story. She was so lost in playing her violin that the people sitting around her didn't bother her.

"Why not? You seem like the sort of person that avoids people," Ootori smiles politely but his glasses glared in the sunlight making him appear far more menacing. "The host club would be perfect for you. Plus, it might make me forget that this meeting ever happened. Have I mentioned that I have an army of police?"

Mother, father, forgive me if I'm arrested suddenly. I've just insulted the most infamous person in this school and he has a police army.

Host club? The name souns familiar. Where has she heard that before? She frowns as she ponders over his suggestion. She doesn't even know what that is. Is that some kind of game show?

"What exactly is a host club?" Her frown deepens at the look of surprise on his face.

"How intriguing, I guess you'll just have to find out when you get there, won't you?" he hums and walks towards the entrance. "It's at the abandoned music room 31-A. I look forward to seeing you there," he pauses in his tracks and gglancs back at her, adding her name as an afterthought. "Fujishima-san."

Go to Ouran Academy, they have a good music program! they said

It'll be fun! they said.

Yeah right.

It's the first week of school and she is already miserable.

It isn't until class started that she realizes he didn't even answer her question.

A/N: *rose petals swirl in the air, coming straight at you* Welcome! This particular story is mostly original but some episodes will be thrown in now and then. It'll mostly be anime verse as I've never read the manga sadly (I really should someday, I'm adding it to the list XD) I hope you enjoyed reading!

Question of the day: Which host club member would you designate? I'm quite curious :D