A/N: hey, i was watching this over break, and I wanted to make one. So here you go! Please review!

The young man and woman frantically searched around their small clock shop, throwing items around, searching for a clock with an annoying beeping, when Captain Man and Kid Danger burst through the door.

"Hi! We're here." Kid Danger said, falling in line with Captain Man.

"Especially me." Man replied, his ego getting a hold of himself.

The woman rushed forward. "Oh, Captain Man and Kid Danger, I'm so glad to see you, we're so scared." She turned to the man and put her hand on his shoulder.

"I'm Jafoon!" The young man with long hair cried out.

"Well, Hi, Jafoon. I'm Captain Man, this is my sidekick Kid Danger-" Man introduced, trying to be polite.

Kid cut him off, annoyed. "Can we please meet Jafoon later?" Captain Man nodded, and Kid Danger walked over to the lady. "Ma'am, what's the emergency?" Kid stated formally.

'Yeah, tell us what's going on!" Captain Man shouted, eyes scanning the room.

The woman was panicking. "Ok, ok, uh, I was here, working with Jafoon-"

Jafoon cut her off, jumping up and down, "I'm Jafoon!" Captain Man and Kid Danger rolled their eyes.

The woman continued, "And I got a phone call from some weirdo, said there was a-C-5 disrupter somewhere in my store!" She threw her hands down at her sides.

Captain Man looked on in astonishment. "A C-5 disrupter?"

The woman paled. "Is that bad?"

Kid Danger answered. "Well, on a scale of C-1 to C-10, it's about a fiveā€¦" he said, shaking his hand.

Jafoon groaned, and the lady asked, "What does that mean?"

Captain Man replied, "That it can destroy this entire store." Jafoon and the woman screamed at the news.

"Kid Danger!" Captain Man called out to his sidekick. "Call the police!"

"On it." He replied and went to the corner to make the phone call.

Captain Man walked over to the frightened couple. "Ma'am, you and Jafoon have got to get out of here!" He urged.

"I'm Jafoon!" The man shouted once again.

"We know!" Kid Danger shouted above the beeping from the other side of the room.

"Come on!" The woman screamed and she and Jafoon ran out of the store. Captain Man turned to his side kick. "Did you get the police?" He asked.

"Nah, it went to voicemail!" He said, listening to the ringtone over and over again.

"Ah, just hang up." Captain Man said. They both went to the center console when a deafening ringing noise was spread throughout the store from the C-5.

Kid Danger groaned in pain, " Ugh, that's so loud!" He yelled.

Captain Man had both hands over his ears. "Yeah, that's the C-5 disrupter." He screamed

"Well, we got to find it before it blows!" Danger screamed back. Captain Man nodded and they both ran to opposite sides of the small store, throwing clocks off the walls and breaking them, trying to find the disrupter. This went on for several minutes, finding nothing.

"Ugh, Kid! We got to get out of here!" Captain Man yelled in frustration!

"Wait!" Kid Danger yelled out, running over to a noisy and glowing clock laying on the floor.

"What are you doing?" Man yelled at his sidekick, who had just picked up the clock. Kid Danger had ripped the clock apart to see wires and switched inside of it.

"That's it! That's the C-5 disrupter!" Man shouted, pointing at the contraption.

"Well, how do we turn it off!" Danger questioned as both of them tried pushing and poking the clocks.

"Look!" Kid Danger pointed at the timer, "We're running out of time!"

Captain Man groaned in frustration. "Wait, there! Open the window! I'll throw it in the alley!" He commanded to his sidekick. Kid Danger ran over to the window, trying to open it, and hitting it, with no prevail. "It's stuck!" He cried.

Captain Man said, "Move kid!" He handed him the bomb and went to try the window. Captain Man picked up a nearby chair and rammed it into the window. The chair smashed and the window remained intact.

"Man, that's a quality window." Danger remarked, staring at the window. The two both tried to fix the clock again. "We can't turn it off!" Kid shouted. Captain man threw the clock on the counter.

"Oh well, LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!" He screamed, and the duo ran out the door. They were already outside when Kid stopped and said, "Wait!"

"What?" Man questioned.

"I left my phone in their." Kid said, pointing back to the store. Captain Man groaned. "Oh, man!"

"I got to go get it!" Kid shouted. "No!" Captain Man argued. "Just get a new phone!"

Kid Danger shrugged. "But I haven't backed up my contacts!" Captain Man groaned. "Fine, go get your phone!" Kid Danger nodded and ran back into the store. He did a quick searched and found that his phone was still on the center console where he left it.

"You really should hurry!" Yelled captain man through the window. Kid ran to his phone and grabbed it, waving it in the air. "I got it!" He cried.

"Great!" Captain Man replied, Now hurry-" Was the last thing Captain Man said before the C-5 disrupter exploded. He flew back and rolled a couple times, ears ringing from the explosion. He slowly stood up, coughing up dirt and dust.

"Kid!" He shouted, not seeing him around. He waited a few seconds, expecting him to walk out of the door. Man really started to worry. He ran back inside the blown up building.

When he ran in, he saw a figure lying awkwardly on the floor. "Kid!" he screamed, and ran over to him, falling on the floor. He was breathing, but barely, blood cover almost every inch of him body.

Captain Man stared at his sidekick's motionless body. What had he done?