
Oh my… I'm so glad that someone actually reads.

Ty all.

On a side note:

The 1st chapter had been edited briefly. Nothing major really, just one more line and a few grammatical errors.

For those who are too lazy to reread, spoiler alerts: Smoker lost his first kiss.

This story also doesn't necessarily follow any chronological order, most chapters are quite independent and can be read alone (sort of)

As strange as it might sound, Eutass Kidd didn't know how to swim, despite living less than ten meters from the ocean.

Not that he hadn't want to, but there was only so much sand one could endure before giving up. After scrubbing his shorts off those filthy, itchy little particles for the fifth time or so, Kidd decided that swimming did NOT worth getting sand everywhere and stopped trying.

Yeah, screw swimming. He had better things to do than wiggling his limbs in the water: like tinkering with his old man's motorbike or scavenging the scrap yard, for instance. Besides, it wasn't as if he was the only one who didn't know how to swim, Luffy was just as clueless on the matter. And with Killer as his personal mother hen, the odds of him drowning in the foreseeable future was slim to none.

Yup, none.

Unless you count that one time he got a wee bit too adventurous. But in Kidd's defence, he didn't die, so don't worry your little head.

I'm talking about you, Killer.

Anyway, when Kidd was eleven, he had a not so bright idea of strolling on the rocky beach behind his home after a storm in FLIP FLOPS. You know, the type of footwear that was way too slippery to be used on wet tiles, let alone mossy rocks.

He was a dumb kid, alright?

To make the matter worse, that beach was never used because of how dangerous it was. Some spots were shallow and a bit bumpy, while others could probably be described as sinkholes from hell. And these areas were right next to each other, too. So one moment the water was up to your hips, the next it was neck-deep, and the next? You were sinking to your death.

His dad clearly wasn't thinking when he purchased this house.

Kidd was strolling down the rocky beach, kicking peddles and watching out for peculiar things that might wash up on shore. He'd once come across a weird pendant while prowling the public beach, and was hoping that he'd get his hand on a few similar things out here too. So far, he hadn't found anything worth seizing yet. All he saw were surprise, surprise: Rocks and even more rocks.

Why, again, did he think that he'd find anything out here?

Kidd wasn't planning on going back inside though. The winds felt kinda nice on his face, and he'd been stuck indoor for the last 3 days due to the ridiculous storm. He supposed that walking a bit more wouldn't hurt.

Sure enough, his persistence paid off. Laid out right ahead of him was a seashell. Kidd picked the thing up, examining it in his palm. The exoskeleton was like a miniature unicorn's horn. Its colours were so pretty too: turquoise swilled with ivory and tinted iridescent under the warm sun.

Kidd smiled boyishly. He couldn't wait to show this to Killer tomorrow. Already, he could imagine the boy's pissed off expression when he told him where he got the seashell.

"Hey! Give it back!"

Kidd tore his gaze away from the tiny thing, golden eyes meeting silver ones. There was a boy in the water glaring at him angrily. He was bronze skinned and a bit on the skinny side.


"The shell, of course!"

He snarled, puffing his chest out in a supposedly frightening demeanour, but only succeeded to make Kidd chuckled. In the redhead's mind, the boy in front of him look like an annoyed wet cat: amusing and not scary at all.

"No way! I found this."

"But it's MINE!"

"Really now? I don't see any name on this."

"But… but…"

Kidd juggled the little seashell in his hand, grinning broadly at the other's look of complete frustration. They stared off for a good two minutes, then the older boy threw up his arms…

"Fine! Have it your way."

… And submerged, leaving Kidd all alone on the now emptied beach.

"Tch, what a baby." The redhead rolled his eyes, pocketing the seashell.

He went on with his strolls, albeit less focused than before. Kidd wondered what the boy's problem was. It was just a stupid shell, did he really have to act so dramatic? And weren't those things everywhere on beaches or something?

Kidd was jerked out of his thought when his feet gave out on him. He yelped, eyes widened in terror as he tumbled forward, plummeting into the ocean.

Remember what I said about sinkholes? This was one of those holes.

Instead of hitting rocks like he had expected, Kidd found himself sinking fast. He tried fanning his arms, but the momentum was far from enough to push him to the surface. The dark abyss beneath sucked him in, and the light above seemed further away after every second.

He was going to drown. Kidd realized. Killer would be so mad that he'd kick his sorry ass. Well, if he even found his sorry ass, that is. He was going to die here under all these filthy rocks and no one would know.

At least it isn't sand...

Kidd thought morbidly.

Just when he had lost all hope, something gasped his pale hand, pulling him up.

There was a face so close to his own.

It was the boy from earlier. But he looked different somehow. Blazing silver eyes, full lips, hair the colour of the night... Under the water where little light could penetrate, he appeared so otherworldly.

So pretty.

Kidd's oxygen-deprived mind piped up.

Looking at him, the redhead felt a sense of serenity taking over him. He ceased his struggling, watching the other boy leaning forward through half lidded eyes.

Their lips touched.

Kidd blinked in shock. Everything became so much less hazy when sweet air flooded his lungs. His vision sharpened, his heart beat as fast as a spooked rabbit's. Finally, his limp gained enough strength to push the other boy away, severing their connected lips. He took in the sight

And almost gasped.

Where there should have been legs was a white tail that contrasted with dark skin tone. Its many shiny scales twinkled, creating the illusion of liquid metal, dancing beautifully in his eyes. What was more were the occasional dark spots that grew denser in distribution the closer to the tip of the appendage, like dalmatian, or perhaps leopard seal. There at the very end of the tail was a large caudal fin that lazily fanned the water.

Otherworldly indeed.

Kidd must have fainted at some point because the next thing he knew, he was lying on a large boulder, staring up at the deep blue sky.

The boy sat up, wrinkling his nose in distaste at how drenched he was; and how his flip flops was missing.

"Just great!"

He grumbled. They probably were somewhere in the sea now. It looked like he had to walk home barefoot… on lumpy rocks!

But that wasn't the biggest chunk of his annoyance. Those flip flops were ugly anyway. What ticked him off the most was that his saviour was nowhere to be seen.

A week later, a grumpy Killer came over his house with the missing footwear in tow.

"Kidd, what were your flip flops doing on the beach?"

"Those aren't mine…"

"You wrote your name under both of them, Kidd."

"I lost them a while back." Kidd admitted, "Where did you find them?"

"Like I've said: on the beach- the one behind your house. I was walking over here when I saw the ugly things lying on a rock. I knew they were yours immediately."


Law is pretty much the master of stealing first kisses, to be honest.

This chapter, as you might have suspected, takes place wayyyy before the first one. I enjoy writing this, and hope that you like it too.

For next chapter I have three options in mind:


2,Luffy and his friends.

3,Just Law's daily life.

I had outlined all of them already, so pick whichever you want to come first, and I'll prioritize it.

*Trainer Azurite:

Thank you for your kind comment *blush*. On the contrary, I think I messed up quite a number of times in the last chap. It's the bane of having no beta reader, I'm afraid.

* Dragon Ruler 06:

Is that a pun I smell? I'm happy that you enjoy the story so far. Hopefully I can keep you hooked. Ehehe.

Again, thank you all and plz don't be shy to comment. I'm getting kinda lonely here. ehehe.