Sorry it's been so long but I am back and everything will be finished soon hopefully. This is the fault of the DVD box set Flashpoint and my overactive brain.

Warning: This is a slash pairing and it is Omegaverse

Disclaimer: Nothing from Flashpoint is mine only playing with them

I may continue this if there is any interest as it does seem to be a rare pairing but I'm hooked.

Enjoy :)

Chapter 1. The Newbie

Sam Braddock wasn't nervous by nature, in fact being a very strong alpha he was usually calm, confident and sure of himself no matter the situation. However since returning from his last tour in Afghanistan and the disaster it had ended in he was less confident that normal. He could sense the woman watching him from the control desk, she had smiled and offered him a drink while he waited but he had declined. Sam was becoming increasingly hot sat waiting for the door of the briefing room to open, his leg twitched slightly and his nerves reminded him of when he had been about six years old and waiting in his father's study to be punished for some mischief. Finally the door opened and Sargent Greg Parker stepped out, his combat boots producing heavy footsteps on the floor as he approached. Sam had met the elder alpha previously and liked him, Greg had a very soft, gentle almost paternal air that was rare for an alpha in a position of command. Greg smiled at Sam and gestured for him to proceed into the briefing room and meet his new team.

Team One was arranged around the briefing table all looking at Sam with a range of expressions on their faces. It only took seconds for Sam to evaluate the members in the room and access them, his training still ingrained after the years sent in the army. The atmosphere was not welcoming, in fact it made Sam's hackles rise and his muscled shoulders tense. Ed the team's tactical leader stepped forward to try and defuse the tension now in the room. The large bald man glanced at the Boss before raising an eyebrow in response the Greg's unasked question. They both knew it was a risk taking someone like Sam onto the team, for not only was he another alpha he had left the army in less than pleasant circumstance which would be raw and very close to the surface. Team One was already unusual compared to the others in the fact they had two alpha team leaders and Jules who was a rare female alpha. However both Ed and Greg had felt drawn to Sam of all the candidates and there was something about him that reached out to them. Ed reached out a friendly hand to the young alpha.

"Hey buddy, nice to see you again."

Sam recognized the tactical leader and softened his stance slightly at the warmer greeting.

"Nice to see you again Ed."

Greg reached out and placed a large comforting hand on Sam's broad shoulder, turning him to face his team around the table.

"Team, I would like to introduce you to our new team member Samuel Braddock"

There was a pause while everyone squared up a visual impression of Sam, quickly Wordy stepped forward to break the tensioned silence.

"Hi Sam, I'm Wordy. Seen the gym yet?"

Although a beta Wordy was a very big bloke, he was physically impressive even for an alpha but being a beta meant he had a much less aggressive aura and Sam took a liking to him.

"Yeh thanks Wordy, I'm actually looking forward to using it, looks well equipped".

Wordy grinned and slapped him good-naturedly on the shoulder.

"Will have to see how you shape up, you look in pretty decent shape but bet I still bench more than you"

Sam grinned and responded with a smirk that made his already handsome features stand out even more.

"Wait and see, you might be surprised."

Jules had already been eyeing up Sam as soon as he entered the briefing room and was slowly trying to push her way closer but Ed moved slightly to block her path. Jules scowled up at the male alpha but the hard look in Ed's eyes had her stepping back with a pout. Instead Lou came forward and shuck Sam's hand, the young beta had a calm yet slightly reserved aura that was less abrasive than Jules but not overly friendly towards the new alpha.

"Good to meet you Sam, good luck."

Lou was instantly aware of Spike shifting next to him and a frown flittered across his face as he wondered what was wrong with his best friend.

Spike was the furthest away from Sam and as a result he hadn't realized what was happening at first. Slowly and secretly Spike sniffed the air, letting the scent wash over his senses to find out why it was bothering him. It didn't take more than a few seconds for Spike to realize he was in trouble. The problem was that Spike presented himself to the outside world and his team as a well-rounded, likable beta. However nothing could be further from the actual truth, Spike had been taking suppressant's since he was in college and had matured, presenting as a rare, powerful omega. Right now those carefully suppressed and ignored omega senses were tingling so strongly that pinpricks of heat and pleasure were dancing along his nerves. The bomb tech had never shared his true nature with anyone other than his parents and that had always caused him problems with his dad. He had never been in this sort of situation before, where he was quickly losing control of his own emotions and senses. Spike was brought out of his whirling thoughts by Lou gently nudging his arm when he realized his friend wasn't paying attention to a word of what was going on around him.

"Sorry Lou, didn't mean to drift then"

Lou shook his head and softly replied.

"What's wrong?"

The concern was evident in his face as he looked at Spike, he had never seen his friend look so rattled before.

"Nothing I'm fine Lou, just was thinking over some improvements to baby cakes."

Although Lou didn't quite believe him, he nodded and dropped the subject turning just in time to catch Jules causing a stir.

Jules was the only woman on active field team, she was strong, capable and although an alpha herself she could follow orders. The moment she set eyes on Sam Braddock she wanted him. He was gorgeous, all powerful muscles, bright blond hair and startling blue eyes. He was powerful too, much more than she or even Ed or Greg but he wasn't completely mature yet. Jules was annoyed at Ed for blocking her path, but she knew better than to start trouble on a day like today. She glanced at the others then slipped past Ed and held her hand out to Sam.

"Nice to meet you Braddock, let's hope you're stronger than you look."

Her tone of voice had Spike tensing before he even realized he was doing it. He narrowed his chocolate coloured eyes and growled deep and low until he cut the sound off and silently berated himself for his own behavior. Jules was clearly flirting with the newbie but everyone's surprise Sam closed his body language off and stepped back away from her. His stance clearly showing he wasn't interested in her flirty attitude.

"I'm sure I am strong enough for the team."

Sam frowned at the woman's tone, she was obviously an alpha and he couldn't understand why she was showing so much interest in him, alphas couldn't mate with other alphas it didn't work like that.

Greg sighed quietly and addressed his team as one.

"Right Team One, we are hitting the gym with team building exercises and personal fitness evaluations."

His unwelcome order had the whole team groaning and slopping off to the changing rooms to find their gym gear. It was going to be a long shift if no calls came in, in fact Spike and Lou found themselves quietly wishing a call would come in so they wouldn't get their asses handed to them again.

Chapter 2. The unexpected consequence.

It took a few weeks for Sam to settle into the team, it turned out he wasn't as arrogant as many assumed and Sam himself learned that even a solider like him could learn to use words as well as lethal force sometimes. He was by no means in the league of Greg or even Jules as a negotiator but he was improving and at least trying now. Spike had kept as much distance as possible from Sam, without being rude or unfriendly, he just didn't trust himself. His control and façade were both slipping. It was harder and harder to spend more than a few minutes in close proximity to the young alpha. He had even started taking the strong dose of his tablets but they were fast becoming ineffective. Lou was noticing his odd behaviour as was the Boss but he was hiding it well under the hard new software he was striving to learn. However Spike knew it couldn't last forever.

Sam was finally feeling like he belonged to Team One, Jules was still pushing him and flirting with him every chance she got but he could ignore that side of her to find they worked well together and had become friends. Ed and Greg had adopted a very paternal attitude towards him which he was increasingly grateful for with how distant his own father was. He had managed to become firm friends with Wordy, Lou and Winnie the three betas being a good balance for his alpha temper when it flared to life. The only black spot was the mysterious figure of the bomb tech Spike. Sam had tried very hard to befriend him, but no matter what he did the Italian man would have none of it. Which Sam was very disappointed about as he had been nursing a major attraction to him since the moment he saw him. An attraction which was as puzzling as it was powerful, Sam could barely concentrate on anything whenever Spike got close. There was a very strong scent just always out of range whenever he did get close enough, if Sam didn't know any better he would have thought he was an omega. Closing his locker with a slam he made the decision to get to the bottom of the beautiful mystery that was Spike Scarlatti.

It didn't take long to find the Italian man, he was just coming out of the showers and as it was nearly 11 o'clock at night the rest of the team had gone home, most having their own families and homes they wanted to get too. However Spike lived in his parent's basement and since a recent and very nasty fight with his dad again he was avoiding being there as much as possible. Spike rubbed a dry towel through his brunet locks trying to close off his emotions, his dad had never forgiven him for being an omega never mind joining SRU and they had been at odds ever since with his poor Ma in the middle. The bomb tech was so lost in thought he didn't hear Sam's almost silent approach behind him until it was too late.

"Hey Spike, didn't expect you to still be here".

Sam's voice was smooth and deep like honey. The low rumble sent shivers of pleasure down Spike's spine no matter how hard he tried to ignore it.

"Sammy, didn't hear you come in, make a habit of stalking people in the showers do you?"

It was meant to sound teasing and a little insulting but Spike knew his voice was slightly too husky and layered with omega aura to be convincing even himself. Sam's pupils dilated as he caught the hitch in tone and prowled closer, tasting the air as he went. There was that all too elusive scent again just hanging out of reach, tormenting his senses.

"You know you almost had me for a while."

Spike's eyes widened.

"What do you mean Sam?"

He backed away, all too aware of the fact he was only dressed in his combat pants and socks, nothing else and Sam was getting closer, too close for comfort. Sam was finally within reaching distance of the bomb tech, he leaned down to breathe in the scent at the junction between neck and shoulder. Spike looked at the blonde head above him, his chocolate eyes blown wide as Sam pressed into his person space. He was powerless to resist even if he wanted to by this point.

It took Sam a few seconds only to discover his theory had been correct all along. Hiding under an artificial scent of a beta was the strong, sweet scent of a powerful omega. Hints of chocolate, spice and a light musk that was unmistakable once you got this close. Sam growled low in the back of his throat and crowded Spike back against the wall, his beautiful blue eyes blown dark and pupils taken that alpha silted shape. Spike had been dreading this since he first saw Sam, he knew that the sniper was powerful, possibly powerful enough to detect his scent even with the suppressors and oil coating his scent gland but he never expected to actually want the alpha. That had been his downfall, the more time he spent with the blonde the more he discovered he was attracted physically and emotionally to him. There had been several occasions where he had been forced to leave or he would have reacted to the way Jules was treating Sam. Spike forced his body to obey as he leaned back and put his hands on Sam's sculptured shoulders.

"Sam, we need to talk first. Can you do that for me?"

It was the first time Spike had used his omega voice in years and he had forgotten just how much power it had over an alpha. Sam straightened to his full 6'0 and moved his muscle bound arms to cage him in against the wall but didn't move to do anything else.


There was nothing Spike could do except explain but not here.

"Your place? Mine's not very hospitable at the moment"

Sam nodded and briefly squeezed Spike's waist in apology at the sadness in his voice when he mentioned his home. He unashamedly watched Spike pull his shirt on over a lean, muscled torso and throw his jacket on.

To be fair Sam's apartment was closer anyway to headquarters and neither was in much of a mood to wait long, suppressed emotions and desires were burning hot in both of them. Sam unlocked the door and showed Spike through to the living room dumping both of their bags in the hall and heading through to the kitchen for two beers. He had a feeling they were going to need it for this conversation. Spike settled on the sofa and accepted the beer gratefully and sank back into the pillows. He had been to Sam's before and appreciated the fact that Sam was tidy by nature as much as it had surprised them all. He flicked on the TV showing some cheerful animated film that Spike was familiar with from his nephews as background noise. Sam settled next to him and threw an arm along the back of the sofa behind Spike, his large hand playing with the longer strands at the back of his neck. His fingers massaging the tense muscles along the back of Spike's neck as he began to talk, leaning gratefully into Sam's soothing touch.

"It started when I was at collage, I had decided what I wanted to be but then presented as an omega. As it was my dad didn't want me to follow my career choice but he was even more unhappy and ashamed of me when he found out what I was. As you will know being in the Army, the police aren't very welcoming to omega's no matter what policy says about equal job offers so I hid my scent and took suppressors to apply as a beta instead. I was successful but my dad got even worse when I joined SRU and trained as a bomb and technical expert. So I got used to hiding it and the tablets I take are so powerful no one has ever been able to tell I was actually an omega not a beta till you came along. I'm not ashamed of who I am, I like being an omega, especially as I am powerful when I'm not on the suppressors but I got used to it and I liked being able to blend in as a beta when on the force. I would like to know how you got through my suppressors and my beta oil though."

Sam took a drink of his beer then set it down on the coffee table in front of them. He turned to Spike and drew him close so he was leaning into the sniper's side before answering.

"I sensed something from the moment we met. To be honest had you been less cautious around me I would have found out months ago but you peeked my interest with the way you never allowed me close for long so I was determined to find out why. I could always smell something, I would just catch a whiff of the scent before you would escape. But it was your reactions to Jules that had me thinking you were an omega."

Spike looked up startled as Sam mentioned Jules.

"How do you mean? I never reacted to her at work."

The tense words had belayed the reaction Spike was feeling inside at the mention of Jules was a dead giveaway that Spike realized he had done the moment after he had done it.

"Like that Spike. You would tense and have to leave the room when she started at me even when I pushed her away and made it clear I wasn't interested in her like that. I'm still not."

Sam pulled Spike back down so he was now in Sam's lap, his lithe thighs braced either side of Sam's waist on the sofa as Sam ran his hands along Spike's shoulders and down his back.

"Well she wouldn't stop and I knew if I stayed I would end up changeling her which would be a dead giveaway to all of you as my suppressors only subdue my heat cycles not my omega manifestations when I lose control."

There was a pause as Sam imagined seeing Spike lose control and had to shift slightly as Spike would feel the heat starting pool in his lower regions straight away where he was sat. Spike sensed the shift straight away in Sam's mood, he could smell the dark tang of arousal deepening Sam's scent and feel the heat beneath him that caused his own body to react. The brunet gasped and his hands leapt to his muscled shoulders to keep his balance. Sam pulled in a deep breath and wrapped his arms around Spike's slim waist.

"You know what I want Spike but what do you want?"

Spike paused for a moment, alphas by nature tended to be very dominating but Sam was very special, the influence of alphas like Ed and Greg had done wonders for his maturing personality. But it was still unusual for an alpha to stop and ask permission from an omega or at least it was in Spike's experience. However he already knew his answer, he knew what he wanted, had wanted from the moment he had laid eyes on the handsome blonde in the briefing room on his first day.

"Sammy I've wanted you since the day I saw you but if we do this then I want the bond, nothing less."

The look on Sam's face was nothing short of ecstasy at Spike's confession. Slowly so to make sure he had Spike's permission he leaned forward and captured the brunet's lips with his own. Spike moaned at the contact, he hadn't ever been kissed like this even when he was younger. Sam claimed him with his mouth, soft lips parting as Sam explored his mouth with a hot tongue. Spike mewled and pressed himself against Sam's clothed body as heat exploded along his nerves just from one kiss. The flood of power from Sam was enough to clear his body of the suppressors and allow his omega instincts to flow to the surface once again. Sam ran his hands down Spike's back and under the hem of his shirt, in one swift movement lifted it off over his head. The bomb tech gasped at the sudden cold but it didn't last before Sam was kissing his again, overwhelming his senses in heat and the smell of aroused alpha with the unique mixture of Sam. Large hands gripped Spike's hips hard enough to leave bruises by the morning, as Sam plundered the omega's mouth again, tongues tangling together till Spike was panting and flush with heat. Sam growled low in his throat in pleasure as Spike pressed closer and returned his kiss with just as much heat and passion as himself. The alpha could feel the omega heating up and knew he needed to move them before this mating happened on his sofa which he didn't want.

Spike felt the movement and just about had time to tighten his legs around Sam's waist as with an incredible show of strength the sniper stood with Spike held up by his thighs in one clean movement. The bomb tech laughed and tightened his hands around Sam's neck, kissing and nipping at his strong pulse point.

"Spike, babe if you don't stop that you're going to get taken against this wall and as tempting as that thought is I'd rather not right now for our mating."

It took a few seconds for Spike to register that he didn't want their mating to be against a wall, hard and fast but he did lift his head and kissed Sam softly on the mouth as his alpha managed to get them into his bedroom. The omega felt the wonderfully soft mattress dip underneath his back as he was lay on the king-sized bed.

Sam took in the sight of Spike spread out on the bed underneath him, his alpha instincts were roaring in his blood but he was strong and able to keep his mind at least at this point. Sam braced one knee on the bed and stroked a large hand down Spike's bare chest, pausing to play with one dark nipple until it tightened into a little pebble under the rough skin of his fingers. Spike moaned and arched his back into the touch, he could feel the hot dampness between his legs that hadn't been present for a long time. Sam could smell the hot, slick liquid even through the layers of clothing and it went straight to his already hard cock. He moaned and lay his body full length along Spike's purring deep in his chest as the omega thrust his hips up into Sam's groin.

"Babe you're so beautiful like this, I may never let you leave my bed from now on."

Spike huffed out a laugh at his alpha.

"Flattery will get you nowhere Samtastic".

Sam's hands reached Spike's pants and pulled them down over his legs, leaning down the sniper kissed the inside of creamy thighs that were exposed. He had managed to pull down Spike's boxers at the same time in one movement the omega was fully exposed to the blonde. A bright red flush enveloped his skin as his cock stood proud against his taught stomach aching for attention. Sam was quick to throw off his pants and boxers and join Spike on the bed both now naked, Spike lifted himself to reach Sam's mouth as the bigger alpha settled over him. The omega lapped and nipped at Sam's mouth as he felt the intense heat start boiling over inside him.

Their mating wasn't going to be gentle by any means, Spike was too impatient and Sam was too caught up in his mate's lust and power to resist him. The blonde trailed his hand up Spike's thigh to his hip, circling around the area Spike wanted him most causing the omega to whine and arch up to try and find the friction he was desperate for. The omega could feel the wetness spreading over his cheeks heating his skin, his pheromones surged forward thickening his scent and trying to entice his alpha. Sam growled in response, he had been trying to take this a little slow but the onslaught of Spike's scent was too much. His cock was rock hard, dark red with blood the head already swelling slightly. The sniper lifted Spike's legs over his broad shoulders and leaned down to inhale the musky liquid dripping out of the little ring of muscle. The omega squirmed as he felt Sam nuzzle into his flesh and let out an embarrassed squeak when he felt the first rasp of a hot, wet tongue between his ass cheeks.


Spike whined, his voice going higher when a finger joined the tongue, probing his wet leaking entrance.

"Shh, there's no way I am doing this without preparing you first."

The brunet closed his chocolate eyes and tried to will some patience from somewhere, he could feel Sam's other hand holding his hips down as his fingers explored his slicked entrance. He could easily imagine Sam driving into him with no stretching first, in fact the way the alpha was shaking he was only just holding himself back from doing just that. Spike's cock twitched at the thought of it but he knew that was best kept for when he was I heat rather than their first time, especially as he hadn't been with anyone in years.

Sam groaned, a growl slipping past his lips as he felt how tight his mate was. The intense, slick heat was already unbearable just around his finger. He slowly worked his finger in deeper, feeling the ring of muscles give around his knuckle he was prepared for Spike when he mewled trying to push his finger deeper and harder against his gland. The sniper quickly drew his finger back and added a second one, he was fighting his own instincts for control and knew he had to speed up or risk much worse injury to his mate. Spike felt the sharp stretch and burn of the second finger only a brief second before his body adjusted, he was soon gripping Sam with his thighs and attempting to fuck himself on this fingers scissoring into him, hitting both his gland and his prostate with each stroke.

"Sam..please…cant take much more"

Spike just about managed to gasps out a plea as he felt those fingers leave him, the sudden emptiness a horrible feeling that had him clenching his muscles looking for more.

"Easy babe, easy I've not gone anywhere"

Sam could see Spike was long gone and was getting distressed at the lack of anything inside him now. So with one last glance at his mate's face he nudged the tip of his swollen cock inside the ring of muscle. The sniper let loose a deep rumble as he tight heat sucked him almost at once, he carefully angled Spike's hips a little higher then thrust forward so more of his length slid home. He could feel how tense Spike had got, his hands were scrabbling at the duvet as he felt the sheer size of his mate. It felt like he was being ripped in half. Sam was aware of Spike's discomfort and leaned down to distract him with a kiss, desperate and hurried it had the desired effect as Spike was momentarily distracted as Sam slammed home with one thrust. The head of his cock pushed past the inner barrier and the omega felt the burning slick inside of him burst forth to make the coupling easier as Sam settled his hips flush against Spike's body. Spike's eyes rolled back into his head as the endorphin's released sent his first orgasm through his body. The blonde felt the moment it happened as he was suddenly drawn deeper and slick heat tightened so hard around his cock he almost came there and then. He drew back his hips so only the head remained inside and the snapped them forward with enough force to bruise. His aim was dead on as he hit both prostate and glands with each thrust. Spike was clinging tightly to every inch of Sam he could reach, his lengthened claws leaving rivers of red welts in the muscled back and sides above him. Sam had finally lost control. He was pounding into Spike with massive strength that had Spike not been such a powerful omega would have done serious damage, however it was just succeeding in bringing Spike to new heights of pleasure over and over again. All he could see was stars, all he could was Sam, filling and stretching him in the most delicious of ways.

The alpha could feel himself coming crashing to the end as Spike rose to meet him while tightening his walls to hold him as deep inside as he could go. He felt his knot swell as the connection was made, just at the point of his own orgasm he opened his mouth, canines already extended for the bite. Spike knew what he needed to do, his own instincts were screaming at him to bare his neck for Sam's claiming bite. There was no pain as sharpened teeth broke the skin below his collar bone, there was only his vision whiting out as a final orgasm washed through his body as he felt Sam come inside of him, filling him with seed as he knot swelled and tightened locking them together. Spike had never been knotted before and knew he could never with anyone else now, the full, almost painful feeling was shredding he already exhausted nerves. Sam roared at his completion, his body going limp and crushing his mate beneath him. The blonde felt Spike shift and went to move off him slightly but tensed suddenly as his cock was squeezed, pulling a second wave of come and pleasure out of him. Spike moaned breathily as he realized he could bring Sam over the edge without even moving. He loved the feeling of Sam's hot, burning seed filling him up, claiming him. He rolled his hips the small amount he could to press even closer, the knot pressing harder into his gland sending them both over the edge again. Sam howled as his body shook and his balls tightened again, smirking he sank his teeth into Spike's mark causing him to scream in pleasure in response.

They both drifted into unconscious sleep from the effects of their mating, the last thing they both felt was humming of their bond in the back of their minds as they drifted into sleep, still locked together.