Elizabeth gets some shocking news and then everything starts to fall apart. There are haters everywhere, but along the way new relationships form. Dare she hope for love, or will circumstances find a way to interfere with her happiness? AH

A/N – This is a preview. Will start posting more regularly on Monday (probably MWF for a few weeks). I'm warning you things will be very tough for Liz for a while. I really wanted to show her resilience and some growth. People sometimes tell me what's happening on that crappy show and I get pissed. This fic is a result of that. I don't have many if any that starts at the time of Liz's pregnancy with Jake (before everything went to hell). I have twisted up the timeline a little bit as usual. This is definitely AH and I bring the drama. Of course, I will find a way to have some fluff—eventually, but for now, I'll go into hiding. I called this Unspoken because our couple just didn't convey their feelings to each other, but there was always an undercurrent of love until the writers even destroyed that.

Chapter 1

The piece of plastic clattered on the floor loudly as Liz watched it in a daze. Her life is in shambles and this is the last thing that she needs "I'm pregnant," she said in complete shock. The words had bitterly rolled off her tongue as she struggled to form them. Lucky is a walking train wreck and then there is Jason, the other possible father who is currently unavailable because she had encouraged him to make it work with his ex. "Stupid me," she said as she dejectedly strode to her bed. They were going to try at one point and then Sonny ruined that with his fake death and she pushed Jason right into the arms of Courtney Matthews who eagerly turned her back on her husband, AJ, and seduced his brother. Unfortunately, Liz thought she had found solace in Ric which ended in disaster and that led her to Zander, Ric again, and then back to Lucky, the man that she always seemed destined to save from himself. It was a lot of work and she had lost herself in the process. Everything seemed scrambled and she realized that she had forgiven Lucky for something she shouldn't have. For so long, she had ignored what she needed and now, her life was a mess because of it. "I guess it's time to put on my big girl pants," she said as she touched her belly.

Going back into the bathroom, her body feeling like the weight of the world was upon her, she cleaned up all the evidence of the test and then quickly got dressed. Lucky is on a case, so she decides to tell Jason first. No matter what, she couldn't lie about this or run from it. It is time to face it head on and even though she is scared of the backlash it will cause, being honest is a better choice then sinking back into the abyss of unhappiness she now finds herself in.


Jason heard the timid knocking on his office door and sighed. "Come in." Paperwork seemed to be oozing out of every space on his desk and he really needed to concentrate so that he could go home. The door slowly opened and Elizabeth stepped inside, leaving him completely speechless.

"Hi. Do you have a minute?"

His head tipped forward and then he found his voice. "Have a seat." Her hands were noticeably shaking and he had a sinking feeling that whatever she needed to say wasn't going to be good.

"Jason, I need to tell you something and I'm really scared." Tears welled in her eyes and Jason swallowed harshly.

"Are you in trouble?" They hadn't spoken much since the night they had finally given into their connection and made love because they were trying to put their lives back together after major upheaval. The one thing they both did was put everyone else's needs before their own and always to their own determent.

Her tongue flicked nervously over her lips as she conjured up all her courage. "Things aren't good. Lucky is still a mess and I'm really trying Jason, but I don't know if we'll make it."

"I'm sorry."

"I took a test and thought you should know that," Her ragged, breath quickened, "I'm pregnant."

Jason's eyes blinked a few times before he was able to squeak out a sentence. "Is it mine?"

"There—I haven't been with Lucky that much in the last few months, but there were a couple of times. So, it could be yours or his. Apparently, there was a batch of Enduro condoms that were defective. I'm sorry. I know this is shock and you'll need some time to think about what you want to do, but just know that I won't pressure you or anything." She had to be almost three months along and couldn't believe that she was so stressed out that she didn't recognize the signs.

Jason closed his eyes, waiting for her rambling to stop as he processed that she could possibly be having his baby. There were so many times that he had wished Cam was his. "When can you know?"

"We can do a test when I'm a little further along."

"Are you going to tell him?"

"I think I have too." She really didn't want to lie. It was just too much angst and she was already a mess as it was. Nikolas, Lulu, and Emily were pressuring her to be with Lucky and not leave him, even though he cheated on her and wouldn't go to rehab. Besides, the stress wasn't good for Cameron either and if Lucky wasn't willing to put him first, then why would he do that for the child she is carrying? In her heart, she knew this would end them for good. Lucky couldn't stand Jason, so knowing that she had slept with someone on the opposite end of the law would be seen as a betrayal. While she wasn't ashamed of what happened that night, she knew she probably shouldn't have until her marriage was officially over. People will judge her like they always do and she really isn't looking forward to that.

"It might break you up for good if he finds out about us." He couldn't help but worry about Lucky's reaction. The man is unstable and he doesn't trust him.

"I know. I just—Lucky had his chance. Clearly getting clean for his family is not a priority. Cam didn't make a difference and I'm tired of fighting with him. This situation is so bad and I can't continue to be with him or there won't be any me left." She had been at this point too many times in her short life and had no desire to live there anymore. When does she get to be happy and not pander to someone else's needs?

It is torture watching her cry over that bastard. "I'm so sorry. Elizabeth, if this is my baby..."

"Jason, we'll deal with it. I know you love Sam."

"Sam and I—we're trying, but I don't know if we'll make it either. The truth is that too much has happened and I don't think I can let what she did go." He is having a hard time forgiving her for lashing out the way she did. Alexis was barely holding on from cancer treatments and he knew that this had taken away more energy than she had to give. What Sam did was beyond hurtful to her mother and loyalty was one of the most important qualities in Jason's world. It was a Carly move and that was very telling.

"I encouraged you to be with her and make it work. I thought I was doing the right thing because you deserve to be happy." Sam had given her nothing but shade since she found out they had slept together, but Liz still tried not to judge. "Now I'm the one that is sorry." She wasn't sure why she kept pushing Jason to be with the woman, maybe she needed to think about that.

"Don't be. It's not your fault. Look, this is a lot to process for the both of us, but we have time to figure it out. I don't want you to be upset all the time. It's not good for the baby."

She stood, wiping a tear away and sucked in her emotions like she always did. "Lucky said he'd pick up Cam from daycare. They should be home by now, so I'm going to go tell him what's going on."

"Maybe you should call Emily to go with you." If Lucky is still using, he could be dangerous.

"I'll be fine. He won't hurt me."

Jason stood and walked past her to open the door, resisting the urge to pull her into his arms, not realizing just how much he had missed her until now. "Will you call me if you need anything?"

She lightly touched his arm and it made him wish for things that couldn't be. The fact that she could still illicit such a response wasn't lost on him, but then again, it had always been that way.

"I promise." No matter what happened, they would always be drawn to one another because of their bond and she knew she could count on him.

Once the door was closed, he called Johnny. "Listen, I need you to go to Elizabeth's apartment. She's about to tell Lucky something that will probably set him off."

Johnny walked outside of Kelly's. "Can I bust a cap in his ass if he gets out of line?"

Jason slightly smiled. "He's a cop, so don't go crazy."

"Damn. I'll let you know what happens."

"Thanks." If the baby turned out to be his, they will have to discuss putting a guard on her. A baby…

Sonny entered the room, not sure how to interpret his partner's expression who staring at his hands. "You look worried and maybe a little scared."

His head jerked up. "Elizabeth was just here."

Sonny sat across from him. "You and Elizabeth go way back. Is she okay?" Due to the violence, she usually didn't come around the business or Jason for that matter, so it was surprising that she would risk the visit now.

"Yes and no. Lucky is still a train wreck and she found out that she's pregnant."


"There's more. I might be the father."

Sonny's brow shot up. "When?"

"We had one night after I saw Sam with Rick and she found Lucky with Maxie."

Sonny was blown away. "What are you going to do if it's yours?"

"I'll be there for my kid. It won't be easy, but I'll do everything I can to protect it."

His partner rubbed the back of his neck. "I really hope it works out for you. It seems like no matter what else happens, Elizabeth is always a fixture in your life. Maybe it's time you think about that."

Jason nodded and then they started discussing business, but Elizabeth still haunted his thoughts.


Liz closed the door to her apartment. "Lucky?" When he didn't answer, she walked into the next room and gasped when she saw Cameron on the floor. His face was contorted and he spit a pill out he had been sucking on. She grabbed it and put it on the dresser and then picked him up, not knowing what he had ingested. Panic started to build when she spotted a baggie on the floor and saw more pills scattered around and then rage took over. "Lucky!" After putting Cameron down on the bed, she pushed her way into the bathroom, almost hitting his body which was sprawled out on the floor. Leaning down, she searched for his pulse and then retreated when she felt it strongly. "Asshole." Quickly, she made her way back to her three year old son who she needed to get to the hospital.

"Cam, look at mommy."

He started to cry and Elizabeth took the pill, threw it into the bag, and rushed out to her car. Johnny can tell she's upset, so he approaches her. "Elizabeth, are you okay?"

Tears streamed down her face as her lip quivered. "I found Cameron on the floor. He had a pill in his mouth, Johnny. He spit it out and I found Lucky on the floor of the bathroom all strung out. I need to get to the hospital. I don't know if he ate one before I got there."

He was stunned. "Get in my car. I'll drive."

She followed him and got into the back seat and tried to sooth her son who was acting strange.

Johnny's jaw clenched. He is so pissed off, wanting nothing more than to beat Lucky to a pulp, but right now he couldn't. Cam needs a doctor.

"I can't believe he did this." Cam's cries filled the car as Elizabeth blinked back her tears. "Mommy's going to get you help, Cam. It's okay. Shhh baby."

Johnny reached the hospital in record time and helped her out and then escorted them inside. She explained what happened to a nurse she didn't recognize and then Cameron was wrenched from her arms and she immediately felt the loss. Johnny was talking to her, but Liz couldn't hear him. Her chest heaved as she watched her son reaching out his arms to her, tears stinging her eyes at his traumatized expression and screams shook her to her core. When he disappeared around the corner, the room spun and the sounds around her faded as everything went black. Johnny caught her and Robin led him to an open cubicle where he laid her down and then walked into the hallway to call Jason.


Carly's mouth dropped open. "Elizabeth is possibly pregnant with your child?"

Jason nodded. "Yeah."

"What the hell Jason? Did you cheat on Sam?"

"No. I found her screwing Ric the night of the blackout. We weren't together then. It was the same night Liz caught Lucky with Maxie again."

"Having a baby with muffin is the last thing that you need. What about Sam? Aren't you trying to get back together with her?" She isn't sure which woman was worse at this point.

"It hasn't been easy and I'm not sure I want to."

"Oh Jason, I really pray that you're not being delusional. Elizabeth isn't cut out for this life. I hope you don't have some crazy idea that you can have a house with a white picket fence with her. That's not how mob life works. She'll run because she can't handle it."

Jason rolled his eyes. "Carly, Elizabeth drank poison to take down Helena Cassadine and she survived being brutally raped at fifteen. I think she can handle the business just fine if she chooses to be with me." God, he is sick of her attitude about Liz. It is stupid, selfish, and petty.

Carly made a face as she silently fumed.

Jason's phone rang and his face fell as he listened to Johnny's update. "I'll be right there."

"What's wrong?"

"Lucky left drugs out and Liz came home and found Cameron sucking on one."

Carly's eyes grew wide. "Is he alive?"

"Yes. Johnny took them to the hospital and Elizabeth collapsed. I need to go to her." He couldn't even imagine what she must be going through. Cameron is such a great kid and once again Liz's life is being blown apart because of Lucky fucking Spencer.

"I'll come with you."

He shot her a look.

"Jason, you are my best friend and I want to support you."

"Just stay out of the way okay? I don't want you upsetting her."

Carly bit her lip. It would be hard, but she would do it for him. "Fine."


Patrick worriedly observed Liz as her eyes fluttered open. "Elizabeth, look at me."

It took a minute for her to focus and then panic started to build. "Cameron!"

"They made him throw up and we're running a panel. He cried himself to sleep."

A sob wrenched from her lips. "This is all my fault. I shouldn't have left him with Lucky. He could have killed my son."

"Listen, your blood pressure is sky high. Please, take some deep breaths." He had grown very fond of Elizabeth as their friendship had deepened when he was helping her become a surgical nurse.

"I took a test. I'm pregnant."

Patrick took a languid breath. Lucky didn't deserve to be this baby's father, not after what he had done.

A/N - Please let me know what you think.