AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hellow again! So I have these Ginhiji drabbles that I don't know how to name it so I thought Im gonna make a small book here for these drabbles. Most of them are basically fluff between these two gorgeous yet adorable hot men ahahaha. Definitely Gintama Universe. Characters belong to Sorachi the genius. So I hope you enjoy reading my crappy ideas haha. Im not sure how I will update this but it will happen. I can say 10 chaps for a start.

So leave me a review or a request or prompt! Love to hear from you lovelies! Thank you for reading and support!

*** Sick Gintoki is not less dangerous than you think ***

~ Hijikata

"Arigatou, Hijikata-san, for coming over," Shinpachi smiles at the tall man who stands at the doorsteps of the dojo. "Over here."

"I'm only doing this because my boss is your sister's hardcore lover," Hijikata speaks through biting the cigarette as he follows behind the boy in twin-striped hakama.

"Yeah, I wouldn't have agreed to any of this but Sister is at work and Kagura-chan is getting extra bandages. Now, I have to buy ingredients for Gin-san's sweet ABC soup before he wakes up. But then no one will look after Gin-san if I leave."

Hijikata rolls his eyes. "Aho ka? How can he recover with such a diet?"

"Ma, ma," Shinpachi nervously smiles. "Gin-san is very fussy about food when he is at that state."

"What kind of bushido is he practicing? A samurai is fine with just water and bread," Hijikata huffs as they reach the room where Gintoki lies down, asleep.

Shinpachi closes the door behind Hijikata and whispers. "Just make sure he doesn't move. I'll be back quick."

"Take your time," Hijikata blows a smoke. "It's my off day anyway."

Hijikata inhales one gulp of smoke and blows it fluidly. His eyes stay on the calm breathing of the man who is steadily drifting in dreamland. Hijikata tightens his brows, feeling strange that he cannot hold back himself from staring at the half-naked man. White bandages wrap his limbs, forehead and shoulder. His scent is unappealing at the moment as the ointment stench fills the room.

To see his innocent face when he is asleep always send tingles throughout Hijikata's body. When Gintoki is awake, he is either giving Hijikata the lazy bump face, the pissed off face, the troll-like smiling face or the one Hijikata hates the most, the sadistic pervert kind of face. This silver permed hair freak has a bizarre talent to turn almost anything into something sexual.

Now Hijikata is looking at his sleeping face, surrendering to his desires as his eyes drink the innocent face of Gintoki. Those cheeks of his are pretty chubby if one looks closely. Hijikata always feels tempted to pinch them but Gintoki will never give a chance. His eyelashes surprisingly long and black is definitely to be envied by the girls in Kabuki District. And his lips, how can Hijikata even begin talking about them? His mind goes blank everytime they touch him.

Soft, luscious, sweet. Thanks to his loyal consumption of strawberry milk everyday.

Gintoki abruptly emits a low growl and tilts his head. Hijikata winces, biting hard on the cigarette. He is not expecting Gintoki to know he is here watching over him. He agrees to watch over Gintoki while the latter is asleep.

His eyes flutter open and red orbs avert to meet Hijikata. The man in dark blue yukata is folding his arms and looking back like a bored standby, never will he give hint that he is ogling at Gintoki. Hijikata notices the man gaze fall silent for a moment and perhaps he will return back to sleep. Surprisingly, Gintoki moves his injured hand to grab his own crotch.

"Oh, it is not a dream," Gintoki murmurs. "You're really here."

At the sight of him grabbing his bulge, Hijikata flinches. "Teme! Is that how you tell you are not in a dream? Why not I punch you to make sure of that huh?"

"No," Gintoki drawls lazily. "I remembered I'm still a man after fighting that alien sword. Good it is safe down there."

Hijikata scoffs. "It is all you worried about. Next time we cross swords, I attack there first."

Gintoki remains quiet or rather settles himself on a soft smile. Hijikata ignores it with a twitch of his eyes, rejecting his silent invitation. Hijikata very well knows that if he plays along and smiles back, Shinpachi is going to boil his head watching two men in the heat later. The thought of disgracing himself before an underage kid is horrifying that Hijikata takes a deep inhale and exhale of the nicotine breath.

"How rude," Gintoki voices again. "Stop polluting my air, jerk. Is this how you watch over me?"

"Well you only have me who is free enough to warm the floorboard next to you. Be thankful," Hijikata states. "I would love to return and finish my reports. But off day is meant for rest."

"So you choose to rest with me?" Gintoki interrupts, again with the smile echoing invitation to his body.

This silver head will not give up! Hijikata grinds his teeth on his cigarette.

"Go back to sleep," Hijikata sighs, pretending to be unperturbed and he twists off the bud of his cigarette on a nearby empty plate. "I'll stop smoking for now."

Another beat of silence enters. Gintoki stubbornly stays awake, not wavering his gaze on the vice chief who, amazingly, is well entertained at the sight of the frays torn from the floorboard. Afternoon wind blows in, the metal rods hit among them, chiming a calm melody.

"I'm cold."

At the sound of Gintoki's purring voice, Hijikata flinches again. He glances at Gintoki before looking around. "Let me see if I can find a blanket."

Hijikata moves to stand up when his hand is grabbed by Gintoki, stopping him from moving away. The fingers lace with one another, palm against palm while their eyes lock on one another.

"This will do it," Gintoki smiles hoping to chuckle but it will be too painful for his injured torso.

Hijikata succumbs to his will and smiles back. "You sure?"

The bigger hand grips harder. "Can I ask for more?"

"Don't bet on it," Hijikata returns the grip with a tighter squeeze. "You just touched your crotch with this hand just now, didn't you, baka Yorozuya?"

Gintoki scrunches his face alittle. "What? Are you disgusted?"

Hijikata stretches his smile into a wolf grin. Curious, Gintoki creases his brows until he sees what Hijikata intends to do. The vice chief raises their locked hands. Hijikata brings Gintoki's hand to his lips, his nose nuzzling between knuckles and pleasantly breathing in the scent.

"Digusted, you say?" Hijikata chuckles lowly. "Tobacco definitely smells better than this."

A vein pops on Gintoki's forehead as he quickly sits up. In reflex, Hijikata resists him from getting closer by resting a palm on Gintoki's chest.

"Oi, you're not supposed to move," Hijikata tries to push him down gently but Gintoki does not budge.

"Whose fault is it?" Gintoki pulls Hijikata with the hands, hoping to steal a kiss from those lips."You provoked me. Now you want to play innocent. Cruel, just cruel, Hijikata-kun. Do you like to torture your sick lover like this? This is unbecoming of you."

"Said enough?" Hijikata shoots him a pissed off look.

Gintoki hates it when Hijikata gives him that look. Reluctantly, Gintoki lies back and shoves away Hijikata's hand off his grip. He turns his head to face away from Hijikata. The younger lad sure knows how to hurt him where it hurts.

Thinking that Hijikata shows up to take care of him, Gintoki is expecting a miracle. No way the demon vice chief will show compassion and love openly. Hijikata is never an embodiement of tender loving care.

"Get out," Gintoki pouts. "Don't come here just to sit there. Sharing my oxygen with the likes of you is pain in the ass."

"Fine," Hijikata makes a move, always having low tolerance to Gintoki's whining. "Sounds like Shinpachi is back, anyway."

"Thank goodness. I thought you will never leave. Take away your wasted cigarette with ya-"

His mouth is silenced by Hijikata's lips over his before he plants kisses on each of Gintoki's eyelids. Gintoki looks up at the hovering lad, astonished.

"This," Hijikata smiles. "Definitely better than tobacco."

"Hijikata," Gintoki mutters his name.

"Hurry up and get better. You know where to find me," Hijikata says casually before knocking their foreheads together.

Gintoki smiles back with angry brows, hurt by the soft headbang. Hijikata straightens up and picks up his burnt cigarette before opening the door.

"Hijikata-san!" Shinpachi stands at the door. "Thank you for staying. Do you want to wait alittle longer? We can eat ABC soup together."

Hijikata glances at Gintoki once last time before sliding the door behind him.

"I've already eaten," Hijikata lights another cigarette in his mouth. "It is much more delicious than some boring ABC soup. Not my kind of food at all. Anyways, I'm going off now. Call me when you need me."

"I understand, Hijikata-san," Shinpachi bows behind him as the respected man walks away. "Take care on your way back."

The warmth of his lips linger on Gintoki's lips as he closes his eyes with a small grin.

"Baka Mayora."

Thank you for reading!