A/N: So as you can tell by the title, this story is inspired by Taylor Swift's hit song. She just has so many great songs for Twilight fan fic stories.

Took a deep breath in the mirror
He didn't like it when I wore high heels
But I do.
Turn the lock and put my headphones on
He always said he didn't get this song
But I do, I do.

Walked in expecting you'd be late
But you got here early and you stand and wave
I walk to you.
You pull my chair out and help me in
And you don't know how nice that is
But I do.

And you throw your head back laughing
Like a little kid.
I think it's strange that you think I'm funny cause
He never did.
I've been spending the last 8 months
Thinking all love ever does
Is break and burn and end.
But on a Wednesday in a cafe
I watched it begin again.

You said you never met one girl who
Had as many James Taylor records as you
But I do.
We tell stories and you don't know why
I'm coming off a little shy
But I do.

And you throw your head back laughing
Like a little kid.
I think it's strange that you think I'm funny cause
He never did.
I've been spending the last 8 months
Thinking all love ever does
Is break and burn and end.
But on a Wednesday in a cafe
I watched it begin again.

And we walked down the block, to my car
And I almost brought him up.
But you start to talk about the movies
That your family watches every single Christmas
And I want to talk about that.
And for the first time
What's past is past.

And you throw your head back laughing
Like a little kid.
I think it's strange that you think I'm funny cause
He never did.
I've been spending the last 8 months
Thinking all love ever does
Is break and burn and end.
But on a Wednesday in a cafe
I watched it begin again.

But on a Wednesday in a cafe
I watched it begin again.

-Taylor Swift

Chapter 1

I sighed and looked at myself in the mirror. I didn't know why I agreed to do this. I was done dating. Every relationship had been disastrous. My most recent one with Riley had almost killed me. Literally. He was abusive and insulted me at every turn. I was lucky to walk away, but I knew that someday, he would find me. I ran, hoping he wouldn't. But I knew down deep that my luck wouldn't hold out forever.

I sat down on the bed and put on my shoes. They were so pretty! Red patent leather high-heeled peep toes. They matched my flowing red skirt that came to the knee and oversized belt. My shirt was white and looked like a dressed up version of a tee-shirt with a scooping neck. I had cut my hair when I moved away, so it was short and spiky. I looked like a pixie with that style and my petite nature, but that was fine with me. I was happy with it.

He didn't like it when I wore high heels.

Riley wanted me in flats all the time. It was because he wanted to tower over me, a sign of dominance. I can't believe I gave him two years of my life.

I shook my head and headed back over to the mirror.

I applied my makeup and stared at my reflection. The physical scars had mostly faded, save for a few on my right leg, but the emotional ones were plain on my face. At least, to me. To a stranger, he wouldn't know.

I grabbed my purse and headed out the door, turning my key in the lock and then putting my ear buds in and turning up the music. My favorite song from James Taylor was on and I sang along to it.

He always said he didn't get this song.

There were a lot of things Riley Biers never got. He never wanted to get them. He made me feel like a fool; like everything I did was wrong. Even after eight months of running, he still haunted me at every turn. Would I ever get over it? I seriously began to doubt it.

The café where I agreed to meet this Jasper Cullen was about two blocks from my apartment. Waiting for the walk sign to change at a traffic stop, I pulled up the picture of him on my phone that my best friend Rosalie had sent me.

The most beautiful man I had ever seen appeared on my screen. And Rose said he's better-looking in person. As I began to cross the street when the light changed, my conversation with her replayed in my mind.

He's my brother. A Chicago native like me, he moved down to Texas for college. He moved back here two years ago when he got a teaching job at Northwestern. He had a bad break up four years ago and he's looking to get back into the dating scene. You'll love him, Al. He's a great guy. And a COMPLETE gentleman.

That was someone I didn't need. After all the losers I dated, I firmly believed that was what I deserved. Nice guys could stay far, far away.

I figured I'd go and humor her and then return to my solitude. She had arranged everything, the meeting spot, and the time; even what I should wear. I wanted to resent her meddling, but instead I found it endearing.

She is a great friend. Too bad I'll disappoint her like this.

My stomach sank as I approached the café. I assumed he would be late. Again, that was a trait from the losers I had been with. Riley once made me wait by myself in a restaurant for an hour and when he showed up, he ordered water and then we left about fifteen minutes later. He never apologized for being late. He was so controlling. And later when I asked him about it, my response was a black eye.

I can't believe I was so stupid about him.

The last eight months of my life really put everything into perspective. I realized how horrendous my life had been, even though I couldn't see it then. I have never had a loving, decent relationship. I doubted I ever would.

Jasper will take one look at me and run. As he should.

Wishing I could still be at home, I pushed the door to the café open and stepped inside, allowing my eyes to adjust to the light. A movement to my left made my head turn and I gasped.

He was early.

He stood up and waved with a big smile on his face. I walked to him slowly, still floored that he was already here.

He reached out for my hand as I approached and I gave it to him. Instead of shaking it, he brought it to his lips and kissed it, his lips lingering for a few seconds longer.

Seriously, who does that anymore?

It was at that moment that I noticed the warmth and the electricity that surged through me at his touch. I had never felt anything like it before. It was as though my whole body was on fire. And I wasn't sure it was a bad thing.

"Miss Alice," he said softly. "It is a pleasure to meet you."

His slight Texas drawl made me melt. It sounded so sexy and when I made eye contact with him, I turned into goo. Rosalie was right; he was better looking in person. He was tall, like the rest of them, but his height didn't seem to dominate. He had short, blond hair and the bluest eyes I had ever seen. His body was toned and his muscular arms peeked out from his short sleeves.


"Hi," I managed to squeak out. He released my hand and I pouted at the loss of contact. Then he pulled out my chair for me and I sat down as he pushed it in a bit.

You have no idea how nice that is. But I do.

He sat across from me and signaled the waiter. "What do you want to order?"

The waiter approached and I decided to go light on everything. I ordered an egg salad sandwich and a latte, while Jasper went for just a buttered croissant and plain, black coffee.

"So, Alice," Jasper said. I turned to look at him. His eyes were kind. "Tell me a bit about yourself."

I lowered my eyes to the table. What could I say? "I only date losers and the last one was the king of them all. He beat me and I never had a moment's happiness. I got away from him, but it's only a matter of time before he finds me."

Yeah, that'll work.

Jasper reached across the table and placed his hand over mine. The surge was back and I closed my eyes at the feeling. He stared at our hands for a moment. He felt it too.

"Hey," he finally said softly. When I opened my eyes, I saw concern in his. He really was interested in me; he didn't just want me as a trophy.

He doesn't know you yet, Alice. Once you let him in, he'll be like all the rest. Remember, they started off sweet as well.

I shoved that stupid voice aside for now. I just wanted to have a nice afternoon with a presumably nice man.

He smiled sweetly. "It's okay, Alice. I don't bite." His blue eyes sparkled.

I laughed at his comment. "I know. Sorry. I'm just unsure what you want to know about."

He squeezed my hand. "Whatever you want to tell me."

Taking a deep breath, I decided to go with a few favorites of mine. I told him my favorite movie, color and song. It was easy to talk to him and he was completely engaged in what I had to say. I found myself opening up to him.

"So this one day, Rosalie and I are visiting this farm and when we ring the doorbell, their pet rooster comes barreling out at us. You should have seen how fast we bolted, and we were both in heels. I don't think Rosalie ever moved so fast in her life!" I said, laughing.

Jasper threw back his head laughing, just like a little kid. "That is so great. You are so funny, Alice." He wiped some tears away that had formed during his laughter.

I found it strange that he thought I was funny. Riley never did. He never laughed at my jokes. He always said I wasn't funny and that my place was beneath him.

"You know," he said, "I've never met a girl who has as many James Taylor records as I do. It's refreshing to not have to teach them about him, especially when they don't get music."

I nodded. I got that. Music is very special. It can convey emotions that you can't say. James helped me through the dark days of my life and he's helping me heal now.

The time flew by and before I knew it, two hours had passed! He looked at his watch and stood up. "I'm sorry to cut this short, Alice, but I need to get back to the campus." Extending his hand out, I took it and stood up. He handed me my purse.

"I'll walk you out."

I nodded and led the way out the door.

Maybe I should bring him up. Let him know why I'm hesitant.

Suddenly he started to talk about Christmas movies of all things.

"Have you seen Die Hard?"

I shook my head. He chuckled.

"I ask because it's one of the Christmas movies we watch in the Cullen household every year. My mother loves those cheesy Hallmark movies and forces us to watch them when Rosalie and I visit so every year we make a deal that on Christmas Eve, we watch Die Hard. It's a fair compromise."

I laughed and nodded. "Sounds like it."

"I'll never admit this to her," he said with a sly smile, "but I actually like some of those Hallmark stories. That will be our secret though." He winked at me and I smiled widely.

"Of course."

We walked to the corner.

"Are you safe to walk to your apartment?" he asked me.

"Oh, yes. I'm just over that way. Plus, these shoes are weapons," I said with a laugh.

His eyes travelled down to my feet and then slowly rose up, taking in every part of my body. But I didn't feel disgusted, like he was ogling me or anything. It felt powerful actually, like he was a man dying of thirst and I was his drink. His eyes lingered on my lips for a few seconds and I saw his Adam's apple bob.


His eyes snapped to mine and he blushed. He actually blushed. It was cute. I chuckled sweetly and he grinned.

"I'd love to see you again, Alice."

I stopped laughing and my heart began pounding. This is how it happened. The first date or so were perfect and then once I fell, he changed. I couldn't let that happen again. I wouldn't survive it.

"We'll see," I said quietly, casting my eyes down.

Once again, he took my hand. Once again, the electricity between us surged. Once again, I wished I was worthy of this Greek God in front of me.


He gently lifted my chin with his other hand until I was looking into those beautiful blue eyes.

"Rose told me that you would be resistant. She said it wasn't her place to tell me what happened, but not to take 'no' for an answer."

I raised an eyebrow at him. He smiled.

"I can be very persistent when I want something," he said, squeezing my hand.

Run. RUN.

Every fiber in my being was telling me no, that it was a mistake. I couldn't get involved with someone after only being on my own eight months. I couldn't go down that path again. But something screamed yes inside my head and I gave him an affirmative answer.

"You won't regret it," he said as he smiled again. He let go of my hand and then waved goodbye. I waved back, laughing at his silliness and watched him turn on his heel and walk to his car. He climbed in, started it up and pulled away. He honked the horn at me as he passed.

I replayed the events of this afternoon as I walked back to my apartment. Everything appeared to have the makings of a real relationship. And all the makings of an abusive one. They always start out sweet and charming until they get you. Then they change.

But he DID do things that the others didn't do, such as listen to you and pull out your chair. You experienced that surge of electricity and think he felt it too. Take it slow, don't give him much and see how it goes.

As I entered my apartment, I was determined to not think about Jasper Cullen for the remainder of the day. But as dusk fell in the city, I was acutely aware that something was happening to me. That Jasper had got in. I couldn't figure it out then, but my life was about to begin again.

A/N: So there you have it, chapter 1. Alice is cautious and rightly so. Jasper has his work cut out for him, but I think he's up to the task. I don't know how often I'll update; I have through chapter 3 written but as we know, life gets in the way. So I'll ask you to bear with me. If you like this story, please review and share. Preview of next chapter for those who review.