Hallo! So, people really liked the first chapter, and i wanted to continue it, i just didn't know how I should continue it. So my brain cranked this idea out.

I'm sorry for the fighting scene, I suck at them. And this entire chapter is basically a fighting scene. :(

Please read a story that my friend made, even tho she told me to put it on my account. So go check it out.

Hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer cuz I forgot to put in the other chapter: I do not, I repeat, do not, own RWBY. (Sadly)

Yang expected to win against the gigantic beowolf that just randomly appeared, just not the way they did.

Team RWBY had gotten a mission to clear out a beowolf den. It was supposed to be easy, but a gigantic beowolf, the pack leader, randomly appeared, roaring at the intruders, other smaller beowolves behind it.

"Geez, they just had to have let out the big guns first, huh?" Before Ruby responded, Weiss yelled,

"Quit yapping and fight already!"

"Fine, Ice Queen! Whatever you want." Yang shouted back. Yang started to rapidly punch the beowolf, occasionally shooting with bullets. "My punches aren't doing anything!"

"Weiss! Freeze the beowolf!" Ruby shouted.

"I know." Weiss muttered under her breath, charging at the massive grimm, intent on freezing it. As Weiss got within striking range, the beowolf swing its arm, knocking Weiss out, crashing into a (conveniently placed) tree, with all the charged up ice dust freezing the floor around her.

"Weiss, no!"Ruby used her semblance to get Weiss out of the way of the rampant beowolf. "I shall get revenge!" As soon as those words left her mouth, the beowolf attacked, smashing through a couple bushes, knocking her out.

"How dare you hurt Ruby!" Yang charged, once again, at the beowolf, this time her semblance was activated, with red eyes and hair seemingly on fire. After killing the last of the smaller beowolves in the area, Blake pulled both Ruby and Weiss away from the stand off between the massive beowolf and Yang. For once, Yang kept enough of a distance that her shotgun blasts from Ember Celica would connect and do enough damage. The beowolf wisely chose to retreat, running into the bushes to who knows where. Yang started to follow it.

"Yang, where are you going?" Blake call out.

"I gonna kill that beowolf! It hurt Ruby and Weiss! What if it hurts someone else, maybe even kill them!"

"But we have to get medical help. Both of them are knocked out and you saw how much damage you did, we need help to def-" At that moment, the beowolf from before ran out of the bushes, hitting Yang and making her fly to Blake's spot. "Yang!" Blake looked back to the beowolf, rage evident on her face. She stepped forward standing in front of the rest of her team.

"Blake... be c-careful." Yang said, weakly. (Remember she's not knocked out yet. Very important fact.)

"I know." For a second, Yang thought she saw Blake's amber eyes become blood red, but that wasn't possible, was it?

Bwahhhh, I just want to end it there. Too lazy to continue, and I didn't want people to think i stopped this story.