A New Flame

The blue-haired Kanker entered the trailer to see her two sisters sitting on the couch waiting for her. "What's up?"

"Marie, sit down. We need to talk," Lee said. Marie did so. "Now, I know that your boyfriend is probably the best one out of all of ours but... May and I really want to change the Ed boys back."

"OH, THANK GOODNESS!" Marie groaned thankfully as she hugged her sisters. "Please, I can't take this new Edd. He's just... not the guy I liked.

"Yeah, and this Ed is not anything like the fun-loving lovable numbskull I liked," May complained.

"Mine too. It was better when we were fighting. That's what I liked out of everything else," Lee said. May and Marie looked at her.

"Actually, why did you like Eddy to begin with?" Marie asked.

"What can I say? I like someone who thinks and acts like me," Lee explained. This made a lot of sense. Lee was the one who always came up with the plan for getting the Eds cornered, but Marie was the one who got the plans made. In comparison, Lee was like Eddy, and Marie was much like Edd. As for May and Ed... well, they do say love is blind. "We have to fix them, but how?" Just then, they heard a familiar noise. They looked outside to see the old man collecting sticks. They burst outside and ran straight to him.

"Help us!" They cried. All at once they started talking about how they stole one of his cigars and used it on the Eds. When they finally finished, the old man spoke.

"So, you've been the ones using my bad smo-smo. I've been wondering where that thing went off to. And you want me to fix it for you?" The three nodded. "Okay, I'll do it, but you'll have to puff it in their faces again."

"We'll figure it out, later. Just please make the stuff," Lee pleaded, but Marie stopped her.

"Wait, is there any way you can make it into a smoke bomb?" Marie asked. The old man nodded and went to work.

"What are you going at sis?" Lee asked.

"Lee, didn't you say Eddy said something about a fortress they were going to use to keep us out?" Marie questioned. Lee nodded. "Alright then. I have a plan."

Oh, my sweet tulip, where are you," Eddy called out. He was in the middle of the cul-de-sac street when Lee came out.

"Come and get me, dear," She called and ran for it. Eddy raced after her. Meanwhile, Ed was in his house reading some depressing story when there was a knock on the door. May, who had a black wig on and black coat and boots on, looked at Ed and said.


"Hey," Ed said, not really showing any impression about the new look.

"There's this dark and scary haunted house. Wanna see it?" May asked.

"Whatever," Ed replied. They both went to the house. As this was happening, Edd was in the basement fixing up his bike.

"You put on the new seat?" Marie asked. Edd smirked.

"Hello to you too," Edd replied, not caring how Marie got into the locked house. Marie looked at the bike.

"In the likeliness that you... need help, you would give the bike to me, right?" Marie asked. Double D looked at the bike.

"I don't know about that, babe," Edd grimaced. Marie put on her Kanker charm.

"Come on, Dreamboat. Please?" She pleaded.

"Alright, but only when I'm either dead or dying and not by your hands," Edd replied.

"Deal, oh and I thought about what you said and I want to show you something. Come on," Marie said. The curious Edd followed her to the fortress.

"What are we doing at this old thing?" Edd asked.

"It's a surprise," She said, ducking into the dark place. Edd tried to feel around for her but came against something tall.

"What the?"

"Edward? Is that you?" Asked Eddy.

"What are you two doing here?" Ed questioned.

"Ed?" Eddy and Edd said. They were all confused.

"Surprise," Lee shouted as the light came on. She quickly threw the smoke bomb into the fortress. The only noise was the hissing of gas and the coughing of the Eds. The Kankers looked inside.

"What the heck is going on?" Eddy shouted.

"My hat? Where's my hat!"

"The fog gas monster has returned!" Ed screamed.

"They're back," The Kankers sighed. Marie threw Edd's hat, which she had kept, into the smoke.

"Ah, there it is," Double D sighed. The smoke cleared as the Eds saw who was at the front door of their fortress.

"KANKERS!" They screamed.

"Oh hush! We're not here to kiss you," Lee remarked.

"Yeah right! You're here to torture us like you always do. And here I thought this place was going to be unstoppable," Eddy whined.

"Do you guys remember anything that happened the past two days?" Marie asked.

"What do you mean past two days?"

"Oh, my!" Edd exclaimed, looking at his watch. "It's Friday! But it was Wednesday a second ago. What happened?!"

"Did we jump forward in time?" Ed asked. Lee sighed.

"Sit down, boys. We got a lot to tell you," Lee said and explained everything.

"So wait," Eddy stopped as everyone in the cul-de-sac appeared at The old Lane where most of their scams started. "You're telling me that I was loopy for her? Really?" The Eds, after hearing the news from the Kankers, would not believe what they were saying. So, the Kankers managed to get the others in the cul-de-sac to vouch for them.

"And that I, a gentle soul, threatened Kevin?" Edd asked, absolutely shocked.

"I wouldn't say threaten," Kevin muttered under his breath. Nazz nudged Kevin in the ribs. "I mean, yeah you did."

"And you thought we were lying," Marie said, standing right next to Nazz.

"Was I really like an old stick in the mud?" Ed asked.

"You were, brother," Sarah smiled as she hugged him. "But it's great to have you back."

"Yeah, I never thought I would miss you, dorks, this much," Kevin said sincerely. "By the way, Sockhead, whatever happened to that motorcycle? I'll take it off of your hands if you don't want it."

"I think it's already taken," Edd deadpanned as he looked at Marie suspiciously whistling. "I'm dreadfully sorry for all the trouble we've caused...again."

"We're sorry as well, considering we're the ones who started this mess," Marie confessed.

"Let's just forget the whole thing happened," Nazz suggested. Everyone agreed.

"Jawbreakers at my house," Kevin offered. As the others left, Edd held Eddy back.

"What's the matter, Sockhead. Free Jawbreakers!" Eddy exclaimed.

"I think we need to have a talk with the Kankers," Double D replied. "They seem downtrodden." Eddy looked to see the three girls going away. Eddy rolled his eyes. He guessed the Jawbreakers could wait.

"Fine. Hey, Kankers wait up," Eddy muttered.

"What do you want now?" Lee asked, not in the mood.

"Are you okay?" Ed asked. "You seem as if the monster of sadness has-"

"Hush it, Ed," Eddy remarked, grabbing the lunk's face.

"We were just wondering why you seem so upset. Actually, this is the first time I've ever seen all of you distraught," Edd explained.

"Are we going to have to worry about you chasing us again," Eddy asked.

"Eddy!" Double D exclaimed.

"No," Marie answered. "After what happened, we realized what the problem was."

"Oh good," Eddy sighed. "Wait, what problem?"

"We thought having you guys as our boyfriends would be a dream come true, but after the incident, we realized we never actually liked you guys," Lee explained. The Eds were confused.

"So you're saying that... you don't like us anymore," Eddy asked, "Why the heck not?" He sounded a little offended.

"It's not that we don't like you guys," May said, patting Ed's head. "But after that mess, we just don't want boyfriends right now."

"So does that mean-"

"We just want to be friends," Marie replied to Edd, wiping her hand with her shirt and presenting it to Double D. "No more chasing, no more hiding, no more building fortresses. Just friends."

"Why this is a marvelous surprise," Edd smiled as he delicately shook Marie's hand.

"Yeah sure. Whatever," Eddy grumbled. Ed grabbed everyone and nearly crushed all of them into a big hug.

"We are all friends!"

"ED!" The Kankers, Double D, and Eddy shouted. But they all laughed at the big lunk's antics. Later, after the Eds and the Kankers got their jawbreakers, they decided to go to the fortress the Eds made. They walked in groups of two as they went there.

"So what was so wrong with me that made you want to change me back," Eddy asked, letting the last piece of jawbreaker melt in his mouth.

"The compliments. It had me...surprised all the time," Lee casually replied. She looked back to make sure the others didn't hear her.

"Compliments? What did I say?" Eddy asked curiously.

"You commented on my looks and stuff like that. I knew you wouldn't say that if you were you. So don't worry about it," Lee brushed it off.

"Yeah, but what exactly did I say?" Eddy persisted.

"It doesn't matter. Leave it alone," Lee remarked, blushing a bit.

"Are you...blushing?" Eddy asked, nearly laughing. "Oh, now I need to know what I said. Come on, tell me!"

"Alright!" Lee shouted. She was silent for a while before telling him.

"Oh," was all Eddy could say. He looked away from Lee then looked back. He glanced over her entire body. "I wasn't wrong," He casually mentioned, blushing a bit. Lee stopped in her tracks and blushed as bright as her hair. "You're blushing!" Eddy smirked.

"Get away from me," Lee exclaimed as she started running.

"Wait, come back my sweet," Eddy laughed, running after her.

"Well that was unprecedented," Edd replied.

"Quite," Marie agreed in a British accent. The two looked at each other and laughed a bit.

"I can't believe I was really like that. I mean, beating up Kevin?! I can only imagine what else I did," Edd said. Marie gave him a clean piece of disinfecting tissue. "What's this for?"

"For what I'm about to tell you. You also kissed me almost every hour on the hour," Marie stated casually. As she predicted, Double D immediately rubbed his lips and face with the disinfecting wipe. Marie rolled her eyes and looked away from Edd. "I'm sorry to make you unclean," She muttered harshly. Double D Then realized what he was doing and felt ashamed. He tucked the wipe into his pocket.

"Marie, I meant no disrespect, but I hold myself to be very-"

"Clean, sanitized, and sterile, I know," Marie interrupted putting her hands in her pants pockets. She still looked mad. Double D twiddled with his fingers.

"If I was kissing you so much," Edd started, trying to make conversation, "Why did you want me to change back?"

"When I was chasing you, I liked seeing you squirm. Let's be honest, if the cigar had worked the right way, I would have been the man in the relationship," Marie smirked, knowing that would get to him.

"I beg your pardon! How am I not a man?"

"You just disinfected your whole face because of the germs involved with kisses, did you not? I don't understand why you're so worried about germs considering that you have a weaker immune system because you're not exposed to them," Marie reasoned walking ahead further. Edd thought about it then ran up to catch her.

"That's... very perceptive of you, Marie," Double D commented.

"Yeah, like that wasn't an insult to my intelligence," Marie muttered, annoyed.

"I mean no disrespect, but I-"

"Didn't expect me to think that far ahead. Why do you think I liked chasing you? I liked out thinking you as well," Marie replied.

"So, you chasing me was just a game of wits?" Edd asked. Marie nodded. "Why didn't you just say that?"

"You wouldn't have played. You wouldn't have given it all you had," Marie explained.

"So I wasn't mentally challenging for you when I was your boyfriend," Edd asked.

"No, you were just...different. You were bold, tough, and always shocking. You were so unpredictable and I liked that, but you were also scary and threatening to others and almost me. I didn't want that. Not again," Marie said quietly. Edd reached out to rest his hand on her shoulder but retracted.

"I'm so sorry," Edd mumbled, looking down at the ground. Marie smiled and playfully punched him in the arm.

"It's okay," Marie smiled as he rubbed his arm. "I like the more predictable side of you," She remarked with a smirk as he fussed a little, hurt being called predictable. Double D glanced at Marie and considered what she said. Without warning, Marie felt Double D kiss her on the lips. Marie just stood still as he stepped back.

"Was that predictable," He asked with a half frightened, half bold smirk. Marie just blushed brightly.

"Give me that," she muttered, grabbing the wipe from Double D's pocket and wiping her blushing face. Double D laughed a bit as Marie grumbled. They were nearly bulldozed by Ed who had May on his back.

"Charge my steed," She encouraged.

"Giddup I'm a horse," Ed shouted happily. Marie and Edd sighed and pinched the bridge of their noses.

"Great now we have two idiots, two schemers, and two people who actually know what they're doing," Marie said.

"I would agree," Double D replied. Just then, they saw Eddy and Lee run back to the group.

"Hey, guys. Lee and I just came up with the perfect scheme," Edd said excitedly.

"Oh no," Edd and Marie sighed.

"We'll turn the fortress into a hangout," Lee explained. Marie and Double D looked at each other.

"That's not a bad idea," Marie said.

"We can finish the fortress and have all kinds of games set up," Edd suggested.

"There's another junkyard with old arcade games we could get, and I have several tools we could use," Marie explained. Edd looked at her weirdly. "What? Who do you think fixes things around the trailer park?"

"Great, now what do we call this place?" Eddy wondered. They pondered for a moment until Ed and May came crashing in.

"Flash and Burn!" The two shouted.

"That's it! We'll make it fire themed." Eddy exclaimed. "You two are geniuses."

"I take offense to that," Edd and Marie butted in.

"Come on, a new scam awaits. And this time, it can't go wrong!" Eddy rushed over to the junkyard.

"Wait up, pipsqueak," Lee shouted, running after him.

"Don't call me that," Eddy shouted back.

"Charge," May encouraged.

"Neigh, Neigh! May!" Ed laughed.

"Looks like we're back where we started," Edd sighed.

"Well, on the bright side, no one's getting burned," Marie joked. The two laughed as they ran after the others.


Sorry it's so short. I'll probably come back after school and extend it.