Warnings for the entire story: Sexual content, mentions of child abuse, PTSD/Panic attacks, and Captain America may seem a bit OOC. You have been warned.

I stared at the ceiling of my prison cell in a shield base. The white tiles and florescent lights were giving me a headache. The dull throb had been threatening to explode for the last forty-one hours and twelve minutes. I sighed to myself thinking, how did I get here? Three hundred and thirty-six hours with thirty minutes of sleep one hundred and forty-nine hours before that moment was starting to affect my mind. I sighed again moving my eyes to the camera that was aimed directly at me.

How did I get here? I didn't even know what I was asking anymore. How did I become a prisoner? Or how did I get here in life? I went over the events from Three hundred and fifty-two hours before.

"I have a bad feeling about this." A quiet girl said from my left.

"Non-sense, Jayson is the team leader. Has he ever led you wrong?" Mr. Hagstrom asked.

"Well no. I'm sorry." She apologized.

"She isn't wrong," I said sampling the air. "The avengers are waiting for us."

"Shit, they know our plan." Another boy said.

"Sim. Ainda temos a vantagem. Fique calmo, podemos mudar issa."I told him.

"Jayson is right. We know their plan. We can change ours to gain the upper hand." A kid that I had grown up with said grinning.

"You know I don't understand what he said." The first boy griped.

"He said that we have the advantage and to stay calm." The second boy translated roughly.

"Alright, keep quiet, we have another mile of walking before we meet with them," I told my group with authority.

Everything was going according to plan. We continued the walk through the dense jungle in silence until we came upon the abandoned trading post where my only hope of escape stood waiting and ready. We came to a stop just before them. Hagstrom stopped just ahead of me while the others lingered behind me. I eyed the team and let the energy buzz through me as I prepared to phase.

"So, are you going to come quietly or do we do this the hard way?" Tony Stark asked from behind his faceplate.

"Sorry, we won't be coming with you at all." Hagstrom challenged.

For a moment it felt like everything had stopped. It felt like the earth had stopped spinning beneath my feet until the shield made his first move. I released the energy letting my nature come to light. In just a moment with no time for a normal person to process, I was on all fours, ears back, and baring my teeth. One kid and I both charged at the shield until we were in the perfect position to strike. I suddenly turned around taking the fifteen-year-old by the neck, feeling it snap between my jaws. I turned to the other kids in my group, not one them exceeding twenty. I was able to kill more than half before it was time for me to make a run for it. A huge fire had started and the piles of smoke made it easy to slip away, or so I thought.

The huge green man and the captain started to run after me. I paused letting the roaring beast catch up before avoiding him and letting my teeth and claws dig into his back. He let out an angry shout before he tried to slam his body against mine. I jumped away and waited until I could attack again. This time I was able to hit the spot I wanted. The beast passed out and turned into a man. I heard the captain swiftly approaching and I took off running again. I felt the edge of his shield bit into my left hip before bouncing off and leaving the bone exposed. I tried to keep running but my leg eventually gave out and I was forced to morph back. I grunted, placing a hand painfully over the wound on the back of my hip.

A man stepped out of the jungle and several sniper dots appeared all over my body. I watched the man carefully.

"You're Jayson Moore?" He questioned.

I didn't respond.

"If you know what's good for your health then you'll follow me to the quinjet."He threatened.

I sneered at him.

"If you don't start walking over here then these snipers will lite your ass up." He bit out.

I tried to stand and failed.

"What's wrong? Bum leg?" He snarked.

I removed my hand from my injury and held it palm side out, letting him see the blood. He rolled his one good eye and motioned two men over. They picked me up by the arms and dragged me along as the other man started walking.

I took another deep breath at the memory. Of course, it wouldn't have done me any good. I sat up carefully as a woman opened the door to my cell with a tray of food and medical supplies. She gave me a sad and soft smile even though she knew I wouldn't return it. I wordlessly took off my shirt and turned away from her. She silently walked over and crouched down to look at my stitches.

"They're healing nicely. Are you in any pain? I can give you something anytime you feel like you need it." She said not really expecting an answer.

"That won't be necessary Claire." Fury said.