So this is my first multichapter fic that I've uploaded. I plan to make it about 15 chapters. This is mostly to try and overcome my writers block. Please review and tell me what you think.

The piercing sound of a whistle burst through the young boys ears. A chill came over him that caused him to shiver and quake. The frost that was soaking up his body made his lips turn blue. The boy was desperate to escape this torture. He searched for a way out, but he couldn't see a thing. The whistling sound kept on booming in his ears and his heart pounded.




"Craig, wake up!"

His eyelids opened and he turned towards the door. The sound of his mothers footsteps echoed until she was downstairs. Craig sat up and realized he was freezing cold. A whistling noise pierced through his ears once again. The wind, he comprehended.

He climbed out from undernekath his covers, and closed the window that had somehow opened during the night. He yawned, stretched his aching muscles, and threw on some clothes. He took his time walking down the stairs, as he wasn't looking forward to conversing with his oh so 'cheerful' family. He sat at the counter in the kitchen and grabbed an apple.

"You look like shit." His sister, Ruby, sneered. "Why don't you shower?"

Craig glared at her. "Why don't you die?"

Craig's mother scolded him and flipped him off. "I won't be able to drive you to school today, Ruby. Your brother will have to take you." Ruby lit up like a Christmas tree. She had a creepy infatuation with Craig's best friend Clyde, despite the 3 year difference. "Why can't she just take the bus?"

"Because the bus has high school assholes like you on it." Ruby smirked.

Craig groaned and grabbed his backpack. "Well hurry up because Clyde's outside."

Ruby rushed to get all of her things. Craig chuckled to himself and went to brush his teeth. Clyde was never early.

"Have a good day at school. Remember, your father is having a few friends over later, so don't invite anyone over, got it?

Craig and Ruby murmured in agreement and went outside.

"Hey, Clyde's not here!"

He rolled his eyes and walked next door to where his lazy best friend conveniently lived. He knocked on the door and waited for several minutes before Clyde opened the door, with his toothpaste dripping down his chin.

"Give me a second."

"Just give me the keys, Ruby and I are cold. "

Clyde glanced behind his stoic friend, and saw a girl with red braids and a blue dress shivering in the cold. "Hey Rubes!" He grinned.

She looked up and beamed at him.

Clyde went inside and came back with a set of keys. "Give me 5 minutes, okay?"

The 2 siblings waited in the car for 10 minutes before Craig honked the horn and groaned. "He has to pick up Token and Jimmy too."

As he said that, Clyde burst out the door, and came running toward the car. Unbeknownst to him, there was a large patch of ice, and he slipped and fell on his ass, making Craig snicker.

Clyde opened the door sniffling. "That really hurt."

"Shut up you big baby."

After Clyde had picked up the other two boys, he started driving towards the school. Ruby furrowed her brow in confusion. "Aren't you going to pick up Tweek?"

Everyone but Craig suddenly had a knowing smile on their face. Craig was not amused. "Tweek likes to walk."

"Oh. I just assumed that you would, because you talk to him so much."

Jimmy choked on a laugh and Craig flipped Ruby off. She did the same to him.

When they got to the middle school, Ruby jumped out and made her way to her friend Karen. Clyde smiled at her retreating figure. "I love your sister."

Craig turned to him. "If you make a move one her, I'm going to kill you."

Clyde's eyebrows shot to the roof. "She's 13 dude! She'd have to be at least 14 for me to go for her."

Craig punched him in the arm.

Once they got to school, they went to the cafeteria to hang out before classes. It was buzzing with chatter and excitement for the weekend. Even Craig's friends were talking about some party that was going to happen. But he payed no attention as he scanned the room for the one person he actually wanted to talk to. His face fell when he realized that the boy wasn't there and he turned back to his friends.

"So is Kenny's brother gonna bring alcohol?"

"Kind of. Apparently Kevin doesn't want to buy alcohol for kids, so Kenny's is just gonna take his ID."


Craig shot a disapproving glance at the boys. He personally thought that drinking was for idiots, but he didn't care enough to protest to their activities.

"Hey, Craig are you going?"


"Oh really?" Clyde snickered. "Because I happen to know a twitchy blonde who's going."

Craig was conflicted. He didn't like parties, but he did like Tweek.

"Speak of the devil." Token looked behind Craig.

Craig spun around to see Tweek standing there. The blonde smiled. "H-hey," he stuttered out. "What are you guys talking about?"

Tweek had a very telling voice. Usually it was deep and slightly shaky. But when he was nervous it would raise and make him sound like he was squeaking.

"Just trying to convince you're boyfriend to go to the party."

Craig kicked Clyde in the shin. It was a very well known fact that Craig was gay, and had a thing for Tweek. But only Craig and his friends knew that Tweek had a thing for Craig too.

"Oh you're not going?" Tweek looked up at Craig. "It's supposed to be really fun. It's going to be at Jessica's house. She has an indoor pool."

"Who the fuck is Jessica? Nevermind. Yeah, I'll go"

Clyde snickered then jumped back. "Don't hit me, I swear to God."

If Craig had a dollar for every time someone asked what he saw in Tweek, he would be a billionaire. But he though it was obvious. Craig was a very boring person. That's just how he was born. But, he liked interesting people. Not like the weird guys who do acid and have a pet tarantula or something dumb like that. Nor the girls who party all the time and will give it up to anyone. He liked people who were genuinely different.

Tweek was a very messy person. It clashed with Craig's germaphobe tendencies, but he still thought it was cool. His blonde hair was always messy. Not in the way that guys do where they spend hours on it to make it look that way. No, Tweek had given up on trying to tame his unruly locks.

His eyes were also peculiar. They were brown like caramel. Most people think brown is boring, but Craig could spend hours thinking about the color of Tweeks eyes.

He also had muscle on him, which was one of the things that Craig secretly loved the most.

Then there was Tweeks interesting perspective on life. Craig was a Christian for the reason that he went to church and said grace before dinner. Otherwise he didn't care much for religion. Tweek, however, was fascinated by the idea of a higher being, as well as terrified. He also enjoyed talking about conspiracies and aliens and how beautiful the sky is. He could go on and on about the depth of the universe and how scary it is, even though Craig already knew it all. He had taught Tweek about the constellations and the discovery of new planets. He rambled on about how many moons Jupiter has, and how big a star actually is. And unlike everyone else, Tweek would actually listen and even put in his own thoughts about the Milky Way.

Craig was absolutely smitten and anyone who didn't see what he saw was either blind or stupid, because to Craig, Tweek was perfectly imperfect. Which was exactly why, even though he loathed social gatherings, Craig was going to go to the party that night.