I Do Not Own Teen Titans or Young Justice

Getting Lost Somewhere…

Cracking an eye open he immediately shut it and tried to keep himself from freaking out.

He'd taken a hit for Kori, a blast of magic or something; he didn't know, however, he did know he was not on earth anymore and this wasn't a place of his mind's design. If the… whatever that hit him, had meant to induce his hell then they got it way wrong.

His nightmares were of a drunk beating him as he defended his battered mother. His nightmares were of drugs taking his mother soaring, she soared so high she left him behind, forgot him and left him. His nightmares were of the cold, the brutality, and the cruelty he was accustomed to; but it wasn't hell, no, it was a hellish heaven. His nightmares were of a woman who had birthed him, who he so desperately wanted to have love him and she handed him over to his demons. And he could handle the nightmares, it was the his demons which could scare him. His demons wore clown make up, smiled and laughed, and cackled, they also beat him with a crowbar and then left him, alone, cold, bleeding and broken. But through the nightmares and the fighting of his demons he hadn't felt fear, at least not until he glanced at a red digital clock and fear swelled up in him with a realization he was going to die. But death didn't scare him, not even close to the scariest thing there was, fire didn't scare him either. But still, his fear was born and he feared that fire, that particular burning, raging, surging fire with a force so powerful it broke an already broken body. His fear brought him to his hell and his hell was a coffin, six feet under, when he was bleeding, broken, running out of air, and scared. His hell was swimming up through mud, feeling the bugs and rocks in his hands and sliding into his cloths. His hell was small, dark, lonely, and no one could hear him. That was his hell; at least, it was one of them.

So with that in mind, this couldn't possibly be his hell.

Which was why he was keeping his eyes closed and focusing on breathing, breathing through the pain, the fear and the panic which were threatening to overwhelm him.

Once he was certain that if he opened his eyes he wasn't going to curl up into a panicky screaming ball of fears and memories he opened his eyes and looked around.

Yup, this wasn't his hell. Slowly he winced as he sat up and rubbed his chest. Everything in him was on fire as he looked around at the eerie world he was in.

It definitely wasn't earth or a world he immediately recognized as he slowly stood. Shaking his head he looked around and noticed all the moving shadows, which had him pulling his weapon and a lighter for some light. These shadows, though dark, were not pitch black and blinding him; shockingly enough. And there was a blue tint to them as if they were alive in some way.

He left the shadows alone though as he lifted his lighter and looked around. Fuck, he was lost, and there was no clear path as to where to go. Pulling out the communicator Kori had given him when they had been a team, he looked for a signal.

There was nothing.

Sighing he dropped the communicator back into his pocket before he decided to start walking, there were low growls and vibrations that he could feel which had him thinking to move now rather than be eaten. Being eaten would be counterproductive to his living again.

For how long he walked he didn't know, he felt like he was getting even more lost as he went, but he just followed the shadows. From the screams, and the sounds of fire and pain he knew he was in a hell, which was all the more reason for him to keep moving. Wherever he was, it reminded him of Apokolips, not a place he particularly wanted to go, but this place held the same painful, hellish environment. There was a black bird perched on a rock when he finally had to stop.

Hissing through his teeth he moved his armor a bit to examine his ribs. Good news, they weren't broken by whatever had hit him, bad news, they were possibly cracked and definitely bruised. Groaning he slid to the ground as he stared up at the black bird, it kind of reminded him of a raven.

"Well, looks like I'm lost," he wryly commented to the bird. It kind of reminded him of a little bird he had known before she had…

Pulling out a cigarette he lit it and took a shaky breath of the sweet nicotine and let it sooth him as it dulled the edge on his nerves, hunger, exhaustion, and pain. Looking at the red eyed bird he chuckled; it was sad when every raven reminded him of that little bird. Border lining pathetic. Especially when he'd never really known her. His brothers had known her really well, he hadn't, and he hadn't wanted too, at least not until she was gone.

It was hours later, after resting when he snapped to alertness and leveled his gun to the shadows.

"Who's there?"

"Lost?" a monotonous voice asked him which had him turning as he looked at the shadows coming to life. It was like she was made of shadows herself as she stepped towards him.

His voice was gone as he slowly nodded and got to his feet. It'd been years since anyone had seen her. She had brought them to hell and defeated Trigon, sealing her father away but when it was time to return she had stayed behind. And here she was, standing there a little older, more tired, but the same, her slight form slimmer, and her black hair messily tangled around her face as the angry red gem rested on her ashen brow. Her tattered black cloak swirled around her as she floated there, looking him over.

"You're bigger than I remember," Raven suddenly said.

"It's been a while," he said in a tight voice.

"I see," she said sadly. "This way, I can create a portal to send you back."

"How is everyone?" she asked as she walked beside him, guiding the way.

"The Titans disbanded," he informed her. "I died, Kori's Queen of Tamaran, Dick's her fiancé, Garfield works for the League last I heard, and Cyborg is off the grid."

"I miss them," she murmured.

He nodded, he might not have been on the original team, but he knew that the original five Titans had been close, at least until Raven stayed in Hell to guard her father and keep him sealed away so he couldn't destroy the earth or the multiverse.

"You're alive," she said suddenly.

"Complicated, but yeah, I died shortly after Trigon," he shrugged.

"I am sorry, you did not deserve to die," she murmured monotonously. He chuckled.

"Shit happens, and you can't tell me I didn't drive all of you batshit crazy when I stole Dick's suit," he chuckled. She softened.

"You did," she mused. "Why are you here?"

"Uh… I may have intercepted a spell or something and I was put here," he shrugged. There was no need to go into his heroics about shoving Kori; who was in the beginning of her first pregnancy, and he only knew about her pregnancy because he'd been the one to find her panicking. She was going to tell Dick about the pregnancy the day he got blasted; but it was why he had shoved out of the way, and taking the hit as the Bats scrambled. Jason didn't mind taking the hit, Kori and Dick deserved happiness, and he happened to like Kori for a sister-in-law-to-be.


"Kori's pregnant, first kid, she and Dick are engaged, it doesn't seem right for all their happiness and future to die because of a pissed off magician," he shrugged.

"I'm happy for them, and I'm sorry you came here," Raven smiled that ghost smile of hers.

"'S'not the first time I've gone to hell, and likely won't be the last," he shrugged, and regretted the action because of the pain his ribs were in. Raven stopped, her hands were glowing white and she pressed them on his chest he gasped, she said nothing and he felt his ribs start to heal. It could have been seconds, it could have been hours, but she finally with drew her hands and he stared down at bright, but dark, ornate orbs.

"Thank you," he murmured.

"It's been a long time since I've felt anything besides pain," she smiled softly and he frowned not understanding what she was saying. "Thank you for this."

"For what?"

"For something other than pain, it feels nice," she murmured. Then it clicked, what he had forgotten about Raven, she was an empath. Jason didn't know what to say to that, even he could feel the pain and misery of this place and it was hell. He could only imagine what it was to an empath.

"We're here," she said finally as she stopped above a fiery pit. Jason looked around at nothing special and Raven held up her hand, he watched as the purple portal opened.

"Thanks angel," he smiled, then he stopped as he turned on her. She folded her arms and stepped away from him, hunching in on herself.

"You could come," he pointed out.

"Someone has to be here, watching him, of every second of every day, it's my responsibility," she said softly.

"I could stay," he offered.

"Go Jason, this is not a place to stay," she murmured with a smile. "Thank you though, for the kindness."

"Raven…" he reached to pull her after him.

"Go, and please, don't tell them about me, take care of Kori and Dick, and help with their baby, please look after Gar, and when you have a chance, could you track Victor down and tell him I'm sorry and that I love him and I miss him," she said softly.


"It's for the best they don't know I'm alive," she whispered. "And since they can't know, don't tell Victor any of that, just… can you be there for him, he's like a brother to me, I don't want him alone."

"Sure," he sighed.

"Good," she smiled. There was a snarl and a rumble behind her. "Now go!"

She shoved him back with her magic, her tattered cloak flying out as she flew up and he fell through the portal seeing Raven fighting demons. Jason screamed for her, but the portal was gone as he hit the grass and fell back on his back with a thud.

Sitting up he stared at where the portal should have been, it was gone. Groaning he fell back and rubbed his face.

Getting lost somewhere had never sucked so much

Standing he noticed that he was at the Manor, stumbling to his feet he walked to the door, and knocked. It was opened by Alfrid who gaped at him.

"Master Jason!" the man gasped.

"Hey Alfie, the other's back yet?" he asked.

"Jason!" a voice shouted, he looked over and stared at a heavily pregnant Tamaranian flying at him.

"Ack!" he grunted when Kori slammed into him.

"Where Have You Been! You Vanished Four Months Ago!" she shouted at him as she grabbed his ear.

"Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow!" he gasped.

"Kori! Let him… Jason!" Dick shouted and Jason found himself being tackled by an octopus then. "You're back! You're back! You're back! You're back! I Told You He Wasn't Dead!" Dick shouted.

"Great, will you get off me!" Jason shouted as he shoved Dick off him.

"Where were you!?" Tim demanded stalking to him.

"Wouldn't believe me even if I told you," he stated firmly; and he didn't want to think about how he'd been gone a day and it'd been four months here.

"I see you are back Todd," Damian sneered.

"Not getting rid of me that easily shorty," he growled. The prince glared at him.

"Jason!" Bruce appeared and Jason was startled when the older man moved and yanked him into a hug.

"What the hell! I haven't been gone that long! Let me go!" he shouted as he tried to escape his crowding family.

"Four months, Jason!" Kori rebuked.

"Four. Months.?" He repeated slowly as it sunk in.

"Yes, where were you?" Dick asked.

"Getting lost somewhere," he muttered as he looked at Alfred.

"Alfie, I'm starved, want help in the kitchen?" he asked.

"Certainly Master Jason," Alfred smiled and Jason walked past them all to the kitchen.

"I was really gone four months?" he asked.


"Dead for a year and I don't that welcome, gone for a day and they can't leave me alone," he muttered to himself.

Purple orbs flew to the forefront of his mind and he remembered a good thing that came from getting lost in hell. Occasionally you got to meet an angel.

Found a 30 day challenge, I'm going to test it out.

That's all for now folks!

Enjoy Something Just Like This! =)