Disclaimer: I own neither BtVS nor any other popular media company nor their properties.

Corwin rubbed his temples and forced away his confusion and dizziness as he rose to his feet and took stock of his situation. He appeared to be on Earth, modern day, and someone had either led or trumped in a number of shadow spawn as well as did something to lay the touch of the Logrus upon the town. He checked and found he was dressed more for court than battle in blue tabard and burgundy cape, but thankfully carrying his sword Grayswandir with its Pattern etched blade.

A groan and a whimper from the ground brought his attention to a young woman, scarcely more than a girl, dressed in white with her dark hair woven into buns on the sides of her head. A snarling horned creature attacked, and he backhanded it away before helping her to her feet. "Are you alright, milady?" he asked courteously, ignoring the chaos around them.

"My head feels like a rancor kicked it," she complained as she leaned on him.

"I know not what a rancor is, but considering the number of strange creatures about, that is a distinct possibility."

She opened her eyes and looked around her in confusion. "What's going on? Where are we?"

"I was wondering that myself," he admitted. "Forgive my poor manners, I am Prince Corwin of Amber."

"Princess Leia of Alderaan, though I much prefer the title of Senator, but please just call me Leia or Miss Organa if you find that too informal."

Something large and green roared and charged at them, but Leia threw up a hand and the creature was flung away, though the effort staggered her.

"I see you have a modicum of talent in sorcery," he remarked as he looked around for anything that carried an air of familiarity.

"I have training in how to use the Force, but it's not magic," she disagreed. "There are scientific principles behind every Force skill."

Corwin chuckled. "Magic, Sorcery, The Force. The name changes, but its nature remains the same; a way of altering reality through the application of will."

"I never thought of it that way," she said. "There is some truth in that."

A red haired woman in a short skirt ran up to them, passing through various obstacles as if they, or rather she, didn't exist. "Xander, Dawn!"

The two exchanged confused glances.

"Who?" Corwin asked.

The young woman groaned. "Oh no, it got you too!"

"Got us too?" Leia asked.

"OK, listen," the young woman ordered earnestly. "You are not who you think you are."

Leia blinked and shook her head. "That makes little sense, a person is who they think they are, that is a basic tenant of self."

"I think therefore I am," Corwin explained. "Can be expanded into 'as I think of myself, so shall I be'."

"The truth stripped of riddles," Leia said. "I think I like you, my brother has a habit of answering me in complicated riddles."

"I have some small knowledge of the base mysteries," Corwin admitted. "More than likely, you were being trained in how to discover the answers for yourself, rather than what the answers were."

"Everyone turned into their costume," Willow said bluntly, not wanting to get drawn into a deep philosophical debate. "Most of the monsters running around are children who dressed up for Halloween."

"Something must be done," Leia said resolutely. "This stinks of the Dark side, but then this entire area feels like it's seeped in it."

"I know it by the term Logrus or Chaos, but yes I can feel it too," Corwin agreed.

Leia closed her eyes and reached out with her senses, shuddering at the oily feeling of the air. "The center of the darkness is that way," she said, pointing towards Sunnydale High.

"Yes, but can you find the anchor point for the spell, which is a lot closer?" Corwin asked, sensing the threads of magic leading in a different direction.

"We should find Buffy," Willow said.

"Can you find the anchor point?" Leia asked. "I'm afraid the darkness clouds my vision too much."

"Using Grayswandir as a focus," Corwin said, patting his sword. "I should be able to. I can already sense it's close by."

"We need to get Buffy first," Willow insisted. "She's your older sister, and our best friend."

"I have a sister?" Leia asked curiously.

"Yeah, and she'd be a big help," Willow promised.

Corwin shrugged at Leia's questioning glance, having no opinion on the topic.

A scream rang out and Willow shouted, "Buffy!" and ran towards it.

"That doesn't sound like a big help," Leia remarked dryly as they jogged after her.

"Family rarely is," Corwin agreed, amused.

Before they could catch up with her, they rounded a corner and found themselves facing a group of nearly two dozen armored warriors. The majority wore white ceramic full plate including helm, however there were a few in red and one in solid black.

"Father," she said, dread lacing her voice. "B-But, he reformed and died."

"Stay strong," Corwin commanded. "We are likely to face many we know, if the tale we were told is true."

Leia took a deep breath and slowly released it, regaining her composure. "You're right," she said, taking what appeared to be a flashlight off her belt and pushing a button on it with her thumb, igniting a three foot blade of emerald light. "Stay behind me."

Corwin tried not to grin, pleased with her attitude change and amused by her trying to protect him.

"Jedi," the tall black armored figure rasped out. "Open fire!"

Corwin was surprised by the enemy's use of energy blasters, but he was even more shocked by Leia's actions as she reflected back every blast that would've hit them using her blade of light.

Angel checked Buffy's house, but found it empty. He was contemplating where to go next when he heard a feminine scream. "Cordelia," he muttered as he spotted her before breaking into a run.

Cordelia Chase ran pretty well for a girl wearing a skintight black cat outfit, and she somehow found the breath to scream as well. Of course, some credit should be given to the faux werewolf chasing her, as he provided excellent motivation.

"Ra-awk!" the werewolf gagged as Angel clotheslined him and quickly kicked him in the temple, knocking the costumed monster unconscious.

Cordelia came to a stop as she looked back and saw that Angel had taken down the creature trying to kill her and he hadn't even broken a sweat. She paused and various options were weighed in her mind below conscious thought, comparing Angel to Xander, both of which had saved her life. In the end there was no question, Angel was a lot closer to her social status than Xander would ever be. "Angel!" Cordelia squealed, throwing herself into his arms. "I was so scared!"

Armored figures were scattered about like leaves after a storm. Only three figures remained standing.

Vader stood imperiously, left hand outstretched holding Corwin in place as he dueled Leia with just his right hand. "For a Jedi, you show some skill," he admitted with grudging admiration.

"I've only been training for a year and a half," Leia replied as she redoubled her efforts, hoping to distract Vader enough to free Corwin. "Give me another year, and I'll show you skill."

"I find that highly unlikely," Vader said, a quick Force shove sending her flying into the side of a building. "The Jedi council would never have allowed one as old as you to begin training."

Leia wiped blood from the corner of her mouth and held out a hand to summon her lightsaber to her. "The Council was wiped out long ago, father."

"Father?" Vader asked shocked. He could feel the truth of her words reverberating through the Force. "But, the Jedi killed my wife and unborn child!"

Corwin managed to take a step forward, leaving a three inch deep footprint in the asphalt before Vader clenched his fist and redoubled the pressure on him.

"Children, she had twins," Leia said, calming herself and mustering her strength for another attack.

"You have a sister?" Vader asked.

"Brother," she corrected him.

"I have a son?!" Vader released Corwin who stumbled, not expecting the sudden change, as Vader extinguished his lightsaber.

Leia frowned. "What, so having a son is more important than having a daughter?"

"No, no!" Vader winced inside his mask, the lie obvious even to those without Force powers. "A small amount," he admitted. "Sons carry on the family name, and as a father I would get to teach him to be a man. That doesn't mean I'd love a daughter any less, just that a girl would be more the mother's responsibility to mold into a proper young woman."

"OK," Leia said, deactivating her lightsaber. "Well, Luke is the one training me and the head of the new Jedi Order. He's changed a lot of the rules."

"I...had no idea," Vader admitted quietly. "But, shouldn't you be about eight?"

"Try twenty-eight," Leia replied. "A number of people have become various versions of us from different places and times according to a 'ghost' we met. In my time, you died protecting Luke and destroying the Emperor."

"And Padme?" he asked as softly as his mechanical voice box would allow.

"Died shortly after giving birth, according to the records I saw."

"I see," Vader said, falling silent, save for the sound of his respiration.

"We should go," Corwin said. "We have to end the cause of this...rupture before more people are harmed."

Vader's gaze suddenly snapped to Corwin, the weight of it far stronger than the power of the Force he'd used on him just moments before. "What are your intentions towards my daughter?!"

"Sounds like complete chaos out there," Spike said wistfully.

"All of the characters have stepped out of their books and are wandering about," Dru said with a giggle.

"Like the Cat in the Hat?" a minion asked.

Spike rolled his eyes, but Dru laughed and replied. "Exactly, but a six foot tall feline is no pussy, and he likes to bury dead things."

"That's one big cat," another minion agreed.

"We could just avoid him," Spike suggested.

"Then, the Father will find you and rip off all your limbs with his mind," Dru said. "Be a good boy for mummy, and there'll be pie."

"I do like your pie," Spike admitted with a leer, "Mummy."

"We just met," Corwin repeated. "When this spell ends, we won't even be in the same universe."

"And yet I still sense your interest," Vader said dryly.

"Father," Leia moaned, not having expected this sort of response from one of the most feared Dark Lords of the Sith.

"I find her admirable," Corwin admitted. "If I recall anything after the spell ends, I may seek her out."

"From another universe?!" Leia asked in surprise.

"That is a small difficulty to overcome for one such as I," Corwin admitted. "I thought I might spend a decade or two in your company and see if anything develops between us."

"A decade or two?" Leia asked. "Most couples I know court for a year or two at most before marriage."

"You need at least half a decade before you can even begin to say you know someone," he disagreed. "Lust rushes about, love waits patiently," he quoted.

"A sensible attitude," Vader agreed.

"At 28, regardless of current body, five years is more than enough time to marry. No, date and get to know one another for three years, and engage for two before marrying is a much more reasonable timescale."

"That's all in the future," Corwin pointed out. "For now, let's see about quelling the chaos and restoring order."

"A goal even the Empire would agree with," Vader agreed. "I will rouse my...troops and restore order with minimal casualties while you two get to the heart of the problem."

"That would be helpful," Leia said quietly.

Vader stopped and looked at his daughter. "There is much that separates us," he admitted, turning and rousing the downed troopers. "I am proud of you," he said, not looking in her direction.

Leia nodded and she and Corwin left, the awkward empathic connection she had with her father fading with distance.

"It's nice to have a parent's approval, even if you don't approve of them," Corwin noted.

Before Leia could comment, the red-headed returned. "Where have you guys been?! It doesn't matter, I've convinced Buffy to hide. Come on!" The two jogged after the spirit who led them to a dark alley where muffled curses could be heard. "Buffy!" Willow screeched in horror.

A dark haired young woman in a multilayered medieval monstrosity of a dress was being held down by two men who were attempting to molest her. "I think I found something!" one of the men exclaimed excitedly as he fumbled about with her skirts. "Nah, it's just another bloody layer!" he cursed.

"Fuck this!" the other man said, climbing off her. "Let's just use her mouth."

Corwin drew his sword, and the silvery blade began to glow, circuit-like etchings on the surface of the blade twinkling in the dark alley, but before he could do anything, Leia threw out her hand, sending the two men flying. Seeing the three, the lady struggled to her feet and threw herself at Corwin as the ruffians fled.

"Ah kind sir, please protect me!" she begged.

"It's OK, milady, we're here now. The spirit guided us right to you," Corwin said, trying to comfort her.

"You have truck with spirits?" She shrank back.

"Not as such," he assured her, "but, I would be remiss if I did not listen to one trying to make up for her sins in life."

"The sins of a harlot must be great indeed," she replied wide-eyed.

Willow forced herself not to growl. "Your sister, Dawn-" she began before she was interrupted.

"Sister Dawn?" Buffy said, looking at Dawn and suddenly smiling. "Ah, a sister! Bless me sister, but it's good to see clergy on a night like this."

"Blessings upon you," Leia said, not feeling like arguing.

"The source of the chaos is quite close by," Corwin said, his eyes glowing silver to match his blade.

"Witchcraft!" Buffy whimpered.

"He's being guided by a higher power," Leia told Buffy.

"Truly?" Buffy said in wonder.

"Truly," Leia assured her. "He is seeing the source of the mischief so that we might end it."

"As you say sister," Buffy said, calming down.

"I'm sure Buffy can handle it," Cordelia assured Angel as she coaxed him into her car.

"I should still check on her," Angel said weakly.

"She handled the snake demon at that frat party just fine," Cordelia assured him. "This is a lot easier."

Angel frowned at the mention of the frat party. "Yeah, you're probably right," he decided.

"Where's your place?" Cordelia asked brightly.

"It's in there," Corwin said, pointing to the door of Ethan's shop with his sword.

"That's where we bought our costumes," Willow said.

Corwin tried the door and found it locked.

"Maybe there's a back door," Willow suggested.

Corwin stepped back and kicked the door, which came apart like it was composed of gingerbread.

"The front way works too, I guess," Willow said, following them into the costume shop.

"You can't just barge in here," Ethan tried to bluff.

"I think you'll find I can," Corwin said, blade in hand.

Leia waved a hand in front of Ethan's face, causing his eyes to lose focus. "You wish to tell us how to end this."

"I wish to tell you how to end this," Ethan agreed before shaking his head and blinking. "No, I don't!"

Corwin drew his sword. "The ill humors that caused you to do this, no doubt settle in the appendages farthest from the heart. All I have to do is remove the appendage responsible and you'll feel like a new man. Don't worry, I've had medical training, so I shouldn't have to remove more than two before locating the right one."

"Statue in the back room!" Ethan blurted out, wide-eyed.

Corwin's eyes glowed silver for a moment. "So it is," he agreed.

"You must do a lot of reading," Cordelia noted as she ran a finger along a bookshelf.

"It helps pass the time," Angel agreed.

Cordelia noted the number of leather-bound classics and silently blessed her mother for the boring tutor she'd been forced to deal with until she could 'discuss the classics intelligently like a girl of her class and breeding'. "The complete works of Dickens are a must if you want to understand the social issues of his time, but why would you have Mellville? His tale may be called a classic, but it's really nothing more than a thinly disguised cry for help from someone with an oedipal complex so huge that it makes me blush to think about."

Angel perked up, surprised at finding the girl he'd mentally dismissed as shallow actually had depth to her and had chosen such an interesting topic to discuss.

Leia watched as Corwin laid his hands upon the bust he referred to as Dworkin and felt… Dawn slowly surface like the sun shining through the early morning mists on Endor. And, just like the mists, she felt herself slowly vanish. A momentary thought ran through the minds of the two as they watched Corwin and Leia found herself smashing her lips against his as oblivion claimed her.

Buffy ripped the brown wig off her head as the memories of the last couple of hours hit her and Willow vanished. She turned and saw Dawn had a firm grip on Xander's head and was attempting to extract his tonsils. Being a good sister, she gave her a ten count before prying her loose. A stunned Xander just blinked and stood there.

"I think you broke him," Buffy said. "And, how did you bust you lip?"

"A fight with fath- I mean Vader," Dawn said, taking one of Xander's hands.

"And, molesting Xander?" Buffy asked.

"I've always liked him, and Leia liked Corwin. A last kiss seemed in order," Dawn said, memories and knowledge from Leia giving her the courage to defend her actions.

"Xander?" Buffy asked.

"I taste blood," Xander said, recovering.

"Split lip," Dawn told him. "I didn't have time to brush."

"Oh," he said quietly his head filled with centuries of memories trying to find their place.

"I notice you're still holding her hand," Buffy said.

"I've often held Dawn's hand," Xander said.

"Not after she's kissed you."

"True, but it seems more appropriate to hold her hand after having kissed her."

"What are you really asking about?" Dawn asked.

"Wondering about your relationship now," Buffy replied.

"Depends on what I can talk him into," Dawn admitted.

"You are a few years away from dating age," Xander pointed out.

"How many?" Dawn demanded.

"Three," he replied as he considered the matter. "You'd have to be at least sixteen before I would feel right dating you."

"Fifteen is more common in California," she pointed out.

"With our age difference, sixteen is a lot more reasonable," he corrected.

"I'm not likely to put up with you dating other girls in that time," Dawn said bluntly.

"I'm in no rush," Xander assured her. "I can wait."

"I can wait too," Dawn said, blushing as she recalled Corwin's earlier quote.

Buffy nodded, happy with their not dating for a couple of years as she was pretty sure that Dawn's crush would fade in a year at most, and Xander was a guy, so he'd be dating someone by then, hopefully Willow.

"Let's round up the kids so we don't get expelled."

AN: Typing by Lucillia!