The little flower in life's garden

The very first time Ginny felt the rather unpleasant and nauseous feeling in her stomach she simply closed her eyes and hoped that it would be over soon. Both her sons had just recovered from a nasty flu, and the red-haired witch had no desire at all to get sick herself. She didn't have the time for that. Especially not today! It was the first day in what felt like forever, since Ginny had a quiet day to herself. And she had gladly accepted Hermione's invitation to join her for a little girls-trip. First walking through the streets of muggle-London – Hermoine showed Ginny, amongst other things, a muggle apothecary, which was quite fascinating. Then the two witches had continued their way through the Leaky Cauldron into Diagon Alley. Both of them bought a couple of things for their husbands and kids, talked to a couple of friends they had met on the way, and were now taking a well-deserved break in the Madam Puddyfoot's tea-shop.

However, the nasty feeling was about to get the better of her, and in an attempt to get her breathing under control, Ginny pierced her nails into the banister of the little couch she's been sitting on; sending a small prayer to Merlin or Morgana or whoever could help her up there that nobody would notice her discomfort.

Naturally, her sister-in-law had immediately picked up on the fact that something was off.

"Are you alright, Gin?" she asked worriedly and put down her little blue-ish green cup of tea on the little table in front of them. "You look a bit pale…"

"I'm quite fine, Hermione," Ginny replied, though as soon as she heard her own words, she wasn't even able to convince herself that it was true.

Hence it was no surprise that the brightest witch of her generation only raised an eyebrow and looked at the red-haired witch skeptically.

Ginny sighed defeated. "My stomach's been a little off during the last couple of days that's all."

"Are you sure? Harry will have my head if he finds out that I dragged you here to Madam Puddyfoot's when you're not well!"

A small smile appeared on her face. "It's probably just the flu… nothing to worry about," she assured her sister-in-law and took a sip of her chamomile tea. Maybe this would settle her stomach…

"Besides, I wouldn't want to ruin our girls-day. It doesn't happen very often that the boys take the kids somewhere, does it?"

Hermione laughed. "No, it most certainly doesn't. Though I won't complain," here she paused and held up her hand; ready to pay for their little afternoon tea. "Ever since Hugo joined the family, I didn't have a quiet moment."

Ginny chuckled. "At least you have Rose… Don't get me wrong, I love my boys, but sometimes I just wish I had a little more female support in the house."

Putting the fork back on her now empty plate, Hermione shrugged; a teasing smile playing around her slips. "Well, you and Harry could always try for another little one."

The red-head witch laughed out loud. "And risking that it'll be another boy? So that I'm totally outnumbered?"

"I'm sure Harry would enjoy it."

"I bet he would," Ginny mused, slightly lost in her own thoughts. "I mean, we did try after I had Al… but apparently it just wasn't meant to be."

"I didn't know that, Gin."

"Well, we agreed not to make a big deal out of it… Apparently the spells back during the battle weren't so good after all… and we have Jamie and Al… I couldn't ask for more."

Hermione was about to say something, but the waitress came and the only thing that was heard was a slightly annoyed, "Hey, Gin, that wasn't the deal," as the red-head grinned snatched the bill out of Hermione's hand.

"Here, keep the change," she chuckled as she handed the money to the young woman.

"That's not fair, you already paid last time!"

Finally feeling a little less nauseous, Ginny got up from the couch, a smile on her face. "Fine, you'll pay for dinner then."

"For your own sake, you better keep your promise."

"Or what? You'll let me feel the wrath of a furious Hermione Granger-Weasley?"

Both witches laughed as they left the Pub to continue their shopping. "Indeed. But believe me, that's something you don't want to see, Gin."



Ginny didn't even have the time to get rid of her shoes before both her sons jumped right into her arms. Well, if the movement little Albus made could be considered as a 'jump'… all he did was bump right against her knees, his arms outstretched and calling her name over and over again.

"We missed you mummy!" little James shouted, then turned in her arms and looked at the bushy haired woman. "Oh, hello Aunty Mione!"

Hermione, who had entered the Potter-household right behind her, just chuckled, replied "Hello to you, too, James!" and put hung up her coat before she left Ginny with her kids and entered the kitchen to find her old friend.

"Mummy, up!"

Shaking her head, Ginny hugged little James one last time, and gave him a little kiss on the cheek before she put him down. Immediately, the four-year-old hurried after his aunt.

Then, the red-haired woman got down on her knees to be on the same high as her youngest son was.

"What's the magical word, Al?"

The little boy wrinkled his face and thought. Then, his eyes lit up and he beamed at his mother. "Please!"

Smiling, Ginny picked up the little green-eyed boy, who immediately put his tiny arm around her neck, mumbling something like "Imissedyoumummy."

"I missed you, too, Al," she replied, kissed him on the head and kicked of her shoes in the best way she could so she could follow everybody else into the kitchen.

The sight that greeted her left he speechless. She had expected the entire house to be in a state of total mess, but the opposite was the case! There wasn't even a single toy lying around in the kitchen!

Putting Albus down, who crawled straight off to follow his big brother James into the living room, Ginny walked towards Harry; a curious expression on her face.

"Hello, love, had a nice girls-day?" Harry asked in a too innocent voice as he kissed his wife softly on the lips.

"We did, didn't we, Hermione?"

"Indeed we did. Despite the fact that your wife wouldn't let me pay."

Harry chuckled. "Ah, my bad. I told her to do it."

Hazel eyes narrowed, but the red-head turned to her husband; leaving her sister-in-law no change to speak.

"What happened here, Harry?"

"What do you mean, dear?"

She raised an eyebrow at the word 'dear'; after so many years, the young woman could tell when her husband was trying to hide something from her. The blush that crept over the black-haired man's face was only confirming her suspicion.

He started to look to the ground, avoiding both women's eyes.

"Harry, what did you do?" Hermione asked suspiciously.

The emerald eyed man winced, then took a couple of steps backwards in order to get a little distance between himself and his wife. "Well, you see… It wasn't actually my fault… Ron and I… well…"


Ginny's expression left no room for any sort of argumentation.


Harry had spoken the words so fast that Ginny didn't understand anything at all. Well, she was quite sure that she did hear the words 'broomstick' and 'dishes', and if the feeling in her stomach was anything to go by, she already knew where his story was going.

"Could you repeat that, dear?"

The wizard bit his lip. "We bought the kids a toy broomstick – "

He skillfully ignored Hermione's "Oh Harry…"

"And well, you remember the dishes your mother gave us?"

"The pink ones with the reddish flowers?"

"Yes. Well, let's just say we don't really have them anymore…"

The guilty look on her husband's caused Ginny to burst out into laughing; he looked like a child who was expecting to get lectured by his mother.

Apparently, the wizard hadn't expected this kind of reaction, and he looked rather confused from his wife to the other witch in the room. "You're not angry?"

This time it was Hermione who answered. "Assuming you got the same set as Ron and I did, I'm quite sure that Gin is more than happy to have a believable excuse to be rid of the things."

From guilty to confused, Harry's eyes now showed relieve, and even a small chuckle escaped him. "Merlin, Ron and I already thought we'd be in more trouble than the kids…"

Laughing, Ginny gave her husband a little kiss on the cheek. "On the contrary, I think I've never been happier that Ron destroyed something."

"I'll let him know," the bushy haired woman chuckled, before she hugged her in-laws and made her way over to the door.

"Gin, would you take the boys upstairs? They've been asking for you the whole day. And I'll walk you to the door, Mione," Harry offered.

All the red-haired witch did was give a short nod. "Sure, give Rose and Hugo a kiss from me, Hermione," she answered as best as she could, for yet another wave of nausea hit her unexpectedly.


"Gin, are you coming?"

The witch faintly heard her husband's voice through the closed bathroom door, and she felt her lips giving him a short answer, but she couldn't really concentrate at all.

She had missed her boys dearly, even though she had only been shopping with Hermione in Muggle-London for a single day. The way her two little boy's smiled at her when she tucked them in was simply too sweet, and in times like these, Ginny was more than happy that she was a mother. Soon after that, she had read both of the boys a story, and then watched as both James and Albus drifted peacefully off to sleep.

Admittedly, the red-haired witch would have liked to stay with them a little longer – after all Harry and Hermione had the habit of talking for a couple of minutes on the front porch – but grumbling sound of her stomach, followed by the rather unpleasant urge to empty its content into the toilet was something she couldn't fight.

And as fast as her feet carried her, Ginny hurried to the bathroom – almost knocked down an ancient mural painting of one of her ancestors - and threw up in a very un-elegant way.

Cleaning herself up afterwards, she continued to stay in the bathroom, going through several drawers in the search of something that would help. To her disappointment, she noticed that James and Albus had consumed the last bit of nausea-potion the last time they had the flu.

'I have to remind Harry to get some more…' she thought with a sigh as she let her dark brown eyes wander around the room.

Suddenly, her attention had been drawn upon the little calendar on the wall. She had checked it twice, but the dates were right.

And now, she was sitting on top of the little carpet on the bathroom floor, staring at the little muggle-advice in her hands with an expression of pure disbelieve.

'This cannot be possible…'

A thousand thoughts were running through her head, all at the same time. Confusion, fear, happiness, excitement, hope, love… all the emotions that were floating through her body created a huge chaos.

Another glance at the stick, she felt the tears of joy running down her cheeks.


"Are you alright?" Harry asked his wife as she carefully climbed into his bed.

Ginny pushed the covers away, straightened her night gown and snuggled against her husband's chest; still a little speechless from her recent discovery.

"Hermione mentioned you weren't feeling well today. I would have taken the kids to bed myself had I known that – "

He was silence by Ginny's soft hand covering his mouth.

"Everything's alright. Well, better than alright, to be honest," she whispered, then took his bigger hand and placed it carefully on her stomach. "I – I'm pregnant."

The completely dumbfounded look on Harry's face caused the witch to smile even more.

"What did you say?"

"I'm pregnant."

He shook his head and looked at her with hopeful green eyes. "But I thought it was impossible…"

Ginny smiled and covered his hand, that was still resting on her body, with her own. "I know, so did I. I was so surprised when the test gave a positive result."


She blushed. "I bought a muggle pregnancy test today in muggle London… And before you asked, Hermione explained it to me."

Harry chucked, he did know that his wife was not really accustomed to muggle devices…

"I don't know why I even tried… I mean, the healers were pretty plain about the fact that I wouldn't be able to have any more kids after Al… But apparently we finally get the third child we always wanted."

Harry beamed, encircled his wife's waist with his strong arms, pulled her closer and kissed her softly on the lips. "I love you, Mrs. Potter."

Ginny smiled. It had taken her some time to get used to her new name, but now she wouldn't change it for all the galleons in the world. "I love you, too, Mr. Potter."

Words: 2,195

Written for the March Even: Mother's Day at 'Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry'. 13. A woman learning she's pregnant.

Written for the 365 Drabble Day Event at Hogwarts #29. Mural painting

Written for the 'TV Show Episode Monthly Competition' – Once Upon a Time Season 3 / 2. +Lost Girl: Write a story about someone realizing something about themselves.

Written for Hogwart's Writing Club – Days of the month / Day of Awesomeness - Write about someone doing/seeing something awesome. Alt: Write about someone having an awesome day.