(A/N) soooo I know some of you were expecting a chapter of Marchers today… Weeelllllllll I thought of this and knew I had to get it written. Marchers will be back next week.

So, this is based off of a cosplayer on YouTube by the name of UptownCosplay and two videos she has posted on her channel (One is a standalone video and the other is a part of a panel). Her channel name is Uptown Cosplay and it is full of awesome Miraculous stuff as well as some other cool things so you should totally check her out (The Miraculous panels are definitely a good suggestion I must say) It got me thinking of a one-shot idea and here we are.

DISCLAIMERS: I do not own Miraculous, ALSO I am somewhat quoting some things she says in the videos. Go watch her videos for the full effect.

Without further ado, here we go!


"Thank you so much again for doing this! You have no idea how big of a dream this is for me!"

Ladybug smiles and looks at her friend. "Of course, we're happy to help out one of our biggest supporters."

Marinette had been planning this for a while. She had gotten Chat in on it a while back and now they were finally here. Last week after a rather easy Akuma they had went up to Alya and offered to do a group interview for the Ladyblog much to her delight. The superheroes were now seated on a couch across from Alya. To their right was Nino holding Alya's phone. He apparently had offered to film so she could be in the video as well to make it more of like a talk show. Soon Alya turns to him and lets him know they can get started. He starts to count down from five and nods when he hits record.

"Hey peeps! Alya here and do I have a scoop for you today! Right now I am sitting with Paris' own crime-fighting duo Ladybug and Chat Noir! They have kindly accepted to answer some questions for us today. I have here in my hand some fan questions as well as a few of my own. Now before we begin do you two have anything to say?"

Ladybug shakes her head to be quickly followed by Chat. Alya smiles and turns back to the camera.

"Well then let's get started. I should also mention if there are any questions you both don't feel comfortable answering, you don't have to answer. With that said let's go!" She shuffles the cards to find the first question. "We'll start off easy for you. What are your guy's favorite colors?"

Ladybug sighs silently in relief before answering with a smile. "I've always like pink."

Chat grins playfully and speaks. "I prefer blue, like the shade of My Lady's eyes." He turns to her and winks.

She rolls her eyes at him while Alya nods and quickly finds a specific card.

"So, I had a lot of people wanting this next question answered including myself. Are you two dating?"

Marinette knew this question would pop up sooner or later and quickly says no much to Chat's dismay.

"But Bugaboo… we'd make the purrfect couple don't you think?"

She simply shakes her head to receive a pout from him. They soon both turn back to Alya for the next question.

The interview continues for a while. It went by well with only a few times they refused to answer a question that were a little too personal. Such as their ages and if and where they go to school.

"Alright so this is that last fan question. This one is quite interesting and has left me wondering as well. Do either of you express any animal-like qualities like your namesakes? Like Chat do you have actual cat quirks?"

Ladybug grins somewhat mischievously and before Chat can say anything she quickly speaks up.

"I haven't experienced any myself, but I do know one that Chat has."

She quickly puts a hand behind one of his fake ears and starts to scratch. Without success, he tries to hold it in but soon the room is filled with purrs much to everyone's enjoyment. She soon takes her hand away and Chat's face of pleasure turns quickly to one of defeat.

"My Lady, why must you expose me like this?"

She giggles before responding. "Because it's absolutely adorable Chaton."

Before they can say anything else Alya quickly speaks up.

"And with that we're out of questions. Thank you so much again for this and as for the viewers, I hope you all enjoyed this and remember to stay connected."

With that Nino stops recording and gives his girlfriend a thumbs up. Alya's face is still one of pure joy and Marinette knows the next time she sees her in civilian form, Alya is going to be gushing about the interview and showing her non-stop. Chat turns to talk to Alya and before she can hear what they are talking about Nino quickly grabs her attention.

"Hey Ladybug can I ask you something?"

"Of course, what is it?"

"Well that last question got me thinking, do you think Chat can exhibit other certain cat-like qualities?"

She thought for a minute before replying. "I don't know, I really haven't tried anything and the other one we discovered by accident." Nino hearing those words nods with a mischievous look on his face.

"Can we try one out right now, I have something that might work."

He pulls out a black, pen shaped object. She is confused for a minute before quickly guessing what it is. There is a worry of what could happen but they won't really know until they try so she quickly agrees and turns to look a Chat who is still talking to Alya. Nino decides to have it appear on the wall behind Alya and pushes the button.

Everything seems normal for a few seconds. Suddenly though Chat freezes much to Alya's confusion. His eyes are wide but intense as he stares past her at the bright red dot slightly shaking. It moves down the wall to end up on the floor next to Chat's feet. In a flash, he smacks his hand down only to have the dot move before he reaches it. He gets up from the couch only to crouch down and try and hit the dot again only to have it move again. It's moving away now with Chat in hot pursuit, getting more and more agitated as he keeps missing it.

While this is happening, Ladybug is really trying stifle her laughter. It is obvious the other two are trying to as well with a little less success. Why hadn't she thought of trying to do something like this before. She made a mental note that when they were done with their next patrol, she was going to try some other things. She wonders though if she can snap him out of it. Watching him trying to swipe at the dot that is just out of his reach on a wall she speaks up.

"Chat it isn't real, stop trying to get it."

It's like he doesn't register what she fully said with only one quick reply. "I want it…" He's still at it trying and trying again but to no avail.

"Chat, come on, you know what a laser pointer is. You are a human being snap out of it."

He turns to her, clearly unhappy and somewhat twitchy.


She definitely wasn't expecting him to shout. He turns around to keep trying and that's when she loses it. Clutching her stomach in laughter it takes a while for her to calm down.

Nino at that moment gets a very interesting idea, he looks at Alya and gives her a wink before slowly moving the dot to land on Ladybug without her knowing.

Marinette can't help but feel somewhat concerned at the expression Chat is now sending in her direction. Hearing the snickers of her friends she looks down to see the red dot moving around on her chest.

"Nino no, get it off of me."

Before he can reply Chat pounces. His hand lands on her and they both freeze. Chat seems to have snapped out of it when he realizes what he has done.

"Um… M-My Lady?"

He sheepishly looks up to her face to find an expression mixed of embarrassment and anger. He retracts his hand and stutters.

"W-well this was a b-blast, n-now if you'll excuse m-me I gotta d-dash."

In an instant, he flies towards the window. This seems to snap Ladybug out of her daze.

"Oh no you don't! Get back here you mangy cat!"

Very quickly she follows him in pursuit. Leaving a very shocked Nino and Alya behind.

The next day at school Marinette groans remembering what happened while waiting for the others to show up. She had chased Chat for a while before finally tying him up at the Eiffel Tower to get a full apology out of him. She couldn't help but feel flustered again at the thought of what he had done. She knew the blame wasn't all on him but she still had been mad about it. Alya bounds into the room and her eyes light up when she sees her

"Girl you gotta see the interview I got yesterday! It was so awesome!"

"Sure Alya, you can show me at lunch."

Just then Nino and Adrien walk in to the room and the latter seems flustered about something which only make Marinette concerned.

"Hey girls, I was just telling Adrien about the interview you got yesterday for the Ladyblog. Oh, I almost forgot you two don't know about this yet but something hilarious happened after the interview. Apparently Chat Noir reacts like a cat towards laser pointers."

Marinette quickly hides her blush and replies. "R-really, wow I never would have expected that."

"Yeah I still have the laser pointer too." Nino pulls out the laser pointer and shines it on the chalkboard in the front of the classroom."

Adrien for some reason tenses up. Marinette looks down at the boy in concern as it looks like he's physically holding himself back from doing something. As soon as Nino turns of the laser and puts it in his pocket, he relaxes and tries to act like nothing happened.

As the teacher walks into the room Marinette thinks about what just happened. Why did Adrien act like that when he saw the laser? She shrugs and turns her attention back to the class. Maybe he doesn't like laser pointers or something like that.


And there we go my first ever One-shot completed. This was actually really fun to write. Maybe I could do Adrien/Chats POV as a sequel or something but what do you guys think?

If by the event Uptown does indeed read this. I would just like to say that you are awesome, I am happily subscribed to you and wish you the very best in your endeavors.

As always, Lots of Love to you all!
