"Alphabet Soup: Before" will look at the light side of things while its companion, "Alphabet Soup: After" will look at the darker side of things. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Voltron: Legendary Defender


It's all there, in the name. She's alluring and Shiro's gone by the time she gives out her first command. He should have seen it coming the moment she fell out of her pod but he can't help it. He's always had a love for beautiful things and space, and Allura, being the most beautiful thing in space, wins the first place podium in his heart. His mind is otherwise occupied with wars, wounds that will never heal, scars that burn like fresh skid marks of a car when he thinks about them too hard. She's a little reckless, a little headstrong, and a lot of passion, and it's everything he's ever wanted. There's no time to fall in love in space so he loves her like he loves the stars: wistful, wanting, and from a distance. He loves her like he feels she ought to be loved: with reverence and with respect. The words will never leave his mouth. He knows this.

And it's more than fine.