"Did you miss me?"

"Gabriel...I thought you were dead." Castiel looked at him with a mix of confusion and relief. The two embraced.

"I am happy to see you, brother. What happened?"

"Long story. Don't wanna get into it. Sam! How are ya?" Gabriel clapped me on the shoulder. I winced, still clutching my arm where I had cut myself to make the angel sigil. Gabriel clicked his tongue. "Ah, Sammy. Gonna have to be faster than that next time." He gently touched my forehead and healed me.

I hated to admit it, but I'd kinda missed the snarky archangel. Gabriel turned his gaze to Gen and Lily. His eyes softened. He suddenly looked nervous. But why?

"Genevieve." He cleared his throat awkwardly. "This is gonna sound more than a little crazy, but my guess is that you've had a lot of crazy the past two years."

She nodded suspiciously.

"Well, here goes my Vader-moment. I am your father."


I just gawked at him. He looked vaguely familiar...But no way this guy was my father.

"That doesn't sound nearly as cool when I say it." He looked disappointed. "Point is, I'm your dad."

I laughed. "You expect me to believe that?"

He shrugged. "You want a paternity test?"

"Yes, actually."

He looked surprised that I called his bluff. "Alright, well let me just call a lab that specializes in detecting angel-human relatives. Oh, right. It doesn't exist."

I glared at him.

"Sorry, sweet-cheeks. You're just gonna have to believe me."

My disbelief turned to anger. "If you're my father, where have you been? My mom died when I was ten. I was in-and-out of Foster care. And what about when I was being attacked by a werewolf? Or when I got pregnant? What about when Lily, your GRANDCHILD, started showing signs of being some sort of supernatural being? Where were you?"

He had the decency to look guilty. "I couldn't stay. I would have put you all in danger. I checked on you when I could."

I had a flashback to my mom's funeral...That's why he looked familiar. I had seen him on the back row, just staring at her coffin. Silent grief etched on his face. "Why are you here now?"

"Things are...different. I'm risking a lot, coming out of hiding. Everyone thinks I'm dead, and I'd like to keep it that way. But you were in danger."

I laughed bitterly. "Newsflash! I've been in danger a lot. What made this time so different?"

His expression darkened. "These two chuckleheads have been here to save you. And my little brother. But I wasn't about to let them take their chances with an archangel."

"Well, thanks for that. But you can go now." I knew it was harsh. He'd just saved our lives. But I was angry. Growing up without a father wasn't easy. Surely he could have done something more for me. Especially when Lily was born. He couldn't have pointed me in the right direction to find Sam?

He looked sad, but he nodded. "I understand."

"Wait!" Lily held out her arms. "G'ampa."

He looked at her with a combination of heartbreak and joy. "That makes me sound really old, kid."

My heart softened. I sighed. "Fine. You can stay." Lily was still reaching out to him, so I let him take her. His reaction was much the same as Sam's was. He held her carefully, love written all over his face.

My god, we were a messed up family.

*one week later*


I sat on Bobby's porch, watching two angels play jump rope with my little girl. I chuckled. I never thought I'd see Cas playing jump rope. Gabriel, however, was getting really into it.

Gen came up beside me. "She's sure got them wrapped around her finger."

"You could say that," I smiled. Lily had all of us wrapped around her finger. Bobby, Dean, and I had spent the day building a little treehouse for her in Bobby's backyard. (complete with devil's traps and Enochian warding sigils carved into the walls).

I pulled Gen close to me, wrapping my arms around her waist and resting my head gently on top of hers. I was happy. Really happy. Not the kind of happiness that a Djinn could create. Not the kind that Dean found in a bottle. Real, honest-to-God, happiness.


It had been a crazy week. Castiel and Gabriel had been teaching Lily how to control her powers, and what not to do to attract the attention of Heaven or Hell.

Lily and I had officially moved in with Bobby. We'd unpacked the last box earlier that day. I finally found a place where I belonged. I wasn't calling Gabriel 'dad' yet; I didn't think I ever would. And he had basically forbade Lily from calling him 'grandpa' (He said it made him sound old).

I didn't know exactly what would happen with Sam, but I liked the direction it was going.

As we watched the sun go down, he held me close to him and kissed my hair. I sighed in contentment. I felt safe. I felt like I belonged. This felt like home.

Thanks so much for reading! Please leave a review if you like it. (Or even if you didn't. I'm always open to constructive criticism)