"Dipper, I can't see anything except for more trees. I don't see any buildings at all. There's a lake though." Mabel paused, feeling her eyes glaze a bit. She has just remembered Grunkle Stan had promised to take them fishing today; now she wasn't even sure if they would ever get out of this dimension.

"A lake? That's good. I'm parched. Maybe we can find some food and water and try to find someone to talk to." Dipper commented from back on the ground. Mabel slid back down the trunk of the large oak tree, looking at her brother.

Even as cats they looked similar with the exception of his lack of white paws (his were dark brown) and the fact that he still had the Big Dipper birthmark mapped across his forehead.

"It's pretty far ahead. I think we can reach it by nightfall though. Maybe we can try fishing..?" Mabel sounded doubtful to herself even as she said it, and Dipper gave her a small smile.

"Good idea, Mabel." He purred. That was weird. Purring. Mabel registered herself purring back without a second thought and led the way through the woods.

Mabel's stomach rumbled as they reached the lake, and she sighed. Her feet hurt a lot from all the walking and even Dipper looked tired as they stopped by the lake. The twins stopped to survey the cool water as they lapped the water slowly.

It mostly seemed to be smaller fish closer to the surface, but Mabel was so hungry she would eat anything.

"Hey, Dipper! I'm gonna try to catch us a fish!" Mabel called, and when Dipper nodded, she sat down by the lake. Watching the fish swim, she tried to perfect her timing. She had one shot.

Mabel leapt into the water. Water splashed everywhere and Mabel waddled out of the pond, her fur sodden. However, there was a fish her back paw had landed on and broken the neck of when she jumped into the lake; grabbing it by the tail, she dragged it onto the land with a grin.

"Mabel! You caught something! Now if only we could make a fire…"

A yowl came from the bushes near the lake and four cats came racing out of the bushes and before Dipper and Mabel could react, surrounded them.

"Well, if it isn't a couple of kittens…with the racket you guys were making, I was expecting badgers." A big gray tom with a darker stripe was talking to them. He was smiling and his voice seemed kind enough, but Mabel and Dipper just stared at him with large eyes until the white cat next to him spoke.

"What? You think we're gonna eat your bones or something?" He said, narrowing his eyes.

"E-eat our bo-bones?!" Dipper stammered, his eyes getting even wider as thoughts of cannibalistic cats filled his head.

"Cloudtail, Graystripe, be nice. We won't eat you. I'm Ivypool." A pretty grey and white tabby introduced herself, and Mabel snapped out of it.

"Pleased to meet you. I'm Mabel and this is my brother, Dipper. We were looking for this building that says Mystery Shack. Have you seen it?" Mabel inquired, looking curiously between the four cats.

Graystripe tilted his head. "Building?" Mabel let out an uneasy laugh. "Never mind." Of course they didn't know what buildings were. They were cats.

"Sorry, but you caught this prey on ThunderClan territory. That makes you intruders and you're going to have to come with us." The last cat, a golden tabby tom spoke, narrowing his eyes at the two.

Mabel gulped, looking at her paws. If she hadn't even caught the prey, this wouldn't have happened. She was really messing up today.

"Come on, Mabel. We don't have a choice. We'll just have to hope Stan and Ford will find us at..Thunderwhatever." Dipper spoke softly, and falsified a brave look, made eye contact with the the golden tabby.

"Alright, we'll come. You just have to promise you won't hurt us."

Cloudtail snorted, and Ivypool gave him an annoyed look. "I can't promise that, but our leader is very kind, and I doubt he will kick you out or hurt you." Ivypool said, and Graystripe nodded in agreement.

"What's your leader's name?" Mabel asked, following right behind Graystripe and trying not to freak out at the fact they were practically being taken prisoner.
