"What'd you do?" Kevin turned and followed Adam out of the lounge. "It's not her fault Roman is being a dick."

"I know Kevin." Adam was more than a little frustrated. One he wanted to beat the shit out of Roman, and two he wanted to comfort Kim. He wanted to wrap her up in his arms and kiss her and tell her that it was going to be okay. And he had wanted to tell her he loved her again because he always liked the way that felt on his lips, so he did. "I didn't do anything."

"Dude, why is she crying?"

"Because I told her I loved her for the first time in months and you are cock blocking me tonight."

That's what Adam wanted to say anyway, it wasn't what came out of his mouth though. "Ask Kim." Was all he said and Kevin looked like he was about to hit him. He loved this guy but Jesus he was the most frustrating individual he knew when it came to sorting his shit out.


"Kev, how about you stop Dude-ing me and stop interfering. I know what you are trying to do but it 'aint gonna work."

"For Fuck's sake, you two." He threw his hands up in the air. "What do I have to do to get you to sort your shit out? You were locked in an apartment for three weeks and you couldn't figure out that she still loves you. And I know you never stopped so what is the problem?"

"Chill out and back off Kevin."

"Adam." Kim had slipped quietly into the kitchen and put her hand on his arm "Stop."

"What?" He was so over this, he just wanted to get on with his life with Kim but this was just another thing that was stopping them. This hiding their relationship, coming back and pretending that they hadn't just spent the past three weeks putting all this shit in their past and showing everyone that they were happy again was tiring. He didn't have the energy to do it anymore.

"Stop this." Kim hated to hear Kev and Adam fight. "I don't need you two fighting about me."

"We're not fighting." Kevin held up his hands in defeat. "I just want to see you two happy again. You were only happy when you were with each other. Why can't you see that?"

"We are happy." Kim smiled a little and Adam understood her precisely. She was over it too, they needed to stop this and just be together. Her gentle smile and squeeze of his arm gave him the green light.

"Well we would be if you weren't too busy cock blocking me right now." Adam added helpfully when Kevin really didn't seem to understand what was going on.

"Yeah?" a smile finally spread across Kevin's face. "Really?"

"Really, so this little show, while it has been amusing to watch is completely unnecessary." Adam seriously couldn't be happier that it was out in the open and they could stop all this nonsense.

"So, if you don't mind Kev I am going to go home, sleep in my own bed and take Adam with me. He'll keep me safe I promise. He always has." She grabbed Adam's hand and led him out of the kitchen and Adam shot Kevin a cheeky grin and winked at him.

Kim grabbed her bag and headed out to her car. Atwater followed them and just before Adam got in his car he put his hand on his arm to stop him. "This is good, right?"

"This is good Kev. Don't worry, I just about got myself killed because I couldn't stop loving her and I am not going to let that happen again. This is it for me. I know that, I've always known that."

"And all that other shit?"

"We've talked about it, we've yelled and screamed and hurt each other but it's done, it's in the past and we've decided to move on, put it behind us and do what we need to do. We need to love each other and be together."

Being woken up by the almost urgent kisses of the woman you loved was probably as close to heaven as Adam was going to get, especially with the direction she was presently travelling.

Kim heard him groan and lifted her head and crawled back up the bed. "Good Morning." she sucked on his bottom lip as his hand found the back of her neck and he massaged it lightly.

"It was about to be."

"This is better though right." She kissed him again.

"Too close to call." He let go of her neck, ran his hand over her back and grabbed a handful of her bare ass. "Why are you so happy this morning?"

"Because of what you said last night."

"Which time?"

"Every single time you told me that you loved me, but especially the first time." Kim wriggled her way free and flipped one leg over him and sat astride. To date they only had been able to have sex this way because Adam was still a bit tender and restricted. That hadn't stopped them though, there were plenty of places you could have sex that didn't involve both of you being horizontal. "I feel like this is the first day of the rest of our lives."

"It is?"

"I really do think so. Don't you?"

He surprised Kim by flipping her over. Sure she noticed the grimace on his face but there was also a sense of determination about him and Kim knew there was no way she could stop him doing what he wanted to do. And he did it so well.

"I'm hungry." Kim whispered as she was now curled up tightly into his side.

"Of course you are." Adam laughed just a little. His breathing had taken a little while to return to normal and when Kim asked him if he was in pain he just told her 'not any more' and hugged her closer. He didn't care about the physical pain anymore because as long as the emotional pain was gone the rest was a walk in the park. "Let me guess? You want bagels?"

"Oh yes."

"And you want me to go and get them?"

"You'd do that for me?"

"Yes." Kim moved away and excitedly clapped her hands. "On one condition? You stay in bed and stay naked."

"We'll get crumbs in the bed."

"Don't care." He leant over and kissed her quickly before ferreting around for his clothes that had been haphazardly discarded by Kim when they got home from Kevin's last night. They had sat in bed and laughed at the stunned look on Kevin's face when it finally dawned on him what they were talking about.

"How long do you think it took Kevin to call the others?" Kim came back into the bedroom with a tub of ice-cream and one spoon. It was comforting how quickly they had returned to their pre-split rituals. It was always one spoon and they would pass it back and forward between them as they demolished the tub.

"I think we can safely say that by the time we got home that message was well and truly doing the rounds." He licked the spoon slowly and Kim felt herself almost whimpering in anticipation. "And I'd say by the time we finish this." He held up the spoon. "And you finish this.." he nodded towards his groin. "…our phones will be lit up like Christmas."

"I checked my phone when I went and got the ice-cream." Kim giggled. "Erin had already called."

"I am glad people find our sex life so interesting."

"I am glad our sex life is this interesting."

Adam grabbed his phone and slipped his wallet into his back pocket. He hunted around for Kim's keys so he could get back in because there was no way he was leaving her door unlocked. One thing he did notice about himself was that he was far more conscious of personal safety now. He had always been a 'whatever' type of guy and happy to walk the streets at anytime and leave doors unlocked believing in his ability to protect himself. It was obviously misplaced. He had always been far more concerned that Kim was keeping her doors locked than his own.

Letting himself back into Kim's building Adam was paying little attention to what was going on until he rounded the corner and saw him standing in the hallway banging on her door. "Kim open the fucking door. I know you are in there, I saw Ruzek leave."

Adam dropped the bag of bagels on the floor took three quick steps towards Roman and just as he heard him approach and turned Adam slammed his fist into his face. He staggered backwards and shook his head to gather his wits but he wasn't quick enough and Adam managed to get one more quick shot off and set him on this ass. He picked up his bag of bagels, unlocked Kim's door and closed it firmly behind him.

Adam hadn't said a word; he didn't want to ever speak to this guy again or talk about him anymore. This closed that door permanently. It was in his past and he hoped that it was in Kim's as well.

Kim was beside herself. The banging on her door started a few minutes after Adam left, fortunately he wasn't gone long. The bakery was on the corner and he was also keen to get back to Kim, he wanted to make the most of every single second they were together. "Are you okay?"

"I am fine. He didn't touch me." He shook his hand. "My hand hurts though."

"Adam, please don't hurt yourself."

"It was worth it." He hugged her to his chest with his good hand and kissed the top of her head. "Got any ice?"

Kim pulled some ice from her freezer wrapped it up in a cloth and pressed it against his throbbing knuckles. They both ignored, as best they could the banging on the door. Roman was pissed and it took all of Kim's strength and negotiating skills to stop Adam from opening the door and having another go especially when he called Kim a "fucking manipulative bitch."

"No Adam, stop. I don't care." She begged him as he threw the icepack on the bench and tried to get past Kim to the door. "Just leave it, it's not worth it."

"It is worth it."

"All I care about it that you are here, with me. That part of our life is over, I want it to be over. Let it go." Her hand was on this chest and she could feel it rising and falling in short sharp breaths. "This is what we decided to do, put it in our past."

Adam held her against his chest and whispered how much he loved her in her ear as Roman hurled expletives and pounded on the door. "I'm not letting you go again." Adam reassured her. "I love you so much." His head snapped up when the yelling started again but this time Adam recognised the second voice. "You called Kev?"

"Yes. I didn't know how far away you were and I was scared you were going to get hurt or do something stupid."

He told Kim as she went to open the door when Kevin knocked and told Kim to open up. "I did, I was stupid. I didn't hit him three times." Adam grabbed the ice pack again and rested it on his throbbing knuckles. You'd think he been used to the pain of physical injuries now, lord knows every single part of his body had been through the wringer lately but this was pissing him off.

"All clear. He's got his tail between his legs and a couple of black eyes to look forward too." Kev pushed his way past Kim, smiling his bright smile. He spied the ice pack on Ruzek's hand. "You okay? He was whining that you hit him, just before I did."

"I did hit him, twice."

"Good and proper by the looks of it?"

"Good enough. Sat him on his ass."

Kim interrupted. "Okay, as amusing as this macho conversation is, are you sure he's gone?"

"He's gone from the building, not sure if he's outside though, he'd be stupid to hang around. I know he hated Intelligence but I am pretty sure he's not stupid enough to take us on." Atwater always had their backs, even though Kim had shaken their friendship for a while. "Now I am not sure staying here is the best option. You don't have 24hour protection anymore."

"I am not hiding Kev, not from him."

Adam wasn't adding anything to the conversation he was standing at the kitchen counter sorting out the bagels, although it wasn't that easy to cut them in half with a damaged hand. He was starting to worry that he might have broken something and that would just top this morning off perfectly. He'd had such high hopes of spending the day with Kim in their own little bubble and start to sort out where they went from here.

Adam still had a few more weeks before he was passed for full duty and a setback with a hand injury wasn't appealing, although hitting Roman had been very satisfying. He had wanted to do that since the day he had stood in the bullpen and offered him his hand to shake when he was leaving. It took all his willpower not to take a swing that day and looking back now he wish he had. It couldn't have made things any worse.

"Yes she does." Adam finally spoke.

"You are a bit of a liability bro."

"Bro." he shoved the bagels in the toaster. "I just dropped him on his ass."

"Fair point." Kev rested his hands on Kim's shoulders. "You be okay?"

"Yes, thanks Kev. I appreciate you coming over."

Kim stood by the door once she let Kevin out and watched Adam in the kitchen. "You can't stay here. Kevin's right." Adam spoke without really looking up from the bench.

"He's not forcing me out of my own home."

"Normally I would agree with you." Adam had gotten the cream cheese from the fridge and a plate from the cupboard and was concentrating on what he was doing. His mind had been a swirl since the whole thought popped into his head, it felt right. "But lately I've realised home is just somewhere to hang your hat. You can hang your hat anywhere."

"This is my home."

"No it's not. This is just a building. Your home is with me."

"With you?" Kim wasn't sure she heard him right.

Adam bought the plate of bagels through to the lounge and stopped in front of Kim. "Your place is with me, you and I belong together. You know it and so do I. This is it for me; you are it. We need to find our own place and as you said this is the first day of the rest of our lives." He bent down and kissed her stunned face. "Now eat your bagels. I want to take you back to our bed."

A/N: Bad News readers...this is the end. It was fun to write and finish it off considering I started it way back when I was annoyed with how the writers had turned Kim into an idiot.

Thanks for reading, liking, encouraging & reviewing. Your support is greatly appreciated.