Lonely Hearts

By Tvdfanpam

Chapter 51


Valentine's Surprise

A/N: thank you to everyone who read this story and PM'd me about an epilogue.

Christian and Ana were at the Mile High Club enjoying a quiet dinner. It was Valentine's Day and they were enjoying an unexpected night out. They had been getting the nursery ready for their baby who would be hopefully be born this month. Ana's due date was February 20th and they were told that most babies didn't come on their due date usually before or after.

Ana was lucky that she had an easy pregnancy until the end. She had been on partial bed rest for four weeks due to her feet swelling and she was released off of it just that day. Christian had worked out of his home office so he could be close to his wife in case she needed anything. He had Gail prepare romantic meals for them so Ana wouldn't feel so confined and made sure the families visited frequently.

He went as far as having Isla come over to their apartment to stay with Ana as a mother's helper. She loved it and didn't want to leave. She was a big help to Ana when they worked on the baby's room. She helped put clothes away and arrange the toys and diapers and various other things that babies needed. Isla was one of the few people who knew what the baby would be. She pinky swore she would keep the secret. Ana promised her that she would get to come to the hospital to see the baby after the birth.

"The filet is wonderful Christian. I want to talk to the chef before we leave. I know you had him prepare it this way especially for me. I want to thank him." She said as she nearly licked her plate clean. She craved beef a lot while she was pregnant and loved the filet mignon that the chef made at the Mile High Club the most. She would have Christian bring it home at least once a week for the past few months.

"He is hovering by the door. I think he wants to talk to you too." The chef caught Christian's eye and made his way over to them at their special table with the best view of Downtown Seattle.

"Mrs. Grey, so lovely to see you. You are radiant." He gushed to his boss' wife. "So glad you are off bed rest." The whole town knew she was on bedrest thanks to Mia Grey who couldn't keep anything quiet.

"Thank you chef. The filet was wonderful. As you know, I have craved it especially while I have been pregnant. You make it just the way I like it." He beamed at her compliment. He bowed and ran off as he thought about the special dessert he was going to serve them next.

"You will give him the big head Ana. He thinks you walk on water and will make you anything you want. I know he has made you a special dessert that he won't serve anyone else." Christian took his wife's hand and rubbed it. "Please let me know if you are tired. I don't want you to overdo it Ana." He was anxious to get his wife back home and in bed. He was so worried that something would go wrong that he couldn't enjoy his dinner and hadn't eaten much. Ana noticed that.

"You need to eat your dinner Christian. Chef will think you didn't like it." She chided him gently. "I know you are a nervous wreck. I feel fine, honestly. I wouldn't have come if I didn't think I was up for it. This is the last Valentine's Day we will spend before we welcome our baby home. I didn't want to miss it."

He smiled at his wife. "I know. I am just a worrier." She laughed and laughed and clutched her stomach while tears rolled down her cheeks. He sat there with a confused look on his face.

"That is an understatement." She gasped as a contraction hit her out of nowhere. He flew out of his chair.

"What is it? Is it the baby? What is wrong?" He was white faced and Ana thought he was going to faint. It took Ana a minute to get her breath.

"I think I had my first contraction." She said smiling. Christian fainted in the floor. Taylor came running over and the restaurant manager saw what happened and he came over too. Christian looked up from his place on the floor to see several people standing over him. Ana wasn't one of them. He panicked.

"Where's my wife? We need to get to the hospital!" He jumped up and saw her sitting calmly in her seat with the chef sitting beside her timing her contraction.

"Sir, are you okay?" Taylor asked kindly. "I don't think you hit your head too hard when you fell."

Christian rubbed the back of his head. "I'm fine. Call the doctor, tell her we are on our way to the hospital. Call my mother and father and Ana's parents and everyone else on the list."

"Remember what Dr. Greene said Christian. First babies take a while to get here. We have time to go home and get our go bag then I want to change before we go. The contractions are 10 minutes apart. We have a long night ahead of us." He started to pull on his hair then grimaced when that hurt.

"Chef, will you box up the dessert? We will take it to go." The chef jumped up to do as requested. He was back in no time with a small red box and handed it to Sawyer who had been stationed out in the lobby.

"Good luck Mr. and Mrs. Grey." They left with their security and went down in the elevator. Ana clutched Christian's hand tightly. She stopped and put a hand on her stomach. It was hard as a rock!

"Feel that Christian? That is what a contraction feels like. It hurts like a bitch!" Ana swore softly. He stared at her in shock. If it hurt now, what would it be like later?

"Taylor, call my mother and Ana's mother. I think we will need them sooner rather than later." They drove to Escala and went to their apartment where Christian helped Ana change into a pair of yoga pants and a loose top. He helped her put on her ballet flats that she liked to wear when Ana's water broke.

He stood there for a second before he screamed for Gail and Taylor. They both came running and Gail helped Ana go in the bathroom to change while he and Taylor cleaned up the mess in the floor. Gail came out with her arm around Ana as she softly cried.

"I am having another contraction Christian. I think this baby is coming fast. We need to get to the hospital." Ana was shaking afraid something was wrong. She bent over in pain. Christian screamed at Taylor to call 911 as Ana fainted. He laid her down on the bed softly then nearly fainted when he saw the blood.

The next few hours went by in a blur as Ana was taken away in the ambulance and then whisked away to delivery as soon as she arrived at the hospital. Christian was told to change into scrubs so he could be in the delivery room where an emergency C-section was performed on Ana. The placenta had detached and they had to get the baby out as quickly as possible.

Christian was sitting in the rocking chair holding the baby when Ana stirred. He got up to bring the baby to her. "Meet our son: Theodore. He is beautiful Ana. You did good." He had tears in his eyes as he showed her his shock of dark hair. "He is ready to meet his mama." Ana sat up and held out her arms and took the baby from her husband. They stared in wonder as she unwrapped him and carefully looked him over. They marveled at his big feet and hands and at how soft his skin was. They were in love!

"Oh Christian! I was so scared. I just knew something would go wrong at the last minute." Ana said crying softly. "He's beautiful. I am so glad he is okay." She cried as she stroked his soft skin.

A nurse came in and helped Ana breastfeed Theodore for the first time. He was a hungry boy and then fell asleep exhausted afterwards. Christian stepped out in the hall and down to the waiting room where their families were anxiously waiting to meet the newest addition to the family.

"It's a boy! Come meet Theodore. He's been fed and his mama is holding him now. Ana is fine, she's awake and is anxious for everyone to see the baby." They all followed Christian down the hall to Ana's room and stood around in awe. He stirred in Ana's arms from the noise and opened his eyes. His blue eyes stared at the crowd then he let out a loud cry.

Grandma Grace stepped forward and took him in her arms and held him close. "It's okay baby boy. Grammy's got you. You are okay." She cooed to him and he went back to sleep. He was passed around so everybody could hold him and see how big he was. He was 9 lbs. 6 oz. and 21 inches long. Elliott looked at his big feet and laughed.

"He has your feet Christian." He rubbed the little foot that was covered in a small blue sock. He took his little hand in his and Theodore's hand wrapped around Elliott's little finger. There was a collective ahh in the room. "I think you have a mini me Bro!" Everyone laughed at that.

"I think Elliott was right Christian. Theodore looks just like you. Wait until he is older, I bet he will be your spitting image!" Christian puffed up in pride.

"If that is the case Ana, we need to get started on a girl. We need a mini you to go with a mini me."

A/N: Hope you liked the birth! Thank you to everyone who followed the story. I appreciate it!

The End (Again)