
The warm breeze rustled through Mikado's shoulder length black hair and he sighed leaning back on the old tree behind him. It was large and offered him shade and comfort. It was a beautiful view before him, the rolling green hills and the colourful flowers in full bloom. It would great if he could spend all day here, just watching the day go by. Mikado closed his eyes to relax.

"You're not skipping class are you Mika-chan~" a familiar voice sung and Mikado opened his eyes to see Orihara Izaya standing over him, the teen groaned at the sight of his lover. The reaper sat down next to the teen and they looked over the valley of Valhalla. "I still can't get over how beautiful this place is." the teen murmured leaning his head on his boyfriend's shoulders. "It is, but you still have to go to lessons." Izaya mused and Mikado pouted. He looked up Izaya who smiled back at him.

It had been two years since Mikado was shot to death by police in the human realm, Izaya had brought him to Valhalla without permission. The reaper had got in a lot of trouble but after a year of fighting and complaining the Valkyrie let him stay but only if he also became an Angel of Death. Of course the teen agreed, he wasn't going to let go of Izaya ever again. So Mikado sat there his skin just as white as Izaya's, this pointed teeth and sharp nails on display to the heavens around him. His irises remained their brilliant blue but his sclera was pitch black.

"I know it sucks to stay inside but it will only take longer for you to become a full-fledged angel if you keep skipping out on classes." Izaya wrapped his arm around the teen's waist. "I know, I know. I have the rest of eternity to admire this garden right?" the teen echoed what the man had been saying to him for months and flashed a cheeky smile to at his lover who grinned back. "That's exactly right." Izaya bent down to kiss the teen and Mikado wrapped his arms around the man's shoulders. The kiss deepened and Mikado separated from the older man with a giggle. "My my Orihara-sensei, I have to get back to class~" he teased and Izaya grinned broadly. "I guess I can let you off just this once." his reaper teacher chuckled pushing down on the lush grass and kissing him. Mikado laughed into the kiss but was soon swept away by his boyfriend.

Though his heart no longer beat rapidly in his chest whenever Izaya's held him tight. Even though they were technically both dead, the teen didn't care. Mikado loved Izaya more than life itself and he knew Izaya loved him just as much. They'd paid the ultimate price for their love but it didn't faze them. They'd killed people, died, suffered and cried but it was worth it. They didn't regret a thing.

Happily in love, they'd be together until the end of time, high above everything and anything that threatened to tear them apart.


Ladies and gentlemen, that's a wrap! Finished! Finale!

I want to thank everyone for their support in this series, Twisted Love and Angel of Death! It's been a journey writing it with the whole rewriting and the sheer difficulty of writing some of the content but it's finally over and I couldn't be happier with how they turned out!

I hope everyone enjoyed reading my two creations, I thank you again for all your support. I know the reviews really made my day every time I read them and really encouraged me to write so I want to give an extra big thank you to those you always review, it means so much to me and I couldn't have done it without you!

I really wanted this story to have a happy ending even though it's a bit cliché so I added a short epilogue, I don't regret it - I want my babies to be happy after everything I put them through! I hope you enjoyed the story and once again, thank you SO MUCH for reading!