AN: This is just an announcement/PSA to Teeth's awful writing. I am planning to stop writing any RWBY fanfictions.

Seriously, WTF, aura amplification? Dude, you had so much to work with. The teases to Jaune's semblance was so ambiguous and costly that I was actually expecting something spectacular and extremely overpowered. In Volume 1, we saw that his aura healed him faster than most others'; from that Rooster Teeth could have had his semblance make him able to create and control physical aura constructs at a molecular scale or generate extra body parts and be a literal bridging point between humans and Faunus. From all the shit Jaune went through, I was expecting an epic, cathartic montage of action as he sacrifices himself to open a path for Team RWBY and goes out in an inferno of aura that literally scars the surface of Remnant. But a support type aura? What? Is he your literal punching bag? Also I thought we were done with the whole White Knight shit. It is a bad ship and is terrible storytelling. If you want an awkward, non-communicative couple whom somehow finds love go read Pride and Prejudice or Much Ado About Nothing!

I know that RWBY always had shit plot and bad development, but this is a whole new level of horrible storytelling. Pyrrha needed more character development and her death was way too sudden and interrupted the effects Penny's death on the Mistrali's mentality. The Nuckelavee arc had been too focused on Ren and not enough on Nora. Jaune should be less of a wuss especially when he is your main narrative device. Literally the entire first Volume uses Jaune as the vehicle to introduce everything from Aura to Grimm to Semblance and to the academy system. To be honest, if you were going to use him as the framing device for the audience, then put him as the main character and make him more relatable. The form RoosterTeeth chose made the audience feel more like an observer/side character rather than a part of the action and seriously harmed my enjoyment of the series. I could not really connect with the story. Also, the training with Pyrrha made no sense. Rooster Teeth tried to depict that Jaune improved dramatically over the course of his tenure at Beacon yet still made him a bumbling buffoon at the Vytal Festival.

Oh yeah, and team RWBY… Where should I start? Yes, I understand you wanted strong, independent female leads. But why is RWBY the main characters then? You are literally going all cutesy with a klutz, a tsundere, a neko and a miss fanservice. I think of all of the characters, Cinder fits the description the best: a woman focused on achieving what she wants and independent of others in the sense that she makes her decisions on what she deems best for her.

Blake and her interactions with Sun, for one, completely overturned the whole acceptance of difference between humans and Faunus undertones in the first couple of Volumes, and second, make Blake look completely emotionally reliant on proactive Faunus males (first Adam, now Sun). And how the fuck did you go from annoying stalker whom the girl paid no attention to Mr. lady killer in one episode?

Then you have Yang… seriously, what do I have to say? Her background story is nice, but literally no one is focused on that when both she and her partner are wearing skimpy ass outfits. Many might not notice, but take a good look at Blake and Yang's clothes. Use Yang as less of a fanservice tool and focus more on her quest to get answers from her own mother in an attempt to explore the meaning of parenthood and familial love. And the puns, oh god, stop with the puns, the voice acting is terrible, especially with the puns.

I actually have no problem with Weiss's storyline, except for the White Knight crap that Rooster Teeth is trying to pull again at the end of volume 5. Weiss is not who Jaune thinks she is and Jaune is not whom Weiss think he is. Stop trying to say that either will be satisfied with that relationship. Weiss is shallow, and that is fine. It is not her fault and it is not necessarily bad as she has shown great compassion towards her own companions despite still being a tsundere. A person can be fine individual despite being shallow and materialistic, stop being one-dimensional about it. Use her as an antithesis to her father. Show that a status focused individual can be compassionate and relatable.

And then you have Ruby. Seriously, unless I am a literal eight-year-old, how am I supposed to relate to her. I understand the whole idea of growth from naivety, but her development is completely overshadowed when Weiss was the one making all of the actual concessions in their relationship. Ruby did not change in any relatable way until witnessing Pyrrha die, which was completely rushed and more likely give PTSD and shock rather than promote growth from childishness.

The material is getting less and less bearable and my ideas are getting further and further away from canon. I might as well go onto fictionpress and write my own stories with original characters and an original universe.

As a side note, YES HAH, I kind of guessed Ozpin's reincarnation cycle! Although now I think about it, he was cursed by the brother gods instead of requesting for it. I briefly mentioned it at the start of Kingdom of the Crescent Dawn fanfic if you guys are interested.

I have set up a FictionPress account with the same username. I will post 'ports' of Kingdom of Crescent Dawn and Autumn and Beyond to Fiction press with major alterations to fit the worlds I had in mind. There will be character deletions and name changes along with plot changes.