Welcome guys to my first chapter of my first fanfiction! I understand that this is a reboot from Kalum16 but ive gotten full permission to use the story from him so...I hope you enjoy! Comments are always appreciated.

Walter Bogo was not a calm man. He sat in his office shuffling through reports, a throbbing headache causing him to wince and rub his forehead in attempt to soothe the aching pain. He grabbed the medication pills, that always laid ready on his desk, and gulped them down with a relieving sigh.

He glanced at his wristwatch and groaned. Still five more hours left of paperwork before he could head home. He rubbed his tired eyes as his headache slowly died down. It was times like this he hated his job, having to go through endless reports of kidnappings, murders, and break-ins. It wasn't his fault the city was broken; why should he have to suffer for it? Why should he have to put up with the constant, annoying comments and one-liners of-

His door swung open. Bogo lifted his head and grimaced. 'Here we go. Just remember Walter, don't kill him!'his mind begged, his eyes casting daggers at the officer who had entered his room.

"Hey there Big-Horns!"

Bogo frowned and his brow knotted, "First thing Wilde: Knock before you enter!" he demanded, as the fox sat himself on the chair in front of his desk, and sank into it like it was his own personal couch.

Nick's mouth still held his sly grin, "Great to see you too, Chief" he said, his paws going behind his head to rest his neck.

Bogo felt the veins in his head throb. "Do you know why you're hear Wilde?" he spat, his arms crossing as he leaned back in his chair.

Nick shrugged, "Because you need someone to work with on your anger issues?" his face contorted into a fake look of worry, "All right, now think you're on a beach. A Pina-colada in your hoof, the sun is shining on your-"


Bogo's hooves slammed on his desk, causing his stack of papers to rise into the air. Nick flinched back in his chair, his grin still painted on his face. Though he was completely terrified.

"Something wrong, Chief?" Nick asked, grasping his left arm to stop it from shaking.

"I am in the mood for your irritating comebacks, Wilde!" Bogo said, his voice raising in anger. He grunted loudly, and Nick could swear he saw steam blowing from the Ox's nostrils.

"Irritating comebacks?" Nick gasped, his face dropping in mock sadness. "Chief, I am so hurt that you think my showings of love for you are like that"

Bogo growled, his hooves clenching, desperately holding himself back from socking Nick right in the mouth.

"Wilde, ever since you joined my force, you have been nothing but a sarcastic, cocky little nuisance!"

Nick put a paw on his heart, "Why thank you Big-Horns!" he said, with fake sincerity, "I do try"

"UGHH! I swear one day I'm going to kill this fox"

Bogo's eyes were now blazing with rage; he could feel his teeth grinding against each other as he mustered every bit of willpower he had, to stop himself from breaking this fox's neck.

"Wilde…" Bogo hissed through his clenched teeth, "Do you hate me?"

Nicks eyes seemed to flash with a hint of confusion, but he wasn't done with Bogo yet.

"What do you mean Buff? I love you!"

Nick waited for the screaming, the yelling, maybe even some pain. Bogo had to have snapped by now.

But nothing came.

Bogo just stared at Nick, his brow furrowed and his mouth lay in a thin line. Nick stared back, his eyes filled with wonder. What was going on? He'd never seen Bogo look so serious. It was actually kind of frightening.

Nick coughed into his paw, trying to break the disturbing atmosphere. "Um… you okay Chief?"

"Why are you here?"

Nick's eyes widened, his smug grin fading away. Bogo just continued to glare at him, his eyes burning into Nick's, urging him to answer.

"…Because I've been naughty…?" Nick answered, his voice clearly showing he was completely lost.

Bogo blew air out of his nostrils, "No. I mean why are you part of my team?"

Nick stared at Bogo, the question taking him off-guard. Why did Bogo want to know something like that? Nick opened his mouth, to say some smartass comment, but quickly shut it. Bogo noticed this and felt the corners of his lips curve upward. Wilde had shut up now.

"You show no respect for me, you never take any job assignment seriously, you act like everything in this job is a big game that you can manipulate. So, Why. Are. You. Here?"

Bogo stared right into Nick's eyes, his glare piercing into his brain. He had held this question back for so long, but he needed answers now. He wanted to know why this fox continued to stay at a job he clearly hated, and waste everybody's time with his immature comments. It was time to figure out this fox's game.

Nick's eyes were focused on the floor, his mouth contracted into a hard line, refusing to make eye contact with Bogo. Bogo's smile widened at the sight of the, usually cocky, fox sat silent, unmoving in his chair, gave Bogo a hint of pleasure.

When Nick's gaze met Bogo's, he was shocked.

His face masked one of pure sincerity, his brow was furrowed and his mouth was contracted into a hard frown. His gaze pierced into Bogo's soul and made his stomach nauseate in confusion. Was this really the same fox from moments before.

Nick's frown broadened, "So, you want the truth, huh Sir?"

Bogo's eyes shot up, 'Sir?' This fox hardly ever referred to him by that title. Usually it was just by one of the many irritating nicknames he'd been given.

And judging by how intimidating this fox looked at this moment, Bogo actually wanted those nicknames back.

"Well then, here's the truth" Nick stood on his chair, and leaned forward to rest his hands on Bogo's desk. Bogo cursed himself at the fact that he was growing uncomfortable from how close this fox was getting. Nick's eyes blazed, his stare continuing to make Bogo actually back his chair back a centimetre. Nick exhaled deeply before answering.


Bogo felt his throat tighten, he shouldn't have been surprised… But with how the fox growled out that statement, he felt his uneasiness grow.

"I hate you" Nick repeated, in the same deadpan tone, "I hate this job, I hate how members of the team seem to glare at me in disgust because an 'Untrustworthy Fox'is on the team. I hate how you expect me to show you respect, when the first thing you said when you first acknowledged me was 'Do you really think I'd trust a fox?'I hate knowing that every case I'm given; it could be the day that I die!" Nick breathed heavily, his inner feelings finally out to be seen. He'd kept them in for a long time, bringing them out made his stomach rise with relief.

Bogo's gut twisted with the fox's speech, every word the fox spat out of his mouth was spoken with such venom and contempt, that Bogo actually felt his left arm shake slightly in fear at the fox's rage.

"But do you know why I stay?" Nick questioned, his eyes once again burning into Bogo's.

Bogo shook his head slowly, quietly gulping. God, he was ashamed at how this fox had intimidated him.

Nick's eyes softened, a small smile crept on his muzzle.

"Because… ofher"

Bogo's mouth opened in a small gape. He didn't need to think twice about who 'her'was, it was so obvious. Judy Hopps, Nick's partner in the force.

Nick continued with his speech, "Because I'm so grateful for what she's given me. You probably don't care about this Bogo, but I owe my life to her. It's because of her I've been able to change myself into a better animal"

Bogo's eyes softened for the fox. He figured that Hopps and Wilde were good friends, but the fox had made him know that there was so much more to the story.

"So you like Judy Hopps...is that right?"

"Yes...Like you would actually care what happens to a Fox."

Bogo stutters a little trying to say he does care but Nick cuts him short.

"Well chief...spit it out."

"Nick your the greatest officer on the force, we do care-


Bogo literally jumps out of his chair

"Have you ever asked how Ive been or whats wrong with me..hm..have you?"

Bogo replys "Well no but-

Nick cuts him off again

"Im tired of being treated like a predator here and I want be like normal like EVREYONE else."

"How do you like this chief...Im resigning."

Nick slams his badge down on the desk and turns to leave.

Bogo trys to stop him but cant.

Nick then walks out and slams the door.

Bogo says to himself "Oh god what have I done."

To be continued...

Well I do have to say that was my first chapter ever of my first Fanfiction. So...I hope you enjoyed and leave a review if you want more.