So I know its been awhile...

After the reviews I gave up

But I see hope in this story

Heres the next chapter

I hope you enjoy

Judy woke up to the sound of her phone buzzing.


"Bogo here, Nicks awake."

"Really! When can I see him?"

"Whenever your ready."

"Thanks Chief I'll be there in 15 minutes."

Judy hung up and jumped up to go get dressed. 5 minutes she was down in the car, speeding to the hospital.

She then parked and walked to the receptionist at the front desk.

She asks the receptionist "Can I see a Nick Wilde."

The receptionist responds "Sure, he is in room 314. Just down hall there."

"Thank you!"

Judy speeds down the hallway to Nicks room and knocks lightly on the door.

Nick says "Come in!"

Judy opens the door to a horrific sight as she sees Nick is hooked up to alot of machines and moniters.

Nick says "Oh, hey Judy."

Judy runs up to Nick with tears in her eyes and asks "Are...Are you alright?"

Nick responds "Yea, its just a broken leg. It'll heal."

Judy says "Bogo says that he made you upset."

Nick says "Im not going back there."

Judy says "Alright then, when are you going home?"

"Well this afternoon, the doctor needs to runs a few more tests and I'll be fine."

Judy says "Well do you need a ride home?"

Nick nods no and says "No thanks, I'll drive my car home."

Judy then says "Well if you need anything, call me."

"Will do carrots."

Judy then says goodbye to Nick and leaves the hospital. She gets into her car and speeds off to the ZPD.

She gets to the ZPD and parks her car. She walks to the front entrance only to greet Clawhauser.

"Hey Judy! Hows Nick?."

"He has a broken leg but itll be fine."


Judy walks through the front door and heads straight to Bogos office.

Judy knocks on Bogos door.

"Come on in."

Judy steps into his office and sits in the chair in front of Bogo.

Judy asks if theres any developments in the case.

Bogos expression changes fron a dark face to a slight smile expression.

"Yes as a matter a fact we do. We found were there hiding from someone doing undercover in the group. We need you to do some surveillance on the place because we got word that Bellwether is going to be there tonight."

"Alright sir. Ill be there tonight."

"Good and Hopps"


"Be careful"

"Alright sir"

With that Judy walked out of the office and walked to her car. She thought she would go home to get ready before she went to go do surveillance.

Time Skip 7:00 pm

She pulls up to the place where Bellwether is supposed to be. She parks and starts to peer out the window. Apparently they were back at the now abandoned insane asylum.

Just as she thought Bellwether wasnt gona show, a van had pulled up to the asylum and parked.

Bellwether was with two of her minions and they walked to the back of the van. They pulled out what looked like to be a body of some sort.

Before Judy even knew it her car window was smashed and there was a pistol pressed against her head. Then there was a deep voice that said

"Step carefully out of the car and give me your gun. Do anything else or I shoot."

Judy did as she was told and turned to the mysterious man who was a wolf. The wolf spoke into the radio that he had on him.

"Let the boss know we have her."

Judy asked "What are you going to do to me"

"Oh you'll find out soon or whenever you regain conscience"

Before Judy could react, the mysterious man had already knocked her out.

To be continued

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There will be more

Who was the body?

Who was the mysterious man?

What will happen to Judy?

Read the next chapter to find out

When it comes out of course