Ok, I'd like you to take note that with Lvellie's name, that's not actually how I'd usually spell it. But it is the only way I remember how, and I know a lot of people use it so I will use it too. I think I usually, or used to, spell it like 'Leverrier' Or something. Been a while.


Everything is dark, the sound of dripping. Is it water? I thought we didn't have piping in here... There's a little bit of light shining through the curtains. Is it morning already? We're late, Ringmaster will be waking us up himself if we don't hurry. Oh. My body feels heavy. Strange, perhaps I feel asleep on the couch with Mana again.

The dripping is louder now, I can hear it better now that's I'm waking up. There's something on top of me, it must be the reason my body is feeling so heavy. Oh, it's Mana. I guess we really did fall asleep on the couch again.

Oh. We're not on the couch? Why are we on the floor? That blasted dripping is ringing in my ears now! I try and move my hand to poke Mana awake. I feel something sticky. Strange, I don't remember drinking anything before we went to bed. Went to bed? We didn't fall asleep here?

I scream as it all comes back to me, and as it does, Mana's body wakes up but his eyes are still closed. He's reaching out for me, grabbing my shoulders. I try and push him off but he starts shaking me. He's yelling something, but what is it?


Walker? But that's his last name. Our last name.


"Walker!" A panicked Link's face slides into view.

"Link?" Allen mumbles, trying to focus his eyes so as to better see Link. "Where's Mana...? He was... saying our name..."

Link seems to visibly calm, taking a deep breath and sliding down onto his knees beside the bed. "You we're having a nightmare, Walker."

Allen tries to sit up, he can feel that his face is wet. 'Have I been crying?' He wonders. Link stands back up and reaches out a hand to Allen, helping him up. "It was a dream? It felt so real..."

"It must have been pretty bad. Your face is red from crying. I thought you were dying, honestly. You sounded in pain." Link says quietly, "Would you like a drink of water?"

"Yeah, it was pretty bad..." Allen mumbles, memories of the dream making his eyes well up with tears once more, "I'm not thirsty, thank you."

"Is there anything you need?" Link asks.

Allen lets out a huff, trying to hide the sobs threatening to break free, "Could you... stay with me? If it's not too much trouble?" He hates asking, but he feels he has to. He wants to die, but he made a promise to this man that he won't try. But oh, how he would love to.

Link pauses for a second, as Allen has noticed he does every time he's asked a question. It's as if he's analysing every possible answer before he makes a decision. In this case, it appears that Link's decision is to slip onto the bed with Allen and seat himself next to him. Allen takes this as an allowance to lay his head on Link's shoulder. Link slowly and with little hesitance holds Allen by the waist. They are both silent for a while, Allen sniffling softly and Link controlling his breathing with everything he has. It's almost peaceful.

That is until Allen suddenly jerks up and away from Link with the look of a frightened animal on his face. Link looks at him in confusion, wondering what he did wrong.

"Where am I? Who are you?" Allen snaps, except his eyes are different. They're colder.

"What do you mean? Walker, are you ok?" Link asks in worry.

"W-what's... Where's Cross!?" Allen looks around the room frantically, then down at himself, "Who's clothes are these? What's going on?"

It then clicks with Link. This is not Allen. "Listen, calm down. You had a suicide attempt, after some things happened, Cross signed you over to us. Don't worry, this is not a doctors place, this is a School. For education. We took you in, your name is Allen Walker, but right now you don't have the same eyes. Would I be correct in assuming that you are not Allen?"

"What? No, I'm not Allen. Allen's a twerp, a wuss, a cry baby. Finds everything 'good' with the world. Nuisance." He says, "I'm Neah, and why the fuck would Cross sign me over to anyone? What a prick! Probably wants all his damn debts payed. Stupid old man."

Link nods absentmindedly, "I see. Well, regardless of who you are, you have to stay with me."

"Ugh, I realise that. You say Allen had a suicide attempt. That's not good for me, so you'd better make sure he doesn't get us killed. Guess that means I'm going to have to get used to you. You're a bit too weird for my taste, though." Neah grimaces.

"I'm weird?" Link replies, a single eyebrow raised.

"You just are." Neah shrugs, looking around the room. "Hey, do you have any red markers?"

"Red markers?" Link asks.

"Yeah. You have any?" Neah says.

"Uh, I guess. Did you want me to get them for you?" Link replies.

"Nah it's fine, I'll get it. Where do you keep them?" Neah says, sitting up and swinging his legs off the bed.

"At the desk, first drawer on the left." Link points.

Neah nods and goes to the drawer, pulling it open and grabbing a red marker pen from within before walking into the bathroom. Link just stares in confusion. The faint sound of chuckles and a "haha this will piss him off" come from the bathroom. Curious, Link gets up to go see what Neah is doing. He walks in on Neah holding the marker to the scar on his face and colouring it in. A grin had spread over his face as he finished colouring it. To add his finishing touch, Neah signed his name across the top of Allen's head.

"Why'd you do that?" Link asks.

"Because Allen hates it. He doesn't know when I do it, either so he sometimes doesn't check his face in the mirror before leaving somewhere. It's the only form of entertainment I can get when inside Allen's mind. I see through his eyes, you know? When I'm not in his body, I still know everything that goes on." Neah says.

"That must get pretty hard for you." Link replies, walking into the bathroom to stand beside Neah.

Neah's silent for a moment, "Yeah... I guess it does."

"Can Allen, you know, see through your eyes when you're in his body?" Link asks out of curiosity.

"No." Neah says, seeing the look of confusion on Link's face he continues, "It's because I'm the original owner of the body. Allen only came after a while. I guess... he was a part of me that I'd suppressed? I'm not sure honestly. Although he's conscious in my mind, he can't see through these eyes."

"Do you switch places randomly?" Link asks.

"No. When Allen's mind is weak, I take my chance and switch over to him." Neah says, "If I didn't I'd never be able to come out. Life is hard for Allen, as it is for me. But I guess Allen suffers more than I do. I did bad things, and they affected Allen as well. But Allen, he's a strong kid but sometimes the pressure is too much and if he doesn't have something to strive for he gets weak willed. When he gets weak willed I take over. He's reckless."

"I'm here to help Allen, and since you're part of Allen then I'm here to help you as well. Since you're both Walker's, I'm guessing, then I'm still going to refer to both of you as Walker." Link says. "I hope we can get along."

"Maybe we'll get along. Maybe we won't." Neah shrugs, "Time will tell."

"For today, I was going to show Allen around the school. But I guess I can't do that. Is there anything you wanted to do?" Link asks.

"I'm fine with anything, since I have no idea how long I'll be in Allen's body for. He's really weak at the moment. But hold on a second," Neah replies, "Are you saying that I wont have to go to school? You said you were going to show Allen around but now you cant? You weren't going to show me around?"

"Well I figured that you don't come out as often, so when you do I'd rather tutor you myself instead of you having to learn all of Allen's schedules really quickly. Since I probably won't be in many of your classes because of our skill level differences." Link explains.

"Whatever Allen learns I will learn too. I see through him, remember. You won't need to tutor me. Besides, I'm smarter than Allen." Neah grins.

"Oh. Right." Link says, "Did you want to go somewhere or stay here for the day?"

"I'll stay here. Who knows when I'll switch back to Allen." Neah mumbles.

It had been a few hours since Neah's arrival, and he'd settled in rather quickly. He wasn't hugely in to talking, but he didn't mind idle chatter. He and Link had decided to just watch a few movies. Neah had commented on how he loved horror movies and Crime Solving shows, but Allen hated them. Link starts to note the smaller differences that are very noticeable. Allen is polite, Neah swears. Neah acts like he's around the Bookman Junior's age. Allen acts very mature. Neah shows every emotion he feels. Allen tries to hide it, but ultimately fails at it. Link's only met both of them in person for a very little amount of time, but he did talk to Allen a few times over the phone, to assure him that it was going to be ok and to keep him occupied.

Things Link has learnt about Neah so far.

1- He likes to annoy Allen.

2- He rarely get's to take control.

3-Him and Allen don't really get along but Neah doesn't really hate Allen at all.

4- Neah has a family that Allen doesn't like (this makes Link feel very bad for Neah)

5-Neah killed his brother, or at least attempted it. Making his family dislike him. (Link suddenly feels less sorry for him).

6-Neah wants a tattoo but has never gotten the time for it.

Link sighs internally, his workload had doubled. He now had to look after, technically, two people now. He'd better relay this information to Lvellie. The name Neah Walker itself had rung bells and he feels Lvellie would probably know something. Allen and Neah, being Cross's pupils and all was already sketchy enough as it was, but now that Neah's name actually rung a bell Link was worried. 'Was it a warning bell?' Link wonders. He prays that it is not a warning bell and rather it is a simple bell of familiarity.

He listens to Neah's idle chatter and comments about the movie they were watching, noting that Neah seemed to be enjoying himself. At the same time he wonders when Allen will come back. He isn't left wondering long though, as a few minutes later Neah stops talking in the middle of a comment about how the lady in the movie should have most definitely not left the room. He goes quiet and his eyes glaze over for a second before being replaces by mild confusion.

"Walker?" Link asks.

"Oh, Link. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Neah." Allen turned to look at Link, "I was worried you might not let me stay anymore or you'd send me back to Cross."

"Walker, don't worry. I'll help both of you." Link says, watching as there is a little bit of hope in Allen's eyes, "It'll be ok."

"Link I don't know how I'm ever going to be able to repay you for what you're doing." Allen whispers, "You're like this ethereal being sent down to me, a guardian angel."

Link strains to control the flush, "I-I'm no guardian angel, Walker. I'm just here to help." 'Guardian Angel!?' Link screams internally.

"You are, Link! You saved my life. Even I didn't want to be saved, I'm feeling pretty ok right now and it's all because you are helping me." Allen says, leaning on Link's shoulder like he did that morning. "I really like it here, Link."

Allen had only arrived a few days ago, Link had wanted him to settle in first before getting him acquainted with the school program. To see him like this now made Link want to smile. "I'm glad you're enjoying it here. I'm glad you're feeling a little bit better."

Allen gives a small smile before turning to look at the movie playing, "Can we watch something else? I can't stand horror movies... Sorry."

"That's fine." Link says, standing up to go see what other movies he has on the shelf.

He gets to see Allen smile exactly two times after he switches movies.

'Note to self' Link thinks, 'Allen likes dark humour and talking animal movies.'

End Chapter 3

Moral of this Chapter:

Treat Every Human Kindly

Even if someone is strange or different or has a 'problem' as people call it, don't just think of them a strange or weird. Don't think of them as something cool to be friends with, like some kind of robot. They're human too and you treat humans with kindness no matter . Whether you agree with things they've done in the past, or their tastes and interests, you still treat people kindly. As Link does in this fanfic.