Lucy woke up when the alarm was exactly 3 AM. She got dressed and made something to eat then summoned Virgo.

"Are you alright, Hime?, the whole celestial realm is worried about you "said Virgo in her usual monotone voice but lucy could tell she was sincerely worried about her. So she did the first thing that she got in her mind and hugged her spirit.

" Thank you, Virgo.. For always being there for me. And please tell all of them that, too. "said Lucy still hugging her she backed away from her to look at her and smile. Virgo could tell she was really smiling. But she could also see the sadness behind her smile.

" Now. I need to move on sooner or later. So i am gonna do just that- "before Lucy could finish her sentence. She was cut off by someone's voice.

" That's the Lucy I know. Always optimistic and looking forward. I will do anything to help you. All the spirits want to, as well. " said loke as he appeared behind her and his usual flirtarious smile. No, but a friendly, sweet smile. Which made lucy smile even more. And throw her arms around his neck and hug him, as well.

" Thanks, Loke. Also Thank the others for me. And for protecting me back there.. "she said trying to hold her tears as she remembered what happened that morning. But she didn't let any tears fall. She doesn't want to dwell on the past, after all.

"It's OK, princess. It is our job to protect you after all." said Loke as he hugged her back and smiled slightly. But then it turned into a frown when he felt her sadness and tears wanting to fall again.

"No. Loke. It is not your job to protect me. It is 'our' job to protect each other. It is 'our' job to fight together... It is 'my' job to help you. "She said as she pulled back from the hug and looked at him. With determination..

" Fine.. But still you don't need to thank us for anything. Now about the plan you were about to explain to Virgo?. "He said and smiled at her determination.

" Right! So as I was saying. Virgo, I need you to move all my stuff to the celestial realm. "she told them. Which immediately got a frown from both of them.

" why are you moving your stuff, princess?. If it's about that Idiot we could just beat hi-"Loke started to say but before he finished his talk. Lucy cut him off

"First, it is not about him. Second, you CANNOT beat him up. Third, please just hear me out "she said at start she was frowning then it turned to a look of sadness as she finished her sentence. Loke and Virgo just nodded to her when they saw the look on her face.

" I need to train.. I am not strong, enough.. I need to be able to protect you,as much as you protect me.. And for once. Stop being the damsel in distress... I may not be the weakest on Earth but, I am definitely not strong enough "she said looking down at the floor and letting some of her tears fall on the floor.

" Lucy, you are not weak. But we will help you train with whatever we got "he said looking at her.. After he said that Lucy looked up and beamed at both of her spirits. And hugged them once more.. After they pulled back from the hug. Virgo went to start her work and put everything in the celestial realm.

" Loke .. There is one more thing... " She said slightly uncomfortable...

" whatever you want, Lucy " he replied

" I didn't say goodbye to my real friends. And i don't know how much I will be away. And i didn't even tell master I will be going. So... I need you to get some letters for me to the master. Because.. I don't think i can enter the guild right now... "she said frowning and waiting for his response. He seemed to actually think about it.

" sure.. Anything for you. Princess " Loke said smiling widely at his owner.

" but promise you won't beat them up! "Lucy said when she saw the look on his face.. It was like he was thing about 100 different ways to beat them up.

" aww.. But why not?.. They are the reason you are sad. And they made you cry. They deserve a beating in my opinion "he said pouting at her. Because she interrupted his thoughts of how to punish Team Natsu properly.

" Loke. Think about the countless times they saved me in. Besides i don't think they actually meant anything they said. " she said frowning slightly from thinking about how they acted and how they spoke about her. Something just didn't seem right.

" well. Now that you think about it. Yesterday they were fine and laughing like there was no tomorrow . So what happened...?" Loke said as he also had a frown on his face. Something didn't add just sighed and shook her head getting rid of any bad thoughts.

"I don't want to look behind anymore. If something is wrong,i will find out in the future. Now i just can't take chances. If they were fine, it will break me completely. So I need to move on and get stronger. "Lucy said looking down on the floor. She rubbed her eyes and look at loke. Giving him her best puppy-doe eyes..

" Please, Loke... For me? "she said.. Which immediately made Loke cringe. And try to look any where but her eyes. After a while he finally gave in and and sighed..

"... fine..." he said pouting because he won't be able to teach Team Natsu a lesson. And he will have to see them soon.

"Yay! Thanks, Loke " She said as she threw her arms in the air and beamed at him. He just chuckled and forgot everything he was bothered by.

'Her smile is contagious.. The same goes for her sadness,as well. Well, We just have to keep that smile on her face, then' he thought smiling. thinking that tomorrow will be a new start in his owner's life.'She has all the zodiacs.. Maybe we can finally ask her to... '

"what are you smiling about? "She asked raising her eyebrows at him.

" Nothing. Just thinking. So, about your plan. After you finish the mission you have picked. We will go to train, right? "He asked redirecting her attention into another thing. Hoping she would forget her question. And he obviously succeeded.

" Ummm. Yeah. But i haven't thought about all the details yet. Like where I am training. Or how..and i haven't thought about a way to get money, yet.. Hopefully this mission will give me enough for more than a month. But after that I have no idea what I am going to do. "she said frowning.

" well. You can train in a forest outside Magnolia not too far from Oaktown but it is far enough from the dragon slayers. And we are the ones training you so you don't need to worry about that."He said smiling at her which made her cheese up a bit then she deflated after she remembered her Real problem..

"Now about the money. Virgo can take care of your clothes and the food so you won't need much money. But you could always take mission from the local bars. And i can help you with that So you could have money to buy whatever you want " he said looking thoughtful and rubbing his chin..

" I can't possibly ask Virgo for all of that! This is too much! "she said looking at him with wide eyes. And frowning at him.

" Princess, it is her job. And she would gladly do it. You are the best master we have ever had beside Layla so we love to serve you in any way possible. So just let us help. " he said slowly and smiling at her. He knew she would response like that. She loves them too much that she always ask for their help after she tries everything she can. As a last resort.

" Loke. I have told you before! Never call me Master or as your owner! We are friends.. " she said frowning and pouting at him. Which only made him chuckle and shake his head in amusement.

" see. That's why we like to help you, princess "he said smiling widely at her. Which made Lucy realise that he said it on purpose So he could prove his point. She just sighed and nodded her slightly..

" Fine. I will ask her. But if she doesn't want to do anything, she won't! "she exclaimed stubbornly..

" That's all I wanted, princess " he said smirking like he just won a game which was in fact a conversation about the pink-haired maid.

" Thanks, Loke. You can go back now. I will just write the letters,then call you again. "she said and waved at him with a smile before he disappeared in a golden flash of light.

After he disappeared she went to sit on her desk with sad eyes. She took a deep breath and exhaled. 'this is the last time I cry sad tears because of you , fairy tail' then she let all the tears she was holding fall..

'well. I can't just sit here and cry. Virgo might wonder what I am doing so silently.. ' she thought then looked at the paper and pens on her desk and shrugged.

' might as well write the letters as I told Loke.. 'she thought then grabbed her favourite pink pen and started write letters to everyone . Gramps, Laxus, Guildarts, Cana, Mira, Lisanna, Elfman, Juvia, Levy, Gajeel, lilly , team Thunder God Tribe, Wendy, Carla, Happy, and Finally Team Natsu and the guild.

She wrote all of their letters,which made her cry even harder and soon started sobbing. If Virgo heard anything, she didn't say anything which Lucy was grateful about.

It was like losing her mother all over again. But it hurts even more since they didn't leave her.

They hurt her, to the point she had to leave them. Just like her father. But at least he didn't hurt her physically. And he tried to earn her forgiveness when she disappeared for 7 years.

While remembering her father. She remembered all the birthday αnd Christmas gifts he sent her. She put them all in a drawer in her desk. There were about 14 gift. One of them waa big so she put it under her desk..

She thought it would be a good time to open them, since she is not coming back here.

She took the first one. It was small and wrapped beautifully in pink with yellow ribbons..

She unwrapped it slowly. Then opened it only to find a beautiful silver key. Lucy looked at it with surprise then started to gawk at it like a child when she recognised it.

It was gate of the chain princess, Andromeda..

She was one of the strong silver keys,that could actually fight. Her key seemed to be circled with chains. But it was still very beautiful.

Lucy simply caressed it with a soft smile. She read about this key in mythologies and legends.. It was said that she was a sacrifice to the sea. To stop A huge monster who was coming to destroy her kingdom.. Fortunately she was saved by her knight pursues. Who she married afterwards. She was a very beautiful princess just like the Queen, her mother. Who loved her very much.

Lucy really wanted to make a contract with her. But she remembered her appearance and all the tears that stung her eyes. She was sure she looked like a mess right now.

She looked at the box once more, to find a note from her father.

She opened it and started reading it..

Dear Lucy,

I have faith that you are alive.

I hope you forgive me for everything I have done, I know I was a bad father. And i know some of my actions cannot be forgiven and I understand that. Just please come back.

I got this key from a business deal. And I couldn't sell it,because I knew how much these keys were worthy for your mother and how much she cared about them .and how much you do..

I think this is Andromeda, the chain princess key. Your mother used to tell me about the golden and silver keys all the time, so I can recognise it.

Please come back, sweatheart and Happy birthday


Your Dad.. Jude heartifilia

Lucy cried again after she read the message. This time not because of Fairy tail but because of her father. She missed his funeral and didn't visit him after she ran away. She started to regret not doing any of this actions. And not being with him when he died.

She rubbed her to try and get rid of the tears. Well, tried. She put the note beside the key, then proceeded to get another present to open it.

The next one was wrapped in red with white ribbons. And it was the same size as the first one. So Lucy guessed was another key. Which made her excited to open it even more.

She unwrapped it hurriedly. After she opened it, she stopped to to look at the shiny silver key in the box.

It was the gate of the shield, scutum...

This key cannot fight, however it can shield or protect anything or anyone from very powerful magic. It could even stop the strongest attack from Laxus.

In this box, she didn't find a letter. No, it was more of a note. She didn't want to cry again but curiosity got the better of her . So she took a deep breath and started to read it.

I am very sorry, Lucy. Please come back..

I bought this for you so you could always stay safe. So. what happened would never happen again.

Merry Christmas, sweety


Your Dad.. Jude heartifilia

She closed the box and decided to stop crying or else she will look like a bunny with puffy red eyes in the morning. so she promised herself she wouldn't cry for the rest of the day. And she really wanted to open her gifts so she took the next present and unwrapped it slowly.

It was another silver key

This one was gate of the Eagle, Aquila..

Her key was very beautiful. It looked exactly like an eagle. Lucy smiled at it. And thought of what powers she could have.

Then she searched for the letter inside the box. When she found it, she began to read it immediately.

Dear, Lucy

I realised that I have never told about your mother. True, you knew her until you were 10. But I have never told you how we met or how we got married. Well. better late than never.

Our marriage was that of business but I always loved her. And i always loved you.

Her family was a very wealthy one just like mine. She was taught the etiquette, just like you and was raised to be the perfect wife. Of course, she was very talented in her magic. Everyone loved your mother and your mother never hated any one. So when I got to marry her. I was very happy. She was the only one I truly loved through my life.

When she died. I should have taken care of you. I should have been there for you. But instead I shut myself off. And refused to talk to you. Only because seeing you reminded me of her. I was wrong. Your disappearance made me feel what I have done.

I am very sorry, lucy

And Happy birthday..


Your Dad, Jude heartifilia.

Oh how much Lucy wanted to cry right now. But she didn't. She promised she wouldn't. So she just smiled and felt the love her father truly felt for her. He didn't hate her. He was sorry.. That what she really wanted. At least now she knows that he did love her.

Then she opened the next present. Which was wrapped in golden paper and a black ribbon. Which made Lucy confused and curios as all the other presents were wrapped in similar colors except this one.

Inside it was a silver key that almost made Lucy choke on her own saliva. The key was shining in her hand and had jewels in it. But that was not what made Lucy surprised.

It was the fact that it was almost the same as Loke's key..

It was the gate little lion, Leo minor.

Lucy searched for the note hurriedly, She really wanted to know what her father would tell her about this key. When she did find the key in the box. She opened it and started reading..

Dear, Lucy

I always saw your mother holding a golden key just like this one. So. I couldn't just leave it. I didn't know what key it was until I found it in a book.

The little lion, Leo minor.

I think this is his younger brother. Now you can reunite them together.

Merry Christmas , Lucy


Your Dad, Jude heartifilia..

She put the note aside and looked at the key once more. And started to think about Loke's reaction when he sees his little brother,which made her start giggling to herself. Well her father did know her well, if he knew she would be happy if they reunited. And that thought alone made her smile warmly.

Maybe she is like her mother..

Then put the key with the rest of the new keys and looked for the next present. She found a pink present wrapped in white ribbons. She guessed it was a birthday gift from her father. So she unwrapped it slowly. Only to be surprised at the key she saw.

It was gate of the telescope, telescopium.

She found the letter just beside the key and began reading.

Dear Lucy,

I got this key from a business deal, as well. And I know how much you love the stars, just like your mother. So enjoy. And Happy birthday, sweetheart.


Your Dad, Jude Heartifilia.

She smiled happily. She just had a new key. And she was told by her father that she is like her mother. Which is an honor for Lucy.

She skipped to the next gift, which was wrapped in a beautiful green color with white ribbons.. This box however was slightly larger than the rest of the boxes. Which intrigued Lucy.

And she was surprised when she opened it. It wasn't another key, however it was a beautiful key chain. Big enough to hold 80 key. Lucy's eyes widened and she opened her mouth without noticing.. As she held the key chain and admired it.

She found the letter soon enough and read it.

Dear, Lucy.

I don't know if you a key chain big enough to hold all the keys you have and the ones I gave you. So I got this for you in hopes it will be enough.

This key chain is also magical. It doesn't get heavy no matter how many keys you put in it. And it can rearrange itself so that the key you need or think about will be the first key you hold.

It also has a charm which can show you the constellation you think about.

I hope it will help you when you take missions after you come back.

Merry Christmas, Lucy


Your Dad, Jude heartifilia

She held the key chain in her hand and smiled when she thought how much it could help in her missions. She closed the box and put everything aside.

Then she moved all her keys to the new key chain. But left the new keys aside. Wanting to make a contract with them first.

She took the next which was wrapped in purple with pink ribbons. She unwrapped it carefully wondering what kind of key there will be . Then she smiled when she saw the shining silver. It had a look of a syring and medicine.

It was gate of the doctor,Arzt.

She scanned her eyes for the sight of any letter and she found it tucked under the key.

And she began reading it.

Dear, Lucy

As you have probably guessed this is is the gate of the doctor, Arzt.

I don't want you to get sick, I know how much your missions are dangerous but I also know that you love adventures. So i can't stop you from doing it. But at least I can make sure you stay safe from danger. So take care, sweetie.

Happy birthday, Lucy.


Your Dad, Jude heartifilia.

Lucy finished the letter and looked at her alarm to see the time only to find it

"OH MAVIS! I NEED TO PACK! "she yelled which made the Landlady shout at her. Lucy whispered a small 'sorry' and hurried to pack her stuff.

While packing her stuff she put all the remaining gifts in her hand bag and the letters planning to open them in the train. After she finished packing all her clothes,she checked on Virgo only to find her finished. And by finished she meant that her apartment was completely empty, even her bedroom which she was sitting in. Which made her wonder how did Virgo take her bed without her even noticing.

'she can be like a ninja sometimes' she thought with a smile and sighed.

. And went out of the apartment but not before turning back and whispering with a small smile.

"goodbye.. And thank you for taking care of me. "and with that she left the apartment and went to the landlady who was now awake to tell her that she is not coming back.

Of course, Even if the landlady didn't say that she cares, she had a look of worry on her face when Lucy told her that. And Lucy not the one to lie to her friends, told her the whole thing starting from the talk at the guild to her training. Which made the landlady understand her a bit but she still seemed angry at her Ex-friends. And kept calling them trespassers and morons. And made Lucy sweat drop,but smile nonetheless.

After she finished talking to the landlady. It was about 5:15 so she hurried to the train and booked a ticket to Oshibana Town where her mission took place.

As soon as she have gotten on the train, she thought about all the things that happened to her that morning and her talk with Loke. She wondered what kind of training her spirits will give her. She yawned and decided to get some sleep before the mission then open her presents that her dad gave her.

'Hmmm. I wonder why he never wrote your Father instead of Dad.. He always liked being called father... 'But before she could think about it, she closed her eyes and slumped into deep sleep.

A/N : thank you for the reviews guys! I appreciate them ! But please try to say your opinion, k ? Okay !

The names of the keys are the real names of the constellations! Except my oc Arzt which means Doctor in German .

Thank you for reading ! RR