*Wheezes* Holy moly I think this is the final chapter! Now as for Heavy rotation...I'm still struggling to write it. I'm trying to work on it as much as I can but I only seem to be writing like every Wednesday or so. That and I'm trying to work on a few other stories as well but it's been hard given my internship and overall drive right now. So Heavy Rotation will come out..when I can finish it. I swear I will try to work on it and finish it as much as I can but right now writing is a bit hard. But hey! The last chapter is finally here! Thank you guys so much for reading this and reviewing it, despite my messed up updating schedules. Please enjoy!

"Where the hell is he going?" Leader asked, having a bad feeling.

Skeleton King watched him before he was suddenly out of sight. Before he could order his formless minions to go after Mandarin, he heard loud banging on the stadium doors. The doors then flew off as a enraged Mandarin stormed in.

Skelemandarin felt his heart go up to his throat in fear as he looked to Skeleton King. Skeleton King was frozen, staring at his own creation in sheer horror. 43 and Leader jumped down and 43 charged at Mandarin. He transformed his hand into a blaster and held it out.

"You stay away from lord-!"

Mandarin grabbed 43 tightly and flung him back, sending him into a wall. Leader looked to 43 before looking at Mandarin. Mandarin cracked his knuckles, fire in his eyes. Leader flinched at his fury before knowing he had to fight him. He pulled out an array of weapons and started to blast all of them at Mandarin. The dust cleared as Mandarin dusted his chest, not looking injured in the slightest.

"Are you...serious?!" Leader yelled before Mandarin kicked him.

Leader got back up and pulled out a long blade and began to charge at him.

Skelemandarin gulped in fear watching the two battle. It was clear that Leader was no match for him, hell no one in this stadium was any match for an enraged Mandarin right now. Skeleton King glared and turned to the clone.

"What are you sitting there for?! Go after him!" Skeleton King snapped at him.

Skelemandarin's mouth dropped and he looked down at his original. He was so much more larger and powerful than him! There was no way he could defeat him! Skelemandarin despite that sighed before he yelled and jumped down. He transformed his arm into a long blade and charged at Mandarin as he held up a beaten up Leader. Mandarin eyed Skelemandarin before throwing Leader at him. Skelemandarin jumped over him as he was ready to strike. Mandarin then shot him one of the leftover sticky bullets he had from his knuckles. This caused Skelemandarin to stick to the ground. He tried to struggle but it was no use.

"I'll deal with you another day, he's mine." Mandarin growled as he marched towards Skeleton King.

A chill went up Skelemandarin's spine when he heard that. Skeleton King flinched and gathered a bunch of Formless, but with one punch to the ground they all flew up and fell back to the ground.

Skeleton King cursed before realizing Mandarin was really close to him. Mandarin's nostrils flared as he breathed heavily.

"You..." Mandarin growled.

Skeleton King got back and took out his staff. He started firing electricity at him.

"You experimented on me..." Mandarin began as he blocked each attack.

"Get back!" Skeleton King ordered.

"Forcibly gave me a womb..."

"I said get back!"

"Left me in a lab with abusive robots...who forced me to get pregnant several times...which gave me depression and post traumatic stress disorder..."

Skeleton King kept firing and stepping back. Why wasn't any of his attacks working?!

"Had my children be brainwashed and forced to follow you...treating most of them like dirt..." Mandarin continued, rage flowing through him.

Skeleton King kept firing, an unknown and yet familiar emotion forming in him.

"And on top of all that mutated my son and forced him to also have an artificial womb!" Mandarin yelled before punching him square in the face.

"My lord!" Skelemandarin and Leader yelled.

The kids at the robot cheered loudly as they watched their mother fight against Skeleton King.

"Kick his butt mom!" Roland cheered.

"Make him suffer for what he did to our brother!" Jubilee yelled, jumping up and down.

"Remind me never to make mommy mad." Penny whispered to Artemis, who nodded in agreement.

Skeleton King held his face with one hand, pain and anger surging through him.

"It never would have happened if you just didn't fail your duties!" He barked, swinging his staff at Mandarin.

The staff only got a few hits in before Mandarin grabbed it.

"That doesn't give you the right to experiment on me and mistreat my children!" He snarled and whipped Skeleton King around.

Skeleton King felt himself being slammed against the wall and floor a few times before being punched a few good times. Each punch was for Mandarin and his kids. He was then slammed hard against the floor. Mandarin stood over him, his anger subsiding. Skeleton King weakly sat up, scratches apparent on his skull and pain wracking his body.

"What will you do now Mandarin? Destroy me?" He asked tauntingly.

Mandarin shook his head.

"As much as I hate you, that isn't my job. It will be Chiro who will finish you, though I guess I did him a favor by weakening you." Mandarin chortled before he turned and began to walk off.

Skeleton King weakly held himself up by his staff and glared at him.

"Where are you going now?! Too afraid to fight?!" He demanded.

Mandarin looked back at him and narrowed his eyes.

"Nope, I have one more child to tear away from your grasp." He simply said before leaving the stadium.

Titan kept trying to get a hit on the team. He appeared to be growing tired, seeing as how he was getting slower and his strength seemed to be weakening. However that didn't mean he can't still cause damage, because he still had the upper hand.

"Oscar! Can you still communicate with us?" Antauri asked.

"Sure can, why?" Oscar asked over the communicators.

"Please find a way to stop him! We keep trying to stop him but he's too fast!" Antauri said before Titan whipped him with his tail.

"Got it!" Oscar said before typing, trying to find a way to stop him.

Nothing came up, all information on new supreme destructors was completely blank. Oscar quietly cursed before turning the communicator.

"I'm not finding anything! I guess Skeleton King really wanted to keep this new Supreme Destructor thing a secret for a while." Oscar breathed.

Maximus meanwhile, was shaking as he walked up to the control panel. He stood there for a moment, looking down at the buttons. Artemis noticed this and placed a hand on his back. Violet went up next to him, unsure why he was looking so nervous.

"Max?" Violet asked.

Maximus sighed before he turned on the communicator.

"Wait I know how to stop him!" He said, causing the others to perk up and listen.

"He wasn't into the idea of being the next Supreme Destructor, so we made a helmet to control him. The power is in the helmet!" He explained.

Sprx paused, thinking.

"So the helmet is doing all of this?" He questioned.

"That's what I just-! Yes!" Maximus huffed.

Chiro grinned, the one weakness Titan seemed to have.

"Well then let's get that helmet off!"

Titan was about to throw a car at them when it blew up in his hands. He turned to Mandarin and froze.

"Don't worry Titan, I'm not going to let Skeleton King keep his hold on you." He said before he darted towards him.

Titan flinched back and began to protect himself as Mandarin kept trying to reach for his helmet.

Titan then used his large jetpack and flew up. Gibson and Sprx flew up and used their double monkey attack to subdue him. He fell back down and he shakily got back up.

He backed up and blasted multiple missiles at the team, trying to shoot them down. They dodged it and kept aiming for his helmet.

Titan shielded himself before he made his hands into two light yellow blades and went after them. He tried to swipe at Chiro.

"Monkey fu!" Chiro blasted a huge amount of green energy from his hands, making Titan fall back.

Titan shakily sat up, noticeably weakened. He tried to get up again but he felt two huge arms wrap around him. Titan struggled against Mandarin's hold as Chiro went over to him.

"Hold still." Mandarin said sternly.

"Where were you?" Chiro asked, cautiously eyeing him.

Mandarin briefly eyed the side before looking back at the young leader, .

"Well for now let's just say you won't be having a hard time defeating Skeleton King. I may have weakened him a tad bit for you." Mandarin stated before smirking a bit.

Chiro leaned back a bit but smiled before continuing what he was doing before.

"Good, cause when the time comes I may need it." He said before the two briefly laughed.

Chiro looked for a way to take the helmet off before noticing the buttons in the back. He eyed Mandarin as the orange monkey nodded. With one arm still holding him, he fiddled with the buttons. Titan suddenly froze and dipped his head. His helmet split apart and fell to the ground. The team rushed over to him and watched as he raised his head.

Titan's dark brown eyes blinked and looked around, shaking a bit and generally looking confused. Mandarin let go of him as Titan stood up.

"Um...what? I..." He then saw the wreckage and destruction he caused.

"I...have so much to clean up!" Titan exclaimed before looking at the broken down cars.

"I don't even know how to fix a car!" He lamented as he fell to his knees, putting his hands on his head.

He felt a hand on his shoulder as he turned to Chiro, who smiled.

"Don't worry, we'll take care of it." He said.

Titan got to his feet and shook his head.

"No I destroyed this place! I should fix the city-!" He began before he felt Mandarin wrap his arms around him, causing the lemon yellow monkey to yelp.

"What you should be doing is resting. This isn't your fault anyway." Mandarin huffed, resting his head on Titans.

Titan nervously looked up at him, fear creeping into his chest.

"E-erm sure." He mumbled.

The team felt a ton of relief before seeing the robot fly over and touch down. The foot to the robot opened as the others were waiting. When they saw Titan, Jubilee and Reid tearfully ran towards him. Tears welled in Titan's eyes as he held out his huge arms and held his siblings close to him. Reid worriedly looked him over, shocked by what Skeleton King did while Jubilee just hugged her brother and cried in relief. The others soon ran towards the team and joined them. Mandarin was quickly jumped on by Roland as he gushed over how cool he was fighting Skeleton King as Angela and Maurice clung to him. Penny and Violet ran up to Titan and circled him, excited over having a brother this big and strong. Chiro and Antauri happily watched the scene as the others talked with the un-brainwashed army. Oscar meanwhile sat back and sighed.

"Well 84, it's time to go and fix up the others." He said, stretching.

"What about Leader and 43? They're still with Skeleton King!" 84 reminded him.

Oscar frowned a bit and dropped his arms.

"I haven't forgotten about them. We'll help them another day, right now we need to get the others and fix them up, and get me a new mech too. Then we'll be able to save Leader and 43." He said before looking back at 84, before realizing the robot wrapped his arms around him.

"Hey! What-?!" Oscar began but 84 interrupted him.

"Thank you...thank you and your family for stopping mine...and saving them in a way." 84 said softly.

Oscar blinked and let him continue.

"Because now we can be who we really are again, we can help people again...and I am so sorry for what we did to your mother." 84 lamented.

Oscar smiled a bit.

"Hey I bet he'd be really happy to hear that and to hear your guys story. Also uh I don't exactly feel comfortable calling him mom." He admitted, causing 84 to pull back.

"Huh? What do you mean?" He asked.

Oscar looked back at the scene as Mandarin held onto Melody and Mason.

"Me personally I don't feel comfortable calling him mom or whatever. I mean yeah he gave birth to us but I dunno I just see him as a dad. Maybe that's just me." Oscar explained, but still watched the scene with a smile as emotion clouded his eyes.

84 blinked but nodded.

"Whatever makes you comfortable...leader."

Oscar felt pride in his new title as he gave 84 a nod.

The four red monkeys, or J sisters as Violet called them, got the team's attention as some of them cleaned up the wreckage near the bridge.

"Um..." Jerica tried to say but due to her real personality of being rather shy and bad with social skills, she found it hard to speak.

Jessy elbowed her sister gently, causing Jerica nodded and looked back to the team.

"Erm in a few days we will be leaving to find our donors." She announced.

Most of the others relied back in surprise at the news.

"What?!" Most of them exclaimed.

Mandarin intently listened, curious. Jerica flinched at the response but continued to explain.

"We-we still don't know what Skeleton King did to the donors. We don't know if he ki-uh...destroyed them or if he experimented on them." She explained as Jamie nodded.

"Besides it'll be nice to see what's beyond Shuggazoom." She said as Jessy muttered,

"Yeah and to get away from all this war and stuff."

She was then elbowed by Jamie, who elbowed her right back. Antauri chuckled before floating over to them.

"Do you know where they are?" He asked.

The four looked at each other, trying to see if any of them knew where.

"No...but Oscar might know. I mean he's in charge of the labs now, he probably has info on it." Janice said.

"Yep I got all of the information on where they came from and what their names are. It's a jungle planet called Susiko and it's pretty filled to the brim with wildlife. Just don't get mauled by a tiger." Oscar joked.

Jamie waved her hand and rolled her eyes.

"Yeah yeah." She sighed.

Otto smiled widely.

"Aw that sounds really cool! I wanna go." He sighed.

Janice shook her head and crossed her arms.

"No you have a job to do here. You can't go on vacations during a war." She said sternly.

Otto dipped his body in defeat.

"You're more strict than Gibson is." He grumbled as Mandarin picked him up and nuzzled him.

Mandarin then looked back down at the girls.

"When are you leaving?" He asked.

"In a few days, we need time to get supplies and find a ship." Jamie said before Jessy held onto her.

"That and spend a bit of time with you." She chirped.

Artemis clutched her chest and leaned back dramatically.

"So sweet I'm gonna die!" She exclaimed, causing Penny to laugh.

Trixie giggled and tapped her communicator.

"If you don't mind Oscar I'd like to help out, especially with the DNA samples. I mean you two can't work in that lab alone." She said.

"Hey you don't have to put it like that." 84 huffed as Oscar laughed.

"I don't mind, we could use a few extra hands. Especially when trying to make a ramp for me to get out."

Trixie nodded and grabbed Maximus.

"And me and Max can help with that!" She chirped.

"We can?" Maximus asked before Trixie glared at him.

Maximus sighed and dipped his head.

"Okay fine, it might give me something to do."

Reid then noticed Titan and Jubilee leaning over the pier, looking into the water. Jubilee then lifted her head and turned to Chiro.

"Hey scarf boy!" She called out, getting the others attention.

Jubilee pointed to the water as Titan looked back.

"Has anyone ever jumped into this water and lived?" She asked.

Chiro scratched his head, confused as to what they're doing.

"Um yeah a bunch of people skinny dip there sometimes but I wouldn't-"

Jubilee grinned and turned to Titan.

"Okay let's do it!" She said before the two stood up and jumped into the cold water.

The team rushed over and looked over the edge. A few seconds later the two's heads popped out of the water and they started splashing each other. Chiro looked to Mandarin, who nodded.

"Hey-!" Chiro began but another voice rang out.

"Hey! You two get back up here right now!" Reid scolded, causing the others to look at him.

Jubilee and Titan stopped splashing and looked up at him.

"Aw come on Reid, we could use a dip." Jubilee whined.

Titan nodded a bit. Reid glared at them and pointed towards the edge.

"Here, now. We still have lots of work to do, not go swimming in the ocean! Besides who knows what's in those waters?" He said sternly.

Titan looked at the city and cringed.

"G-good point." He said before swimming towards the edge.

"Titan!" Jubilee huffed before swimming towards him.

Mandarin noticed Titan's motives.

"Oh no you need to rest." He huffed as Titan was going to pick up some debris.

Chiro stared at Reid as he sighed. Reid noticed Chiro staring at him.

"What? Someone's gotta keep those two in line." He said as Jubilee got out of the water.

Chiro nodded as Jubilee grumbled and Titan started apologizing. Good point indeed.

The four villains eventually got back to the castle after the team went home. Skeleton King shakily sat on his throne while Leader and 43 were being fixed up. Skelemandarin was still stuck in the gunk and was fuming. Skeleton King rubbed his temples and sighed.

"What do we do now lord Skeleton King? I mean they got your army." 43 said.

Skeleton King was silent for a while.


"Silence!" Skeleton King snapped.

43 flinched back as Leader eyed him.

Skeleton King thought a bit more before grinning.

"I have a plan, but it may take a while for it to go into motion." He said.

The three looked at each other.

"However, we will need something to keep the Hyperforce busy until that plan is ready." Skeleton King said as he looked at the DNA strands of some of the monkeys he still had leftover.

"Busy?" Skelemandarin asked.

Skeleton King nodded.

"I will explain the details of our plan later, right now I need to speak to someone." He said as he used the mist to get into contact.

Skeleton King grinned as the image of who he wanted to speak with came up.

"This is Queen Naru of the Nafirti Empire, who...wait is that you?" The person asked.

Skeleton King grinned.

"Yes it is I child, remember when I said that I would return in need of assistance? Well I came to you with that request. I mean it is the least you could do since the technology and power I gave to your kind." He explained.

After a moment the image of the person became clearer as a dark blue robot monkey with a crown made of sharp teeth and white stripes leaned in. She smiled coldly.

"I would be more than happy to listen, if my people get partial control of half of Shugazoom's solar system." Naru said.

Skeleton King nodded and chuckled darkly.

"But of course, we have a lot to discuss."

Later that night, all of the kids were on Angela's bed. They stared up at the ceiling while Penny was asleep.

"Geez what a day." Kuzon muttered.

"Yeah no kidding." Roland said softly.

Maurice looked at Roland, who was still wearing Mandarin's old armor.

"Just how long are you going to keep wearing that?" He asked.

"It's not like I'm gonna wear it forever." Roland said, rolling his eyes.

"Still you gotta take it off to at least wash it." Violet teased.

"I will! Jeez!"

The others laughed before Maurice turned to Angela.

"What about you? You think you can take your armor off? Is it permanent?" He asked.

Angela gripped her arm.

"No I can take it off...but for some weird reason I don't want to take the metallic parts off." She said softly.

Roland sat up, his eyes widened.

"Huh?! Why?" He asked.

Angela kept staring at the ceiling.

"For some reason I don't want to turn all of these parts into something Skeleton King ruined. The others look like this and I don't want that monster to take what made looking like this so important away from me." She explained, not taking her eyes away from the ceiling.

Kuzon sadly rolled over to her.


Angela quickly sat up, frowning.

"That being said," She growled, taking off the black body armor, along with the black gloves and black armor on her working leg.

"I refuse to have this on me! As a reminder for how stupid I was!" She snapped, throwing the armor on the floor.

The sound woke Penny up as she sat up and looked around. When she saw how distressed Angela looked she crawled over to her and wrapped her arms around her.

"Angie...don't be sad...be...glad." Penny said sleepily.

Angela looked down at her as Penny fell back asleep.

Kuzon nodded as he held himself up.

"Yeah it's over now. You don't have to feel so guilty anymore." He said.

Angela looked off to the side.

"I dunno if I'll feel better right away,"

Angela then smiled a bit.

"but I'll feel better soon. A few days tops." She said.

Roland pointed at her, still lying down.

"Ya better, or else we'll all have to sit on your bed and make you feel better!" He threatened.

Angela laughed hard.

"Okay fine!" She snickered before laying back down, Penny still clinging to her.

It was silent for a moment.

"So now we got all our siblings back on our side...man it's gonna get so crowded!" Violet whined

Maurice closed his eyes and nodded.

"Yep, but I think it's gonna be fine." He said.

Angela nodded.

"I'd rather have that than how it was going to be, with being a soldier." She said softly.

Everyone silently agreed as they kept staring up at the ceiling, not saying anything.

The day after all that's happened was truly a chaotic one. Everyone tried to make as much breakfast as possible for the new monkeys and ho boy was there a lot to be made.

Yet at the same time something was missing.

"Where's mommy?" Penny asked.

The others looked at each other.

"I haven't seen him, did you?" Antauri asked Otto.

Otto looked down a bit.


Mandarin curled up under the covers, his mind fuzzy and he had no energy.

He thought he was getting better, he thought he was past this. Yet here he was, depressed and lethargic again. Tears stung his eyes as he curled up even more. He heard the door open and he saw Otto with a plate of a cheese omelet and small potato pieces.

"Hey Mandy." He greeted with a sympathetic smile.

"Mm." Mandarin muttered.

Otto kissed his head and held out the plate.

"You hungry? I can put this on your nightstand if you want." He said.

Mandarin shook his head and grabbed the plate. He stopped for a moment.

"I'm so sorry."

"Mandarin no don't apologize." Otto started but Mandarin quickly shook his head.

"I thought I was getting better! I thought I was becoming myself again and that I could take care of my children properly, not doing this again!" Mandarin snapped, rubbing his face.

He dipped his head as Otto rubbed his shoulder.

"It's okay Mandy, depression doesn't go away for some people. It may take them a really long time to recover. That's what Antauri said anyway." Otto said.

Mandarin looked up at him.

"What if..at times I still..."

Otto smiled a bit and then kissed him. The two held onto the kiss for a while before letting go.

"Then we will keep loving and helping you. We'll make it so your depression and ptsd is manageable and so you can take care of the kids." Otto told him, stroking his face.

Mandarin teared up and held Otto's hand against his face.

"But the infants..." He murmured.

Otto leaned in to hear him better but shook his head.

"Don't worry, we can keep them in here until they get big enough like Erin is right now." Otto suggested.

Mandarin looked down and sighed with frustration.

"But we just made their nursery..." He grumbled.

"Don't worry, it's not like they're not gonna be in it." Otto said before hearing a noise behind the door.

The two looked over at the door as they heard more noises.

"Kuzon keep quiet!" Roland snapped.

"I'm trying! Penny won't stop getting on my back." Kuzon huffed.

"I wanna open the door!" Penny defended.

"They're talking! We can't interrupt them." Maurice said.

"Is he okay in there? By himself?" Trixie asked.

"He's not by himself, Otto's with him right squish ball?" Violet chirped

"Ye!" Erin babbled as Mason cooed loudly.

Mandarin and Otto looked at each other before Otto opened the door, causing a few of the kids to fall to the floor. Mandarin sat up a bit and smiled as Erin laughed at his siblings. The seven kids ran up to Mandarin while the others peered into the room worriedly.

"Morning Mommy!" Penny chirped, getting on the bed.

"Morning." Mandarin replied.

"How are you feeling mom?" Maurice asked.

Mandarin smirked at his son.

"To be honest, like garbage." He sighed.

The kids got up onto the bed.

"Aww don't feel like garbage! Here have an Erin." Violet said holding up the grey monkey.

Mandarin held out a hand as Erin crawled onto it. Mandarin held Erin close to him.

"Have you come to stay with me too?" He asked Erin.

Erin giggled and put his hands on Mandarin's face.


Mandarin nuzzled his son before looking at Angela, who looked depressed. He leaned down and stroked her head.

"Do you feel like garbage too?" He asked, causing the yellow monkey to nod.

He pulled her close to him. Angela looked up at him before curling up next to him.

"Don't worry Angela, we can spend the whole day feeling like garbage together." Mandarin said softly.

Roland got onto his belly and sighed, tired.

"I don't wanna do anything for a month." He breathed.

Otto got onto his belly too.

"Me too, I'm so sleepy." He sighed as Maurice smirked at him.

"Nice try but Chiro said you have to help the construction workers fix the city today." He said, making Otto whine.

Mandarin then looked over at the others, who peeked in the room nervously.

"You don't have to hide in there." He said, causing the others to flinch and slowly make their way in.

They had no idea what to do or even say. Was this normal? Him being so depressed and stuck in bed? Artemis looked towards the others and nodded. However despite their unsure thoughts, the majority of them got onto the bed as the kids talked to each other. Melody and Mason were set next to Mandarin as he stroked their heads.

Melody cooed loudly as Mason yawned and grabbed his large finger.
The others got comfortable and started to enjoy themselves as Chiro and Antauri stood near the doorway.

"I guess we gotta make the underground base a little bigger huh?" Chiro asked Antauri.

Antauri nodded and looked over to the doorway.

"But of course, that is what we do for family after all." He said.

Otto and Mandarin curled up with each other as the kids talked exclusively. Things seemed brighter now, more complete. The original Mandarin is on their side again and they had a lot more members to join, yet most of all their family was bigger and more complete. Even if there will be a few more bumps ahead, yet it will all be worth it. All because of leaving one child on their doorstep.

Thank you all so much for reading, Heavy rotation may take a bit this time but I promise...there will be good stuff in it. As for the sequel of this story? Well it's a short sequel for now but let's just say Titan, Jubilee, and Reid's story has only just begun.