Riley pov

"Maya I don't think you hear me." I say as I pace in front of the seats in the airport. "I don't care if he has a twelve pack what does that even mean? No I wasn't really asking. No I don't want you to send me a picture of him. Well him and his twelve pack can shove it." I hear someone snicker and I look around. "Maya Penelope Matthews see you're making me full name you just to get your attention I will say this slowly for you to understand I don't need a man to take to Charlie's wedding because I'm not going. I wouldn't give that ass hat the satisfaction."

I hear it again and look around but didn't see anyone watching me. "Is that uncle Josh? Well tell him I said bite me. That's what he can do. Oh please josh is way more childish than me Maya. Is to. Is to. Is to. Times infinity. You can't see it but I'm sticking my tongue out at you. I'm hanging up no! Because I'm in a airport and people are looking at me like they should call security on me. Bye peaches." I hang up and trip on someone's luggage and fall on someone's lap.

"I'm going to kill you Maya." I say with my eyes closed. "Actually the names Lucas not Maya." I open one eye and see him with an amused smirk on his face. "Sorry was just thinking out loud." He nods his head and i open my eyes and see the blonde across from us looking at me with disgust. "Don't take it personally she was trying to flirt with me earlier but I told her I had a girlfriend." I look at him and say "oh I better get up then. Don't want to make her mad seeing as I'm still on your lap."

I go to get up but he tightens his hold on my waist. "No don't!" He yells out. I giggle and he turns red and says "wow that was loud. But I don't really have a girlfriend I just didn't want to talk to her." I squint my eyes and scrunch my nose at him and he chuckles saying "why are you staring at me like that?" "Just trying to figure out why you would turn down a beautiful woman like her?"

This time he mimics what I did to him making me giggle and says "well I could just tell she would only want to talk about the celebrities she read in those gossip magazines." I lightly hit him and say "hey I read those!" He laughs and says "probably but you look like you would talk about the places you've traveled to." I tilt my head looking at him. "Are you stalking me? How did you know I travel to different places?" He let's out a deep laugh causing everyone around us to look our way and shakes his head at me.

"As fun as that might be I could just tell. Also you bag kind of gives you away." He gestures to my lap and I remember it was covered in different pins from where I've been. I blush and widen my eyes "hey your the one that was laughing at me while I was on the phone weren't you?" He turns red and rubs his neck saying "guilty but in my defense it was pretty funny." I chuckle and look at the time on my phone. "This flight is never going to get called is it?"

He shakes his head "probably not anytime soon. So let's play a game?" I look at him and say "what kind of game?" "How bout twenty questions?" I fidget on his lap and say "okay but no offense my butt is starting to hurt so I'm gonna sit in a chair." He smirks and whispers "well if your butt gets tired of the chair my lap is open for you to fall onto again." I gasps and hit him in the chest. "Ow what are you made of rock?" He chuckles and says "well I've been told I am a Greek god."

I grimace and say "well did they also say you got a big head too?" He puts his hand on his heart and says "ouch that wounded me." I laugh and say "maybe but now your head is normal sized." He smiles shaking his head "okay I'm not going to count this as my first question but what's your name?" I start laughing and say "wow I sat on you for about ten minutes and never told you my name Maya would be proud. I'm Riley."

He holds out his hand and says "well nice to meet you Riley I'm Lucas." I put my hand in his and felt a spark. He must of felt it to cause he was staring at me smiling. "Ahem. Well should we get started on those twenty questions?" I say pulling my hand back blushing. Lucas nods his head and says "okay question one." For the next half hour we asked each other questions and I learned we were the same age he was a vet from Texas but heading to New York to expand his practice. "So you married?" He asks me. I nod my head and say "yup for three years now we have 5 kids. What about you?" He chuckles and says "the same except we have 6 kids."

We look at each and start laughing. "Wow and being a photo journalist is what you always wanted to be?" Lucas asks. Before I could respond my phone starts going off. I look at it and shake my head at it. Do you want to get that?" I put my phone on silent and say "nope it's just my best friend I told you about sending me photos of guys." He looks at me me weirdly and says "I thought she was married to your uncle?" I giggle and say "she is but the photos are for me. She thinks I need a man for my exes wedding in a month."

"Do I want to know?" He asks chuckling. I shake my head and say "well remember how I said I broke up with my high school boyfriend cause he cheated?" He nods his head and I continue "well that same jerk is getting married and had the nerve to invite me because apparently he thinks I'm still not over him." Lucas looks at me and I say "what?" "Are you over him?" I roll my eyes and say angrily "yes I'm over him. Why does everyone assume I'm still hung up on a guy that cheated on me senior year?"

He holds up his hands and says "whoa calm down I was just asking. Is that why your friend sends you photos of guys?" I sigh and say unfortunately yes. She thinks that's the real reason I'm rarely home. Which if you asks me is completely ridiculous it's been six years. I would seem pretty pathetic if I still was." He laughs nodding his head. He was going to say something when they finally call our flight. "So where are you sitting?" He asks grabbing our bags as we walk. I look at my ticket and say "I don't really like to tell people that."

He turns around and says "why I mean it's not like I can steal your ticket." I tuck my hair behind my ear and say "I'm in first class." He stares at me wide eye and I say "see your facial expression is reason why I don't tell people. They assume I'm going to be a snob." He puts his hand on my shoulder and says "I'm sorry I'm not judging it's just I'm in first class too." I breath a sigh of relief and jokingly say "well are you a first class snob?" He chuckles and says "only if you try to steal my nuts." I cover my mouth giggling and he blushes and says "I didn't mean for that to sound as dirty as it did."

I nod my head trying to stifle my giggles but a older lady walks by and says "oh sweetie keep them in your pants and no one can reach them." Lucas thanks her and turns redder and I start laughing. "Oh boy that was hilarious." I say wiping my eyes Lucas shakes his head and says "haha very funny." We board the plane and end up sitting next to each other. "Well what do you know?" He says smiling at me. The stewardess comes by asking if we would like something to drink and I say "I'm okay but my friend here would like an extra bag of nuts to keep in his pants." She looks between us and walks away.

"Thanks a lot. She is going to think I'm a pervert now." He says covering his face. I laugh and say "oh you big baby she will not." I look at my phone and see I have fifty new messages all from Maya. I check them and they're all of different guys with no shirt on. "Well looks like I'm not the only pervert in first class." Lucas jokes nudging me. I smack him and call Maya. "Maya Penelope Matthews!" I say through gritted teeth. "This isn't funny Maya how do you even know that many guys? You did what?!" Lucas nudges me and I mute Maya and say "she signed me up for three dating websites." He laughs and I glare at him and take her off mute.

"Maya delete those profiles right now! I don't care I already told you I'm not going! Didn't I tell you to tell Josh to bite me? Yeah well I don't care he can go in a dress for all I care and go in my place. No. I said no! No! Do you not understand no peaches? Because I can say it in a different language if that will get you to understand." Lucas chuckles and looks at his phone. I can hear Maya still talking about the guys and I blurt out looking at Lucas "Maya I don't need to meet a guy I already have one. Yes you will meet him. I got to go."

My eyes widen and I whisper "what did I just do?"