"Hey Moon! That job... Is the position still open?" Mike asked after a very long night of thought.

"I didn't hire an assistant director in the time since yesterday." Moon quipped.

"Yeah, yeah. And tgere's a pay raise?" Mike pried with trepidation.

"Yes, but I really hope cash isn't the only reason you wanted to take this job. You have talent Mike."

"Right, right, talent..."

"You not telling me something. Are you betting with bears again?"

"No, and I'm debt free. Nancy cleared me." A blow to his pride, his girlfriend's money saving the day, but it needed to happen. The fresh start had been... Liberating. And it only made him love her all the more.

"But I need this money."

"And as your future employer, I need to know why." Mike nearly exploded with nervous energy.

"Because I've already picked out the ring alright?" Mike paused.

"A ring?"

"I'm going to propose to Nancy."

"That's what I thought you meant. Congratulations my good mouse." Mike smiled.

"Thank you." He had given it a lot of late night's thought. If he took this job and a few other odd jobs, he could maybe buy the ring before the Holidays and propose then. Nancy and he had not been dating for very long, but his heart was hers and he hoped she felt the same way. If not... He was risking it all buying a ring. But it was a risk he wanted to take.

"Welcome to the job. I'm sure you'll do great." Mike smiled.

"Thanks. Show me the ropes boss." Those where hard words to say, but Mike would have to get used to not being in charge. It would be crucial for this job, and he really wanted this job... Not just needed it. He was there the earliest to inquire about the job, but the others arrived soon after. He stood back and watched Meena and Johnny enter at nearly the same time, just to see how they would interact. He was either clueless or sparks had flown yesterday, and he knew he wasn't clueless. That didn't stop them from being awkward kids, though, when they saw each other for the first time after the dance.

"H-hey." Johnny stuttered, scratching the back of his head. Meena's face was half covered by her ears, and she held a container in front of her to further hide herself.

"I made muffins this morning, if you want one..." She offered timidly.

"Thanks, I'd love to try one." Johnny smiled at her. His smile was always so enthusiastic and full of hope, it was the way he was. Meena couldn't help smiling at his smile, and for a few minutes they just stood there. Mike intervened.

"Hey, you to, get to work. There are musical numbers to be picked and a lot to do."

"Right, right, we should rehearse. Come on Meena." He offered her his hand, and she took it, leaving Mike smiling to himself as he went about his other duties, Moon supervising him fairly closely.

"Uh, Mr. Moon gave me a list of song suggestions for us, do you want to look over them?"

"Yeah..." Meena said, peering over his shoulder at the list. Her cheeks increased in color when she saw the list of love songs. Love songs...

"Do you feel comfortable singing these?" She asked Johnny. He was so close to her.

"Yes. I do." He said, squeezing her hand, which he had never let go of.

"Do you?" He asked her next. She hesitated, remembering all that she had thought of last night. She let her face appear from behind her ears and nodded.

"I'd like to sing one of these songs with you."

"Me too." The list fluttered to the ground because ultimately it didn't matter which one they picked. His hand cupped her face and his lips pressed against hers. They had a love song written as they stayed in that moment forever, a love song louder than anything on the list. A love song more beautiful than anything either of them had ever heard before.

Of course, rehearsal rooms have glass walls. Everyone saw the two's lip locked duet and watched them finally have to break apart for air. That is when they realized they had garnered an audience. Meena retreated once more behind the ears, and Johnny averted his eyes, picking up the list and studying it.

"Uh..." She mumbled.



"These are all good songs. I think you should pick." He handed off the list to her. She looked at them, mortified.

"You can pick."

"No, you pick..."

"I don't know if I can, none of these speak to me."

"Then we'll pick something else..."

"I don't really listen to love songs... What do you recommend...?" She asked, and, with a cautious glance to see that the spectators had dissipated, they were kissing and embracing once more. When they had pulled their lips away and were holding each other, he whispered to her,

"Let's write our own duet..." And she agreed. That was what they were all doing, every day. Writing their own music as they travelled through life. Traversing new notes and new experiences. A new job, an new relationship, an engagement, an option to be something more than they were.

The curtains close on this duet, which would be continuing long after the spotlight fades. Meena and Johnny continued happily together. Mike found a new life in his new role, and Nancy said yes. New music, new love songs, new life.


There was no graceful end to this but worry not I have a grand new idea for another Meena and Johnny fanfiction which is in the works right now! I hope you enjoyed this three parter and feel free to leave a review if you did like it. Also feel free to check out my other stories I intend to have some great things coming.