Voldemort grinned, he had the ultimate weapon to use against that brat. He read through the book a few times and found the perfect ritual. He grinned, he reread it. Yes, this was perfect. He looked down the list of ingredients, easy to get. He looked when it could be done. Well, it was a bit harder than summoning a crossroads demon that was mentioned earlier but he wanted one that would destroy the brat. He just needed a full moon, which was in a week.

He glanced down to the bottom of the page:

Although the author and publisher have made every effort to ensure that the information in this book was correct at press time, the author and publisher do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, summoning, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause. Summon at your own risk. PS We warned you.

He wasn't worried, he was powerful enough to handle a demon.

He made his way to his ritual room, he mixed the ingredients together and began to use them to create the summoning circle. He waited for the moon to hit its peak. He started his chant.

A tall purple demon appeared. The demon had one eye, one horn, with big teeth, long tail, and wings. The demon glanced around.

"I have released you from the bowels of hell for you to do my bidding."

The demon started laughing. "Humans, you are fools." The demon disappeared.

Three weeks later:

Harry returned to Hogwarts with a purple demon following behind him. The demon was singing "Rock Around the Clock." Harry joined him on the chorus. "Mr. Potter, what is that?" Minerva pointed to the purple creature.

"No idea, he calls himself a Flying Purple People Eater and was looking to join a rock and roll band. So he joined our band, he plays the bass. I am teaching him the lyrics."