That's Why I Love You Chapter 42

I do not own Trolls or any of its characters or the title (I also do not own the song "If I Could Tell Her")

*This is a genderbent fanfic of Trolls

"Is it… jealously?" he asked curiously.

The gray Troll's ears perked up as she felt a shiver go down her spine. The Cloud Twins looked horrified, a hint of disgust could be seen in their expressions as well, while the hummingbirds and glow bugs looked less than amused.

That immediately caught Branch's attention as she sent a glare his way, along with a small growl. It made Poppy second guess himself for a moment, but he was working with minimal information. What was he supposed to think? However, that clearly wasn't the right answer since everyone else seemed to agree with that notion, they all shook their heads in unison. Branch just turned away from him, arms still crossed as she did so.

"Please," Branch said with a roll of her eyes. "It's not even about that… there's more to life than just looks you know Poppy."

Poppy scratched the back of his head as he stared at the ground, almost tempted to kick the grass a little. But, doing so would only prove Branch's point over how immature he could sometimes be.

"Okay… so… what is it then?" he questioned.

The gray Troll continued to ignore him. Her heart danced to a beat of worry as her stomach performed somersaults of dread. Just thinking about that incident was enough to make Branch's nerves get the best of her. She knew she couldn't tell him, he wouldn't believe her. What would be the point in even entertaining such a notion? Still though, perhaps she should be more specific to get him to drop the subject once and for all. If it meant preventing him from ever mentioning that name in the near future, then perhaps there would be some benefit to all this madness.

Despite it all, Branch couldn't deny that things were getting out of hand when it came to this strange triangle Creek, Poppy and herself were entwined in. And so, with some hesitation, the outcast finally broke her silence. Her blue eyes pointed to Poppy as her body continued to face away from him.

"She's not who she seems to be Poppy," she stated, her eyes never wavering away from him. "You said before that there was more to me than meets the eye right?"

Immediately, Poppy felt his heart skip a beat. She had been paying attention to his words, Poppy was happy about that fact at least. And he quickly nodded his head in agreement. Despite her nerves, Branch couldn't help but find the sight endearing.

"Well the same goes for her," Branch said. "She's not who she appears to be… there's more to her than you think."

That's when the pink Troll gave her a puzzled look, clearly not understanding the explanation at all. What other sides of Creek could Branch be talking about? In all of his years of knowing Creek, he had only seen her at her best. She had created an image of positivity and hope, an example all Trolls looked to for guidance and support. There was without a doubt, that everyone knew Creek and what of a Troll she was… but Branch seemed to always disagree with that view.

And for the life of him, Poppy just couldn't figure out why that was.

"What makes you say that?"

That's when the male cloud voiced his annoyance, he slapped his face and dragged it downward a little.

"Oh come on man!" Cloud Guy complained. "Isn't it obvious?"

But before Poppy could reply to him, his twin sister beat him to the punch. She placed a hand over his mouth and a finger near her own, clearly telling him to keep quiet. Once again, Poppy had to thank the female cloud, but Branch didn't seem to be annoyed by the sudden outburst. Cloud Gal then turned to them.

"Please proceed," she remarked.

With that the two Trolls went back to their own world. Branch looked at Poppy with an expression filled with a mixture of hope and annoyance. Even after all this time, Branch couldn't find it in her heart to be honest with Poppy.


The fear of trusting others. That's the only way she could describe it. She was afraid… afraid of people getting too close to her… afraid to trust others… because she was afraid it would only hurt her in the long run.

No one trusted her… therefore she was afraid to trust them in return.

But hadn't Poppy proved that he could be more than trustworthy when given the opportunity? Hadn't he kept his word to her? After all, he hadn't told anyone about her or the baby in his correspondence to the village. And that was very admirable of him given the fact that Poppy was not a very good liar.

However… this was Creek they were talking about. The very same Troll that had crafted an image of innocence and purity, something that no one ever went against. How could she tear such a persona down when it had built such a positive reputation among the Trolls?

In the end, Branch just couldn't find the words to tell Poppy. Where would she even start? She just shook her head as she let out frustrated sigh.

"It's nothing," she responded. "Just forget it."

Everyone looked disappointed in that response. This had been the perfect opportunity for Branch to let out her emotions concerning the female Troll. But her fears were still holding her back.

And they weren't the only ones feeling such disappointment. Poppy stared at her, pink eyes wide with annoyance and irritation. These emotions were so foreign to the pink Troll. He had always been such a laid back and relaxed Troll. What had happened to him?

He knew the answer.

Branch. It was always Branch… and it would always be so. Only Branch could provoke him into such a state. And strangely enough, he wasn't mad over that fact. But that didn't mean he was about to give up now. He had to put his foot down.


The sound of his voice sent a wave of silence among the critters of the Rainbow Meadow, and it startled the Cloud Twins. And Branch, well, she looked more that surprised by the sudden outburst. Poppy never raised his tone with anyone. Honestly, Branch didn't think it was possible.

But it seemed like she was wrong. Perhaps Creek wasn't the only one with hidden sides.

Maybe there was more to Poppy too.

Branch just watched as Poppy's face turned from exasperation to guilt. She looked amused over the sudden replacement. Then again, Poppy was just as predictable as ever. He didn't have the drive to handle such foreign feelings, and now that he had gotten a taste of it, he was feeling bad about it. Sweet, innocent Poppy… he really was too good for this world. She gave him an amused smirk as he composed himself.

The pink Troll blushed a little over how immature he must have looked to Branch at the moment. He didn't mean to freak out like that… it just came out of nowhere. He felt so bad, Branch didn't deserve what he just did. But, much to his surprise, she didn't seem to be angry over it. Instead, she just gave him a small smile with a confident look on her face. What did that mean?

However, he didn't focus on it for long as he gestured to himself. He looked her straight in the eye and did his best to voice his opinions and his feelings.

"Come on Branch, just tell me," he pleaded.

Branch's amusement wavered at Poppy's voice. Her cloud friends looked somewhat concerned too. As much as Cloud Guy took pleasure in teasing the Prince of Trolls, he just wanted to throw the guy a bone. But his sister and he had promised that they would only watch and give advice when it was necessary. He had almost forgotten that earlier, but this was something they couldn't resolve. This went beyond simple intervention, this had to be between the two Trolls. This was their story, they were the authors of this little tale of theirs.

They were the main characters, while they were thrusted to the side. Cloud Gal had agreed with her brother's sentiments over the matter, as much as she wanted to smack the pink Troll too. But physical harm wouldn't do any good here. They just had to watch and wait, and stay silent when it was necessary.

This was one of those times.

And so, the two main characters continued with their story.

Poppy was desperate. The tone of his voice proved that. He wanted to know… after all this time he felt like he deserved some answers when it came to the mystery of Branch. Why did she have to be such a puzzle, why couldn't she just give him straight answers for once?

Why couldn't she trust him?

"Help me understand," he added. "Because I don't know what to think anymore Branch… you act like Creek's some sort of plague… but she's never been anything but nice to you. Heck, she was really worried about you when you disappeared. She even defended you in front of all the Trolls, she was on your side as much as I was."

Branch's eyes widened in horror, but that was quickly replaced with anger. The red feeling filled her soul. She could feel the fire of hatred burning brightly within her, the audacity of that Troll! She really went that far! Branch's hands clenched into fists as she bit her lip. Another low growl was emitted from her. Poppy was more than quick to notice the change, but he didn't back down this time. Instead, his gaze was still fixed on her.

Branch just shook her head as she turned away from him. This time, her entire back was facing him.

"I'm sure she did," Branch responded with a snort.

Her glare was directed toward the ground as she contemplated Poppy's words. She could only imagine how that snake managed to pull of such a scene. She probably used those pretty little eyelashes of hers to lure the crowd with her supposed innocence, used that sickly sweet tone to convey false worry and held herself high with pride over how she performed the role of a grieving fellow Troll.

Just thinking about it was enough to make her sick, and it wouldn't be because of the pregnancy either. She was glad she missed such a scene. And it only cemented her worry about Poppy not believing her if he knew the truth. She let out an irritated grunt over how naïve this fool could be at times. And yet, she to remember that she was just as much of a fool as him.

She was a fool for falling for a fool.

"You just don't get it do you Poppy?"

That caught the Prince of Trolls off guard a little, but he still stood his ground over the matter. He needed to know because enough was enough at this point.

"What?" he asked. "What don't I get Branch?"

She was afraid. She was afraid. She was afraid. She was afraid.

How could she tell him that? All her life, she worked hard to create an image of independence. If she admitted that she was afraid, then what else would she have to admit too? Branch felt like her heart and mind were engaged in a battle of toggle war. Her mind wanted her to stray away from Poppy and banish him from the deepest parts of her soul. Forget it all and never look back.

But her heart, it wanted the exact opposite. It represented everything she didn't want to be. It wanted to dance to the sounds of music and sing songs filled with the emotions she had denied herself to feel for so long. But most importantly, it wanted her to hold on.

She hated this! She hated feeling like this! This storm inside her just couldn't be settled. She clutched her arms tightly as she still refused to meet his gaze.

"You wouldn't understand if I told you," she said through gritted teeth.

Once again, Poppy wasn't having it.

"Branch, that's not fair!" he argued. "How I can help you if you don't let me?"

The crowd watched as the two Trolls went at it. One could only describe it as a tornado meeting a volcano. One was a whirlwind of emotions, never taking into consideration what was around him as he paraded on through. And the other, she was keeping it all inside until it exploded on the catalyst responsible for her inevitable breakdown. But surprisingly enough, this didn't feel wrong.

This felt right. This was something the Trolls needed, they just didn't fully comprehend that yet.

The tornado and the volcano continued to showcase their emotions in the only ways they knew how.

"Communication is everything, it's a two sided thing," Poppy explained. "But so far it feels like I'm the only one initiating it!"

"So?" Branch asked. "I didn't ask you to communicate with me Poppy, in case you've forgotten. And not only that, but it's pretty hypocritical of you to say that."

"And why's that?" he questioned, clearly offended.

Finally, Branch turned around. Her arms at her sides as her hands continued to take the shapes of fists as she did so. Her stance was firm as her eyes were narrowed with a mixture of irritation and desperation. Blue eyes battled against pink ones, opposite auras clashed together as the Trolls faced one another in a battle of sentiment.

"Because you're in the exact same boat as I am!"

Poppy gave her a confused look as he continued to adapt to these foreign emotions.

"What? What that supposed to mean?"

Branch looked down, her bangs hiding he face as she did so, but her stance never wavered. Her heart was so close to projecting itself out of her chest. All the while, the baby in her womb moved around erratically, as if sensing the turmoil between their parents. But she had to ignore that for now, she felt something entirely new arising from the inner depths of her soul. Depths she could have sworn she locked away years ago.

She was shaking now. The volcano wanted to just it all out, the magma would soon cool and form a new foundation for the future. She just didn't realize that yet. She refused to meet Poppy's welcoming pink eyes again as she spoke.


Poppy settled down a little at the low tone Branch was using. They had been fired up not too long ago, just spouting out whatever felt right. But now it was all coming down, a sense of relaxation and satisfaction was washing over them as the continued their strange dance. Once again, the gray Troll spoke, her tone now calm and determined.

"You…" Branch started. "You're the only one whom I've ever allowed to get under my skin."

Once again, Poppy was caught off-guard. His stance relaxed a little over how Branch was referring to him. There was not a trance of annoyance in her tone as she talked about him a way he wasn't used to. Branch had stated that she didn't hate him… so then, how did she feel about him. Poppy stayed quietly, a rarity for him. But right now, he felt as if he was about to get some of the answers he had been searching for.

And so, he allowed Branch to speak. The gray Troll still didn't meet his eyes, but he was okay with that, as long as she got whatever it was off her chest. Poppy could feel it, this was something that Branch had been keeping inside her this entire time. It would be wrong of him to stop her now, not to mention unfair as well. Meanwhile, the whole crowd looked on with anticipation and hope.

"You're the only one whom I've somehow never managed to scare off."

That was true, Poppy had stuck by her side, even when she pushed him away. Her actions and words never deterred him from interacting with her. It had always been that way. But these recent events just showed her how determine he was to keep it that way. If not for the situation, she would've laughed at that very idea. But now, she almost found comfort in it.

"You're the only one who's ever taken the time to give me the light of day, even when I don't deserve it."

With each word, Poppy felt his heart skip a beat. Branch really felt this way about him? He made her feel this way? He never would have guessed. It was enough to make him smile a little.

"And, perhaps the most important, you're the only one who's ever seen sides of me that I've tried to hide over the years."

She finally allowed herself to look at him, her gaze was now soft. Her baby blue eyes shined as the day seemed to quickly slip away from them. Time didn't hold no place at the moment, they were still caught up in the small world they had unknowingly created for themselves. Branch felt her heart slowly losing its erratic nature as it now tapped gently within her chest. She was doing something right, she could feel it. And she didn't want to stop now, she had to keep going.

"I admit it Poppy, you do know things about me that no one else does," she stated. "But I know some things about you too."

Poppy's ears perked up a little as he gave her an earnest look, he wanted to hear more. And he would be more than patient with Branch if he was able to achieve some sort of equality with her.

"I know you enough to know that you've never told anyone else about me. You're never spoken about these hidden sides of me to your friends or the other Trolls.'

Guilt consumed Poppy in that moment. Branch really did know him, he couldn't lie about that even if he wanted to. Looking back on it now, he realized just how terrible that was of him. It was true, he never did tell his friends about the meaningful moments he had shared with Branch. Make no mistake, he did tell people about his interactions with Branch, but he always left out tiny details. It wasn't because he was ashamed of those moments, but because he felt like they belonged solely to Branch and him. They were their memories, nobody else's.

He didn't want to share them with anybody. But perhaps that wasn't the only reason he did so and he would soon have it pointed out to him.

"And you know why?"

Poppy didn't answer. He did know, but maybe it would sound better if it came from Branch instead of him. The gray Troll had to know the answer, how could she not? Branch knew everything about him, which is why he felt the need to know more about her. Sometimes it felt like the gray Troll knew more about him than he knew about himself. He wanted to say that it was Branch's survival skills that caught her to be so observant of others. She studied other Trolls' behaviors. That was truly an amazing talent she possessed.

"Because you know they wouldn't believe you," she stated.

Poppy felt a piece of his heart break over such an admission. His gaze softened some more as he stared at Branch. He felt like such a terrible person at the moment. Maybe that's why he doubted Branch's relationship with him. He never had the guts to admit that he had one with her when they were back at the village. A part of him said it was because he wanted those moments all to himself, but another part of him agreed that it was because no one would believe him if he spoke the truth. It was easier to just leave parts out rather than just tell the whole story.

In that moment, Poppy hated himself. In the end, he really was hurting Branch. He had so many opportunities to set people straight about the misconceptions they had about her. Yes, he defended her, but he never gave them proper examples of her hidden behavior. He was afraid they wouldn't believe him, dismiss his claims and taint the precious memories he had created.

He would never allow for anyone to do that. No one could take those moments away from him. No matter what anyone would say, he would always believe what he had with Branch. What they had was real and it was rare!

This was something he had never felt for anyone before. But before he could add onto Branch's explanation, she continued with her point. However, she didn't sound angry over the matter.

"Face it Poppy, the Trolls only see what they want to see. And that blinds them to the truth. It's no different from how y'all refuse to acknowledge the dangers you constantly put yourselves in."

It really wasn't. Branch was right. How could he criticize her for keeping secrets, when he was just as guilty of the action too? But the way she made it sound, it all came down to one thing: they were afraid of no one believing them. They shared that in common.

"I'm a gray Troll Poppy, the gray Troll, that's who they see me as… and that's not going to change just because you tell them about our past together."

Poppy would never truly know if that statement was correct or not. He defended Branch as best as he could, but the Trolls never truly understood his actions. Because he never cared to explain them, all because of his fear. Perhaps, he thought he was protecting Branch by doing so. After all, if he did tell the other Trolls about the hidden sides of Branch, what was to stop them from harassing her to see it for themselves? That would've caused more stress for Branch, and that wasn't fair to her.

But Branch wasn't done with her point.

"It's the same with Creek and me," she added. "You only see what you want to see… and therefore she is who you think she is. But if there's one thing being alone for all these years has taught me, it's that you can never allow yourself to become blind to the world around you."

She had learned that lesson the hard way. She would never allow herself to show weakness in front of anyone ever again. But how could she do that when the main cause of her weakness was standing right before her? She supposed that was a bridge was would have to cross later.

"Whether it's a potential danger or a close one, you can't lower your guard. It's how I've managed… until now that is," Branch said. "I'm afraid that you being here, makes it harder for me to keep my guard up."

Branch had made her point, Poppy could feel a new feeling wash over like a wave. And he had just felt this feeling earlier, it was an epiphany. He felt as if someone had just opened his mind and his eyes, and of course that someone had to be Branch.

''I see," he responded. "I'm not going to lie, I would still like to know the specifics of what happened between Creek and you, but when you put it that way… I can understand why you wouldn't want to say anything about the matter."

Did Creek really have more than one side to her? Poppy had always assumed it was just for Branch because he had personally witnessed it for himself. But he never told anyone for the reasons Branch has previously listed. And he had to admit that was a very compelling argument. If it applied to him, then why couldn't it apply to others as well?

Did Branch see other sides to Creek? But if that was true, how bad could they be? Poppy had seen another side of Branch, and it was for the better. Could these other sides be for the worst as well? Bad enough to cause Branch to avoid her like the plague? Poppy didn't like the idea of calling out someone when he had no proof, but he also didn't like the idea of calling Branch a liar either. Branch had always called him a bad liar, but she couldn't lie either. She had always be straight forward with the Trolls, blunt was the best way to describe it.

Besides, why would she lie about Creek? There was no motive, at least not one Poppy could see. And there was the fact that Branch didn't tell anyone about this until now… and by the sound of it he wasn't the only one. The Cloud Twins had reacted, along with Branch's critter friends. They clearly knew more about the story than he did. Branch had only given him the gist of it.

Once again, Poppy was seeing another side of Branch. And once again, it was only him being able to do so.

"I… I am afraid," Poppy admitted.

Branch looked somewhat surprised to hear that admission, but she felt as if she couldn't say any more on the matter. That speech had literally taken all the energy out of her. She felt tired now, better, but tired. She noticed that the sun was starting to set, that probably wasn't helping either. She was almost tempted to go back into her home and crash on her bed. But that wouldn't be fair to Poppy. He had spent what seemed like an eternity listening to her, now it was her turn to listen to him.

"You're right, I was afraid. I knew the other Trolls wouldn't believe me… but there are other reasons for my silence as well," he added.

Branch gave him an interested and curious look. That amazed her to some degree.

"I'm all ears," she simply said.

He nodded his response before speaking yet again.

"I was selfish Branch, I know I showed you my scrapbook about our past… but I don't think you realize just how important those memories are to me. So much so that I wanted to keep them to myself."

Now it was Branch's turn to look confused, but Cloud Guy seemed to be engrossed as he stared at the couple with starry eyes. All the while, Cloud Gal just patted his shoulder, signaling for him to keep it cool.

"I didn't want to share them with anybody, they weren't supposed to be for anyone but you and me. They're our memories, our precious moments. I didn't want anyone to take that away from me, I didn't want someone to taint the experience with their disbelief," he explained. "Plus, I was afraid that if I told anybody, they wouldn't leave you alone over the matter. I thought they might bother you just so they could see it for themselves."

The gray Troll continued to stare at him in disbelief. She couldn't believe it, this was not something she was familiar with. She found herself questioning who this person was. This wasn't Poppy... not the Poppy she knew. He only continued to surprise her as he spoke about his inner feelings.

"You actually thought about all this?" Branch questioned. "You?"

Poppy simply nodded his head. Even he had to admit that the logic was outside his normal range of thought. But it was the truth, at least another part of it.

"You said I'm a bad liar right?" he asked. "Well, I assume that you can believe me when I say that then."

Once again, Poppy wasn't thinking within his normal range. Branch couldn't believe what she was hearing, this didn't sound like the naïve Poppy she had grown to both hate and love. He sounded too… what was the word?


Poppy… mature? Since when? How long had she been avoiding him?

Two weeks.

What happened during those two weeks? Was this all some sort of trick? Was she dreaming? She didn't like this game.

She ran a hand through her black locks before looking at the Prince of Trolls yet again. She couldn't describe the expression on Poppy's face at the moment. It was a mixture of seriousness and a newfound maturity that she had never seen before. And that she didn't think Poppy was capable of.

Seriously, what happened during these last two weeks?

"I suppose so," she finally responded, admitting defeat. "In the end… I guess we're both afraid of the same thing."

Poppy gave her a firm nod.

"Yeah, I guess so," he said. "However, call me crazy, but I think you're afraid of something else Branch."

He hit the target right on the spot, Branch's reaction to that statement certainly proved that. She looked away from him, refusing to meet his pink eyes. But Poppy didn't take offense to the action. Branch rubbed her arms a little over the memories that threatened to invade her mind. She couldn't think of that now, it wasn't the right time to do so. Besides, Poppy didn't need to know that ugly side of her, he had seen too much already. He had exposed her, peeled away enough layers to the point where she felt naked. And it wasn't like the last time either, it felt much deeper than that. It felt as if he could see into her very soul. And she couldn't resist it.

She found herself being seduced by this newfound Poppy. His charm was luring her into lowering her defenses yet again, but she didn't seem to mind it. She wanted it… just like that night. She wanted to experience that again, but she couldn't. At least not to that extent… but it was enough for her to give him another answer he was looking for. Such enough to get the gist of it.

"Poppy, there's no easy way to say it…" she started.

There really wasn't. The trauma from her past began to consume her yet again. It's darkness always seemed to be creeping behind every small corner, just waiting for the chance to take over what little happiness she managed to obtain.

"But just know this…"

It took every ounce of strength she had not to say the whole truth. As tempting as it was... she just couldn't trust Poppy with that kind of sensitive information. For she feared that it would change whatever positive opinion he had of her at the moment. Still though, she managed to find the right words to say.

"Bad things happen when I'm around other people," she explained, trying desperately not to break down. "They get hurt."

Poppy gave her a sympathetic look, that was a terrible way to think. Why would Branch feel that way about herself? She was the safest Troll he knew, she could probably protect the whole village if she had the chance. That comment just didn't make sense to him.

"Branch…" he addressed.

But she ignored him.

"People get hurt because of me…" she reiterated. "It's the one of the reasons why I distance myself from the world. I don't like the idea, but I know it's true. And…I couldn't live with myself if that ended up happening to you."

Poppy couldn't believe what he was hearing. Branch was afraid that he would get hurt because of her? Why? That would never happen! Poppy always felt safe whenever he was around the gray Troll, she had protected him so many times in the past. And even now, he felt like she was doing so. Hearing all of that was enough to make his heart break yet again.

Branch was truly the most selfless person he ever knew. Why couldn't the other Trolls see that too? Why couldn't they see the hidden sides of Branch like he did?

That's when a sudden realization came to him. Maybe wasn't the only one. He observed Branch and remembered the little life growing inside her at the moment.

The baby… Branch's baby.

The father.

He wondered about him, did he see those sides of Branch as well? He must have, but why would they leave her alone if that was the case? Granted, Branch admitted that she didn't tell him about her pregnancy, and she also claimed that there were no romantic feelings between the two… but why?

There must have been something that attracted him to Branch. It had to be the same thing that attracted him. Or did he know more than him? The very thought that someone managed to surpass him in that department made him feel ill. But he quickly set aside such notions and remembered his previous statements.

There was something between Branch and him… something special… it went beyond anything he ever felt before. He would never allow anyone to take that away from him or deny it.

Not even Branch.

And so, Poppy moved forward. The sudden action obviously threw Branch off as she flinched. But that didn't deter Poppy, instead he just strode forward. They were close now, so close that their auras became entwined with one another. The new scene caused the stars in Cloud Guy's eyes to expand, he was levitating off the ground at this point. Cloud Gal simply let out a small yet silent whistle, she had to admire the pink Troll's newfound boldness. She didn't think she had it in him. The glow bugs, messenger bugs and the hummingbirds all let out their small cries, clearly enjoying what was happening between the two Trolls.

And they weren't the only ones either.

The close contact was enough to stimulate the baby, causing both Poppy and Branch to let out a small gasp. They both looked downward to see the cause of such a change.

Branch's growing womb looked so beautiful, Poppy could help but admire the shape. It suited Branch, he could only imagine how beautiful the actual baby would be when they were born as well. His eyes narrowed a little at the thought of knowing that another Troll's baby was growing inside Branch. It hurt him to know that Branch was apparently closer to another Troll compared to him. But he wouldn't deny the bond he had with the gray Troll because of that.

If only he had a way to express such feelings.

"I don't believe that for a second… you could never hurt anyone Branch," he stated. "You're not capable of such a thing."

There he was again, that sweet naïve Poppy. Branch was about to argue but Poppy placed a finger over her lips. He noted how soft they were… and so familiar.

He leaned forward, close enough to inhale the intoxicating perfume around him. He wanted more… so much more… he wanted to become a part of it. And so, he allowed himself to get as close as possible. So much so that his lips ended up being captured by a softer pair.

Poppy snapped back to reality once he recalled the current situation he was in. Soon his hand found itself tracing the smooth cheek of Branch. The sudden change of course caused her to gasp a little but Poppy paid no mind to it. He looked over Branch, he took it all in. Not a single detail escaped his eyes.

Had Branch always been this beautiful? He had always found her attractive in her own way long before this… but this was something new. Did the pregnancy play a role in this, did it accent the beauty she already possessed? Whatever it was, Poppy couldn't but be captivated by it. A deep and hidden urge within Poppy started to heat his body with excitement and longing.

He wanted it all. He wanted this.

But first, he had to let her know what he was trying to say. He just couldn't find the right words to do so.

"You're different, that is true… but you're also so many other things too," he remarked. "I may not know who the father of your baby is… but I certainly know what he sees in you."

Once again, Branch was thrown for a loop. And no one dared to interrupt the scene before them. The two Trolls were too far gone at this point.

"W-what are you talking about?" she questioned. "You don't even know who he is."

Poppy agreed with a small nod and he couldn't help but smile too.

"Yeah, but I bet I could describe the way he feels about you."

The baby's father, he had to have seen all the things he saw in Branch. It was the only way this union could make sense. He could only imagine how the male Troll could describe Branch if he was here.

Poppy was sure they would use the exact same words. Now if only he could find them. A blush appeared on Poppy's face once he recalled his favorite medium to express his emotions. Perhaps his heart could guide him.

"He thinks you're awesome," he stated, his tone never wavering as he did so.

Branch gave him an incredulous look, amused yet puzzled at the same time. She cocked an eyebrow as she placed a hand on her hip.

"He thinks I'm awesome?" she questioned. "Really?"


Branch still didn't believe him, she continued to give him an incredulous look.


Poppy cleared his throat as he tried to put himself in the male Troll's positon.


Branch was the muse… and he would get lost in her… just like the baby's father did. But before anything else could happen, he noticed how Cloud Guy went back into the mushroom house. The sudden action confused him a little, but he quickly returned and he wasn't alone. He came back bearing a small guitar, he gave the pink Troll a wink before starting to play the instrument.

It was then that Cloud Gal followed her brother's lead as she motioned to the other critters, she moved her hands in the air and gestured for them to sing. The bugs also started to flash their lights, making them stand in the darkness that was invading the sky. Meanwhile, Branch looked too confused and stunned to actually object to this whole thing.

Immediately, the scene became filled with a song that seemed to fit what Poppy was going to convey. The Prince of Trolls appreciated the thought, and he soon started to sing the right words to match such a lovely tune.

"I'm sure he said

There's nothing like your smile

Sort of subtle and perfect and real"

Branch's smile was truly something special. Something he yearned to see, which is why he never gave up on her. He wanted to make the gray Troll happy, just so he could see that lovely smile again. It outshined the morning sun. He was sure that was the first thing the baby's father took notice of when he met her.

Branch blushed a little over the lyrics. She had a perfect smile? She had never considered herself to be attractive by any means, but to hear that from someone made her feel warm inside. However, it didn't stop there. Poppy took it a step further and slowly wrapped an arm around her waist, which startled her a little.

Then he gently captured her free hand into his own. Their fingers were now connected to one another, entwined into the perfect shape. That's when Poppy took the lead, he started to slowly waltz in circles. Branch's left over hand fell on his shoulder on reflex, and it was then that she realized that she was now trapped. Poppy had her right where he wanted her.

And what's worse was that she didn't fight it. Before all this happened, Branch would have recoiled at the thought of someone touching her in such an intimate manner. But once again, she remembered how she had only allowed Poppy to do so.

He had invaded her privacy in so many ways over the years. When they were children, it used to be simple greetings and invitation cards.

As teenagers, he would try to hug her every now and again.

And now that they were adults... they went beyond those simple touches. Not that Poppy seem to remember that.

In her mind, Poppy and her had done everything they could to be intimate with one another.

Now, once again, he was invading her privacy. But she simply didn't have to strength to fight back anymore. That whole confession, and her memories, took a lot out of her. And so, she followed Poppy's lead as the two of them continued to dance away… something Branch hadn't allowed herself to do since she was a little girl. Back when her grandfather used to dance with her as his partner. Such good times, and now she was reliving those memories with Poppy.

And soon the song started once again.

"He said

You never knew how wonderful

That smile could make someone feel"

It made him feel so warm inside… it made his heart skip a beat. Only Branch could do that to him. She had a talent for stopping his heart with just a simple action. And so, Poppy continued to hold his dance partner as he conveyed the right words.

"And he knew

Whenever you get bored

You make such delicious cuisines"

Despite trying to adjust to the movement, Branch couldn't help but roll her eyes a little. Him and her meals… why did he always feel the need to brag about it? Well, at least he's talking about the baby's father and not himself directly. She had to play along though, just so he wouldn't get suspicious over that topic. She gave Poppy a small smile, the very same one he longed to always see. It only cemented such feelings.

"And he noticed

That you tend to favor the color evergreen"

Poppy looked down at her attire, such a color suited Branch. When they were young, he had always admired her colors. They were so different compared to the bright world he lived in. So gray, and yet so captivating at the same time.

"But he kept it all inside his head

What he saw he left unsaid"

Poppy was sure that was true, he knew it was for him. He didn't truly realize how he felt until Branch left. He hated the thought of not being able to tell her all the things he wanted to say to her. He could only imagine how the baby's father felt about not saying everything he could to keep Branch with him.

"And though he wanted to

He couldn't talk to you"

How many times had he done that to Branch? How many times did he want to talk to her, only for something else to divert his attention away from her? He felt so guilty for his short attention span. He wondered if the baby's father made those mistakes too.

"He couldn't find the way

But he would always say"

Cloud Guy's guitar playing got more intense as did the chirps of the critters. Cloud Gal motioned for them to follow her twin's guitar playing. So far, the song continued to match the words Poppy was using.

Meanwhile, the pink Troll separated himself from Branch for second, allowing her to bask in the colorful lights of the bugs. The night sky only seemed to make the sight all the more breath taking, something Poppy couldn't help but admire. He then gently pulled her back to his person. Branch blushed a little over the action before the waltz continued yet again.

"If I could tell her

Tell her everything I see"

He saw a lot from Branch. He was sure the other male Troll did too. There were so many things he wanted Branch to see when it came to her.

"If I could tell her

How she's everything to me"

Despite Branch's short explanation concerning the baby's conception, the father must have felt something for her. He surely did, it had to be the same feeling.

"But we're a million worlds apart

And I don't know how I would even start"

That's what drove them apart. The whole reason Branch left was because she felt like she couldn't a part of the Trolls' world. Both her and her child. It's also how he would describe the situation between the two of them as well. They felt so far away from each other, not even Branch could deny that. They were too different to occupy the same world.

"If I could tell her

If I could tell her"

The music slowed down a little, just enough for the two Trolls to just glide across the grassy terrain. The two of them finally took the chance to just gaze into each other's eyes. Baby blue against pink, that seemed to be the theme of their relationship. Blue and pink. It was then that Branch observed something important about the male Troll in front of her.

Poppy always stated that she had baby blue eyes, a color that matched the morning sky. If that was the case, then Branch finally had an adjective for Poppy's color too. They were sunset pink, matching the night sky.

How ironic was that. Her eyes represented the dawn, while Poppy's could represent the upcoming dusk. That was the exact opposite of what they embodied. And yet, for some reason, it seemed to match perfectly. What other secrets did Poppy possess? Her grip on his shoulder tightened a little over the thought of it all.

"Do you think he said anything else?" she asked curiously.

Poppy seemed to be caught off guard as he stuttered.

"A-about you?"

Branch quickly shook her head, realizing how embarrassing that question was. Why was she encouraging this? It's not like Poppy knew who the baby's father was, so why did he feel the need to sing such a song? How could he possibly know what another was feeling? He couldn't, it was impossible.

"Never mind, I don't really care anyways-"

But she was caught off as Poppy corrected her.

"No, no, no just, no, no I'm sure he said, he said so many things," Poppy argued. "I'm just, I'm trying to think of the best ones so, um..."

He looked to his heart to find the right words yet again. What else did he see in Branch that the father could see?

"He thought

You looked really pretty, er

It looked pretty cool when you tie back your hair"

Branch laughed a little, such a small detail shouldn't matter and yet Poppy felt the need to bring it up.

"He did?"

She laughed again, and this time Poppy joined her. It was such a minor trait to include, but it was a part of Branch. So he would bring it up. Besides, he liked how she styled her hair. The two of them continued to waltz as both the lyrics and the melody filled the air.

"And he wondered how you learned to take a chance

Like all the rest of the world isn't there"

Branch really did take a chance when she left. She chose to brave the world in order to create a new life for herself. As much as it hurt him, he had to admire her determination and courage. That was such a Branch thing to do, she made goals and she always followed through with them.

"But he kept it all inside his head

What he saw he left unsaid"

The two Trolls continued to sway their bodies around the grassy terrain of the Rainbow Meadow. They had been paying attention to nothing else but their partner. However, that soon changed when something familiar caught Poppy's eyes.

Growing on the side of the Rainbow Meadow was a plant he had come to embrace as a favorite of his mother. He wasn't much of a nature Troll, but he took pleasure in flower decorating. After all, his name came from a flower. And his mother always had a talent for flower arranging and decorating, something she passed on to him. Although he wasn't anywhere near the level as her, he still managed to find joy in the pass time.

There, growing in the brush, was none other than nemophila.

A small blue flower with five bell shaped petals. The outer border possessed a familiar bluish color that slowly blended into white in the middle. Poppy's smile grew larger as he recalled the significance of this little plant. It was perfect for this occasion.

Why was this flower so special?

It went by another name… baby blue eyes.

And so, Poppy lead Branch over to the brush, much to Branch's confusion. Before she could say anything, Poppy quickly picked the first bundle of nemophila he saw. He took the liberty to inhale a small sample of its perfume before gently placing it behind Branch's ear. Branch let out a small gasp over how soft both the flowers and Poppy's touch felt against her skin.

Cloud Guy and Cloud Gal both looked on in adoration over how perfect the flower looked on Branch. It matched her so well, and the critters agreed as they all nodded their heads.

They then continued to dance, Poppy would tell her the significance later. Right now, this mattered more to him. He only hoped she would appreciate the thought though.

"If I could tell her

Tell her everything I see

If I could tell her

How she's everything to me"

If only he could tell her. So many regrets... so many pieces of a heart... and so many memories that could've been made.

What could've been. That's what he saw whenever he looked at Branch.

The gray Troll found herself slowly becoming immersed with the song. It's words spoke to her, even if she knew Poppy wasn't speaking from his point of view. Still, it was the thought that mattered. She wished someone had felt that way about her... but more specifically, she wished it was Poppy who could feel this way.

Alas, that would never happen. They were just to different. They were so far away from one another, it took this event to make Branch finally accept that. And so, for the next verse, Branch added herself.

"But we're a million worlds apart"

"But we're a million worlds apart."

That was the sum of their relationship.

They were so many worlds away even when they were so close together.

Poppy looked somewhat surprised over her addition. But that quickly melted away into joy. He was happy to see that Branch was getting involved.

"And I don't know how I would even start

If I could tell her"

The pink Troll spun Branch around before bringing her close to her again. He then dipped her, just enough to easily lift her back up again. Baby blue collided with sunset pink, the closeness of the two Trolls caused the little one to dance as well. The baby moved enough for both parents to feel, making the two of them smile.

As much as Branch had her pride and stubbornness, she couldn't deny that she was enjoying this to a degree. It brought back so many good memories concerning her grandfather and her. She recalled the times where he was stand her on his feet as he held onto her hands. They would then dance the time away, all the while singing the songs of the past.

Plus, this was a good experience for the baby she was carrying. After all, this would be the only bonding time they would have with both of their parents before Poppy had to leave.

She still hadn't changed her mind over the matter, but that didn't mean she couldn't let this one incident go. It's not like anyone else was here to see this. No one could judge her right now as she allowed her one and only love to embrace her yet again.

Only this time, the embrace didn't involve the physical component like the last time. But she was okay with that. Just being with Poppy was enough for her. Once again, he only proved her point about him. He never gave up on her and he did everything he could to show her how much he cared for her.

As much as she tried to convince herself to the contrary, she knew that Poppy cared about her. She didn't deserve it, but she was grateful for it. And so, she would allow herself to make these memories. And much like Poppy, she would keep them to herself. She didn't want to share with anyone either.

Poppy was wrong… she could be selfish too.

"If I could tell her

But what do you do when there's this great divide?"

Her gaze narrowed a little as she contemplated such a statement. Such a great divide indeed. She allowed herself to lean closer to Poppy, just enough for her head to be on his shoulder now. The close contact didn't go unnoticed by Poppy either. It made the pink Troll blush a little.

"He just seemed so far away.

The action nearly made Cloud Guy squeal, he had to bit his tongue to keep himself from doing so. he was so proud of his gray Troll friend. Cloud Gal only rolled her eyes over her brother's antics as she continued to lead the chorus.

The two Trolls held onto one another in a musical embrace. The beats of Poppy's heart relaxed Branch to the point where she didn't pay attention to Poppy wrapping his arms around her. He was hugging her now, and she didn't even care.

Poppy's heart beats only increased over how much rule he had over Branch at the moment. She had never allowed him to do such things before without putting up a fight. He took it a step further as he leaned his head against Branch's. His pink hair became entangled with Branch's block locks. He could smell the sweet scent of Branch, a mixture of nature and freshness.

So clean and pure. It was perfect. How could he ever reach such a person?

He couldn't place the fault on Branch. Before this happened, she had tried to reach him so many times before this. And yet, he seemed to only push her away with his conflicting nature. Her efforts never seemed to bear any fruit.

However, Poppy could say the same for her as well. He had his fair share of attempts too, but they never reached Branch either it seemed. But perhaps their failures were what brought them together in the end.

Maybe this was the forbidden fruit they so desperately tried to create. And both were so tempted to steal a bite for themselves.

"And what do you do when the distance is too wide?"

He didn't know, maybe the child's father did.

Once again, Branch added herself into Poppy's song. Even if it meant not singing herself.

"It's like I don't know anything."

She didn't have all the answers, as much as she tried to. It was impossible. Poppy and her… whatever this was… didn't seem to have an appropriate answer.

That's when the music started to pick up again, thanks to the efforts of their friends. As a result, Poppy held Branch closer to himself. Their heart beats seemed to match the tone of the melody. The scent of the nemophila blended in with Branch's natural perfume, making an intoxicating aroma that only attracted him even more than before.

Everything was starting to cloud Poppy's mind now. The aroma, the soft lips, the petite body, those sweet words. It was all becoming too much for him. Now Poppy was struggling to find the next thing to say. What did he want to say? What was his epiphany from earlier?

His feelings for Branch… what were they? It wasn't simple… it was something entirely new. Something he had never experienced before. And something he didn't want to end. He wanted it so much and yet he couldn't find the right way to describe what it was.

"And how do you say"

Pragma, longstanding love.

Eros, passionate and romantic love.

Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love.

It was always about love. It always came down to that.

That word consumed mind, heart and soul. It was all he could think about now, and every time it was associated with one Troll… Branch.

Love. Pragma. Love. Eros.

Poppy was frozen, and Branch seemed to notice this as she lifted her head away from him. She gave him a puzzled expression, what did he want to say? Why did he stop? It wasn't like stop to just quit in the middle of a song. Especially when the music didn't stop. Her grip on him lessened a little, but Poppy didn't let go of her, not even for a second. He couldn't… not when he was so close to saying what he wanted to say. Something he was sure had always been there all along, and yet it took him this long to finally realize what it was.

Slowly, Poppy returned his gaze back to Branch. The Prince of Trolls with the gray Troll, pink on blue, the attraction of opposites.

Did it all come down to this?

The whole world seem to freeze as Poppy brought Branch closer to him, his grip never relenting as he did so. He gently placed his hand against Branch's cheek, the action made Branch shiver a little. That's when Branch saw Poppy's lips start to move. The words that escaped him were so quiet at first that she couldn't even hear him.

However, they slowly got louder and louder, their heart beats matching the suspense and anticipation.

Finally, Branch's ears picked up on what Poppy was trying to say. And her eyes widen in horror and disbelief over what had been uttered. The words that escaped Poppy's lips… he had never said them to anyone else other than his mother. But now, he was using them… towards her.

It didn't matter that he was referencing the baby's biological father, Branch could hear the subtle message behind them. Soon Poppy said it aloud for everyone else to hear, thus confirming what Branch thought she heard in the beginning.

Poppy couldn't stop now, even if he wanted to. He had come too far to turn back now, this needed to be done. And so, Poppy allowed himself to utter the words he had been holding in his heart for so long now.

"I love you"

He felt a wave of relief start to wash over him, it's like a heavy weight had been lifted. This was right... this felt right. He needed to do it again, he wanted to do it. His lips move yet again.

"I love you"

And again.

"I love you"

Poppy leaned closer to her face, his hand never leaving her cheek as he did so.

"I love you"

Branch was frozen yet again. She was stuck in a mental battle with herself. One part, denying what had been said… and the other, wanting to believe those three simple words. With nothing left to lose now, Poppy whispered the last part of the song. Now the two were no longer convinced that the song represented the baby's father.

Rather, it was a declaration. A declaration of love… from Poppy to Branch.

And both of them seemed to know that now. What happened next would forever cement what relationship they had at the moment.

"But we're a million worlds apart"

He regretted that he had allowed things to get out of hand like that. But he wasn't going to regret what he was about to do.

"And I don't know how I would even start

If I could tell her

If I could"

That's when Poppy did something unexpected. He brought his face closer to Branch's, and soon their skin came into contact with the other. And that wasn't the only thing to do so either. Poppy's actions would forever seal the hidden contract between the two Trolls.

With closed eyes, Poppy allowed his lip to touch Branch's. Pink seemed to blend with blue.

And soon, the two were caught in the ultimate display of passionate love… a kiss.

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