I have no idea if many people spend much time on this board anymore, but I'm been watching Rookie Blue reruns for some reason and ideas keep popping in my head. Let me know if you are actually reading!

This story will follow the show with one notable difference. It's rated M for a reason.

Disclaimer: Don't own Rookie Blue.


"Let me take you home," he offers. It's then that she notices how close they are to each other. God, she is way too close to him.

She can see him looking at her lips and she can't deny that she stole a glance at him. She can't stop herself from wondering what they would feel like on hers. And he is still holding her hand in what used to be a handshake, but has suddenly become more. His hands are softer than she thought they would be and she can't help but wonder how they would feel if they were running all over her body.

She's trying to stop these thoughts, but she can't. Maybe she's just buzzed from the three shots of whiskey she had at the bar or maybe she's just desperate because it's been so long or maybe it's the traces of Sam's muscles peeking through his t-shirt and his soft lips only inches from hers and his hands holding on to her.

"McNally…" He says. It's this low and husky voice that she's never heard from him before and it's making it harder to shake the thoughts swirling in her head.

She sees him leaning forward and she thinks for a second that maybe she should stop him. It's her first week on the job. He's her training officer. They're standing in a parking lot while their entire division is drinking in the bar, only a few feet away. She knows this is a bad idea, but for some reason, she just can't care enough to stop him. Suddenly, she feels herself leaning forward as well.

When their lips meet, he immediately pulls her by the waist so she's flush against him. She runs her hands up and down his back while his tongue explores her mouth. She lets out an involuntary moan as he nips at her lip and runs his hand just barely under the hem of her shirt.

"Wanna get out of here?" He asks, when they finally pull away. That low and husky voice is making an appearance again and she doesn't hate it.

"Yes," she says simply, before jumping in his truck.

The car ride is quiet as Sam continues to steal glances at his rookie, while he drives them to his place.

"I can practically hear you thinking, McNally," he says, mockingly.

"This is a really bad idea," she spits out. "We work together. It's my first week on the job. You're my training officer for God's sake. This is definitely against the rules," she continues.

"So, you want me to just take you home then?" He asks, trying to hide his disappoint.

She lets out a sigh. She knows this is a horrible idea, but in all honestly, she still doesn't want to go home. Maybe it's the liquor swirling in her stomach or maybe it's the fact that she hasn't had sex in six months, but she really doesn't want to go home. The way he kissed her, the way his hands felt against her bare skin… she really wants to finish what they started.

"We cannot tell anyone," she declares and a smirk escapes from his lips.

"Okay," he agrees.

"And it's just sex, okay? We're not dating. You're my training officer," she reminds him. He chuckles internally. Right because dating your training officer is so much worse than sleeping with him.

"Okay, McNally," he concurs.

"And it should probably just be a one-time thing. Tomorrow we should just go back to being training officer and rookie and pretend it never happened," she declares.

"Okay," he repeats.

"Good," she says with a nod.

The rest of the ride is quiet until Sam pulls up at his apartment. "We're here," he announces as if she doesn't already know.

Andy jumps out of the truck and follows him inside.

"You want a drink?" He asks, holding up the bottle of scotch he retrieved from the cabinet.

"Sure," she says with a nod as she drums her fingers on his kitchen counter. She looks around the apartment. It's nice. It's not the stereotypical bachelor pad she would have expected.

He hands her the drink and watches her down the entire thing. He lets out a quiet chuckle as he takes a sip of his own. Andy takes the bottle from the counter and pours herself another glass. She doesn't drink the entire thing this time, but she doesn't take a small sip either.

Sam sets his drink down on the counter and walks closer to her. His hands on her waist as if it's the most normal thing in the world.

"Andy, relax," he tells her. She isn't sure if he's ever used her first name before, but she kind of likes the way it sounds coming out of his mouth. His hands fall to her hips and he sneaks his hands under the hem on her shirt. His thumb starts to run in circles on her bare skin and somehow, it actually starts to calm her down. She is biting her lip when she glances up at him. The look in his eyes is burning a hole through her. Those eyes.

"You okay?" He probes, as if he's asking her permission.

She nods and then pulls him down to her until their lips meet. The second they do, his hands slide even further up her back and she wraps her arms around his neck. They just stand there kissing for a few moments, their tongues fighting for control. His hand is tangled in her hair as Andy starts to fidget with his shirt, trying to raise it over his head. He obliges and tosses his shirt somewhere over his shoulder.

Her hands are immediately running all over his muscular chest and back. He lets out a breath, relishing the feeling of her soft hands touching his skin. He needs more contact, so he lifts her shirt over her head and tosses it with his. He pulls her closer, so she is pressed against him and then he starts to kiss her neck. He is sucking at her skin as she lets out a moan from deep in her throat, encouraging him to continue. He begins to nip at her ear, eliciting another moan from her as she throws her head back, savoring the feeling of his mouth on her.

When he starts to work his way back down her neck and towards her collarbone she begins to unbuckle his belt. She can already feel how hard he is as she cups him through his jeans, causing a groan to escape his lips. When she lets go, he lifts her up and she wraps her legs around his hips and begins kissing his neck as he carries her to his bedroom.

He lies her down gently as he climbs on top of her so her bent knees are on either side of him. He starts to kiss her again as he reaches around her and unhooks her bra. He pushes it off her shoulders and throws it on the floor before pressing himself against her, so he can feel her breasts rubbing against him. He runs his tongue around the edge of her ear, causing her to tremble. After a minute or two, he pulls away and cups her breast, running his thumb over her nipple. They were an absolute perfect handful.

He then moves his head down and takes her nipple in his mouth, gently licking and sucking, while she lets out a series of moans as she runs her hands up and down his back. He gives her other nipple some attention before he moves back to her lips. His hands starts to run up and down her thigh until he eventually cups her ass.

As much as she's enjoying the foreplay, she is starting to get impatient.

She reaches down to unbutton his jeans and pushes them down his leg, allowing him to twist out of them. She squeezes him through his boxers as he rocks his hips towards her.

Now it's him who's getting impatient.

He quickly unbuttons her jeans and helps her wriggle out of them before tossing them aside. He then slowly removes her little black thong, sliding it down her leg before throwing it over his shoulder. He can see that she is just as turned on as he is and he instinctively licks his lips.

She looks up at him with a smile before she pushes his boxers down his legs. Once he's free, she grabs him again, causing him to take suck in a breath.

"Sam…" she says, much more desperate than she intended. She is guiding him towards her, biting her lip in anticipation. He stops, causing her to frown involuntarily.

"Protection?" He asks, breathlessly.

"I'm on the pill," she says, distractedly, trying to direct him inside of her. Suddenly she is thankful for the debilitating cramps she used to have, forcing her to get on the pill even though she wasn't having sex. She doesn't think she'd be able to wait long enough for him to put on a condom.

He nods before he thrusts inside her, never taking his eyes off her, so he can enjoy her reaction. She lets out a gasp and he pushes the hair out of her face, wanting a completely unobstructed view as he pulls in and out of her.

For the first few minutes, he is slow and deliberate, almost teasing.

She is pleading with her eyes and with her heavy breathing, but he continues to torture her as he gradually thrusts in and out of her while running his hands all over her body, trying to commit every inch and every curve of her body to memory, so he'll never forget.

When he finally can't take anymore, he speeds up the tempo, which Andy encourages immediately.

"God… Sam…" she moans as she closes her eyes and arches her back. He slowly lifts her thigh, allowing him to go deeper, which only intensifies the appreciative noises coming from the beautiful, naked woman lying in his bed. He continues like this for another five minutes before he quickens the pace again and begins to suck on her neck, already noticing the marks he's left from before.

She's digging her fingers into his back as she calls out his name again. He's pretty sure he's never heard anyone say his name like that and he definitely wants to hear it again.

She bends her other knee, allowing him to go even deeper, causing him to groan this time. "Andy…" he says softly against her skin. He's nibbling her ear now as she continues to let out these breathy gasps each time he pushes inside her. The sounds coming out of this woman are driving him absolutely insane.

She's starting to clamp down on him. That and the volume of the noises she's making tells him that she's close. Thank God because he doesn't think he can hold out much longer.

He starts to go faster until they both begin to shudder. He watches her the entire time, reveling in the effect he is having on her.

Moments later, Sam is still inside of her as they attempt to catch their breath.

"Wow…" she says in between breaths. She isn't sure if it's because it's been so long or if it's just Sam, but she is unequivocally certain that it was the best sex she'd ever had.

As they catch their breath, Sam rolls off of her and lies beside her, on his back as he runs his fingers through his hair.

"Was it just me or was that like… really, really good?" She asks, glancing over at him with a smile.

"It wasn't just you," he informs her, causing her smile to widen.

"I'm kind of regretting what I said earlier about it being a one-time thing," she admits, as she flips over on her stomach and props herself up on her elbows.

"Oh yeah?" He asks, raising an eyebrow, as he turns on his side so he is facing her.

"Yeah," she says with a slight blush forging its way down her cheeks.

"Well it doesn't have to be a one-time thing," he offers, as he pushes a lock of hair out of her face. Truthfully, he can't stand the thought of never doing that again.

"Sam…" she warns. As much as she would really like to do that again, she knows it is a bad idea. Doing it once was stupid, but doing it more than that? Completely idiotic. "You're my training officer. There are rules against this sort of thing," she reminds him.

"I can keep a secret," he tells her, inching a bit closer to her.

"I'm sure you can, but… this… this is a bad idea," she says, although she doesn't sound completely sure. "We agreed that this was a one-time thing, remember? Tomorrow, we pretend it never happened," she reminds him, echoing her words from earlier.

He briefly breaks eye contact and glances over at the clock on the nightstand before returning his focus to her. "Well it's not tomorrow yet," he informs her with a suggestive smile.

"Hmm… that's true," she smirks as she leans in closer to him.

"Yes it is," he says softly before pressing his lips against her and wrapping his arms around her, pulling her flush against his chest. She wraps her leg around him, pushes him on his back and ends up straddling him in one swift move.

"Smooth," he chuckles as his hands land on her waist.

"Thank you," she smiles before leaning in to kiss him again.

This time they are much less desperate, effectively taking their time while still being just as passionate. She sighs into his mouth as he cups her breasts and runs his thumbs over her nipples.

She begins to suck gently on his neck, enjoying the groans coming out of his mouth and the feeling of him hardening against her. She's rather impressed considering it hasn't been more than ten minutes since the last time.

A few minutes later, she is biting her lip as she slowly lowers herself onto him. He runs his hands up and down her back as he watches the expression of completely pleasure on her face, which only turns him on more.

"God…" she says as she starts to circle her hips. A smile creeps over him as he enjoys the view of a naked Andy McNally bouncing up and down on him.

Twenty minutes later, Sam's fingers are tangled in Andy's hair as she collapses against him, completely breathless. He nudges her face towards him so he can capture her lips for one more kiss. Eventually, Andy pulls herself off of him and gets out of bed in order to hunt for her clothes. And as she traces around his room, he sits up in his bed and happily enjoys the view while committing every image to memory.

"Can you give me a ride home?" She asks, when she realizes that he isn't getting out of bed.

"You don't have to rush out, you know," he tells her as he gets up and steps into his boxers.

"It's late, I gotta get home," she says with a shrug as she throws her shirt on over her head.

"Yeah, it is almost midnight," he says softly as he throws his own shirt on. And once again, he's faced with the reality that he may never get to see her like this again.

Truthfully, he's not loving it.


The car ride to Andy's is quiet. She's been fidgeting with her hands and staring out the window ever since she buckled her seatbelt. The high she had been on is fading quickly and now all she is left with are the thoughts swirling through her head.

She's still in a bit of shock over the night's events.

It's just that, this is all so unlike her. She still can't believe she actually just slept with her training officer.

And now that she has, all she can do is hope and pray that it won't affect her job.

But the thing is, he hasn't said anything since they left his place and it just feels so awkward between them.

And awkward is the last thing she wants.

"I don't want things to be weird with us," she says suddenly, as she turns to face him for the first time since she got in the car.

He glances over at her, meeting her doe-eyed gaze. "It won't be weird," he promises, before returning his eyes to the road.

"Good," she says with a nod. He seems sincere enough, which is reassuring. "I really don't want anything to get in the way of you being my training offer… I know- I know I can learn a lot from you," she tells him.

"Sucking up to the boss, McNally?" He asks, as a smile traces his lips. "I like it," he declares with a grin.

And with that, they both laugh and suddenly, things are back to normal.


Let me know what you think!