Chapter 1: Bad Day

It was nearing Christmas in Northampton. The once lust green was blanketed by crystal like snow. The silence was suddenly shattered like glass by three small voices from one of the fir-trees in the middle of the forest.

"Where is the moment we needed the most,
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost,
They tell me your blue skies fade to grey,
They tell me your passion's gone away,
And I don't need no carryin' on."

In the tree were three Smurf brothers.

Their names were Hefty who was 187 years old, Brainy 176 years old and Clumsy 154 years old. The three young Smurfs were storing some smurfberries in the tree for winter.

Clumsy passed the berries they had collected to Brainy, who passed them to Hefty, who pushed them into the tree where they lived.

As they were working hard the were singing to try and pass the boring time. Hefty was singing the words while Clumsy and Brainy were providing the beat in a Capella style.

'Cause you had a bad day,
You're taking one down,
You sing a sad song just to turn it around,
You say you don't know,
You tell me don't lie,
You work at a smile and you go for a ride,
You had a bad day,
The camera don't lie,
You're coming back down and you really don't mind,
You had a bad day,
You had a bad day.

Hefty suddenly stopped taking berries from Brainy as he pushed to get the berries into the stuffed tree trunk.

"It's going. It's going." He grunted as he pushed. Suddenly the berries fell through the trunk and out another whole.

"And it's gone." Brainy sighed as he and Clumsy watched the berries fall into the snow below.

"Whatever!" Hefty growled in annoyance.

"Maybe we should smurf a break." Clumsy suggested innocently. Suddenly Hefty popped up out of the hole next to his youngest brother.

"That's it! I can't smurf this anymore! I can't! I give up!" He shouted angrily as he joined Brainy on his branch. Brainy rolled his eyes as he had heard this same rant for nearly 100 years.

"I'm sick of struggling for survival. Competing with gophers and chipmunks and that loser sparrow who always smurfs our smurfberries. And I'm especially sick of this stupid, stupid tree!" He shouted before kicking the tree trunk hard.

Suddenly the tree started to shake violently.

"Whoa! What's smurfing on?!" Brainy gasped once the shaking stopped.

"Maybe its an earthquake." Hefty suggested nervously.

"Guys, I think he made it angry!" Clumsy whimpered as he joined them on the branch. The tree started to shake again and the three Smurfs tried to climb into their tree home.

They managed to get inside just before the tree fell down.

Two humans had been the ones to cut their tree down. They loaded the tree into a large pickup truck and covered it with a large orange net. As the truck drove out of the forest Hefty, Brainy and Clumsy quietly huddled in their tree, thinking the shaking was just an earthquake...

In New York City Patrick Winslow was in his apartment, slumped over a keyboard and snoring loudly. That is until his hand slipped and fell onto some of the keys.

The loud noise caused poor Patrick to shoot up from his slumber in shock.

"I'm awake! I'm up..." He yawned before looking at his watch and his eyes widened. "...and I'm late!" He exclaimed before running out to room to get ready for work.

After getting ready he ran back into his music room and grabbed a CD.

"Demo...Patrick Winslow." He muttered as he wrote on the CD and put it in his bag. He ran out his apartment but froze and smiled.

"Grace!" He grinned as the woman in the apartment across from him came out into the hallway.

"Patrick, hey." She smiled softly.

"How's it going? I haven't seen you since... well, since you said you never wanted to see me again." He chuckled.

"So I guess it worked." She smiled.

"Yeah, what a fun day that was." He grinned.

"Let me guess, you're late for something again; same old Patrick." Grace chuckled slightly.

"Not following you." He said in confusion.

"You know, the guy who's always fooling around, who can't handle a serious relationship." She reminded him.

"That was the old Patrick. How about we get together and talk about the new Patrick tomorrow night at my place around 7?" He asked. But Grace didn't get the chance to protest.

"Great, you look go Grace!" Patrick called as he ran down to hallway to the stairs...

Patrick quickly called a cab when he got out to the street.

It took him nearly half an hour but he finally made it to the HQ of the biggest music company in america, Jett Records. When he got inside he saw some men decorating the newer and bigger Christmas tree in the lobby.

He took a seat and waited to be called.

In the tree the men were decorating Hefty, Brainy and Clumsy finally gathered enough courage to look outside their tree.

"Where are we?" Brainy asked as they poked their heads out the hole.

"Well, I think they remodelled our forest. I like it. Stylish, yet functional." Hefty grinned.

"Where did the mountains go?" Clumsy asked in confusion. Brainy rolled his eyes at his younger brother.

"Smurf me a break, we're in a human building Clumsy." He glared.

Just then a nice looking woman suddenly stepped into the lobby.

This was Odile Anjelou. She was the CEO and chairwoman of Jett Records.

"Patrick." She smiled with a French accent.

"Hey Odile." Patrick smiled back as he followed her out the lobby and to her office on the top floor...

Once they were inside her office she played the CD that Patrick had given her. When the song was over she sighed.

"Let's talk about your song Patrick; the song is pathetic Patrick." She said bluntly.

"What?" Patrick asked in shock.

"Your song? It's awful. I hate it. Who's gonna sing it? Justin Bieber, Katy Perry? Not a chance. I need something new. I need something fresh." She exclaimed at him.

"That is new." Patrick argued.

"The next big thing. Listen to me Patrick, there is no sense in writing songs that no one is ever, ever going to sing." She explained. "I want you to give me what I want, not what I ask for." She added.

Patrick sighed in defeat.

"Here, these are too fat for me too eat." She said and handed him a large basket full of muffins, scones and pastries before pushing him out her office and slamming the door...

Back in the lobby Clumsy, Brainy and Hefty agreed that it was too dangerous to stay in the tree.

They had gathered some of their few possessions that had survived the move along with any smurfberries that were still in the tree. Brainy had taken some books and Clumsy had packed three of his many rocks.

Hefty told them that he wasn't taking anything with him.

Unbeknown to them however, he had secretly taken an old crumpled up picture with him.

"Out of the way slowpokes." Hefty said as he pushed passed his brothers down the tree.

"Hefty, slow down!" Brainy glared.

"Move your smurf, Clumsy. You stepped on my tail." Hefty glared at his youngest brother. When they made it to the ground they saw their way out. "Last one to the door is a rotten smurfberry!" He laughed and ran for the door with Brainy and Clumsy close behind.

However the three Smurfs were quickly stranded in the middle of the lobby, surrounded by giant feet.

"Okay, this wasn't my best idea." Hefty admitted.

"Look out!" Brainy suddenly cried and the three Smurfs moved out of the way just in time to avoid getting crushed by a man's foot.

"Maniac!" Hefty shouted after him, but the human didn't seem to hear him. Suddenly a large dog noticed them and started barking at them, scaring them badly.

"Back to tree! Back to tree!" Clumsy cried, but on their way back they saw a baby stroller heading their way.

"Back to the dog! Back to the dog!" Hefty shouted and pulled his brothers along.

"Basket! Three o'clock!" Brainy exclaimed when he saw a man with a basket heading for the door. The three Smurfs ran as fast as they could to the safety of the basket.

Hefty and Brainy managed to jumped into the basket but Clumsy was falling behind.

"Guys, wait for me. Wait up. I'm not as fast as you, you know!" He panted. Hefty grabbed Brainy's ankles and the smart Smurf hung over the edge of the basket, trying to reach for his little brother.

"Jump. You've gotta really want it." Hefty encourage.

"I can't hang like this all day. Will you jump already?" Brainy glared. Clumsy jumped forward and Brainy grabbed his wrists. They pulled Clumsy into the basket and practically fainted in relief as the man walked out of the building.

It was Patrick who was carry the basket...