Author note

Hello and welcome to my first fanfic. I shall at first write some explanations to this story:

- All Pokemon live in an alternative universe where they basically work as humans.

- All Pokemon are bipedal, they stand on their back legs and use their forelegs as hands. (Anthro)

- They still fight with Pokemon attacks. (but they need to train a lot to actually kill someone with them. )

- Leaning text means that someone is thinking.

- Warning m rated for swearing, adult themes, violence and other darker stuff.

- Last but not least important this is not a rewrite of some the other "stuck with eevees" stories out there. This is my own characters, my own plot and my own story secluded from all the other that looks similar.

- Oh, I nearly forgot, I don't own the pokémons only the characters(OCs) and the plot.

Chapter 1

A new life

The sound of a creaky door opening.

The door was opened by a Zoroark. Zane stepped inside his parents' dark blue apartment and closed the door to shut out the cold autumn winds. He was an average Zoroark with a long, slender body that wasn't very muscular. He wore a red and black t-shirt with a pair of black pants, which went well with his red and black mane, all of which contrasted against his brilliant blue eyes. He and his family lived in a small apartment in Kanto.

"Zane, is that you?" his mother asked from the kitchen.

"Yes," he answered with a sigh.

He walked up the stairs to his room and put his school bag on the floor. The room was mostly the same color as his clothes. He took a step out of his room when his senses were invaded with by a lovely scent. It smelled exactly like Zane's favorite food, pancakes, and it was making his mouth water.

"What took you so long, Zane?" his mother questioned from the kitchen. She was a middle- aged Zoroark with a mostly red mane, instead of the black and red mane her son has. Zane stepped into the kitchen with a big smile on his face as the mouthwatering aroma became stronger. The kitchen was small due to the fact that it was in an apartment, but it still had with it a stove, an oven, refrigerator, dishwasher, and a dining table all being squished into the small area.

"Nothing special," He said, his eyes never breaking away from the stack of freshly made pancakes an arm's length away.

"We are going to wait to eat until your dad gets home," she said when she noticed Zane staring down the stack of pancakes.

Zane's dad was an Alakazam who was working on a large science project, so he tended to come home late. Zane was very curious about the whole project because his dad told him practically nothing about it. The last time Zane had asked the only thing his dad had said was "I'll tell you on Thursday" which brought a whole new level to Zane's curiosity, and made him anticipate the next Thursday.

Someone knocked on the front door.

"Can you open the door Zane?" his mother asked sweetly.

"Sure," Zane said with a smile. He hoped it was his dad as he jumped up and left the kitchen. He went to the door and opened it to see a tall Alakazam standing in front of him. He gave his father a hug, and immediately asked, "Can you finally tell me what your project is about?"

"After we eat, my son," The Alakazam's stomach began to growl as the smell of pancakes hit his nose. They quickly went to the kitchen and began dividing the freshly made pancakes among all three of the family members.

With full plates the family headed to the living room to sit at their gray L-shaped couch, because the dining table was completely covered with stuff. The living room they sat in was the normal, small, square shaped room with a tv on the wall right in front of the couch. On the right of the tv-wall was a big window that covered the whole wall except for a door that led to a balcony.

"Now can you tell me about the science project you are working on?" Zane asked, he was about to burst with anticipation at knowing what his father was actually doing at his job. He was betting that it is something extremely important.

"It is Thursday isn't it?" his dad answered. "We are working on a project to find legendary Pokémon. Sadly, here in Kanto we haven´t had any success in our research. They are simply too hard to find. In Sinnoh though, there have recently been sightings of the Lake Guardians. It would be an unbelievable honor if we could find one of them. That is why your mother and I are going to Sinnoh."

Zane was very excited, in school he had read all about Sinnoh. To say the least he found it very interesting and it was one of the places he wanted to visit. Hope and excitement dripped from his voice as he exclaimed "Really, that's so cool. I've never been to Sinnoh. I-"

"You're not going. I'm sorry," his dad said cutting off Zane's happy train of thoughts. "You aren't old enough to follow us on our journey. It could be dangerous for someone of your age. Still we don't want you to be home alone all by yourself for who knows how long. So, we have fixed a new home for you in Unova. You would live there with an Eevee family. The parents are colleagues that will be going on the journey with us and they have six children who are all around your age. Since you'll be staying with them you won't be lonely. Plus, you'll go to the same school as them."

What his dad said hit Zane like a mega punch. Why can´t I go with them on their journey? Am I too childish? Do they really dislike me that much? Why didn't they tell me about this earlier? Why do I need to move so far away? Zane felt tears building up in his eyes as these thoughts burned into his mind.

His mom embraced him. Almost as if she could read his emotions she said in a soft voice "We love you, but this job is too important for us to just pass it up. We have always dreamed about seeing a Legendary Pokémon." It became too much as Zane began to cry in his mom's arms, tears erupting from his eyes like a waterfall. Why? Why are they doing this? Couldn't this happen to someone else instead of him? Why would they leave me like this? Zane thought as he wiped his eyes. He took a deep breath to calm himself and prepared to ask the question he dreaded the answer to.

"When will you be going on this journey?" he asked as he tried to keep himself from breaking down again.

"Tomorrow," his mom spoke softly in a voice that could calm the wildest beast, but the simple word tore a gash in Zane's heart as she continued stroking his mane in an attempt to calm him down. Zane didn't care anymore as his eyes became a torrent of tears, and sobs threatened to rack his body.

"We will leave in the morning at six o´clock. On the kitchen table we will leave a train ticket to Unova. Pack your bags before you go to sleep and remember that you won't be coming back in a long time so don´t leave anything you need." His dad said to him in a calm voice. Why did they tell this to me a day before the departure? Why not earlier? Zane thought.

"Why didn't you tell this to me earlier?" Zane asked as he pulled himself out of his mother's arms. He still wanted to cry, but he pushed it back in an attempt to keep some of his dignity.

"Because we didn't know we would be going until two scientists canceled their plans to go; though, they still needed two more people to go, and your dad and I were the lucky ones. The departure date being tomorrow was... unlucky." his mother's explanation faltered at the end, and she looked toward Zane's father for support.

Zane had heard enough. He just wanted to be alone and escape this. "I think I´m gonna go to bed," was all he said in a defeated tone. All the while his brain was bombarded with questions. A bit of 'What should I do?' A splash of 'Should I hate them because they are leaving me, or be happy because they have a chance to let their dreams come true?' With a hint of 'How could they leave their son like this?' Topped off with a 'But then again, how could they pass up such an opportunity?'

Pushing the thoughts from his head, Zane put his focus on getting to his room. He slowly got up while saying "goodnight" and gave each of his parents a long hug before heading to his bedroom. As he walked up the stairs he felt sick to his stomach. When he entered his room he jumped into bed, not even taking the time to change his clothes, as sleep took its hold over him. He hadn't realized he was so tired.

The sun slowly crept over the horizon, shining its light on Zane, who was both sleeping with his school clothes on and an open mouth, a pool of drool was building on his pillow.

His clock woke him up with it's loud ringing.

Zane jumped nearly three feet and slammed the 'off' button on his alarm clock in one quick blur. The display on the clock showed 05:45. Zane got out of bed, pretty much sleep walking as he headed downstairs. The thought of something big happening that day lingered at the back of his mind. With his grogginess still affecting him he stumbled at the bottom of the stairs and fell onto a blue bag that was in the middle of the wooden floor. It was his parents' things. He quickly picked himself up as the reality of what the bag was woke him up faster than any amount of caffeine. The whole memory from last night suddenly struck him, pulling him away from his happy morning. Why couldn't it have just been a dream? His sadness was evident by his expression.

"Zane, don´t look so sad. You are going to have a wonderful time with the Eevees." his mother spoke.

He looked down at his feet and sighed, trying to pull himself together. If there was no way out of this, why wouldn't he try to make the best out of it? From now on, he would look at this as a good thing. He was going to make new friends, both the Eevees and others at his new school, if he fit in, and he had never been to Unova before. His dad entered the room with long heavy steps that broke Zane away from his thoughts.

"We need to go now honey, or we'll miss the boat to Sinnoh. Zane, on the dining table is the train ticket and a letter from us." His mom said before kissing him on the forehead. His father nodded before putting on his jacket and lifting the blue bag, with a moan of discomfort at the sudden weight. With the bag still in hand, his dad stepped forward and gave Zane a big hug. Then they opened the door and left, saying their final goodbyes.

Zane just stood at the doorstep watching them go. When they finally disappeared the young, broken hearted Zoroark turned around and went to the kitchen, wiping the tears that had built up in his eyes. In the middle of the, surprisingly clean, old wooden table, laid a normal, white envelope. He quickly opened it and saw a train ticket with the departure 16:00, standing out it in an almost mocking way, and a letter that was written by his parents.

Dear Zane

We hope that you aren´t angry at us for our choices, but we couldn´t miss this chance. After you have taken the train to Unova central station one of the Eevee girls will meet you and show you to your their house. Hopefully, you will have a good time, all of the girls are super nice. Dad and I promise to send you many more letters.

2nd sentence: it's either 'your house' or 'their house'.

Have a wonderful time, from mom and dad

Forgot a period at the end of the sentence.

We will always love you!

P.S. We hope you like the new arrangement.

He stared at the letter for a few seconds, a picture of several female eeveeloutions was also included. Rereading it, his jaw unhinged all the way to the floor. All of them girls? They didn´t say anything about only girls. He sighed and read it again. Hopefully I'll have a good time. My buddies here in Kanto would be jealous. That sounds positive. But he didn't want to spend who knows how long with only girls. Think positive. It can't be that bad, new family, new friends. Zane dropped the white envelope on the table and went to his room. When he got to his room, he stuffed all the things he needed for the trip in a big red bag. Finished packing, he breathed in the known smell of his room for the last time before he left his domain. He looked at his clock. It was only 7:00. "I suppose, I could chill for a bit before I go to the train." He said to himself.

The clock read 15:13 and Zane stood in front of his house. Hesitantly, Zane locked the front door and turned to the small path leading off the property. With a fast pace he moved along it, while checking all the snacks he had bought at the store earlier. He then went through the small black wooden gate and turned to look at the dark blue apartment one last time. Why do I need to move so far away? It's all the way over in Unova. He felt a bit disheartened as he began to walk to the station with his head down the whole time. After about a forty-minute-long walk he saw the train station in the distance. With a sudden burst of energy, he ran forward in a blur covering the distance toward the building in an instant. As he entered he looked at the ticket, his seat was in Third class, Seat 23. When the train arrived, Zane found his seat and sat down in a lump. He tried looking through the window as the train started to see his hometown disappear, the sadness he felt was crushing. He decided to snack on the snacks he had brought to cheer himself up until he drifted off to sleep.

"Attention passengers, we will be arriving at the Unova Central Station in about 15 minutes."

Zane was suddenly wide awake. Everyone on the train were readying themselves with the oncoming departure with all their things in hand. He stood up and threw his bag over his shoulder. A few minutes passed before the train came to a sudden stop, and he began to move to the nearest exit with many other people having the same idea. When he stepped down from the train to the platform, he looked along the gray boring platform for an Eevee girl. On the bench closest to the platform's exit sat a leafeon that looked vaguely familiar. She had a thin layer of bright green fur covering her skin and all her clothes were in shades of green. On her forehead sat a green leaf. Most of her body was covered by a green coat. After shifting his heavy bag to his other shoulder, he began to walk towards her with steady steps. When he approached her, she looked at him with a superior look which made Zane instantly know there was a problem. The leafeon snorted before standing up, almost as if she was trying to size up the Zoroark.

Without even introducing herself she said, "Why the hell are you late? I have been waiting for you for fifteen minutes. What makes you think I should wait for you?" she scolded, the anger in her voice as noticeable as her hostile two finger point at Zane.

"Ehm…" Zane began since he had no idea what to say in this situation.

"You thought I would just sit here and wait for you just because they told me? The next time you are late, I will leave you," she yelled, and on the last word she turned around and began to walk away at a fast pace from the extremely confused Zoroark. Zane, deciding he didn't want to get lost, quickly tried to catch up with her as she walked out of the train station.

When they walked through the exit, Zane was stunned by what he saw. All around him were buildings that were as tall as the sky. The headlights from all the cars blinded him. This was the first time he saw a city as big as this. All this time he thought his little suburban town was big, but that is nothing compared to this. He lifted his head when he heard a low-pitched growl. The leafeon glared at him.

"Move it, we have places to be," she said.

Why is she so angry at me? After all it was the train conductors fault not mine and why would she yell at someone she doesn't even know. Does she know my name? I don't know hers.

I honestly think you should ask her.

Great, I'm already thinking to myself. Zane thought with a sigh.

Are you telling me that there is something wrong with thinking to yourself?

"Eh…no," Zane thought as he walked after the leafeon along a big road. At the end of the road, she stopped and sat down on a bench that was under a small bus shelter. He sat down beside her and attempted to make eye contact, I suppose I begin with my name.

"Hi, my name is Za-"

"Shut it," she said cutting him off before he even a had finished his sentence.


"I said, shut it, I already know your name," she yelled and began to growling at him again.

At that moment, Zane decided it would be best if he stayed quiet.

I suppose she is just very strict with timing, or something.

At least she has more courage than you ever will have.

Is that an insult?


Zane was interrupted from his thoughts by the sound of a bus approaching. The blue bus stopped dead in front of them. The leafeon entered the bus, with Zane following suit. When he entered it, he was bombarded with the smell of old plastic due to the entire interior of the bus being made of it.

Great, I hate plastic chairs. Why can't they spend a little more on good bus seats.

Zane took his place beside the leafeon who demonstratively ignored him. He did his best to keep to himself; though, as the bus began to move Zane slowly drifted off to sleep.

He was awakened by a hard knock on his head from the leafeon.

"Hurry up or we'll miss our stop," she said, visibly pissed she stood up and walked closer to the bus's exit, when the bus stopped she was already off and walking down the street.

Zane quickly grabbed his belongings and rushed to catch up with her. She began to walk along a medium sized road that went off the 'Main Street'. On each side of the road there were small apartment buildings in a mind-boggling amount of different colors. When they reached the end of the road, the leafeon took a left turn and began to follow a road that was tucked up behind the apartments. After nearly twenty minutes of walking and countless angry grunts from the verdant Pokémon, they finally stood outside a mansion. The mansion was made out of an oak wood with an innumerable amount of windows. Leading up to the large building was a red brick walkway with a short wall around it. It looked like something straight out of a luxury magazine.

Is this their house? It's huge! thought Zane in complete awe at the beautiful building before him. With a huff of dissatisfaction, the leafeon picked up her key and opened the door before rushing inside with Zane following her in, he was in even more awe at what he saw inside. He had entered the main hall, it had wooden walls along with a stone floor. On the left side of the door were various jackets that were hanging on coat hooks and on the right was a low drawer that stretched along the wall. Zane dropped his bag and hung his jacket on a coat hook trying his best to not anger anyone else. He heard thuds from the stairs before the room was suddenly filled with people in an instant. Or… to be more exact, it was actually filled with six Eevee girls, the leafeon included in that.

"There he is," said the flareon.

"Oh, he is so cute," one of them said

"I think we should start by actually introducing ourselves," the umbreon spoke up in an authoritative tone with a hint of annoyance.

Immediately brought to action, the Eevees stood in a messy semi-circle around him before the umbreon spoke again.

"Hello. My name is Umbria and I'm the oldest in this house. It will be my responsibility to take care of you," Umbria was tall with a thin layer of black fur covering her black skin. Here and there her fur had yellow rings. All of the clothes she wore were black with yellow details.

"Hey, we´re not children anymore, Flaria and I are just one year younger than you," the vaporeon said and smiled which confused Zane a little.

"But Glory, Lavender, and him are two years younger than me, with Eriel being three years younger," said Umbria.

"But you don't need to be a mother for us. We're all old enough," spoke the glaceon with a serious voice.

"Whatever. Hi, my name is Flaria," said the flareon in a tone full of happiness. Flaria was a girl one year older than Zane, and she normally had a very happy mood. She had orange-yellow clothes covering her orange furry skin. In contrast to her sisters, she wore a tight short sleeve crop top. Even though it was almost autumn she had the inner fire ability which kept her much warmer than any other Pokémon. Flaria also had a mane around her neck.

"And me is Valerie," said the vaporeon who stepped forward against Zane, so close that he could smell her perfume. Valerie, unlike her sisters, had blue fish like scales instead of skin and around her neck she had a ruff. She wore a long-sleeve shirt along with a pair of trousers of that were a deep ocean blue. She opened her arms and embraced him in a deep hug.

Zane felt very awkward at that moment since he barely knew the girl, along with the fact that her big breasts were pressed against him making him blush, a blush that was unnoticeable under his dark fur. What was about three seconds felt like three hours to Zane.

Why do all these things have to happen to me? Zane thought to himself.

Cause your cute.

Arceus, she is clingy.

Don' act like you don't like it.


Valerie finally let him go, and Zane was finally able to take a breath, her smell was still invading his senses.

"Valerie, don´t you see how awkward this is for him?" Flaria said and made Valerie back away a few steps from Zane.

"No, he liked it and besides, all boys likes to be hugged by girls," Valerie said.

"Do they? So, I take that as you have tried to hug every boy in school, even the teachers?" Flaria said and began to poke at Valerie with a grin.

"No, I haven't."

"Yes, you have."


"You are just denying it because it is true."


"Shut it you two, it's my turn to talk," said the glaceon, a bit annoyed by the bickering of Flaria and Valerie.

"My name is Glory and welcome to our house. Sorry about those two. The can be pretty annoying at times," she said with a smile her demeanor had changed completely when she started talking. Glory was a Glaceon the same age as Zane. She had a short layer of light blue fur on her skin, along with some dangles coming down from her head like hair. She wore a light blue shirt with a glaceon print on it and long trousers. Glory also had a small cold aura just over her skin that made her cold to the touch. She was also the same height as Zane.

"Now that you finally know everyone's names, let's move on to the dinner?" Umbria said.

"Hey, you forgot me!" said the youngest eevee, who was an espeon.

"What's your name?" asked Zane to the espeon.

"Eriel and it's the best name in the whole wide world," she said with a smirk. Eriel was a bit shorter than Zane and one year younger than him, thus making her the youngest of the sisters, and most childish. She had purple soft fur over her skin. On her forehead, she had a small red gem.

"She is also the family's biggest trickster, so if you find your shoes filled with bugs. It's probably Eriel." Glory said while she poked Eriel's right ear.

"Have we forgotten anybody now?" Asked Umbria as glanced at everyone. When nobody answered Zane spoke up.

"Uhh… I don't now the leafeon's name," Zane said in an apologetic tone. Everyone looked at the leafeon confused with the fact that she hadn't presented herself.

"Lavender, please get over it! We know what happened to you, but what happened in the past stays in the past. Besides, Zane wasn't even involved. Being angry on him won't solve any problems for us. What that boys did to you in the past doesn't make Zane guilty for it because he is a male," Umbria spoke first with a decisive voice.

What has happened to her? I can't deny that I'm curious. Zane thought.

She seems very angry at you for some reason.

Lavender, the leafeon, just grunted and gave Umbria an angry glare. She then turned around and left the room stomping up the steps making the house rattle a bit. As she ran away she screamed: "I hate males and I always will after what they did to me!"

Silence entered the room.

"Don't blame yourself, Zane, just give her some time to get used to this situation," Flaria said, now without the smile she had been wearing.

"It's okay, I don't mind it," Zane answered. He chose to not think any further on Lavenders behavior.

"Hey, everyone stop looking so sad, I need to eat!" Eriel shouted so high that everyone jumped with fright at the sudden high-pitched sound. When she saw everyone's reaction she began to break out in uncontrollable giggles rolling on the floor.

"You're right Eriel, let's get some dinner," Valerie was the first one to break from her stupor.

The rest of the group soon broke free from their stupor as Valerie did. They then made their way to the dining room where dinner was already waiting for them. The only one who wasn't there was Lavender.

Author note

What do you think about the story? Please read and review with constructive criticism. I would love some support. If you have any questions put them in a review or send me a pm instead. Otherwise just enjoy the story and wait for the next chapter. I will update as often I can but I rather take a longer time between the chapters and higher quality on them instead of fast and low quality.

As a minimum I will write 1 chapter every month. The chapters will be around 3500 - 4000 words each. This is my goal and I hope that I can achieve it.

See ya next time!