It was one year since Hopper's death from the bird. And everyone on Ant Island was back to their normal, usual ways since that tragic night. Everyone started to appreciate Flik and his inventions, Atta became the new queen of Ant Island to take over for her mother, who had passed away recently, and Atta's little sister, Dot becomes a royal princess to replace Atta.

One day, the colony's official inventor ant, Flik was working on a new invention for his friends and the worker ants to use to collect and store food.

"I see you're working on a new invention, huh Flik?" Atta said to Flik.

"I sure am, Queen Atta," said Flik. "Wanna see it?"

"I would love to," said Atta, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Flik's latest invention was a catapult which was a big white daisy with the stem tied with a few grass blades. The stick was the lever.

"Oooooo," said Atta, interested in the new invention. "A catapult, I see."

"What's a catapult?" asked Dot.

"Arf arf!" said Dot and Atta's pet aphid, Aphie.

"It's a machine used to throw an object from a far distance," Flik explained.

"That's awesome!" said Dot. "Is it ready yet?! Can you test it?! Pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaase?!"

"Not yet, princess," said Flik. "Just a few more blades of grass to secure it and it will be finished."

"Awwwww," said Dot, with a frown.

"It won't take long," said Flik. "Say, in the meantime, why don't you find your blueberry scout friends and hang out with them for a little while? Then I'll show you how the machine works, okay?"

"Okay Flik," said Dot, running to her Blueberry Girl Scout friends. "See you later, Flik!"

"How long will it take to finish the catapult?" asked Atta. "And what are you going to use it for?"

"It will only take a few more minutes," said Flik. "And I'm going to use it just in case the grasshoppers come back to spoil Ant Island."

"You know, I wonder who's leading the group ever since that bird fed Hopper to her baby birds," wondered Atta. "I know it's been a year since his passing, but I'm just curious."

"Hmmm..." Flik said, thinking for a second. "Well, who knows? Maybe there will be a new leader. Or maybe not. You never know."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," said Atta. "We'll probably just have to wait and see for ourselves."

"Hey Flik!" said Mr. Soil, walking over to Flik.

"Oh, hi Mr. Soil," said Flik. "What brings you here?"

"I'm here to tell you that we're planning to have a harvest festival tomorrow," said Mr. Soil. "Would you like to attend it?"

"Oh yes!" said Flik, nodding his head. "Every ant in the colony loves it when we have celebrations. Especially time away from those evil, greedy grasshoppers."

"But I just hope the grasshoppers don't come to ruin the party," worried Atta.

"Don't worry, Atta," said Flik, holding her hand. "As long as I'm here with you, you'll be alright. I promise."

"Okay," said Atta, then starting to smile. "Thanks Flik. I just never know what I would do without you."

"You're welcome," said Flik, smiling back at her. "Well, come on now. We'd better start getting ready for the harvest festival tomorrow."

"You said it," said Atta.

"The celebration at the party won't be as much fun without our mother, Atta," said Dot, with a few tears in her eyes. "I really, really miss her since she died."

Aphie whimpers and licks Dot's face.

"Awww," said Flik, kneeling down to give the tiny princess a kiss on the forehead.

"There, there, Dot. It's alright," said Atta, wiping her little sister's tears away. "You still have me, Flik, and Aphie to look after you. We know how you feel, little sister. I'm sure the party will still be fun for you with me, Flik, and everyone else in the colony to enjoy. I miss mother, too. But it's a good thing we have Flik to protect us and everything. Right Flik?"

"Yep, that's right, Dot," said Flik. "Your sister and I will always be here with you, no matter what happens. But I do know how you feel about your mother. I feel sad about her passing on, too. But she was a good Queen, just like your sister is. You know that, don't you, princess?"

Dot nods her head as she weeps.

"Flik's right, Dot," said Atta. "Say, I think I have an idea. Maybe we can do something nice for our mother before the party. I'm sure the colony would like to pay tribute to the former queen of Ant Island. What do you think about that, Dot?"

"Weeeeeeeeeell...okay," said Dot, nodding her head. "I think it's a good idea."

"Good. I knew you would agree," said Atta, with a smile. "Now come on, we gotta set everything up for the harvest festival."

"You're on," said Flik.

"Okay Atta," said Dot. "Come on, Aphie!"

Aphie barks joyously.