We fought again, I jump back and another worm comes out. It went after me, I destroyed it with one fits. I went after Pain, I manage to hit his face that made him fly across and hit a fallen tree. I walked towards him as I wipe away the blood from my chin. "It feels nice to destroy you."

I went after him with a fit. He escapes as I destroy the tree in half, causing a huge skin hole in front of me. I turn around as fast and block his punch. "Is that all?"

I kicked him. Mizu flew above us. I went after Pain and he pulled out a kunai knife so did I. I summoned another clone. We went together and fought him. I grab his arm and paralyze it. My other clone went to his other arm and did the same thing. I punched him and he lands on the ground.

I grab a kunai knife and stand above him. We were both beat and tired. My clone disappeared. "Die." I put the knife right in his chest. Pain dies. I jump back as worm eats him. I fall back because of my chakra was done, I was dying anyway. I close my eyes as soon the worm open his mouth inches away from me.

I open my eyes to see Sakura healing me. "How?" I said.

"They brought you back. I heard you killed Pain."

"No, he has still five more left. I killed one." I notice Naruto in the far distance. "Not able to find Sasuke?" She didn't say anything. I grab her hand and gave some of my chakra until she heals me, I fainted.

The following day, I left good about myself. We headed to find Sasuke. "Mizu, somehow I feel good. Maybe Itachi will be happy for me." I slow down and went with Mizu. We found them first, then the group. I jump down and Mizu transform back.

"Itachi!" He didn't look my way. "I finally killed Pain even if it's one of them. I got back at him! I know, you are in the middle of a fight, but I couldn't help myself, but had to talk to you." My eyes water up. "I spend one whole year under the control of Pain and I lost so much time with you." I went on my knee and started to cry.

"Snow! Get out of here!"

"No, I won't. I will stay." He runs towards me and picks me up as a huge bomb went off behind us.

I hug him, "Itachi."

"You shouldn't have come."

"I don't care, I am strong and I know how to protect myself." I said.

He places me down. "Go, it's too dangerous for you."

"I can't go against you nor help Sasuke. I will not support you nor Sasuke. I will pray that you make out alive." For the first time he pokes my forehead.

"Snow, thank you." I look down as he faced Sasuke. "Sasuke..."

I looked at Sasuke, "Sasuke, I'll be waiting and I'll heal you later." I smile, "Itachi, see you soon. Really soon." I jump away.

I waited for Sasuke to come and he did. He looks at me. I smile and went up to him. "Let me heal you." I started right away. He collapses as he cried.

"I know, Sasuke," I brought my face close to his. "No need to cry. Have my chakra." I kiss his forehead. I pulled away and he sat up. I grab his hand. "This is how you heal." I teach him. "You can destroy and make things to dust. Also, you can see the future and the past. Go look for Itachi and see his past. I want you to learn everything that he went through just don't kill him. My chakra will disappear when you see his past," I stand up. "Go, Sasuke. You know where he is. You know where to locate him."

He stands up. "Snow."

I shook my head. "I'll be fine," I smile. "Go before it runs out." Sasuke left my sight. I walked to a tree and laid back as I close my eyes.


I battle him and it's impressive what I can do with Snow's chakra. I dominated the fight. He stands no choice. Itachi was on the ground. I walked towards him and grab his arm as I crush his arm.

I saw his all past. I let go and landed on my butt. I was crying. Itachi looks at me. "Itachi…"

He smiles while blood spills from his mouth. Snow comes down and heals Itachi. "There you go, Itachi."

"Snow." Itachi grab her hand. Soon, Itachi stands up and looks at me. Snow looks unwell. She grabs Itachi's hand and place it on her forehead. Her cheeks became red as she went to her side. Itachi grabs her. "Snow, you're sick."

She smiles, "too much energy wasted."

Itachi picks her up and place her against the tree. Sasuke looks at me, "so you know everything?"

"I didn't know. Why you keep it away from me?"

He looks down, "I thought there was no cure until I met Snow. I have went back to the village looking for her. When they found out about her ability. They wanted to use her. I wanted to break it, but they didn't allow me…"

"Shut up! You didn't have to kill our family, if you let me in! I would have come with you in secret… I would have trained twice as hard outside the village. I would have changed this whole thing!" I yelled.

Itachi looks away, guilty as he tries to hold his tears. "I'm sorry."

"You promise mom and dad to take care of me!" I yelled at him.

Itachi close his eye as his tears run down his cheek. "I'm sorry."

"You're not worth killing after everything has happened. All of this for nothing! I trained to think you were the bad guy! You ruined my life, filling up my heart and mind with revenge and only with that! Leave my sight, Itachi! I don't ever want to see you again!"

"I did it to protect you."

"No, you did it to ruin me! There's were ways in this life, then one pathway! I know you used Snow's chakra before and you know how to see the future, Itachi!"

He was sobbing at this point. I was crying. "I'll leave, Sasuke. If that's what you want," Itachi jumps away.

Everything was over, all the drama. I return back to the village. Snow didn't want to go back so she left us. We were trying to find her, but she left with Mizu unable to track her down. Snow said, she has to redeem herself. I think I would do the same thing and find her one day.


I headed for Itachi. He was eating his favorite treat in a local restaurant. I jump down as Mizu transform back to normal. I walked up to him with a smile.

"Why are you here?" He asked.

"I love you, that's why I am here."

He looks at me, "Snow..."

I put my arms around his neck. I whisper to him, "I know I have nothing to say, but we are wanted criminals, does it matter what happens to us. I will always protect you." I kiss his lips, causing everyone to look at us.

It has been eight years later, I married Itachi and have a baby boy. He is eight years old, he looks similar to us. No one back home knows about my life, nor Itachi.

Two more years pass by. "Honey, I am thankful that I didn't go back home, even if they are still looking for me."

He sits behind me wrapping his arms around me, "Snow, don't worry. Brave will understand when he is a lot older." Our baby boy comes in and hugs me as he sits on my lap. "Mama, when you are going to teach me how to see into the future?"

"Soon, Brave."

Brave is eighteen years old, Itachi is getting much older. He has health problems that I wasn't able to heal. After his death, Brave and I decided to go back to the village. Once inside of the village, Sasuke comes up to me. "Snow?"

I smile, "Brave, this is your uncle, Sasuke."

Brave smiles, "it's nice to meet you."

"You married, Itachi?" He asked shocked.

I nod, "yeah. He died a while back." I was still upset.

Brave was liking the whole village. My dad and I spent our time together the time we have lost. I told him a lot of things. I did bring pictures of my wedding. I still miss Itachi.

I was training my son when Tsunade comes. "Heard you were back."

"Tsunade…" I ran to hug her. "I miss you."

"I miss you too, so what are you doing?"

I let go, "I am training my son, Brave. He is Itachi's son."

"You and Itachi?" She smirks, "let me see how powerful you have gotten, Snow."

I smile, "I could move the lands, so can my son. Isn't that right, Brave." I notice Sasuke not to far from us. "Brave, show what your father taught you in front of Sasuke. Show, you are twice as more powerful than your father."

He smirks, "as you wish, mother." We faced each other and fought.

I was beat and he was too. "Enough, you did good, Brave."

He smiles, "I am hungry, let's go home."

"Sure, but you have to cook for me this time."

He pouts as he crosses his arms, "fine."

I giggled as I hug him. "Thank you, Brave." He hugs me back. Tsunade and Sasuke were shocked how strong Brave was.


The years were passing when Brave found a good woman. He loved her and she felt the same with him, then he joins the black ops in the village. I was getting old just like my father.

"Snow," I turn to see my old father sitting in the living room with a cane in his hand, "the unexpected world changed you so much."