Hello People!

So, I should be revising for my exams which are coming up in May, but here I am starting yet ANOTHER fanfic. This is my first Hamilton fanfic, which I have been trying to restrain myself from writing because I should be revising, and I'm not, but here I am, with a chapter in the bag and the intent to write more soon. Although, probably not veryyyy soon, because I need to pass these exams and all my other fics are on haitus for that very reason...

We'll see

This is a modern, genderbent, adoption AU. I've seen some genderbent stuff out there in the AO3 Hamilton Feed, but not enough and ever since aizy-boy started making their genderbent animatics for Hamilton, I've desperately wanted to read more fem!Hamilsquad and consequently, I have made a story.

I still don't know why I left Martha and George in their original genders, but yanno... Go with it. I don't plan to genderbend Ham's momma either. Rule of thumb: older generation stays as original, younger Hamsquad gen is flipped.

Except Lafayette, of course, who I'm making non-binary, but they are biologically female in my head for this fic.

Enjoy XD ~Leo

It had taken several months of waiting for the referral to finally come through. The Washington's had never had to wait this long before to be referred to a child, but were relieved when the email finally came one Tuesday evening, informing them that Alexandra Hamilton, who was currently at a care home in Brooklyn, NYC, was available for fostering, with the potential for adoption.

"How old is she?" Martha Washington leant on her husband's shoulders to peer at the computer screen.

George pulled up the pdf file which had been sent with the email, containing information concerning the girl. "Says here she is sixteen, but the birth certification isn't the original. They had to reissue it when she was found two years ago." There was a small pixelated photo of her face, looking sullen with dark matted locks of hair framing her thin face.

"I hope the reason she looks like that is because they haven't got round to updating her photo."

"Me too. Poor girl." George scrolled down. "It doesn't have much on her life prior to entering the care system, but it says here she has ADHD, combined with PTSD and has depressive episodes."

Martha winced, moving to sit in his lap. "She is going to need a lot of support. I hope we can do this, George. I know we said we would take on a more difficult case this time round, but are you sure we won't mess it up for her?" She chewed at her lip, worry creasing her brow.

Her husband placed a gentle kiss to her temple. "We can totally do it. It might not always be a walk in the park, and we certainly shouldn't expect it to be, but one thing is for sure. It will be worth it." George gave her a small smile. "We have the money to get her therapy and we both work from home for the most part, so she won't be left to fend for herself. We are capable of giving her everything she needs to get her off the ground. I mean, the reason we cut back on our hours was so that we could be at home to support whoever we adopted. The worst thing we could do now is give up. We've got this far in the process. We told them we were willing to take on a more difficult case, which is probably why it has taken a lot longer for us to get referred."

Martha sighed. "I know. I don't want to give up on her at all. I mean, we don't even know her, really, but I just want to have her save with us. Do you know when can we meet her?"

"Uh…" George reached round her and clicked back to the email. "We need to email her social worker to confirm, but they are suggesting Saturday." He turned back to look at her. "Shall I say yes?"

She shifted in his arms to fix him with a look.

"It wouldn't make sense to throw away her shot now, would it?"

George grinned.

Manuela blinked at the email. She certainly hadn't been expecting Alex, of all the children in her care, to be the one with a potential couple seeking to foster her.

From: George Washington, Martha Washington

To: M Sanchez

Sent 02/22 at 10:44pm

Dear Manuela Sanchez

We are delighted to have received an email that has referred us to one of the children in your care, Alexandra Hamilton. We have been informed that we can visit your care home on Saturday the 26th of February so that we can meet her and yourself to discuss fostering Alexandra. We are free on this day and we were emailing to confirm a time of arrival.

Attached to the email are our papers confirming that we are allowed to foster children and the relevant references. We are also forwarding the email of our referral to Alexandra.

We look forward to your response and to hopefully meeting you and Alexandra on Saturday.

Many thanks,

George and Martha Washington

She opened the attachments, scanning through the documentation. She then went on a database search.

They certainly looked like they were real people who were truly interested in fostering. Manuela was relieved to find more information in the database, stating that they had previously fostered and had adopted one child who was currently in their care.

It took her about an hour to piece together a file on the couple, bundling the wad of papers together into an empty binder.

She then called in Alex.

"You wanted to see me?"

Manuela looked up to see the small girl stood awkwardly in the doorway a smile. "Yeah. I've got some news for you."

Alex furrowed her brows and shuffled in, fidgeting with the hem of her T-shirt as she always did. It was times like this that she forgot that she was sixteen, not a scared ten year old fresh in the system.

"So," she started, trying to look Alex in the eyes and failing. The girl didn't glance up once. "I got an email from a couple who are interested in fostering. They have been referred to you."

She still looked confused. "What does that mean?"

"It means that you might get fostered if you want to be."

There was a long pause. The girl continued to bounce her knee. Manuela ignored it.

"How much will they need to know about me?" she finally mumbled. "How much do they already know?"

Manuela sighed. This was obviously what Alex was going to be worried about, of all things. "Well, they need to know that you have ADHD and other medical issues because they'll be in charge of making sure you are taking your meds and going to therapy. Plus, it means that they know to expect panic attacks or other problems and they can prepare for them, just like your school does."

Alex looked down and began to crack her knuckles. "Right."

"But, they don't get to see your entire file. So they won't know much more than that. I probably need to say that you lost your mother and that your father whereabouts are unknown, but that's only because they might become interested in adopting you as well and they need to know you are available for adoption, unlike other children in the system."

"But what about… you know…"

"They don't need to know anything more, unless you want to tell them."

"Not even to explain why I'm so messed up?"

"Not at all. They only need to know the things that we do to help you. They get a file with everything they need to know about you, but it won't be your full case file. I will be the only one to have access to that until you are eighteen, unless you get assigned a new social worker before you become a legal adult, but that is very unlikely to happen. I'm not planning on leaving this job any time soon." She grinned. "Too many kids depend on me being the only one that knows all their secrets."

Alex breathed a sigh and the bounce in her leg lessened slightly. "That's good."

Manuela smiled. "I think you have one heck of an opportunity to leave this place forever, you know? I hardly ever find a couple interested in caring for a teenager. Most people like to pretend that the kid is theirs."

"I know."

"I think you should go for it."

The girl finally met her eyes for the first time, dark and determined. "I think I should too."